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/lit/ - Literature

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[ERROR] No.2178765 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /lit/, you know how /mu/ has ITAOTS or /v/ has Gaben and S.T.A.L.K.E.R. or /tv/ has Tarkovsky, etc, etc...

What's our thing?
I vote for Infinite Jest.
Most definitely the most discussed book here.

>> No.2178767

yeah but those boards preach those things... this board hates DFW... IJ is more like COD to /v/.

>> No.2178773
File: 22 KB, 230x405, Atlas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Clearly this. I mean, shit, there's a board rule about Ayn Rand because of it.

>> No.2178776


frontin like you know /lit/

>> No.2178775

If the most talked about book on /lit/ is an enormous, privileged suburban turd of a tome with a bunch of 2D characters who all speak like DFW, this place is in sad, sad shape.

>> No.2178778

The only author around here who doesn't get a metric tonne of hatred, or at least gets a fair bit of respect, is Nabokov. And we don't even really talk about him that much.

The Great Gatsby might also count, but I personally consider it unnatural tripe.

>> No.2178781

/lit/ is not like other boards.
*sniffs own fart*

>> No.2178785

I don't mean everyone on the board, just in general... There tends to be a lot of hate for DFW


>> No.2178786

I heavily doubt that the number of people who say they have read IJ is equal to the number of people who actually read it. It's kind of like Ulysses in that respect. Gravity's Rainbow is more plausible, if only because it is a lot shorter.

>> No.2178792

Tao Lin, faggot.

>> No.2178796


A taekwondo instructor, upon telling him I was a writer asked me:
"Have you read Nabokov?"
"Not yet, no."
"If you want to be a writer, you need to read Nabokov."

>> No.2178799
File: 39 KB, 250x250, Textpaeckchen_328404_Bild1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sup /lit/

>> No.2178802

Funny how you said you were a writer and your taekwondo instructor pretty much said, "no, you're not."

That is /lit/s writers in a nutshell. They want to be known as writers but they don't want to do any of the requisite work to actually be one.

>> No.2178805


that taekwondo instructor went on to be albert einstein

>> No.2178810

Nobody mentioned Finnegan's Wake yet?

That's surely gotta be our ITAOTS.

>> No.2178811

I don't think so. It's more of our Trout Mask Replica

>> No.2178812

/tv/ is problemchild 2
/v/ is battletoads

then /lit/ is infinite jest/tao lin

>> No.2178818

Can The Illuminatus! Trilogy be our Song Cycle?

>> No.2178838


Maybe you are right.

How would you define ITAOTS and it's place in /mu/ though? Maybe it will be easier to find an equivalent that way?

Obscure to the "common man" but accepted as a great work of art by almost everybody on the board and a great intro to some of the things literature has to offer? God, that sounds pretentious.

>> No.2178854

>Obscure to the "common man"
>Accepted as a great work of art by almost everybody on the board
Not really. I would not, in any way, say that /mu/ unequivocally loves ITAOTS. Every thread devolves into a shit storm, and there are a lot of people who think it's just sort of "okay".
>and a great intro to some of the things literature has to offer?
Maybe not. I think there's something else to be said for its role in music, being a forerunner of indie music and whatnot, but at that point we're not talking about the board-work relationship anymore.

>> No.2178860

tao lin would like it to be tao lin, but the truth is, tao lin has no equal as 4chan's biggest viral marketer and scumbag. He's nothing but dogshit

>> No.2178870

> ITAOTS and it's place in /mu/
I think it really just feeds on itself. It's popular because it stays popular enough to be passed on to a new generation of /mu/-users (who learn to treat it as important on the board), &c.

>> No.2178874

>implying 2K Games isn't 4chan's greatest viral marketer

>> No.2178899

/tv/ discusses Tarkovsky? Fucking when?

>> No.2178902

The one time of the week when someone watched Stalker because they thought it was like the game and wants someone to explain it to him, but instead becomes a thread of how 'boring' and 'pretentious' Tarkovsky is and how 'pretentious' is OP for watching it and how only 'pretentious' 'hipsters' pretend to like it.

>> No.2178917

I see. Game and Movie were good.
Stalkers hand in the water dream sequence was amazing.

>> No.2178935

ITAOTS is more of a figurehead of /mu/ rather than a beacon of excellent music. It was an album that was and is loved by many people on there, but most people there have albums they prefer. Not to say it isn't a fantastic album, but like i say, it's more of an emblem than an actual love.
People think of /mu/ and think of ITAOTS.
People go on /mu/ and discover that something like Kid A or LYSFLATH are actually regarded as better albums there.

>> No.2178936


kid a isnt even better than amnesiac

>> No.2178937

I second this. In the early days of /lit/ every other fucking thread was an Ayn Rand thread.

also if you havent read it... gtfo of /lit.

>> No.2178943

that's horse shit.
Kid A is the superior album.
Amnesiac is also below OKC and In Rainbows.

Oh wait, this is /lit/,
Uhm, books r kwl 2.

>> No.2179019
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I ain't got time to read all that

>> No.2179358

gravity's rainbow

>> No.2179367

damn accurate

>> No.2179376

/tv/ talks about Tarkovsky after 1 AM Pacific time, which is why I don't get any sleep.

>> No.2179382

the IJ/ITAOTS thing makes perfect sense to me because they are both works in styles that i abhor

but are just fucking stellar

>> No.2179398

>/tv/'s 'thing'
>Not The Wire

>> No.2179680

gtfo of here

anyway, agreed w/ infinite jest being our "thing"

>> No.2179691

/v/ has Sonic.
/tv/ has BrBa

/lit/ has Dostoevsky

>> No.2179695

We don't OBSESS about Dostoevsky and whether Dostoevsky is good or trash, though.

>> No.2179722
File: 22 KB, 340x454, 600full-joyce-carol-oates.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2179731


Lookin' fine--AS ALWAYS--Joyce.

>> No.2179736

/lit/ has Truman Capote.

>lollin' when you don't know whether I mean the writer or the tripfag.

>> No.2179737

Wait, /tv/ like Tarkovsky? I always thought /tv/ had crap taste...

>> No.2179738


When people say, "Joyce," I'm like, "Carol Oates?"

Also, as I used the word "like" as a verb, does anybody else get annoyed when The New Yorker quotes people using it as a verb and writes it as, "X said, 'I was, like, "That shit annoys me."'"

>> No.2179742

We have Ulysses you plebs

Ulysses=ITAOTS=The Wire
Finnegans Wake= Trout Mask Replica=Tarkovsky

>> No.2179759

Ulyssess= ITAOTS= S.T.A.L.K.E.R.= Tarkovsky

Infinite Jest= Isis= CoD= The Room

>> No.2179763

Ayn Rand = ITAOTS = LoL = Slenderman = Meetup threads on /b/ = Doctor Who = Homestuck = Desert Eagles

>> No.2179784

Infinite Jest = LOST
Ulysses = The Wire
Don Quixote = The Sopranos
A Song of Ice and Fire = Doctor Who

>> No.2179798


When I first started browsing /lit/, 'Gravity's Rainbow' was what immediately jumped out at me as your main Thing.

I don't consider myself an e/lit/ist (because I've only been here for a year and I'm also not well read enough yet) but I do lurk this board often, so from the perspective of an outsider, I'd say your "/lit/core" is: Gravity's Rainbow, Infinite Jest, Ulysses, and one of Murakami's books (and I feel like I'm forgetting something else as well.)

I don't count GRRM because it seems he's mainly only discussed by what /v/ would call the Casuals. Like /lit/'s version of Team Fortress 2 or something.

Notes From Underground should rightfully be there, since I doubt there's a more accurate literary representation of a channer out there, but it doesn't really get brought up that much.

>> No.2180261

Fountainhead, FAGGOTS!!!!

>> No.2180596
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Ulysses is too mainstream and popular to be our ITAOTS.
Something more obscure would be more suitable.