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21786961 No.21786961 [Reply] [Original]

Write what's on your mind
me irl edition

Previous thread: >>21777950

>> No.21786972


>> No.21786979

starting Herodotus' Histories today, im excited.

>> No.21786989 [DELETED] 

Hypothetically if a 14 year old girl asks me out at the bookstore and I give her my number and tell her to text me in a few years if shes still interested—is this bad in principle

>> No.21786999

I feel like total dogshit when I go to the university but when I am in my room I feel really. Fuck man I want to quit.

Why? Isn't man a social animal?

>> No.21787004

I don't know what I am. I know that I have no future, but it feels like I have unfinished business. Still writing. Still studying for my work. Still planning to release my work if I complete it before death, however I happen to die.
Life is so painful bros. I don't really know what to do or how to act. When it comes to myself, I know nothing. I want to change so bad, but it would be useless. Don't be like me. I'm a pathetic loser blogposting on 4chan.
Get your life together asap. Touch grass. Eat healthy. Clean your room.

>> No.21787006

i had a harem in highschool, cute girlfriends throughout college and 10 years later im a single neet

>> No.21787033

what do you want in life?

>> No.21787043
File: 416 KB, 828x765, 1614622815434.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've wasted my life. I am completely alienated. There is nothing and no-one that I care about or like. I'm just a middle aged bag of sad chemicals.
I can't even imagine a "should". I think if I magically had billions of dollars and physical beauty and wasn't a loser at the absolute bottom of society nothing in this hypothetical would change. There'd remain nothing in the world for me. I sincerely detest people and myself. Life is so repulsive, to refuse to take it seriously is the closest thing to moral behavior dumb animals like myself can accomplish.

I wish I wasn't alone. But that would be a different configuration of chemicals in my bag, as well as a difference outside of it. One might as well wish for suicide, in essence my hope is not to be me, vague and worthless and stillborn as it is.

>> No.21787047

Im trying out segmented sleep. Slept for about 4 hours, now im going to make a smoothie, hit the gym, and do some reading and writing before I go back to bed for a couple more hours before work. I find myself quite nocturnal, most of my ideas taking form around now so might as well work my day around it. Give it a try if you need to shake it up

>> No.21787049

the singularity of man

>> No.21787075
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I had an amazing dream last night. I was still me, lying in bed, but it was as though the entirety of my potential had been unlocked, I saw the path I needed to take ahead of me, and I had become the type of man I had always wanted to be. It wasn't just a dream, I really felt it. It was like I knew everything I needed to know and I knew it so clearly - I felt, physically, mentally, spiritually, temperamentally different.

Of course, I woke up and couldnt remember a lick of what I had known so profoundly in the dream. Cest la vie.

>> No.21787089

Its obvious youre only saying all this because you havent shoved your penis inside some whores pussy in years. Get a grip
In this dream you had discipline.

>> No.21787100

This has been a bad month so far

>> No.21787108

I can’t sleep. I miss you so much. I regret everything.

I can’t hope to be forgiven, but I hope that someday you’ll be able to think of me without hatred or anger or disgust. The best way I can think of to explain is that what I was doing became a sort of addiction (you want it so bad you do anything for it, you want it without realising it, you always go back to it, you always have it [addiction] in you.)

>> No.21787125

When I was a child, I saw sex and anything sex related as a thing that could get me in trouble if I were to talk about it or show interest in, that was my primary anxiety about it. Stumbling upon my fathers porn DVD’s when I was 8 did not “traumatize” or scare me. The idea of my parents knowing scared me. I am not really sure where society gets its ideas. A doctor forcefully pulled down my pants and stroked my penis when I was small boy. I tried to run and get away from him(my parents drilled the idea of “bad touches” and “good touches” in my head, so I saw my genitalia as something very privileged and personal), but my parents were in the room aiding him. Isn’t that objectively rape? Why does society say that I shouldn’t be traumatized by that, yet if I were to have had non coercive sex with an adult, they would insist that I am traumatized?(despite hypothetical child me not being aware of the supposed trauma?)

I’m not sure what there is to “get” about sex. This whole notion of there being something that one needs to “get” about sex just seems like people trying to push cultural biases on people that they see as their property. To me, it comes off as “let me groom my child to have this arbitrary attitude my culture has about sex first, then they can make their decisions when they “get” sex and when they are not legally my property anymore”. Pure cultural phenomenon.

>> No.21787142
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Your experience reminded me of this vaguely. Sorry, doesnt help you.

>> No.21787148

You sound like a pedophile.
A doctor performing a task for a purpose that is supposed to be beneficial to YOU is fine. Someone raping a child to pleasure himself is wrong. Now you're going to pull the typical pedophile apologist bull fucking shit and reply, "But why? Why is it wrong if the child isn't harmed?"
Well of course something isn't wrong if it's not harmful. Your question is like asking "Why is it wrong to murder him if I'm not harming him?" Or some other nonsense. Eat shit and die. I've had too many 'discussions' with relativists and pedophiles to go through this again.

>> No.21787161

---- Solaria ----
(color temperature)

The glass tray beside my bed
Is a somewhat heavy item especially

In the light of this room as I've arranged it.

It reminds me a little of Albireo and malls
Crystal in skylight, Newtonian telescopes, vast outdoors

Or a long van ride in the general direction of grandfather's funeral,
Challenging dad from a book about pigment chemistry.

Strange that I could never lure him to
The view of stars he made so easy for me

And my favorite sister to take in, during the few years
She was truly happy, completely relaxed.

Here I am again, as if cottonwood snow drifts by to heady music,
Circumpolar arcs happen, lovers come and go.

Yet to anneal memory with playlists
Seldom sad or angry, always architectural in overarching mood--

Silly Chris who never did me the slightest wrong,
Bryan and Phil who allowed me

City tours in sweet ease,
Fabulous views as a passenger,

Indices of gratitude.


>> No.21787166

I was exposed to pornography at an extremely young age and it really fucked me up. I was hypersexual and in highschool I stalked a girl and mimic’d her taste in art and politics to date her, it lasted three years and the entire time I gaslit her and manipulated her to hate her best friends solely so she would spend more time with me because I wanted to fuck her more. I was an absolute piece of shit that only cared about her body and I did some filthy shit to her. One day my depression was at critical levels and I couldnt get it up for her one time, and I dumped her for some reason. These days im a puritan, sex disgusts me and I havent even pursued a woman in years.

>> No.21787167

>Its obvious youre only saying all this because you havent shoved your penis inside some whores pussy in years. Get a grip
Normalfags could never hope to understand. You are the warm ignorant center of this world.

>> No.21787192

This illustrates one of the many problems with raping children (I say rape because I will never join the two words, 'child' and 'sex'): it teaches a horrifying lesson. Children ought to be taught to act not with a view to gratifying their own pleasures at the expense of others, if not, they will not have a healthy view of sexuality when they are older. What will be their example? A sweaty, hairy, filthy monster penetrating and violating them for no reason other than that he wants to orgasm. It is a contract where the child is a tool used for the pleasure of someone else. When they are older this sort of lesson will become ingrained within them.
The puritanical view of sex is that both parties should fully understand the act and benefit in much the same way, and it extends to anything else. If someone wants to tattoo 'DICK NIGGER' on a child's face, there is seemingly no inhereny evil to it. Why? Because, according to relativists, only cultural conditioning causes people to be offended by words or facial tattoos. But the child doesn't understand what is happening, and even if he loses nothing (say it is culturally appropriate) the act was done with a view to the pleasure of the one who thought it would be amusing to do that to a child.
Children should never be an instrument of someone's pleasure.

>> No.21787205

I so awkward I don't feel human
I see other people and I honestly can't relate, they go with their happy lives, making friends and talking and laughing so well and naturally.

>> No.21787261

>I gaslit her and manipulated her
If not Larping, You're a congenital piece of shit, and belong on a Fed watchlist.

>> No.21787269

I can't decide what tattoo to get.

>> No.21787282

of course its a larp this is a creative writing thread

>> No.21787295

Where did I claim myself to be some pragmatic utilitarian? Did I say that consequences are the end all be all? I’m appealing to morals here and what there is to get about sex. You on the other hand are saying “of course something isn’t wrong if it’s not harmful.”

So I’m a little confused? Are you saying I would/should be traumatized or not? And because of why? I would have done something that made myself feel good with another person without first being mind raped by some bible thumping puritan?

>> No.21787299

Delay that decision, never mind the expense. Never look like trash, nor ever regard yourself as such.

>> No.21787300

i dont like culture wars and i hate how im seen as an enemy for stating such.

>> No.21787314

It's suspiciously high effort. I enjoy forensic psychology from time to time, but could never write like that no matter the duress.

>> No.21787334

You're pushing common pedo-apologetica, which is that child rape laws are just cultural bias and the only harm that comes from raping is caused by society's opinion of it. Extremely common pedophilia apologetic.

>> No.21787348

Lmao I will take that as a compliment. There are bits of truth in there but its mainly hyperbole and embellishment for entertainments sake. I admit I have extremely dark humor, but im otherwise pretty normal. Feel free to tell me what you deduced about me from my post, because forensic psychology sounds interesting

>> No.21787368

If you have an argument against me, I’d like to hear about it. “Rape” in itself is a social construct, in its modern usage and in its archaic usage, it traditionally just used to mean taking somebody’s daughters virginity without her fathers permission. It is all rooted down to seeing people as property.

Why don’t you stop hiding behind value laden words and tell me point blank why you are against people having the autonomy to make their own decisions on what they want to do with their body. And while you are that, why don’t you tell me what there is to get about sex.

>> No.21787372

Rape apologist too. You aren't even worth talking to.

>> No.21787385

I’m against force, coercion, and deception. Whether that be with sex or anything else. Unlike you though, I don’t hide behind value laden umbrella terms to obfuscate myself and my arguments, because I am not a coward.

>> No.21787396
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>> No.21787405
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I want to watch the new trigun anime, but
I'm still traumatized from the original anime. I just don't think I'm strong enough.

>> No.21787407

Deception, coercion, and even force are social constructs. It's only your 'values' that make you against them. That's your value laden argument. Even then, it's your values that make you interested in justifying your disgusting filth. It's your values that make you in favor of or against certain things.
You, like all pedophiles and rapists, aren't capable of anything but rhetoric to justify your monstrous pleasure seeking. I'd pity you if you felt bad and were repentant, but once you've started trying to justify your heinous pursuits, you've crossed the line and become nothing more than vermin.
Volumes have been written against child rape. I don't need to argue with an animal. Join a "MAP" community and stroke yourself off over how oppressed you are. Hopefully it will get a lot worse for you.

>> No.21787418

>There are bits of truth in there but

I enjoy hyperbole and horror comedy, almost always from a cinematic or theatrical remove. Likewise, the worst I've ever done is make house loops out of tapped phonelines, cultivate Cecropia caterpillars in my bedroom. You're obviously not at all like me.

>> No.21787458

Today is my 36th birthday

>> No.21787473

I never claimed to be a pedophile, that was just your assumption that I never bothered to correct you on. Truthfully, I actually avoid kids because I find them to be annoying.

Force, coercion, and deception are not social constructs, they ascend cultural norms. Look at you now, you are suddenly a relativist, huh? So here is your morality : “Anything I don’t like is bad. Anything I like is good”. That’s why you never bothered to say anything of substance, just parroted off value laden umbrella words. You’ve got nothing to say because all you could possibly say “morally” is “I don’t like it” and point to a bunch of books NPCs like you have written. Truthfully, I was raped as a child, raped in the most objective possible sense of the word. You only find what happened to me to be acceptable because society taught you to think so. You’ve no critical thought, You are the one that wants to rape children with your cultural puritanical bullshit.

>> No.21787477

I'm a few months past my 60th, and a most secure member of the "legacy population". Greetings my brother.

>> No.21787496

When i play single player vidya i always come to a point, usually somewhere half way where i keep collecting useful items and delay my progress in the game.
Then when i finally continue the game is actually a bit too easy and i dont know why i wasted so much time.
But i do this with everything in my life: waiting, collecting endless information and references without taking action.

>> No.21787570

Have completely opposite experience, was raised during 1990s, due to material circumstances largely by my grandparents which were blue collar and very catholic, there was no porn around, I knew nothing of sex, but was eagerly jerking off since very young age, since it was pleasant and few times they caught me I was shamed and punished with slaps, so I`ve learned to hide myself and be silent (after all these decades Iam usually still completely silent during orgasm,something suprising to some women Ive been with). My mother was divorced and worked in the city and only joined us during holidays and some weekends. When I was about 6 family was reunited as mom got large apartment, where we all lived, she was still busy though, working effectively 12 hours shifts, when she got back home she usually just ate supper with us and got to her room to sleep. Anyway after few years she got another better paid and less time consuming job, so she finally took more active role in my upbringing. We used to hang in her room, she would listen to her favorite boring classic music, smoke and seep some wine (the meme about 30+ single women was true even back then, kek) and I would read or play with some stuff in the corner. She was very fond of true crime magazines, back then it was really sordid stuff with graphic details and illustrations verging on gore and porn. Sometimes we would watch TV and then reenact scenes from movies, sometimes she would give me one of her sordid magazines. Our mutual play would often take after the themes from crime movies and these magazines. For example I would pretend to be a robber and point toy gun at her demanding money, sometimes we would engage in a mock battle or even wrestling. Lets say things were progressing in strange diection as I was older, especially during summers, when we both wear light clothes. There wasnt any overly sexual acts, but certainly groping, comments how fast I grow and so on. By that time I was like 12 and furiously jerking off, whenver had the chance. Dont know how things would progress later, since my mom suddenly died when I was 13yo, which was devastating, since I considered her my best friend. I was left alone with austere and declining grandparents in pretty dire financial situation. Anyway, I dont feel myself molested or abused, whole thing was rather thrilling and exciting for me, maybe even beneficial in some way, as I felt appreciated, which might sound outrageous for real victims. Rarely even think about these events these days.

>> No.21787578

happy birthday anon

>> No.21787591

My comment was meant for this Anon ofc

>> No.21787627
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Why would you mark your skin?
Now they can identify you easier.

>> No.21787633

thining about becoming redpilled

>> No.21787639
File: 24 KB, 382x510, War and Peace Pablo Picasso.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

get a picasso line drawing

>> No.21787647

The situation with harlots should be the other way around though. These days normies call them celebrities and influencers.

>> No.21787651

feel like kms today

>> No.21787654

wtf a unique post in the wwoym

>> No.21787667

Gookmoot is a primary psychopath, and a fan of tyranny.

>> No.21787830 [DELETED] 
File: 63 KB, 560x546, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a Neoplatonism reading group archive post (a thread felt like a waste) I felt like making for fun in case anyone's looking for notes from the group that read The Enneads of Plotinus or just in general. Plato/Aristotle/Platonism in general was heavily discussed so if you have some burning questions or are looking for resources it could be a good place to glance through.


Cambridge article
>The Flight of the All-One to the All-One: The φυγὴ μόνου πρὸς μόνον as the Basis of Plotinian Altruism

1.1 >>21508769 >>21503466 >>21503475
1.3 >>21518001 >>21511737 >>21511744
1.4 >>21518066
1.5 >>21520308
1.6 >>21525280 >>21525307
1.7 >>21529110
1.8 >>21533919 >>21533952
1.9 >>21537890

2.1 >>21546016
2.2 >>21550238
2.3 >>21555203
2.4 >>21558393
2.5 >>21562326
2.6 >>21566425
2.7 >>21572166
2.8 >>21574967
2.9 >>21580839 >>21585828

3.1 >>21587070
3.2 >>21594370
3.3 >>21596254
3.4 >>21601478 >>21599505
3.5 >>21607318
3.6 >>21611502
3.7 >>21615809 >>21615831
3.8 >>21620403
3.9 >>21624439

4.1 >>21638820
4.2 >>21638820
4.3 >>21643476 >>21643482
4.4 >>21726799 >>21726805 >>21726811
4.5 >>21651942
4.6 >>21656291
4.7 >>21661011
4.8 >>21668469
4.9 >>21668809

5.1 >>21684498
5.2 >>21684498
5.3 >>21694307 >>21694334
5.4 >>21703845
5.5 >>21703845
5.6 >>21703872
5.7 >>21721550
5.8 >>21721556
5.9 >>21721564 >>21719356

6.1 >>21731850 >>21731872
6.2 >>21736006
6.3 >>21760720
6.9 >>21772903

>> No.21787854
File: 63 KB, 560x546, .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a Neoplatonism reading group archive post (a thread felt like a waste) I felt like making for fun in case anyone's looking for notes from the group that read The Enneads of Plotinus or just in general. Plato/Aristotle/Platonism in general was heavily discussed so if you have some burning questions or are looking for resources it could be a good place to glance through.


Cambridge article
>The Flight of the All-One to the All-One: The φυγὴ μόνου πρὸς μόνον as the Basis of Plotinian Altruism

1.1 >>21508769 >>21503466 >>21503475
1.3 >>21518001 >>21511737 >>21511744
1.4 >>21518066
1.5 >>21520308
1.6 >>21525280 >>21525307
1.7 >>21529110
1.8 >>21533919 >>21533952
1.9 >>21537890

2.1 >>21546016
2.2 >>21550238
2.3 >>21555203
2.4 >>21558393
2.5 >>21562326
2.6 >>21566425
2.7 >>21572166
2.8 >>21574967
2.9 >>21580839 >>21585828

3.1 >>21587070
3.2 >>21594370
3.3 >>21596254
3.4 >>21601478 >>21599505
3.5 >>21607318
3.6 >>21611502
3.7 >>21615809 >>21615831
3.8 >>21620403
3.9 >>21624439

4.1 >>21638820
4.2 >>21638820
4.3 >>21643476 >>21643482
4.4 >>21726799 >>21726805 >>21726811
4.5 >>21651942
4.6 >>21656291
4.7 >>21661011
4.8 >>21668469
4.9 >>21668809

5.1 >>21684498
5.2 >>21684498
5.3 >>21694307 >>21694334
5.4 >>21703845
5.5 >>21703845
5.6 >>21703872
5.7 >>21721550
5.8 >>21721556
5.9 >>21721564 >>21719356

6.1 >>21731850 >>21731872
6.2 >>21736006
6.3 >>21760720
6.9 >>21772903

>> No.21787948

I think euro healthcare just killed my cousin. He had surgery to remove a tumor and they said he didn’t even need chemo after because it was nothing major. A couple months latter he goes back to the doc out of his own volition and after running some exams they start an emergencial giga treatment on him. Now they say he’s dying. What the fuck. Less than a year passed from them saying it’s nothing major and he shouldn’t worry to the doc telling all his family should be there because he doesn’t have much time left.

>> No.21788082
File: 133 KB, 1500x1000, DeathofCeasar-58cfe3c33df78c3c4f0e566c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21788216

The real litmus test of someones character is if they return the book from internet archive library as soon as they're done with it or done pirating so others can do the same.

I borrow, download and return immediately.
Imagine waiting 7 days because some lazy faggot couldn't be bothered to make one click.

>> No.21788383

Are you doing a bit or is it really how it works? Why would a non-profit site induce artifical scarcity?

>> No.21788479

No, there are many books I only find on archive not on libgen not on zlibrary, mostly scans but often very good quality.

As to artificial scarcity I have no idea but it's real, some are even limited to 1 hours and you can't download them without a special link.

>> No.21788522

As I've read the Bible and embraced Christianity over the past two years, the more I find that all my goals and pursuits are incompatible with it's teachings. I've never been one to worship money or power to a great extent, but my education and early career path has led me to a point where I can obtain both with relative ease.
My faith does not align with my daily life at any point, other than going to Mass each Sunday. I feel that I will have to make a drastic change at some point to avoid living out my life as the largest hypocrite on Earth.

>> No.21788531

Shit edition

>> No.21788535

I feel like such a cliche. I'm here in my desk being sad and listening to The Smiths while procrastinating out my work.

>> No.21788542

The Smiths suck, unless you're a hot depressed cokehead girl being forced to dance for european tracksuit mobsters, otherwise why tf would you be listening to The Smiths

>> No.21788579

Overweight psychotic break failure from last thread here. Having no friends is weird. I'm a substitute teacher on spring break, and there's literally nothing to do. Teaching is described as a hellhole, but I honestly look forward to it--at least I'll have something to do. Right now I'm just isolated. Psychotic breaks suck for a lot of reasons, but the aftermath seems far worse. I'm a loser, for sure, but being a loser with no friends at all seems like a path to eventual suicide. How would I go about making friends again, if at all? How could I ever be honest with one? Failures don't congregate on /r9k/ like they used to.

>> No.21788586


>> No.21788589

I like them. They are relaxing enough that it matches my laziness. The lyrics are also pretty relatable.


>> No.21788610

I imprison myself with a room full of entertainment. I lock the keys from the inside and throw them out. I see an ugly, dark monster, twice the size of me outside of the cell. He is slowly approaching, but getting faster with each step. I can be either eaten alive by him or escape from prison. As I have thrown out the keys, I must find an alternative way to escape the prison.
A fairy appears by my side and says to me "destroy the devices in your cell, and I shall give you another key". I am reluctant, for I merely have to look towards my devices and away from the monster to feel good. The devices don't last forever and need to be turned periodically off.
Left bored, I look around, only to see the monster again. He looks me straight in the eyes. Quickly, I turn around and wait until I can turn on my devices. Waiting, I contemplate whether I should destroy the devices or not. The monster is still far away, so I decide not to.
I turn on my devices and continue being entertained. Once again my devices turn off, but am met with an unpleasant surprise: they turned off far sooner than expected. The monster is closer, and contemplate again. My heart is racing and thoughts run through my head and, before I can come to any conclusion, my devices turn on. This time, the devices turn off once again much faster. My thoughts are finally taking over and am seriously considering destroying my devices.
I turn back and see the monster with his eyes a lot closer to me. I am horrified and shocked. I take my devices and throw them out.
The fairy appears once again and hands me over the key.
I get out of my cell and the monster goes back to its original spot. My devices are not broken.
I could take them with me back in the prison and lock myself in again, just for a little bit more.

>> No.21788653

drinking again

>> No.21788665

>Force, coercion, and deception are not social constructs, they ascend cultural norms. Look at you now, you are suddenly a relativist, huh?
If you resort to cultural relativism, anyone can. Whenever someone does, I just take it to its logical conclusion. Why do you not believe in force? Can you tell me why it's wrong?
>It hurts people
What if I don't care? That's a moral argument. My morality is relative to me and it says
>Hurting is bad (when it hurts me)
The whole of it is a social construct, because the idea that there is something "special" and "different" about forcing a pen to go from your table and touch a piece of paper and forcing a knife to go through a pile of carbon, water, and hard cage of calcium based molecules is a social construct. A human is a social construct. Why is there something "special" about what group of atoms compared to another?
>Le... Le will! Le desire!
All social constructs. Free will? What can we say other than that it's an illusion that arises from random atoms bumping into other atoms, that just so happens to be in a shape that we call "human"? Besides, from my perspective I am the only sentient organism and I have a right to put this group of iron and carbon through some protein based groups you erroneously term "humans."

>You’ve got nothing to say because all you could possibly say “morally” is “I don’t like it”
I don't care about arguments with people trying to justify bullshit or relativists. It's always absurdity.

>> No.21788770

AI is here. History and the humanity are over. We've actually reached it and can witness it.

>> No.21788855

I've always thought that mind crystallization is something that happens when you are old. It is not. I have always been the same person, as far as I can remember. Even as a kid, I had already embraced a primitive form of stoicism and fully accepted my parents' divorce when it happened. I simply didn't know life could be anything other than what it was, back then. So I was sad, sure, but I didn't delude myself with wishful thinkings of how things could have been better. I knew everything was fucked and that there was nothing I could do but be a little boy and play video-games. I think this is a side of my being that I will forever be unable to outgrow.

I just instantly accept how things are, regardless of how hard or how sad they make me. With this behavior, I've been insulted. 'Autist', 'retard', 'narcissist', they said. Is it wrong to pick your battles? The same thing happened when my ex of five years left and resented me for not immediately reaching out to her. I saw everything coming, I had fought and explained I didn't want her to go, but she still left. When she said the words, it was already over but she really resented me for letting her go and took all of my friends with her.

No matter the time, no matter the changes, I'm still here. It is somewhat soothing to know that the unchanging, stable current I needed in my life was just under my nose. I have a beating heart, a healthy body and a mind capable of dreaming. This is all I need.

>> No.21788874

found out that my manager is a huge bitch at my new wagie job

how can a sperg survive

>> No.21788886

It is often said that guys struggle or can't make their girls cum. But, on the other hand, if you think about it, do girls make their guys cum ever either? I feel like, most of the time, the guy is "using" (for lack of a better word, I don't mean it like just a "pump and go") a girl's body to cum. Guys put in most effort in most sex positions and it's commonly said that girls seldomly ride (even though this is the one time where THEY can take matters in their hands). So, in the end, guys are just better at helping themselves to cum.

>> No.21788898

>The lyrics are also pretty relatable.
yeah cos morrissey is literally unbearable as well

>> No.21788914

It is rather ironic that angry, conservative, celibate Morrisey has been the soundtrack to millions of libtard faggots having sex.

>> No.21788919

good on you. sober reality is short a few swinging corpses and flayed whores. I'll be joining after work

>> No.21788936
File: 94 KB, 1024x953, 1678734617318232.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish i could come up with stupid but funny memes like this pic but i just cant. Not even when drunk. I feel like i always have to be serious and be able to justify myself. And im afraid ill be delusional and unfunny.

>> No.21788958

Most people aren’t empathetic. They can be kind, compassionate and mindful, but empathy is actually a very rare skill. People talk about putting themselves in someone else’s shoes without even comprehending what that means. They think it’s about “how I would be feeling and what I would do in his place” and not “lets puts my ego aside and try to see the world through his eyes”. I’ve been called cold multiple times despite being a very sensitive person, usually by those who have seen me hurt and are privy to a lot of traumatic shit I went through. They don’t need to be Sherlock Holmes to understand why I close myself off and seem unflappable about hurtful shit, they just need to care. Hell, the same people who called me cold always gave me shit the rare times I demonstrated how I felt towards anything hurtful they did. People will say whatever is more advantageous for them at the time without caring a single moment about cohesion. Women are especially bad at this since they’ll purposefully target whatever they believe will harm you the most at the moment and then either deny it or try to turn the situation against you if confronted about their behaviour.
Anyway, ignore the shit others say to you. I’m biased since we are kinda similar, but I believe this kind of naturally developed stoicism is a consequence of a pragmatic way of thinking and being exposed to trauma from a very young age.
>I have a beating heart, a healthy body and a mind capable of dreaming. This is all I need.
No greater comfort will ever exist.

>> No.21788974

Not relatable. I've never been to a party. I even skipped social school events that took place during school hours.

>> No.21789071

My ethnic studies class is explaining CRT through Black Panther. America is so pathetic. Please conquer us, China.

>> No.21789112

Well, what do you expect they are doing in an ethnic studies class?

>> No.21789166

what are you going to drink?

>> No.21789173
File: 836 KB, 2100x1413, DB70B614-0D6B-4109-A531-4AABD91BAFC4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My wife wants to get me into cuckolding and she said she wants to go to a bar to pick up a black guy for her to fuck while I record it. She says as reward for doing that I can eat the cum out of her ass. Should I do it?

>> No.21789192

its so easy to laugh, it’s so easy to hate, it takes guts to be gentle and kind.

>> No.21789238

I never got to live the student lifestyle and I feel like it's a void in my experience.

>> No.21789246

Stop this larp, faggot

>> No.21789267

Anyone know the actual reason of blue balls?
I mean, testicles hurting after you are very aroused but don't nut?

>> No.21789284

This is literally what every relationship looks like. This is the sort of man most women sleep with.

>> No.21789287
File: 71 KB, 640x491, A4920F30-0802-4AB0-A3E0-4666627813DF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’ve been depressed for far too long now. I fight the urge to kill myself, probably foolishly, everyday. Don’t know how long I can last like this but God can’t say that I didn’t give it my all.

>> No.21789289

leave this couple alone

>> No.21789291

First of all I'm very sorry to hear that anon.

Secondly just how bad is it, is he bed bound?
Has he tried any alternate methods of curing cancer?
I've done my fair share of research into this, there are many things that have been proven time and time again to cure cancer, from mega doses of IV vitamin C, vitamin B17, 40 day fasts aspirin even but most recently Sr-9011 appears to be one of the most potent cancer killers/inhibitors.

If it were my cousin in question I would strongly urge them to stop with chemo immediately, go out of depressing hospital environment if they are there and give alternative method a chance my pick would be Sr-9011, try to learn as much as you can on it and how it can help your cousin and guide him if that's what you chose to do.

Take care anon, I wish you and especially your cousin all the best and I will pray for his recovery!

>> No.21789293
File: 215 KB, 1080x992, Screenshot132.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck forgot pic

>> No.21789312

You're an imbecile. Facebook tier boomer bullshit.

>> No.21789315

I am that guy but I'm single

>> No.21789342

Unironically kill yourself you fucking literal NPC golem
>Soince (((Rockefeller))) medicine literally kills hundreds of millions worldwide every single year
>Holistic medicine never killed anyone only cured
>oh no shut it down, it's not profitable for the jews

Whoever gets screwed up by the (((doctors))) deserved it, but if they then proceed to refuse help from well meaning and well educated people with alternative approach they deserve to burn in hell.

>> No.21789346

why are you depressed?

>> No.21789352

Why aren’t you?

>> No.21789356

>inb4 but muh (((soience)))

>> No.21789365

i'm living the student lifestyle and since i'm in europe and go to college for free i can't let go of it, move on and grow up. I'm almost 27

>> No.21789380

i might be gay

>> No.21789384
File: 281 KB, 1304x346, Screenshot 2023-03-15 at 21.42.43.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking kill yourself you science denying big (((pharma))) golem

>> No.21789387

No idea what CRT is but black panther may be the most racist movie I’ve ever seen. I even shat on it when I had to write an essay about the portrayal of race on media. For fucks sake, it ends with the hero committing black on black violence against his own cousin - who for some reason talks and acts like some hood nigga despite being an elite soldier and MIT graduate - and giving him the choice between lifetime imprisonment or death. There’s also the part where a fluorescent nigga is portrayed as a hero despite his organisation fucking things up for all blacks irl. I’m not even gonna mention the afrofuturism because an aesthetic based on american blacks trying to larp as star trek africans based on the most stereotypical shit possible is just sad.

>> No.21789388

There's no way that you can not know if you're gay. That's modern gaslighting to mindfuck confused (usually abused) people.

>> No.21789392
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>> No.21789400

i could be in deep denial, i'm not sure

>> No.21789406

You're not, and if you keep having those ideas consider a parasite cleanse you can start with ivermectin but also look into other things like turpentine oil (NOT PAINT THINNER! Turpentine oil is natural substance made by distilling pine resin).

This is 100% serious, people have cured their sodomy by getting rid of parasites, there might also be psychological causes but safe to say those probably aren't affecting you.

>> No.21789414

My parents split when i was two or three, i have no memories of them ever being even in the samae room. I have a feeling this has done serious damage to me however it is hard to judge having no better reference.

>> No.21789421

Well do you have any issues you ascribe to that?

>> No.21789485

I don't know, i'am in my late twenties with no friends, i'am a khv, and i haven't skipped a day of suicidal thoughts since i was 15. I can't connect to people in anyway, i'am also far too sensitive and melancholic, people always ask why i never smile. I have no idea how to explain it but i feels like something is missing inside me, but i have no idea what it is, like i'am not complete. It feels as if there's a dry well inside me that goes as deep as one can imagine. But again it's difficult to assign which is simple temparement and which is caused from being raised in a precarious envinroment.

>> No.21789549

do any anons here have a job that they like?

>> No.21789566

Have you ever thought about women sexually or romantically?

>> No.21789583

I'm totally lost. I can't live alone after getting used to not being alone, and I know I'll probably spend the rest of my life unable to let anybody become more than a friend to me. I thought 6 months after my girlfriend left I'd be fine. I got over it, but I'm not doing fine at all. I started lifting again, and helps, but for a short time. I defended my MA after more than 1 year of hard work and I feel nothing. Are things even going to get better or am I going to just get used to them, like before?

>> No.21789584

recommend me some resources for learning arabic

>> No.21789589

I'm not going to do that, anon.

>> No.21789595

4chan needs to get a better chatsearchbot this one sucks

>> No.21789597

Just a sidenote - we are not allowed to do this on /k/ anymore.

>> No.21789600

I was in the same situation regarding the divorced parents, but I somehow improved my situation. Things might change, anon.

>> No.21789611
File: 43 KB, 300x300, Can_-_Future_Days.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I showed this album to my parents.

>> No.21789664

google search 1pm: kantian deontology
google search 1:15pm: what is knowledge
google search 2pm: does therapy work?

>> No.21789784

My parents also divorced when I was 3 but them being so separate has not caused me any issues at all

>> No.21789833

what did they say?

>> No.21789847

The apple does fall far from the tree if you're an ant.

>> No.21789850

littest can song

>> No.21789926

Man, they don’t think he’ll make it through the week. The cancer has metastasised. It’s in his bones and on his organs. He’s under heavy sedation. I wish so hard he could get better, but the docs and all the relatives who’re there made it clear there’s no hope. Fuck these docs though. How come you go from “lol, you’re cured” to “ops, it seems this pain you’re feeling is actually giga cancer and we didn’t notice it the first time but it’s treatable” to “hey, everyone rush here because he’s about to die” in a matter of months?
I saw him during Christmas. He was fine. They said it was nothing serious and he didn’t even need chemo after the surgery. Fuck them.

>> No.21790071

I'm gay

>> No.21790155


>> No.21790156

Oh honey, let me tell you about Old School RuneScape, the fantastically queer massively multiplayer online role-playing game where you can slay dragons, complete epic quests, and level up your skills to become the ultimate badass. With its vibrant, inclusive community and diverse cast of characters, Old School RuneScape is the perfect game for anyone looking to express their true selves in a safe and accepting space. Whether you're looking to explore the vast, fantastical world or team up with your fellow queer gamers to take on challenges together, Old School RuneScape is the game for you. So don't wait any longer, darling - come join the fun and get your queer on in Old School RuneScape!

>> No.21790161

That song is really bad

>> No.21790167


>> No.21790173


>> No.21790185
File: 549 KB, 1080x1350, 465B0127-815B-47FC-B9F8-7A7B7C5214E2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Should I sleep with this up and coming actress who is 19 years old while i’m 30. Will it make me a better writer?

>> No.21790207

Of course not.

>> No.21790211

>Should I sleep with this up and coming actress
Why not?
>Will it make me a better writer
Maybe but not unless you're already solid

>> No.21790245

I need more friends

>> No.21790247

What a coincidence that the byzantine, the ottoman, and the holy roman empires would all suddenly receive a drastic re-evaluation by historians - from being ponderous reactionary giants to being successful and thriving proto-multicultural polities - in the last couple decades, right at the same time there was a marked need on the liberal end of politics for an understanding of the past in which current western polities could situate themselves as heirs of powerful, prosperous, and diverse empires, almost as if to suggest that "it was always like this", and that "diversity equals strength". But don't think too hard about it, it's always the nationalists who falsify history, right?

>> No.21790263

Fuuuck bros I think I'm gonna do it. I'm actually gonna do it and I don't know what will happen next.

>> No.21790282

He just died. Why the hell did they only call for his relatives today? It wasn’t a sudden death, he had fucking cancer. The only reason his brother got there on time was because he immediately got into a flight when he heard the news. Both my father and my uncle spent the day getting emergency visas so they could get there as soon as possible. Jesus, my uncle couldn’t say goodbye to his own son. Fuck this. This shit ain't right. If any other relative of mine gets cancer I’ll try to get him into alternate treatments. Anything is better than what happened to my cousin. Neglectful shits. Docs from less than a hundred years ago had access to a 10th of the medical treatments we have today but at least they took their hippocratic oath seriously.

>> No.21790285

i'm beginning to realize that this website is perhaps one of the foremost demonic forces on the internet. truly a uniquely powerful agent of satan. i really need to come here less

>> No.21790293

Twitter and instagram are worse.

>> No.21790306

I’ve been thinking about trying to get employed back on the ranch I worked at when I was in my 20s. I’m sure they’d put me up there and let me work a more senior position. I actually had a lot of fun and found something worthwhile in that job. I also wrote some good poetry there too, but a 30-something ranch hand making about minimum wages with a college degree doesn’t have the same note of romanticism to it as a 20-something.

>> No.21790307

It's one of the few remaining little islands of free thought and discussion.

>> No.21790330

I want to run away from reality, I can't take it anymore

>> No.21790333

Why no?

>> No.21790360
File: 59 KB, 512x512, 83e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not a /lit/ denizen and since there's no /sqt/ stupid questions threads I suppose I can ask here instead of wasting a thread:
Where can I read Stephen King's books online?

Either torrents or online read (like Lovecraft's stuff) would be fine. I'm specifically looking for The Lawnmower Man. Thank you in advance.

>> No.21790369
File: 192 KB, 1020x883, CLOWN TZU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i'm beginning to realize that this website is perhaps one of the foremost demonic forces on the internet. truly a uniquely powerful agent of satan. i really need to come here less
4chan is the ocean of the internet receiving countless radioactive seas like Twitter and Instagram. Yes, it's filthy, but it's also a cleansing process at the same time.

>> No.21790414

>Now therefore, my son, love thy brethren, and despise not in thy heart thy brethren, the sons and daughters of thy people, in not taking a wife of them: for in pride is destruction and much trouble, and in lewdness is decay and great want: for lewdness is the mother of famine.
Tobit 4:19

>This is a prohibition against going with whores, whose vileness is venial.
St. Augustine on Deuteronomy 23:17

>> No.21790430

I just ordered some chicken strips. I haven’t eaten meat since 2016, so I’m not sure how this will go. Hopefully the meal won’t mess up my digestive system too badly.

>> No.21790498

Really starting to hate myselt

>> No.21790501

it's more like those old marxist interpretations of history are being quietly phased out now the soviet union is long gone and old boomer marxists are croaking daily.

>> No.21790504

this is a new level of effortposting. bravo /lit/

>> No.21790567

Why is being like this considered a bad thing? Why isn't it something a girl would want to strive to be as best they can?


>> No.21790641

this goes fairly hard

>> No.21790724
File: 160 KB, 460x349, gall-gun2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been watching this for half hour.

>> No.21790780

damn that is hella addictive, shame it's not apple music

>> No.21790783

that does go hard

>> No.21790808

I bought my grandma The Divine Comedy translated by Mandelbaum and a CD of Henryk Gorecki's Symphony No. 3 for her birthday.

>> No.21790829


>> No.21790930
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>> No.21790934

Brooding again. I really dont like how my life has played out and its an uphill battle to change it now.

>> No.21790937


>> No.21791073

Retard, if you're dying, why would you not try experimental treatments? Especially IV Vitamin C, which, worst case scenario, you'll fucking piss it out. What, you think it'd be better to just rot away on pain meds and expire gracelessly?

>> No.21791085

>up and coming actress
This is just a synonym for "borderline personality". Stay away.

>> No.21791092

Should be a short movie.

>> No.21791114

I get really annoyed at the fact that some people think about me or even talk about me

>> No.21791121

Thinking about those fake bus stops they have at old folks homes for the dementia patients to sit and wait at all day, and how AI is going to everything in to that.

>> No.21791142
File: 129 KB, 503x1280, 1678937629104511.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How the fuck is it that theres more women than men, and significantly more single men than women, but somehow every woman has a boyfriend?

>> No.21791181

When I was 19 I had moved out of my parent’s home for the first time and was living with my aunt and uncle in another city. One evening my uncle asked me if I’d like to watch this new movie on Netflix called Carrie Pilby. He said that the description of the movie had made him think of me. I have it saved on my phone now, just for a laugh, but also to remind me that I’m not as much of a sperg now as I was back in those days.

>> No.21791200

Are you female

>> No.21791215

And if you're manic you're living in all three at once

>> No.21791427
File: 6 KB, 250x250, tired.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm no longer just in the trenches, i'm in the middle of the battlefield getting shot from both sides now

>> No.21791445


It's because you stay in your room all day, go outside bro.

>> No.21791456
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>> No.21791527

try /lit/, some guy mentioned something that made me realize we lived and the same town and then nothing happened, no plans were made, we never met

>> No.21791587

France Gall is very good taste, anon

>> No.21791594

The song will never be as good as the first time you could listen to it over and over again.

>> No.21791623

>How come you go from “lol, you’re cured” to “ops, it seems this pain you’re feeling is actually giga cancer and we didn’t notice it the first time but it’s treatable
The actual answer, in case this isn't a rhetorical question, is because of statistical probability and resource requirements. Previous trends indicate that, after that particular kind of tumor and surgery, the chance of undetected nodules which could continue spreading was low enough that the cost of undertaking further analysis and treatment is not offset by the likely benefit. We have to rely on statistical averages, and the assumption that the patient is average, in order to benefit fully. This is "science." It's also possible they made a mistake, but you'll probably never know if they did, and they are covered by so much insurance and legal gloss that there will be no effective ramifications for anyone involved, except accountants and lawyers.

>> No.21791635

You owe the sexual reparations to both the black guy and your wife, for racism and patriarchy. Kiss his feet, slurp the cum from her quim and then rope yourself to atone for the white male privilege.

>> No.21791682

You never really laid out a moral foundation and told me what there is to get about sex, you’ve kind of dodged it and insisted it was “rape” and compared it to murder, basically giving a conclusion without giving anything to support the conclusion. “Reduction ad absurdum” fallacies aren’t that good if the conclusion drawn is not a reasonable consequence of the argument being presented.

I’m not saying why murder shouldn’t be permissible. I am asking what there is to get about sex.

>> No.21791715

i wanna join the navy or the marines but the US military seems really pozzed and neutered these days. guess i'll go to france and try for the FFL instead, but i don't feel good about my chances of getting in as a burger with no prior military service. worst case scenario i just stay in france and get a workers permit. i dunno

>> No.21791730

Everywhere is pozzed, anon. No matter where you work it's going to be pozzed.

>> No.21791752

i don't accept that

>> No.21791769

It’s that time of night again. Where I lay down and realizes I’m alone and then subconsciously spiral as I try to mask it on the surface with Tiktok. It hurts. It’s times like these I wonder if I should’ve just stayed with that awful person. What if my utter lack of finding anyone since is because I truly am just a heavily acquired taste ? I hate this feeling

>> No.21791773
File: 27 KB, 648x957, 1678938077033716.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon, are you me? Was binge watching shit on TikTok trying to find some good recipes so I can cook them cause Im a fatass. I just want to grill with some friends, but I dont have friends. Feels bad man....

>> No.21791775
File: 73 KB, 1280x720, [Zero-Raws] Naruto Shippuuden - 322 (TX 1280x720 x264 AAC).mp4_snapshot_10.51_[2018.03.13_11.21.17].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

really feels like the op image really set the tone for this thread

>> No.21791776

Where do you live anon

>> No.21791810


>> No.21791901

Bros... I got stopped by police. They said someone reported me for being suspicious and they interrogated me. Now everyone is the neighborhood is suspicious of me. The convenience store locked their doors as I was just walking up, and there were customers inside so it couldn't have been a normal occurence.

The police also kept insisting that "normal" people don't behave how I do... I guess it's that obvious I'm a creature. It hurts bros...

>> No.21791918

>tfw falling in love with the practice gf

>> No.21791947

I want to read some Alexandre Dumas.

Which should I read first, Three Musketeers or Count of Monte Cristo?

(I will be coming off Don Quixote if it matters)

>> No.21791954

Good post, here's some more:
>Be not jealous over the wife of thy bosom, and teach her not an evil lesson against thyself. Give not thy soul unto a woman to set her foot upon thy substance. Meet not with an harlot, lest thou fall into her snares. Use not much the company of a woman that is a singer, lest thou be taken with her attempts. Gaze not on a maid, that thou fall not by those things that are precious in her. Give not thy soul unto harlots, that thou lose not thine inheritance. Look not round about thee in the streets of the city, neither wander thou in the solitary place thereof. Turn away thine eye from a beautiful woman, and look not upon another's beauty; for many have been deceived by the beauty of a woman; for herewith love is kindled as a fire. Sit not at all with another man's wife, nor sit down with her in thine arms, and spend not thy money with her at the wine; lest thine heart incline unto her, and so through thy desire thou fall into destruction.
Sirach 9:1-9

>Which yet my soul seeketh, but I find not: one man among a thousand have I found; but a woman among all those have I not found
Ecclesiastes 7:28

>> No.21791992

but I am.

>> No.21791999

I feel like shit and I can't focus on anything, there's probably multiple stuff that's piled up and the doctors don't do shit when I spend money on them or use public healthcare.
I see all these healthy people around me talking about mundane little things (not that it's bad) and I can't relate. I have head vertigo and heartache and anxiety and I can barely manage to just show up and they're talking between each other all the time about some technical shit (I'm finishing a stem class). I just feel stuck and really considering suicide, I already attempted suicide once that's left me scarred for life. I promised myself that I won't ever attempt suicide again, that I want to live but I feel so bad and it feels like nobody cares, people look with disgust at me

>> No.21792065

Kanye West is the closest protestant equivalent to a canonized saint

>> No.21792094

>he doesn't know about the singapore grip
It's not a great book, I wouldn't worry about it

>> No.21792102

Pls halp

>> No.21792115

I'm so fucking bored

>> No.21792133

I’m depressed about the absurd nature of man. I think that to keep trying is folly. Over and over again.

>> No.21792138

Do tradlarpers realize that capitalism is the reason that 90% of them were even spawned into this world? Do they view that as a good thing?

>> No.21792159

i'm an inincel
i keep having sex even though i hate myself for it
sporadic relapses of egodystonic, impulsive sex

>> No.21792175

The birth rate is actually declining under capitalism

>> No.21792202


>> No.21792214


>> No.21792227

Because they get sued by the copyright holders. The artificial scarcity is the basis of their legal defence that they are not doing anything different from a physical library.

>> No.21792317

how many demoralization and disinformation posts do i have to make before the CIA hires me? i'm getting tired of working for free

>> No.21792371

These 9 riders are really fucking useless for being the best Mordor has to send.

Also i cannot believe one of the wisest oldest characters in the book such as Gandalf left the sending of that letter and therefore the future of Middle Earth in the hands of a fat, stupid and forgetful Inn keeper.

>> No.21792397

I don't know what the fuck is going on

>> No.21792482

You're getting really dramatic

>> No.21792497

I'm so sorry to hear it this happened to you and your family especially like that all of a sudden. I will be pray for you, your family and your cousin and I completely agree that it's a mistake to trust the compromised medical establishment in this day and age, it might be a good idea to try and learn as much as you can on alternative views often supported by very well educated doctors who are shunned from the mainstream because their views challange the narrative.

This is not about crazy conspiracy theories or naive boomers, many of the ideas that are actively being suppressed are backed by ground breaking researches in their fields, decades of evidence and research, important to note that in the past before the monopoly of allopathic Rockefeller medicine these ideas were much more widely accepted and it was ok to challenge established practices if you had something to back it up.

Be well, spend some time with your family, pray and trust Gods plan for us but also think for yourself.

>> No.21792500

It was just me venting, but thanks for succinctly putting into words some of what I thought yesterday. He lived a good life, even though it was a short one. I just wish he could’ve been there to see his kids grow up and that they could’ve had their father around longer. Also that my uncle had been able to make it there on time. They deserved to see each other. Sometimes I think about a scene from the Sopranos where a guy who’s about to murder someone tells them that “it won’t be cinematic”. Death should mean more. Instead we just keep on living and try to find meaning or say it’s fine. There’s always those who say things like “I wouldn’t like to live for more than a hundred” or such. To me that always sounds suicidal or like pure cope. If I could I would live forever. With a healthy mind and an at least functional body, mind you.

>> No.21792513

>There’s always those who say things like “I wouldn’t like to live for more than a hundred” or such. To me that always sounds suicidal or like pure cope. If I could I would live forever. With a healthy mind and an at least functional body, mind you.
I fully agree, in biblical pre flood times about 900 was the ideal old age which sound about right to me if you want to learn all of the things you are interested in and have a much better deeper understanding, this was how long humans were originally meant / designed to live.

I fully believe this is what really happened in the past due to much higher oxygen levels and pressure some experiments with vegetables indicate it could very well me accurate that plants grow huge and are much healthier and resilient in those circumstances. Pre flood world was really different from this one.

>> No.21792554

Interesting take. Care to elaborate?
Thank you. Can you share some good resources about these things? I’m no sceptic about alternative treatments but would like to know some reliable sources that separate the wheat from the shaft. Also, what’s your opinion on herbalism? I’ve gotten curious after seeing some anons on /fit/ talking about it and herbal tinctures.

>> No.21792595

Dreams where I fall in love are worse than nightmares.

>> No.21792628

Tony observed Chris’s slender frame as he flipped the double stuffed cheddar brauts from Bronsenville on the family’s George Forman grill. His body wobbling like the shaky legs of a wobbly table. The smoke from the gril spilling over him like Carm’s breast’s against their Max Mara Granite countertop.

Christ tried his best to ignore Tony’s mouth against his ear. Each word laced with Tony’s warm, moist breath. “For the family.” “Stop it Tone!” Closing his eyes did little to stop both the sunlight and Tony from destabilizing and diffusing his inner darkness. Making it impossible to visual anything but the words penetrating his safe space.

Pauly wasnt quite sure what he was seeing. First his boss, then his ward. Wanting together like DNA strands. Chris stared at Pauly as if through the window of a vacant house, with a tiny entrance hall, the cracked windowpanes patched with tape.

Checkmate ChatGPT

>> No.21792635

hobbies, some friends invited me to play magic and I made like 5 friends in a week. Frens are in demand to be honest

>> No.21792639

I'm not depressed, actually I'm happier than most but i wanna kms

>> No.21792657

Sometimes someone would talk to me with great enthusiasm and I feel so sorry because I just can't match their level of joyfulness. I start thinking 'why would you even pick me to talk?'

Also some friends have started to graduate while I've been stuck with my dissertation for like 2 years. I feel left behind by my peers.

>> No.21792662


>> No.21792675

Where you inspired by my “Tony Soprano uses tinder” posts on the previous thread?
Magic is so fun when everybody isn’t a tryhard. Metagaming, sideboards and autistically discussing turn steps drain all the fun from the game. Is commander any better? I had conceptualised a mono-green deck based around using Goreclaw to summon a bunch of ridiculously strong creatures and stomp shit with them, but never got around to actually buying the cards since I stopped playing. My modern infect deck was cool too. Using a 1/1 wimp elf with a bunch of steroids to kill everything and keep pressuring the opponent was fun.

>> No.21792681

The AI spam that has completely overrun the internet has drained me of what little will I had left to be online. For a long time I told myself to start leaving and get used to life unplugged, because I knew this moment was coming, but today I'm not prepared but I need to leave before I murder someone or I get an aneurysm. I don't really know where to go. The internet has been my refuge from the normies all my life. Then 4chan for what, 12 years. Feels like being evicted.
I resurrected my Neocities website and I started curating what I wanted to put back online. I ended up deleting so much I might as well not have put anything up at all, so I've deleted it. I've got nothing I want to say or do anymore. I feel so weary. I close my eyes and I imagine living in some cabin innawoods, away from everything, but it will never happen. I'll never leave the city. Nobody leaves. The low quality time I spent on here and another hobby board was how I coped, now I don't even have this anymore. so tired

>> No.21792703

I've been playing commander and since you play with 3 other people the format is not really tryhard. I don't mind when someone plays with high power though, I played other card games more competitively in the past so I'm familiar with it. The people I play with keep it casual but play a lot of removal and interaction. Only problem is sometimes the games go for so long, literally 2 hours playing ONE game

>> No.21792769
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>In Los Angeles, librarians will soon be trained in administering Narcan to patrons overdosing on opioids. Gonzalez told me she’s seen mentally ill people strip their clothes off in the library, throw things. “A guy died on us,” she said. “He died right at the computers.”

>> No.21792786

The world isn't new to misery but the flavor of tragedy of this era is something else. It's like the very foundations of everything are collapsing. It really is fucking over. We've come to the end times.

>> No.21792873

Things are going foward
I thinks this is it

Thanks God

>> No.21792876

Angelino here. I hate the homeless.

>> No.21792881

when pushed, anti-Petersonians just end up giving the same Peterson-tier advice to sad autistic people who can't fulfill their wants (unless they just tell them to kill themselves out of frustration). None of them will say the one thing that is on their minds:
It doesn't matter.

>> No.21792883

I'm still not even sure what Peterson's advice is

>> No.21792885


>> No.21792963
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I'm probably the most pathetic bottom of the barrel man ITT. All of your lives mog mine so fucking hard it's not even funny. It never even began for me.

>> No.21792970

>no money
finally a starvation mode

>> No.21792978

gonna get high and watch people turn into trees

>> No.21792989

You forgot your trip

>> No.21792998

Just watched a video on why America should implement a commissary dictatorship. I am convinced.

>> No.21793000

I just bought another weird pillow. I'm out of control.

>> No.21793013

Well bros I missed my chance to talk to that girl again. It's tough because she seems asocial. She always moves farthest away from where people are gathered and keeps her back turned. I'm so in love with her. I'll try on Tuesday. I'll make it happen.

>> No.21793020

try me

>> No.21793076
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I wanna try some otc medicine. Are sedatives or cough syrups better?

>> No.21793080


>> No.21793119

not me, i dont talk like that and i dont have it in that resolution, but yeah that jackass really just stole my image
cough syrup

>> No.21793159
File: 48 KB, 231x157, Apu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey, you dont have a copyright on any image, especially not the meme frog

>> No.21793166

i know, i just really like that one and i changed computers so i dont have the stimpy sleeping one anymore, that was my favorite

>> No.21793173

cough syrups don't do shit unless they have codeine (which needs a prescription), and sedatives (benzos) also need a prescription

>> No.21793174
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nvm i found it again

>> No.21793183
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>> No.21793193


>> No.21793197

>codeine needs a prescription in the US still
kek, it's otc here and in kid's cough syrups. they used sell painkillers here which had one side codeine and one acetaminophen so you could snap off the good bit. we need to work out where anon is from to help him become a proper degenerate.

>> No.21793199

Wanna go on a date?

>> No.21793222

>it's otc here and in kid's cough syrups
that's because those are the low dose presentations, I guess you could buy those and drink the whole thing. Also some years ago there was a warning by the FDA about the use of codeine in patients younger than 12 years

>> No.21793235

you can get the adult dose codeine too, the US just has a policy of no opiates until your doctor prescribes you far too many and then you should jump straight past diamorphine because heroin is for losers and dying kids lol

>> No.21793236
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Why has gen z produced no major social movement equivalent to the Beatniks?
I don't buy the explanation that it's solely economic because some Beats would have lived through the great depression.
Sometimes I feel like we are the most irrelevant generation to have ever existed.

>> No.21793238
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I'm about to take 1g of shrooms tomorrow and go out by myself to some really popular bars with the purpose of making new friends. Am I going to make it?

>> No.21793243

I'm gonna smoke half a cigarette, wish me luck

>> No.21793244

Not true if the syrup has dexometrephen in it, that will get anon high though it won't be pleasant.
Did Dex when I was retarded freshman, and it's like becoming an insect and God all at once.

>> No.21793247

I could take more but I'm alone and dont want to have a bad trip

>> No.21793253

In my experience being alone is the less likely way of having a bad trip. I mean completely alone though. I think meeting new people during a trip is a bad idea. But if you have done it before I guess you could be fine, definitely do that in a low dose.

>> No.21793266

to be fair most people don't like solo trips, and anon probably knows what he's comfortable with better. let him microdose if he feels like it

>> No.21793275

You're just so immersed in social changes and trends that you dont notice it happening

>> No.21793280

Unironically about to smoke half a cigarette

>> No.21793292

I don't trust anyone anymore.

>> No.21793327

If I keep posting here, maybe I will get talked to, or posted back. Maybe not, and this is a failed endeavor to make friends where there are none. I'm so isolated I can't think. What can I tell my past group of friends? I cheated through my degree and am now just a normal failure at life? No one's checked in on me, and all I would have to say is that I failed at life post college and that I'm sorry.

>> No.21793378


>> No.21793384

Why dont you just call up your friends

>> No.21793434

One guy I know that knew that I read a lot and sometimes asked me questions about authors and books started reading and has made of reading a way more social aspect of his life than I did. He goes to book clubs, to book festivals, etc. I just can't not think about how different the motivatioin behind reading is for both of us.

>> No.21793443

I feel you man, I'm the anon thats gonna try go socialize and make some new friends tomorrow

>> No.21793461

And tell them what? Sorry for the psychotic break? I'm aiming to become an elementary school teacher after a cheated degree? There's nothing in my life going right right now.

I joined a DSA book club at my aunt's request. I'm not even necessarily a socialist, I'm just shot out of all social contact, so this seemed like a good enough thing to join.

Yeah, loneliness is shit. Good luck on your friend hunt, anon. I want some other people to talk to who are NEETs and/or failures, as I feel as if they are the only ones who can get me at this point. I just need to vent to someone about it all. It's not capitalism, it's not communism, or any ism, just pure statistical luck and maybe a false flag test or two which put me in such a bad mood. Or some bad decisions. Or both, maybe.

>> No.21793487

Neet since 16, barely scraped my license at 20, 24 now
Wassup failure bro
Idk what you want me to say. I wanna kms and always have? Probably will? Thus doesn't seem productive
It's probably better you find normies to socialize with

>> No.21793519 [DELETED] 

>start enjoying exercise
>get injured for a year
>listening to music is the thing I enjoy the most
>get eustachian tube malfunction
I swear the moment I have sex my penis wil fall off
I'm sorry God, please stop making my life so misserable

>> No.21793537

>start enjoying exercise
>get injured for a year
>listening to music is the thing I enjoy the most
>get eustachian tube dysfunction
I swear the moment I have sex my penis will fall off
I'm sorry God, please stop making my life so misserable

>> No.21793551

I mean, it isn't productive. Perhaps I'm just ashamed. When I was in high school, I had it all. A 1540 SAT. A full ride scholarship. I was going to major in Math and make lots of money. It turned out I was bad at math. I still kept on with the degree in hopes of riches, despite the fact I also couldn't code. I started cheating to keep up my GPA. At the end of it, I just managed to keep my scholarship and graduated with mediocre grades. With no marketable skillset, I turned towards teaching as my way out. Except I wasn't even good enough at math to be a high school teacher. Maybe I can teach middle school-maybe. Add to that a psychotic break which ruined my social life, and you have me. I should've majored in philosophy instead. But I was too obsessed with making a paycheck that I demurred in front of it all. Now I have neither passion nor payment. Maybe I can begin again, but it's unlikely. Teaching is widely considered a shit job, and I don't know if I'll be able to move out of my parent's place. I don't know of any normals that would want to talk to me, desu.

>> No.21793797

Alas, I lay. Minding my own business and mindlessly letting the night slip away. I have had a productive day. Work was pleasant and quick, I had made myself a tasty dinner and I had a puff of the joint on the kitchen windowsill for good measure.

Until a warning trumpeted from hell. A very personal hell. Hurriedly I threw on my robe and flung open my door, like I had 15 devils on my back I sat upon the toilet and let out the foulest most toxic shit I have ever done in my life.

Did I get the recipe wrong? Did I add too much cheese? Was it the joint? So many questions so little answers. Now I sit here. Arse burning and stomach turning. I should have had chicken and not pasta

>> No.21793802

Don't trust anyone.

>> No.21793810

4Chan User Accused of Threatening to Kill Florida Sheriff Gets Arrested at Mom’s House

>> No.21793815

big dicks will rule the world

>> No.21793849

I have to trust you to take your advice, so I read that as 'Don't trust anyone but me'.

>> No.21793944

Was bitten by my dads dog.
It's an incredibly scared dog who I treated very well for the past month.
Gave him mean and that faggot bit in my finger hard, drew blood.
Chased him around throwing rocks at his ass, he escaped.
If I see him again I might legit murder him.
I prefer cats for many reasons.

>> No.21793948

gave him meat*

>> No.21793967

is this what you guys look like?

>> No.21794009

I have short hair. My grandma cut it recently.

>> No.21794092
File: 82 KB, 615x850, 3280E17E-4757-4795-9D7F-7C475F16A1F9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If God creates souls, why should I procreate?

>> No.21794104

To become like God

>> No.21794114

But I can never be God. That’s logically impossible.

>> No.21794149

>But I can never be God

>> No.21794259

Incredible how vicious people are when given a “valid” target. The entire comment section is just anonymous people venting on and shitting on this guy. Much like what he did, except without the imbecility of threatening someone. 4channers hate normies and thots and normies and thots hate 4channers. Leftists think of people on the right as rabid animals and vice versa. Talk with some “caring” and “accepting” person long enough and sooner or latter you’ll find out which groups they feel vitriolic hate towards. Can’t we transcend spite? No wonder Christ called for compassion. Two thousand years latter and it’s still sorely lacking.
Leave the dog be.

>> No.21794265

Your picture answers. "Family" is the only reason they give.

Doesn't answer the question.

But since we don't actually have immortal souls, why shouldn't we create a way to make them so?
"Because you'd be playing god!" And he'd be angry? Angry enough to send his Jesus half back down to smite? Hm?

>> No.21794271

Why would I 'leave the dog be'?
No one can even touch it, no one can play with him or feed him like I found out.
I wish he'd walk away into the forest, get the fuck away from here.

>> No.21794277
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Is "contrarian" like "conspiracy theorist"?

>> No.21794348

>perpetually try to be imperfect
This is absurd.

>> No.21794470

I don't dislike women but I can't take them seriously. Whenever they're having a woman moment it's like finding out that your dog took a dump on the carpet, you might be initially upset at the situation and be annoyed by the work it just created for you by having to be cleaned up, but you also can't get too upset because that would mean that you expected a fucking dog to actually know better, which is obviously irrational and pointless. If you actually get upset at or disappointedy by women it's no one else's fault but yours for having unrealistic expectations about what they are like and what they are good/bad at.

>> No.21794504
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I'm feeling pretty demotivated to do anything related to a career when i know it's all gonna be made obsolete by automation and AI in a short while.
I also have this looming sense of dread that pic related might eventually turn true.

>> No.21794513

you should feel motivated—you've got 5 years left, and then nothing anyone has ever done will matter. Experience the pleasure of working hard for 5 years and then you won't have to worry about anything ever again.

>> No.21794517

i dont find that motivating in the slightest

>> No.21794531

it's the last 5 minutes before pencils down. the test had to end eventually, so just come to terms with it

>> No.21794540
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Any time i read the word "Sneed" i get a smile. I dont know why i find it funny, and it makes me feel like a retard.

>> No.21794549

>why shouldn't we create a way to make them so?
We should try even if it's impossible.
>Angry enough to send his Jesus half back down to smite? Hm?
This Jesus fellow sounds awfully vindictive hoarding all that immortality for himself.

>> No.21794691
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I met someone online who I really enjoy talking to and hanging out with. We call on the phone every day and talk for hours. I enjoy listening to her talk about her life and the feelings between us are mutual. We were planning on meeting at some point. However, her mom was worried about her meeting people online and told here that there are human traffickers out there who are manipulated into doing what they do and now she believes I'm a human trafficker and can't trust me. It's very frustrating and I'm not sure what the outcome is but it makes me hurt

tl;dr pic related is my soul

>> No.21794743


>> No.21794973


>> No.21795075

Man, you Christians do too much. No offense. I just think all the stories and lore is excessive. Most people don't we even care to read the holy books and they're all lax with forgiveness. Meanwhile, I've stressed my entire life obsessing over accidentally fucking up or making a mistake

It's just exhausting I guess. I have no energy anymore. Not sure how they even found the willpower to come up with all this stuff

>> No.21795120

Stop talking to children online

>> No.21795190

Just caught my mom listening to an audiobook at 1.5x speed kek.

>zoomers *epic handshake* gen x
>getting mentally fucked by the internet

>> No.21795206

The worst thing about being extremely pessimistic is knowing how upsetting/annoying/etc your views and feelings are. I dont tell anyone how I feel about things because when someone actually cares how I feel they get upset at hearing what I have to say, so I feel like all I've accomplished is making the world an even worse place for someone.

>> No.21795222
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>> No.21795226


>> No.21795233
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>> No.21795238
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>> No.21795240


Not sure what your post was meant to mean, but listening to anything at a higher speed is fucking insane and degenerate. I would listen to lecture audio when I was in college at 1.2x just to get through it quicker. I can't even understand what the fuck is being said at higher speeds, and the audio becomes distorted

>> No.21795275

Any time my mind is undistracted I end up ruminating and brooding. I cant even watch a movie anymore without my mind wandering to shit I regret

>> No.21795300

nobody wears jeans anymore

>> No.21795318

i am a protestant-orthodox syncretist, i reject the concept of a single theological authority capable of creating official dogma, as well as a heavily institutionalized, hierarchical church, and the veneration of saints. however i embrace the idea of the saints as an exceptional class of people to model our spiritual lives after, the observance of specific fasts and year round holidays, and a closely knit community of like-minded Christians working together for the common good of each person's soul. a reformation of the reformation, if you will

>> No.21795319

I've been required to wear a certain type of slacks for my jobs, so I haven't owned any since I was a kid.

>> No.21795395

I do

>> No.21795406

Today someone knows got asked what Post-modernity is and the first thing that came out of his mouth was "Ancient"
I made an audible whine.

>> No.21795411

I know*

>> No.21795422

That's not entirely wrong. "Postmodern" in the mainstream usage is really ultramodernism, not post- but a continuation of modernist sensibilities (epistemology as first philosophy) from Descartes. A sort of renewal to medieval and ancient would be post-modern which is what some philosophers like John Deely claim in Four Ages of Understanding (the four ages being Ancient, Latin, Modern, Postmodern (not Modern)).

>> No.21795438

It is ancient history now. We're at, like, post-post-post-post-modernity now. Fence modernity.

>> No.21795443
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