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/lit/ - Literature

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21786481 No.21786481 [Reply] [Original]

"I'm a perfectionist" is just a cope for writers who're lazy, out of ideas, or both.

>> No.21786486

I'd rather have writers like grrm than brando sandos who churns out mediocre shit every fucking month

>> No.21786512

How can Americans write fantasy when they don't even say shit like crumpets or drink tea

>> No.21786513

You prefer waiting decades for mediocre shit instead with GRRM

>> No.21786518

Get the fuck outta here you contrarian wanker

>> No.21786527
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US consumes more tea than Br*tain

>> No.21786532

Only consumption per capita is relevant in this context. Ofc countries with high population will consoom more overall.

>> No.21786540

Yeah because the omnipresent fast food places there like McDonalds make huge batches of it just to have it avalaible on stock. 99% of it goes to waste

>> No.21786690

Not my fault he writes prose equal to that of a sixth grader. It may as well have been a screenplay.

>> No.21786703
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>> No.21786879

Have you tried not reading fantasy?

>> No.21786904

Asoiaf is better than mediocre, it's a grand effort in world building, but that's where it ends. It's historical fiction for boys.

>> No.21786907

>just write more books so I can consoooom

Just got read your Sanderslop you mindless cattle

>> No.21786909

>US consumes more tea than Br*tain
With 5 times the people? Big if true.

>> No.21787008

Mistborn is an okay series.

>> No.21787115

Fantasy fiction is the crash site of meaning.
Create a world possessing the structure of Biblical Israel or Vedic India or Homeric Greece and it will be called fantastic.
Create an alternate, intrinsically meaningful world, and the world will instantly recognize it as especially false. The very shape of meaning now indicates delusion: and this, I think, should give us pause.
Fantasy is a pretty serious thing - something worth pissing people off about. You can write the only kind of Bible a human could write in this remarkable and blasphemous age - a far different Book of Revelation, more honest to the complicated edges of the world, equally horrific. A textual crypt for the corpse of God.

>> No.21787147

stop reading glorified YA

>> No.21787196

To be fair anyhitng you read is automatically YA, zoomer.

>> No.21787210

Stop wasting your time with fantasy goyslop, simple as

>> No.21787230

4chan is goyslop

>> No.21787234

what happened to the sanderson who wrote the way of kings? It is by far his best book in terms of
>character development
he has become a full on pulp shitter since 2014 if not earlier, i suspect someone ghostwrites everything after the first half of words of radiance, which is where his quality noticably declines mid novel.

>> No.21787260

The Kaladin parts were kino but hammered down on the "he lost everything and is a slave now" point too hard, the whole library parts were lame and awkward to read, and everything having to do with Shartblades was straight out cringe
The Dalinar parts were forgettable and that other noble who is like the bad guy (I forgot his name) was a moustache twirling cartoon villain.

I really dont want imagine how bad it is if thats his best.
In general >>21787210 is right, "fantasy" is not a literary genre. Its the basis for a video/board/childrens game where you are encouraged to use your fantasy and come up with your own heroes and their own stories. You can also adapt it to film for amazing visuals but in book form "fantasy" is just pure slop. Read something about the real world you fucking dork.
Tolkien gets a pass because he kickstarted this whole thing and his work has literary value, bonus points for making his academic faggot peers seethe.

>> No.21787275

Why are they always disgusting fatfucks and crypto jews? Tolkien and others mog them.

>> No.21787280

Reminder he named the evil noble Sades because he was...sadistic...
Sanderson spends words like the US government spends tax dollars, you could cut 50% of the book and actually improve it.

also the only other good fantasy is narnia, for the value of teaching children morals and eschatology. tolkien and lewis were only good because of their religious and mythological themes.

fantasy sucks because its derivative and usually highlights the authors autism and inexperience dealing with other human beings rather than creating a valuable narrative. I would exclude grrm from this because his writing is entertaining

>> No.21787288

Correct. The only acceptable fantasy is Tolkien and European lore. Read Beowulf, if you are Germanic, it has magical properties. For a week after reading I was having lucid dreaming flying dreams everynight, walking through walls, floating around, waking up in the dream. Unreal.

>> No.21787289
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>> No.21787292

I'd much prefer a writer who writes than one who doesn't.

>> No.21787293

Considering the population is 8 times the size those numbers are pathetic. You probably aren't even a white american.

>> No.21787307

Mutt moment

>> No.21787312

12 years and counting

>> No.21787324

>what happened to the sanderson who wrote the way of kings? It is by far his best book in terms of
>>character development
>he has become a full on pulp shitter since 2014 if not earlier, i suspect someone ghostwrites everything after the first half of words of radiance, which is where his quality noticably declines mid novel.
Because Way of Kings was rewritten several times over the years before he finally got a book deal. The second book to some extend too. It's the third book that was written mostly from scratch and it was there that the problems started. Time and time again it is proven speed-writing just straight up doesn't work, a great work must be polished. But Brandon is caught up in his fame and just churns out story after story.

>> No.21787472


>> No.21787982

Just read a very good fantasy lol

>> No.21788003

The books ended with a literal explosive shit let it go

>> No.21789191
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>sansa has been in the vale for 23 years

>> No.21789234

based gigabeards dabbing on fantasylets by leaving their works unfinished and streaming on twitch instead

>> No.21789263

JK Rowling published the entire Harry Potter series in a 10 year span. It's been 12 years since the last Song of Ice and Fire book released. Martin is a total hack and a fraud and anyone still invested in his series is a certified moron.

>> No.21789925

Many literary classics have fantasy elements. But I agree, fantasy as a backdrop to just make a DnD campaign and larp through it is not good

>> No.21789931

fuck... putting it that way is pretty rough

>> No.21791119

"Why haven't they finished writing their books" is just a cope for low iq idiots who are too pathetic to be grateful or patient for other people's creative work.

>> No.21791141

He should honestly abandon every other gay ass series and just take the next 40 years to make stormlight archive good, as of now it had devolved into tumblr tier fanfiction of itself

>> No.21791147 [DELETED] 
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oh my denna