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/lit/ - Literature

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21783912 No.21783912 [Reply] [Original]

>"The man who takes himself and his work too seriously is certain to attempt something for which he is not fitted, with the result that he soon loses whatever following he may have created, or if he is a beginner, he never achieves any such following."
>"In fiction the reader has a right to expect entertainment and relaxation. If obscenities entertain him he can always find fiction that will fulfill his requirements. If he wishes to be frightened or thrilled or soothed, he will find writers for his every mood, but you may rest assured that he does not wish to be instructed. He does not wish to have to think, and as fully ninety per cent of the people in the world are not equipped with anything wherewith to think intelligently, the fiction writer who wishes to be a success should leave teaching to qualified teachers and attend strictly to his business of entertaining."

>> No.21783917

It was accurate at the time. Television just stole the audience for mindless, easy-flowing fiction.

>> No.21784460

>He does not wish to have to think, and as fully ninety per cent of the people in the world are not equipped with anything wherewith to think intelligently, the fiction writer who wishes to be a success should leave teaching to qualified teachers and attend strictly to his business of entertaining.
100% correct

>> No.21784479

>Just turn your brain off bro!
How is he correct?

>> No.21784546

>if you want to make lots of money as a writer you should write shit that the general audience (retards) want to read and are capable of understanding
how is he wrong?

>> No.21784561

Why does everything have to be for a retarded audience?

>> No.21784609

Because that's the only audience. The audience that used to buy and read "intellectual" books is gone and has been gone for a long time. Society has captured too much of their time for them to be able to read so much.

>> No.21784623
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I took myself so seriously that I ended up not writing at all

>> No.21784629

Literally me

>> No.21784641

he's right
every self serious pompous faggot who thinks they're gonna write the next great novel because of how much dostoevsky they "read and analyze" will just make absolute garbage

>> No.21784694

This is such a retarded take. Do you not know the concept of target audiences? Do you genuinely believe every single arthouse movie is called arthouse because was made with mainstream audiences in mind and failed to garner their attention? Not everything is made for you to consoom with a bucket of popcorn, NPC.

>> No.21784714

>arthouse movie
Most of them are boring as fuck trying to posture as le high art. Few of the most tedious faggots that I have ever met were le cinephiles. Fuck off with that trite dogshit

>> No.21784720

you're a retard and know nothing of film. arthouse has become another demographic at this point. navel gazing utter slop that's just as bad as marvel movies get made targeted towards muh sharthouse manchildren to fawn over like a24 and the trash that premiers at cannes.
wow it's deep because they're black french lesbians woawhowhwaohawoh

>> No.21784767

I agree with this premise, however I disagree with the statement.

I have taken time away from social media and reduced the amount of "time wasting" entertainment to dive back into books (both text based and audio) and have really found my desire to learn reignited. Of course, there is a lot of personal undertaking required, and they are capturing children in the time-wasting entertainment loop at younger and younger ages, but he who seeks an intellectual mindset has more than enough resources to achieve it.

The challenge has shifted to being more about discipline than intellect, in 2023 at least.

>> No.21784773


>> No.21784784

arthouse is mainstream you fucking clown
keep coping

>> No.21784801

Sharthouse director are the most seldindulgent retards I have ever seen. They take themselves so fucking seriously, it is almost pitiful. Not even those posh old nasty boomer philosophy professors take themselves that seriously. Have fun with your snoozefests you gay midwit.

>> No.21784847

>Arthouse is bad, because I say so!
Argument not found.
>Taking yourself seriously is le bad!
No argument.
>S-snoozefests because it's not my explosionfests!
No argument still.

>> No.21784949

Here's some superior modern advice from Harlan Ellison:

"Get a day job, make your money from that, and write to please yourself. And don’t be a whore. Don’t be a whore! Everybody works for the dollar. You work for the dollar, I work for the dollar. Everybody works for the Man, whether you work for Verizon or you work for Geico or you work for Bank of America. We all work for evil masters on far glass mountaintops and they will get their teeth into your pocket one way or the other. Spend 90 percent of your day not looking into a screen and spend it on yourself, living life, making friends, actually talking to people, doing things. Ten percent of your day, give to the Man. Ninety for you, ten for the Man. Otherwise, you’re nothing but a whore."

>> No.21785118
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>Everybody works for the dollar. You work for the dollar, I work for the dollar. Everybody works for the Man, whether you work for Verizon or you work for Geico or you work for Bank of America. We all work for evil masters on far glass mountaintops and they will get their teeth into your pocket one way or the other.

>> No.21785593

Write go please yourself ?
Is that fapping...kinduv ?

>> No.21786150

Just consoom

>> No.21786891

>Television just stole the audience for mindless, easy-flowing fiction.
And radio did that before the television

>> No.21786898

Actually he’s saying the vast majority of the audience don’t have a brain to turn on so it’s a fool’s errand to try. Look at the sales for literary fiction versus genre fiction and claim otherwise you illiterate twat.

>> No.21787453

>Dude, people are stupid so don't ever try creating anything smart
How about no. I'll create what I want.

>> No.21788076

he doesn't say that you can't do it, just that it won't sell

>> No.21788203

I'm making a fucking story, not a marvel movie

>> No.21788241

this is always the midwit's cope
>it's le boring, it's le posturing as high brow
most arthouse endeavors just like with lit fiction are trashy and base by definition, you just got filtered by something asking you to think in abstractions
and so you cope trying to pull everything to your level or beneath you, gaslighting others and even public opinion to echo your stupidity verbatim, eventually hoping everything adapts to your retard level
it's so hilarious lol