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21783910 No.21783910 [Reply] [Original]

>this kill the capitalist boot licker

>> No.21783916

>anyone who doesn't lick the same boots as me is just a stupid bootlicker

>> No.21783928

True socialism is about ending bootlicking, kiddo.

>> No.21784057

Some people are born to be subservient, and some are born to dominate. Nothing wrong with that. Trying to abolish hierarchy only leads to more problems than it proposes to solve.

>> No.21784063

What a cuck behavior, jesus.

>> No.21784070

>socialism is about ending bootlicking, that's why you need to lick the boots of the People's Council of the Department of Economic Planning and Distribution

>> No.21784089

How is it cuck behavior? Hierarchy and inequality exist in nature, always have, and always will, simply because organisms are not born with the same capacities and capabilities. Everything from unicellular organisms to lions and elephants compete with each other, and establish hierarchies. Why is it so strange to suggest humans work the same way, and trying to go against natural law won’t work?

>> No.21784177

>capitalism but computer-simulated
>kills the capitalist boot licker

>> No.21784197

The book isn’t advocating authoritarianism. It’s just about taking the inequality out of money itself. It’s focus is narrow like that. Grow up.

They should not be bred by state or oligarchy to be servants. There is clearly something very wrong with that. Hope you end up on the streets soon.
>trying to abolish hierarchies leads nasty people To kill.
You love licking their boots

Not a deep thinker yourself, you wish to bring up more than what the book covers. No, an issuer of labor vouchers wouldn’t have control of how much you receive. That’s all determined by your work., the hours.

>State authoritarianism and capitalism exist in nature!
You are a loon. Shut up

>> No.21784225

Try doing a quick cursory of the subject or ask before assuming this is a VR simulator

>> No.21784229

>That’s all determined by your work., the hours.
labor theory of value is inherently infeasible

>> No.21784258

try doing a quick cursory of the first chapter of Capital

>> No.21784268

Fuck off, spic.

>> No.21784290
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>another commietranny thread

>> No.21784305

You will never own the means of production.
You will never have free healthcare.
You will never have UBI.
You will never have free housing.
You will never raise the USSR flag over Russia again.
You will never raise the Berlin Wall again.
You will never have world revolution.
You will never have world communism.
You will never be a party leader or member of a Marxist-Leninist state.
You will never obliterate religion.
You will never defeat NATO.
Bernie Sanders will never be president.
You will never pay off your student loans.
You will never have a free college.
You will never be a woman or pass as one.
Also, >>>/pol/.

>> No.21784324

I dunno about capitalism, but inequality and hierarchy have always been the parts of nature and always will be.

>> No.21784344

You have reddit or twitter to post this to, /lit/ is a right-wing board

>> No.21784350
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>"Towards" in a book's title

>> No.21784353

Paul Cockshott hates trannies and gay people which is all the right wingers here care about anyways.

>> No.21784358


>> No.21784364

Not really. I like owning stuff for example.

>> No.21784373 [DELETED] 

does he hate niggers though? that's important.

>> No.21784378

I’m not even a Marxist. You place no value in the worker, is that what you’re saying? Value is in the lily white hands of the wealthy man who controls inflation?


You show yourself to be uneducated in this particular field of study.
>but, muh queen bees! Muh alpha male wolf! Muh chimp warsss!
Myth of noble civilized man got you chasing spooks, bby.

>> No.21784387
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>complaining about shit
>on a literature board
>frog doesn’t read books

>> No.21784388

2 sides of the same coin.

>> No.21784392

How's the weather in Buenos Aires?

>> No.21784403

>y-yeah, it's fake, gommunism is heckin' natural though. NO i'm not a m-marxist btw, but I'll defend it from heckin' nazi chuds for hours to show just how much of a non-marxist I a-am

>> No.21784415

>be a phoneposter
>delude yourself into thinking that you belong to 4chan

>> No.21784454

>gay people

>> No.21784480

Are you making a wild guess I’m someone you know? Because you missed.

The thread is about a replacing debt tokens known as national currency or money, with a time earned, personalized coupon, aka labor voucher. To use this would mean the end of banks, outrageous debts, theft of wallets and eventually all other thefts. It would retain an inequality of those who work (40 to 20 hr/wk.) from those who choose not to.

I am not a Marxist because I don’t like state-socialism of either authoritarian or “democratic” (council elected or EU style) varieties. You’d be wrong to see me as a Marxist or a Marxian economist.

>> No.21784481

Bravo ESL, you really convinced me now.

>> No.21784487

>i pos fwog fwum muh latop!
>yoooo done blong!

Go back >>>/b/

>> No.21784490

Anon, I've seen you on /pol/, you're spic.

>> No.21784495

>incoherent schizo babble when confronted on his raging newfaggotry
Go back to >>>/r/eddit, scum.

>> No.21784508

Ok, I'm gonna cut you some slack, if the sistem you've proposed is so good, why no country has implemented it by now, especially communist hellholes like NK or cuba?

>> No.21784605


>> No.21784615


>> No.21784642
File: 86 KB, 491x830, AEBD349F-DFB4-433F-9B4E-B2400B540335.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nope. Not Brazilian.
Euro mix North American
Anarchist. Not been to /pol/ in my life.

Very complex reasons have betrayed the movement. Our (the people) strength is also our weakness. We need a lot of organization, but the statists conspire against us too effectively.
I’ve been promoting this book lately. Bakunin is really like the 1800s Thomas Paine. Excellent man, excellent mind. Trounces Marxian ideas of “the dictatorship of the proletariat” vanguardist bs

>> No.21784649

>Bakunin is really like the 1800s Thomas Paine. Excellent man, excellent mind. Trounces Marxian ideas of “the dictatorship of the proletariat” vanguardist bs…
And, I should have said, answers your questions in wonderful detail. I recommend.

>> No.21784675

>You place no value in the worker, is that what you’re saying? Value is in the lily white hands of the wealthy man who controls inflation?
Value is in what people are willing to pay for a good, not the labor put in to making it. There's no value in something you spent years creating if no one wants it. There's abundant value in something you spent 5 minutes on if there's great demand for it.
Simply "doing work" creates no inherent worth, I could work at counting the grains of sand on the beach for the rest of my life without creating a single bit of value.

>> No.21784688

>value IS in the lily white hands of the pirate who stole all the resources and keeps slaves
>workers are expendable. Pretty much useless and should be shot if they call out sick
Okay, we’re done here. Idiot.

>> No.21784719

>My intersectional vegan slam poetry IS valuable and you WILL pay me for it
lmao, fuck off retard
there's zero basis to argue that work has any inherent worth. I can't walk into your house, piss on your carpet, and demand you pay me for the privilege just because I put time into doing so.

>> No.21784736

communists don't call other people comrades on reddit. this is pure larp
value is in labour that must be expended to produce something people are willing to pay for

>> No.21784751

And what's good about it?

>> No.21784761

>communists don't call other people comrades on reddit.
lmao, you sweet summer child.

>> No.21784770

You’re lost.
You want help finding your way or are you just some derelict who wants to jack off in the bushes yelling nonsense over there?

>> No.21784771

Here is his Java code to implement 5 year planning described in book

I was bit interested in this book few years ago, anyway this code is quite old and shit, and i dont know from where to take this input data. This is called "output tables" and its something like how much X material was bought anually for govermnent and for how much
It has to be all resources (coal, oil, fuel, whatever) cuz its using linear programming to plan ahead on how much we have to buy stuff to not starve based on past results.
So anyone know from where we can find those real output table data?

>> No.21784782

>value is in labour that must be expended to produce something people are willing to pay for
say a machine can make that exact same product with no human input and therefore no labor.
people would still be willing to pay for it, no? where's the value coming from?
can't be labor if no labor is being expended, that leaves only the value of the raw material put in and the value generated by market forces.

>> No.21784805

>find the output data

It was revealed to me in a dream

>> No.21784816

Lol look at this retard

>> No.21784888

It’s not wrong.
Simplistic but not wrong

>> No.21784897

If the machine just magically appeared and sustained itself, then no, people would not pay for it. Same as people would not be paying for the air they breath.

>> No.21784901
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>>this kill the capitalist boot licker

>> No.21784906

> Some people are born to be subservient, and some are born to dominate
Some are just born rich.

>> No.21784911

people do pay for natural resources that exist regardless of labor.
they'll pay massive sums for diamonds, not because some random African mine worker's labor is somehow worth thousands of dollars, but because the demand for diamonds far outstrips the supply

>> No.21784926
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>> No.21784986
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>> No.21784997

how am I a naive child when you're the one who thinks that some random larping faggot on reddit is communist just because he called himself one
>where's the value coming from?
I already told you >>21784736
the value is in the labour that must be expended to produce it on average.
if someone gets magic technology and produces it without labour, then the value they appropriate comes from the workers hired by other capitals.
>people do pay for natural resources that exist regardless of labor.
they pay for the labour that must be expended in finding and collecting them. if vegetables grew on peoples asscheeks then they wouldn't pay for them

>> No.21785022
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Because you don't know shit?
>he's larping... because he just does ok??

>> No.21785028

Nietzsche has ruined millions of young men

>> No.21785034

Marx killed millions more.

>> No.21785044

Don’t rope him into this.

While the capitalists are still killing billions and set to send us to extinction.
Try Bakunin instead

>> No.21785053

>he's a communist... because he just is ok??

>> No.21785055

Yeah, crapitalists kill bajillions, anon.

>> No.21785067
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>> No.21785080
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>/leftroonpol/ thread

>> No.21785082

who are you quoting? random retarded pb manchildren are random retarded pb manchildren, not CIA plants. I said that they aren't communists, not that they don't believe they are communists

>> No.21785085
File: 34 KB, 500x211, E00FDF07-0D8E-4AA9-8FEB-0ADCB19BAAAF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How many zeros is that?

>Biden is a fascist
He sure is
>big China backer
China is fascist too. Oh Twitterites

>> No.21785097

>iphonefag is retarded

>> No.21785109

and the reason they believe they're communists is because they have a conception of what a communist is equal to that of a retarded preschooler. a conception which you unsurprisingly 100% share with them

>> No.21785130

Yes anon, everyone else are bunch of dirty fakers, you're the only true gommunist.

>> No.21785147

And only you have that conception, no one else.

>> No.21785255


I, unironically, do not support nigger and trainnes, and from the left. COPE AND SEETHE

>> No.21785263

>reading political books in your spare time when you have no actionable power
I will never understand this

>> No.21785294

>dude what if we just used computers lmao

>> No.21785340

How does capitalism kill people? What is even capitalism? I'm genuinely asking because I think socialist control is as degrading as a inhuman money-seeking society could be.

>> No.21785348

again, who are you quoting? I haven't called myself a communist. consider medication
my conception comes from the Manifesto of the Communist Party (1848)
the biggest tranny is >>21784290 because she thinks people calling themselves X = people being X

>> No.21785349

Go back to kindergarten.

>> No.21785356

There's Rousseau for you, then:
>Quelques philosophes ont même avancé qu'il y a plus de différence de tel homme à tel homme que de tel homme à telle bête

>> No.21785360

You sure love to defend commies, despite not being a gommunist yourself.

>> No.21785372

You are an anarchist, so would you let some people alone in peace? Why do you need to convince people of anything besides the very aim of dissolution of this structure that is the State and which Socialism seeks to aggravate?

>> No.21785375

>my conc-
Nobody cares, they surely don't. And they're the majority.

>> No.21785381
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>phoneposter is retarded

>> No.21785401

And? They do, the majority does

>> No.21785412

>it's better to dumb and gullible

Top tier nigger behavior there.

>> No.21785422

learn english first before frying your brain with irrelevant politics.

>> No.21785454

>muh computers

>> No.21785457


>> No.21785498

>TRUE Scotsmen don't put sugar in their porridge!

>> No.21785513
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Socialists and Capitalists equally worship capital. Read Ellul.

>> No.21785517

national socialism

>> No.21785552

You could have a wide variety of class and economic opinions in any leftist circle and be accomodated but the second you say a bad word about niggers or homosexuals, you will be removed. Therefore, leftism's primary focus is the worship of faggots and niggers and the policing of language around these groups than anything to do with economics or class.

>> No.21785565

>What a cuck behavior, jesus.
How do you not see the irony of making this statement?
You respond to someone saying power and hierarchy is inevitable by calling him someone with little power ("a cuck").
Your very insult demonstrates the truth of his claim.

>> No.21785590
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>> No.21785793


>> No.21785954


>> No.21785959

It's about what, mein nigga?

>> No.21785962
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>commies calling anyone a bootlicker

>> No.21786089
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>HAH here's another who don't know

You swear you haven't heard? You don't there's two opposing sides? You didn't know Lenin and China are right-wingers? And that "Communism" is the word for COMMUNITY. As in the COMMUNITY runs the place? you didn't know that anarcho-communism, that's opposed to Marxist-Leninism, are the ones properly identifying you as a bootlicker, right? You know this already and you're just trolling?

>> No.21786097

imagine listening to the political opinion of anyone who has images such as this saved on their hard drive

>> No.21786101

If socialism worked, their biggest supporters wouldn't be the worthless vermin who have nothing to give but want everything.

>> No.21786104

>Studying things makes you dumb

Do glowies really?

Do read the book. "Leave people in peace". Like in this? This whole world is in a bitter struggle right now. There will never be peace till the grub-like citizens of nations rise up become real humans and take control of their own lives and world. The vast majority want this peace and we could have it.

>> No.21786112
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>glowies fear anarchists

>> No.21786114

It's so painfully embarrassing watching you retards get tricked into giving the guys you supposedly hate even more power while acting smug about it. Just disgusting to watch really.

>> No.21786115

you just posted this >>21785962

>> No.21786118

Glowie fears knowledge reach people. You know it.

>> No.21786120

cope and take your meds xis

>> No.21786127

yes nigger that's why they steer gullible drug addicts towards unproductive navel gazing ideologies like anarchism whilst vilifying fascism and actual collectivist movements

>> No.21786149

>navel gazing ideologies like
Jordan Peterson, Gunan, Evola, Hitler, etc.

They steer lefties towards Bernie, AOC, DSA, BLM, Bob Black, Vaush and Contra-whatevers, etc.

Anarchism is used during riots. Cops love to mask up and pretend to be one so they can burn buildings down and play general agent provocateurs. Nothing navel gazing about it, you clueless dolt
>muh poor fascist collective!
Biden is fascsit

>> No.21786299
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LMAO! You made a whole thread for this book nobody read because on the mises thread nobody is swallowing your bullshit.

>> No.21786394

Oh my, so if north korea had access to java they would be bussin?

>> No.21786413

Hey, show me the memes rousseau was talking about!

>> No.21786463

>The book isn’t advocating authoritarianism. It’s just about taking the inequality out of money itself. It’s focus is narrow like that. Grow up.
I haven't read the book and I'm not going to as I have already read both volumes of Das Kaptal. That said you must be smart enough to realize that leveling out things like wealth inequality requires significant government intervention and the more you try to level it out the more significant the intervention must be. I fail to see how you could practically institute a socialistic society without the use of a central government to moderate your desired outcomes.

>That’s all determined by your work., the hours.
Something I learned about Marx's rendition on the LTV in Das Kapital, while it does okay for exchanging simple goods like a lump of coal for a load of bread, it sucks at dealing with complex goods that require massive capital costs and extraordinary skill levels to develop. There's a reason why high quality advanced computer chips were invented and made produced in the United States rather than the USSR which is the best example of a communist/socialist country as far as technological advancement goes. Smith and Ricardo's LTV was far more coherent, Marx in comparison comes off as a babbling buffoon.

>> No.21786520

Changing the type of footwear you're licking does technically mean you're not boot licking. Bravo socialists, wish I had thought of it myself

>> No.21786721

And yet, you lick boots. Care to explain?

>> No.21786758

Read >>21784642

>> No.21787395

>A Nigerian woman of African lineage is a Scotsman as long as she says so!
you've read two volumes of capital but you still think that the LTV is a law regulating socialist and not capitalist economy? you should just have a lobotomy, at this point your brain will be more useful as animal feed

>> No.21787424
File: 108 KB, 720x480, North korean women swimming sea.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wow look at them they are soooo miserable, clearly starving! Not like this one time when "american help" bombed their country until every building was in ruin

>> No.21787438

>look at this staged propaganda photo of the elite ruling class, clearly they're all happy!

>> No.21787441

Imagine unironically shilling nk.

>> No.21787448

>The vast majority want this peace

>> No.21787523

Is Kim Jung paying you to shill or do you do this for free?
Go to Google Earth at night and go to North Korea.
Now explain to me how North Korea is so apparenrly advanced, and yet has so little electricity compared to South Korea?

>> No.21787593


>> No.21787642

First, none claims NK to be on par with the US when it comes to technology, but it could be it not for the isolation imposed against NK, the embargo, the massive propaganda against them. Second, why leave lights on at night? This is ridiculous.

>> No.21787653

>why leave lights on at night? This is ridiculous.
oh, you're just actually retarded

>> No.21787693

No boot-licking

>> No.21787701

>can’t reply
>calls others retarded

>> No.21787713

>threaten to nuke US and its allies
>"wtf why does no one want to deal with us?"
Cope harder, shill.
>Second, why leave lights on at night? This is ridiculous
If you want to live like a bug, sure.

>> No.21787720

>illiterate moron
Why should anyone waste their time with you?

>> No.21787727

I disregard anyone who uses the term bootlicker unironically

>> No.21787750

I thought this guy was trolling with NK lol

>> No.21787755

I shouldn't have to explain to you why developed countries might have streetlights on at night

>> No.21787765

if it were truly developed, they wouldn't need to have them on. i know what you mean

>> No.21787768

>shilling for north Korea

Imagine fallen so low.

>> No.21787786

Yes anon, north korea is decades ahead of capitalist pigs with their technology. All hail Kim!

>> No.21787790


>> No.21787796

Absolute nigger teir bait try harder next time faggot

>> No.21787799

north korea is capitalist

>> No.21787803

You're not fooling anyone here.

>> No.21787808

you're already fools if you think north korea doesn't have generalized commodity production

>> No.21787810

>you're already fools
Says the NK shill.

>> No.21787816

NK’s reaction is not unmotivated.

There are countless of studies proving that any light turned on, be it the most minimal possible, can hamper a healthy and proper sleep.

Yes it is?

>> No.21787818


>> No.21787819

I'm not NK shill. fuck all capitalist states, NK included

>> No.21787824

>invade south korea
>americans push your shit in
>threaten them with nukes
>also isolate yourself from the entire world
>manipulate your people into believing nonsensical stuff
Yeah, no. NK won't survive without China's aid.

>> No.21787825

Taiwan won't survive without US aid

>> No.21787827

How about no? How about some cold hard truth? Like, you will never own the means of production.

>> No.21787831

The difference being that Taiwan is not some third world shithole.

>> No.21787843

are you being ironic or do you really believe you're owning people with these kinds of posts
yeah, because of Western capital

>> No.21787847

Imperialist scum created this divide between koreans.
>isolate yourself from the entire world
Lmao what??? What is an economic embargo and the, now truly, nonsensical propaganda against NK?

Neither is NK third world and much less a “sh it hole”

>> No.21787851

Uh, yes it can, unless china invades it. NK would just implode on itself. They'll probably nuke as many countries as they can before going out though.

>> No.21787858

>Uh, yes it can, unless china invades it
no, it only needs to blockade it so that the West no longer can prop it up with trade. because without the West propping it up, it would implode on itself.

>> No.21787864

>NK is not third world
Lmao. How long will you tell obvious lies, anon?
>imprealist scum
Uh, NK was the first one who invaded, they lost.
>nonsensial propaganda
It is true.
It's just cold, hard truth, comrade.

>> No.21787870

>It's just cold, hard truth, comrade.
it's not truth, it's your wishful thinking presented as truth with no justification

>> No.21787871

>USA invade countries
>USA is imperialist scum
>Soviet do the same
>T-they are saving the country!

Commie are hypocrite

>> No.21787879

2 more weeks, comrade.

>> No.21787886

Yes. NK is a shithole and I don't know why would someone so vehemently defend it. Like, you're not even trying.
So basically invading, moron.

>> No.21787893

Yeah because the US and capitalism has a long history of oppression and murder.

>> No.21787897

And also because Taiwan is just a superior country overrall. And southern gooks are miles better than the northern ones too. You wouldn't live in any of those countries.

>> No.21787903

When does the proletariat waking up again? Would proles even listen to bunch of dysgenic freaks?

>> No.21787917

Communist only existed for about 100 years now and it killed 100 million people. Also, russia is a bigger imperialist. Like, trying to force caucasus to become a part of ussr or war against poland, and finland too.

>> No.21787929

I'm sure kim is doing it because kim loves his own people and not because north korea is dirt poor.

>> No.21787930

They killed accidentally, unlike capitalists who kill intentionally.

>> No.21787937

LMAO, you're so pathetic. Why do dysgenic commietrannies love lying so much?

>> No.21787940

is that what you tell your dad every time he asks when will you finally get a job?
no, Taiwan wouldn't survive if it weren't for economic flows with the West
>NK is a shithole and I don't know why would someone so vehemently defend it
I never defended it. NK is a capitalist shithole and it will thankfully collapse with all the rest of them
>So basically invading
no, just somehow cutting them off from the West without invading, like in the hypothetical scenario when China stops beneficial interactions with NK. it doesn't have to be blockade, it can be the US doing a 180 and bullying all its satellites into cutting economic ties with Taiwan. I only chose a blockade as an example because that's more realistic
>And also because Taiwan is just a superior country overrall
it can be as superior as it wants, but the fact remains it would collapse without the US and its puppets propping it up through keeping their markets open markets to it and by investing there
>When does the proletariat waking up again?
are you the guy who called me an esl?
>Would proles even listen to bunch of dysgenic freaks?
no, that's why you would never be accepted into a communist party

>> No.21787945

I mean, there is absolutely no necessity to kill people in Socialism/Communism, quite the opposite, it values every life because it values community, on the contrary capitalism NEEDS murder, it needs death to survive.

>> No.21787947

>no u
stop it, doreen. r/antiwork is done.

>> No.21787952
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>> No.21787959

Capitalism will never collapse.

>> No.21787961


>> No.21787964

>capitalism NEEDS murder, it needs death to survive
Lmao no. Try harder with your bait.

>> No.21787966
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>How does Capitalism kill people
There's the obvious killings. The CIA and US military has been funding coups, death squads, invasions, and assassinations against democratically elected leaders who do things like try to nationalize their countries natural resources which would take them out of the control of western corporations. These anti-democratic actions always involve a lot of directly murdering innocent civilians because they have to fortify their unpopular rule. Additionally, the countries this creates are almost always corrupt or overthrown by a bigger local strongman which both throw the country into poverty and anarchy. Additionally, because they're denied economic actions which would support their people and grow their local economies they are left with many people dying from starvation and preventable medical care. Corporations make huge profits from third world countries but keep the people in a state of near slavery because they completely control the governments. The western world is flush with cash while 25,000 people did from famine each day.
Of course, in the past Capitalist western governments around the time of the Victorian era colonized the 3rd world and directly created famines that killed millions of people in what would be today considered genocide, all while, again, making huge amounts of profit. I really could go on and on.

>> No.21787968

>quite the opposite, it values every life
History shows the exact opposite
>capitalism NEEDS murder
Not really. Stop huffing on copium so much. It needs workers as much as communism does. And guess what workers prefer?

>> No.21787971

two world wars and counting

>> No.21787975

LSC, sister. It's coming down any day now!!

>> No.21787985

There is no succesful (broadly defined) system that didn't end up killing many people.
Slave society, feudalism, capitalism, socialism and fascism all did. Both sides need to move on from >muh victims and find something else.

>> No.21787986
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Commietrannies just love projection lol.

>> No.21787989
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Communism killed less than the western world did during their industrial revolution. And they did it without genociding and enslaving other peoples. The deaths under Communism happened because of war and rapid industrialization which later lifted many more millions out of poverty and hunger. Meanwhile, famines caused by Capitalist countries lead to enslavement, genocide, and perpetual poverty.

>> No.21788001

This really shows you how eerie trasitioning is. He looks like a bloke with a cringe shirt on the left, but he actually disgusts me on the right.

>> No.21788012

>poverty and hunger
Let's just forget about china who's enslaving their populace to make me tons of funko pops for minimal pay and security.

>> No.21788015

>how does capitalism kills?
>you see, the CIA and US military…
Lmao holy shit. I’ll be patient and ask you your definition of capitalism, otherwise there’s no point in replying.

>> No.21788021

>The CIA
stopped reading there. /leftypol/trannies are no different than /pol/cels with their boogeymen.

>> No.21788032

The picture below in the cover is Holodomor? The kllings of Cossacks were not a kind of genocide? The results of Lysenkoism is not genocide or as lunatically conspirational as say what Nazis did to Jews?

>> No.21788033
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Lefties can't project, because the reality is not on their side.
Yeah this one. Antiwork was one of the biggest leftoid movements on the west and it was being operated by a tranny lmao.

>> No.21788041
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>How does Communism kill people
There's the obvious killings. The CCP and Chinese military has been funding coups, death squads, invasions, and assassinations against democratically elected domestic leaders who do things like try to promote alternative political ideologies which would take the people out of the control of CCP. These anti-democratic actions always involve a lot of directly murdering innocent civilians because they have to fortify their unpopular rule. Additionally, the countries this creates are almost always corrupt and descend into poverty and anarchy. Additionally, because they're denied economic freedom which would support their people and grow their local economies they are left with many people dying from starvation and preventable medical care. The Communist Party makes huge profits from their own country but keep the people in a state of near slavery because they completely control the government. The CCP is flush with cash while 25,000 people die from famine each day.
Of course, in the past Communist governments around the time of the Cultural Revolution era directly created famines that killed millions of people in what would be today considered genocide, all while, again, making huge amounts of profit. I really could go on and on.

>> No.21788056

>The kllings of Cossacks were not a kind of genocide? The results of Lysenkoism is not genocide or as lunatically conspirational as say what Nazis did to Jews?
Marxoids, deep down, actually DO believe this because everything was done "for the greater good". They'll deny it or downplay it, but in their heart they unironically see it as justified because "stalin was just a heckin' smol bean trying to achieve an equal society for everyone". That's it. The endstate of the "classless society" is so profoundly (dare I say, religiously) important to achieve that there is no human price they are not willing to pay. To them, every life destroyed, every culture smashed, every starved child, is a regrettable but nonetheless necessary step on the road to utopia.

Men who hate others may be dangerous, but it's the men who claim to be working "for the benefit of all" you really need to be afraid of.

>> No.21788093

China had the greatest reduction in poverty the modern world has ever seen. If you take china out of the world's poverty statistic then poverty basically had not changed since WW2.

>Lmao holy shit. I’ll be patient and ask you your definition of capitalism, otherwise there’s no point in replying.
Capitalism is a system where the economy's industry is owned by private individuals.

The CIA bombed civilians in Indonesia. It's a matter of public record.

>The picture below in the cover is Holodomor?
It's one of the Indian Famines.

>The kllings of Cossacks were not a kind of genocide?
Massive exaggeration and also of a very different character to Western genocides.

>The results of Lysenkoism is not genocide or as lunatically conspirational as say what Nazis did to Jews?
Lysenko was deposed when his science was revealed to be faulty.

>> No.21788102

>>The kllings of Cossacks were not a kind of genocide?
>Massive exaggeration and also of a very different character to Western genocides.
See what I mean? he literally does both the denial and downplaying. "very different character" means "we killed them because we're just so NICE but they were blocking progress" & "It was necessary to secure socialism". These guys are so easy to predict once you've interacted with enough of them.

>> No.21788111

It's still a shithole. 100s of millions of poor chinese workers getting buckbroken in massive sweatshops to create bunch of cheap garbage.

>> No.21788115

And you can justify any amount of murder, death, and destruction in the name of Capitalism because you see Communism as a "greater evil."

>> No.21788117

And the jews are controlling the world.

>> No.21788127

Considering the fact that every single country that became socialist/communist turned into a shithole, it is.

>> No.21788129

Can you tell me what company, among the major ones, fits this definition? Because I don’t think companies owned, solely, by private individuals can compete against Microsoft, Amazon, Apple…

>> No.21788132

Explain the 1954 Guatemalan coup d'état. How about the 1953 Iranian coup d'état? What were the altruistic motivations behind these things?

>> No.21788137 [DELETED] 
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>/leftypol/trannies are disingenious
Wow who would've thought?

>> No.21788149

they all look like junkies

>> No.21788151

There you go. You did the exact same thing you accuse communists of doing. Murdering innocent civilians is totally fine as long as it helps the Capitalist order.

Those are all privately owned companies. I think you're confused.

Like I said, it lifted 100 million people out of poverty. No western country has ever done anything close to this.

>> No.21788158

>Lysenko was deposed when his science was revealed to be faulty
Stalin supported Lysenko and the execution of scientists contrary to the theory until his death. It was only because Stalin had died that they could discontinue it.

>> No.21788161

Yeah because no western country has as much population as china has.

>> No.21788165

>Those are all privately owned companies
>anon still doesn't know the mega corps are fronts for the government

>> No.21788172

More like removing socialist parasites that would make those countries worse. Pol pot is the perfect example. Mao is not any better, I would even say that he was far worse.

>> No.21788173

The government is a front for megacorporations

>> No.21788189
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Mao was a moron.

>> No.21788191

They're a completely interchangeable clique. Your ideology was pushed by financial interests to destabilize countries and take over because it doesn't work in reality. Even the ancients knew.

>> No.21788192

the capitalist are seething with no end.

>> No.21788197

Pol Pot came into existence because the US carpet bombed Cambodia to the stone age. It completely destabilized the country and turned people from supporting the moderate left government to crazed mountain rebels. Historians agree that without US intervention there would have been no Khmer Rouge.

>> No.21788199

The vast majority of humanity do not want wars between nations. That's why nations create massive propaganda campaigns to demonize the opposing nations. "chinamen are subhuman bugs" "Putin's a killer and all slavs are stupid subhumans" on and on and on. You've heard it. That's "MSM" taking orders right from the Pentagon, that is NSA agents staring up racial and cultural animosities.

Go out into the real world, people just want to get along. Isn't it obvious?

>> No.21788201
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>the capitalist are seething with no end.

>> No.21788202
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Living in a society is subordination
Simply having values reinforces hierarchy
Power is not corrosive
You deserve to be subordinated

>> No.21788210
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>> No.21788215

China and NK does the exact same though.

>> No.21788219

Nah, racial tensions are caused by the new anti-discrimination social movements propped up by the left but they try to shift their culpability on to those darn chicago boys and their chilean helicopter pilot.
NSA agents went to universities, just like anyone with any power today. These people genuinely believe they are fighting for good.

>> No.21788225

The only one who is coping is the guy who thinks that the state will magically disappear and everyone will just do exactly what he wants them to do.

>> No.21788231

US believed that Viet Cong had some bases on Cambodia, which was the reason why they did it. It wasn't for no reason.

>> No.21788233

What private company can practice the same lobbying as those companies? Earn subsidies from government?

>> No.21788239
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This is 100% false
And I don't even care about China
It's wage slavery, but they reduced their poverty with the money they made. You're so gullible

Put human beings in charge of their own lives they do indeed live in far more peace.
So again I tell you, anarcho-communism is the practice of direct democracy, self governance that will result in world peace and mutual prosperity. This is not a pipe dream, it's just hard turning ill formed people like Anonymous and "normie" NPCs into upright him beings. Read >>21784642

>> No.21788247

The USSR had a stable economy after the 1950's and only dissolved because of political disputes.
Cuba still exists despite being barred from international trade for generations. This "failure" is a self-fulfilling prophecy. The US has and will destroy any working Socialist government.

>Your ideology was pushed by financial interests to destabilize countries
Let's look at Indonesia. The revolutionary communists fought off Japanese occupation while the western governments fought to reinstate their colonial rule. Weird how they didn't support the revolutionary government?

>> No.21788254
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There's nothing you just typed that applies to what I said.

People, by and large, want to get along and do not want to fight in wars. Only foolish boys and damaged sociopaths desire to kill, and they're conditioned by states to be that way.
Hell, racists want peace through segregation. Think more.

>> No.21788255

>this is 100% false
Nobody's denying their "achievements", just saying that the majority of the population are working 70 hours a day in some shitty, extremely unsafe factory to make all sorts of garbage.

>> No.21788261

>people just want to get along. Isn't it obvious?
No? Teaching about "systemic racism" is practically a dogma in universities even though it doesn't exist in the US. People think their political opponents are retarded not because of some minor economic views but because of the ocean wide differences in cultural values and they can't stand when the other gets what it wants. Some people want to kill everyone who is upper middle class and up. Everyone is ideological, and ideological groups all have two goals in common: self preservation and expansion of power. The course of life bends towards creatures ever more trying to dominate a particular niche or their own life.
People can get along under rulership.

>> No.21788265

>him beings
*HUMAN beings

>> No.21788268

AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA holy shit anon please tell me you're joking

>> No.21788274

It is a pipe dream. It's a vague idea of magical machine which is ill defined and runs on its own. Your problem with life in general is that men will not do what you want them to do.

>> No.21788275

>What private company can practice the same lobbying as those companies? Earn subsidies from government?
Every single privately owned company can do lobbying and most receive subsidies in one form of another. Hell, no company could exist without our subsided shipping and trade industry.

Which, of course, justifies the carpet bombings and civilian casualties. This was all done without the consent of the legal government and without a declaration of war. Also, let's keep in mind we went to Vietnam to support the French's colonial rule over Vietnam.

>> No.21788279
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>anarcho-communism is the practice of direct democracy, self governance that will result in world peace and mutual prosperity. This is not a pipe dream

>> No.21788283

I swear to god we have so many pseuds on this board.

>> No.21788287

>People, by and large, want to get along and do not want to fight in wars.
Sure they do. Hell, marxism is all about being constantly aware that you are fighting a class war and the goal is to kill the burgies.
Ukraine would indeed spare a bunch of lives if they just let Putin take them, he's not going to commit genocide lol. And likewise, the world may well be a better place if everyone submits to Islam. People still want to resist though.

>> No.21788288

>Which, of course, justifies the carpet bombings and civilian casualties.
Technically, yes, it does.

>> No.21788291
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and you heard this straight from Lindsey Graham, the most honest person in the world.

>Teaching about "systemic racism"
>This somehow means people don't want peace
You aren't a thinking person
>People can get along under rulership.
Rulership is prison.
Anon, you are a very feeble minded grub who is wasting your potential humanity. Systematic Stockholm syndrome from birth does that to a lot of people.

Read the goddamn book

>> No.21788292

>I swear to god we have so many pseuds on this board.

>> No.21788297

>another 14 year olds take
Marxism is statism

>> No.21788298

>retard forgot the picture
No (You) for (You).

>> No.21788305

Like this post justifies you getting shot in a drive-by

>> No.21788309

Not the same thing. Right now, ukraine can just run over belarus since they let russian troups through their soil.

>> No.21788317

People love struggle. They love to fight. If there are no problems, we'll invent one. Whatever that is. It's just a part of our nature.

>> No.21788319

>You aren't a thinking person
Systemic racism does not exist in the us. Progs just require it yo push a narrative and get people to vote for them.
>Rulership is prison.
I disagree
>Anon, you are a very feeble minded grub who is wasting your potential humanity
No, we just disagree. Difference being that it drives you insane that I do not buy into your ideology whereas I could'nt give less of a shit what silly ideas you have in your head. I think the laymen call that being "authoritarian"
Also, Aristotle said that a man's fullest potential can only be achieved in a state. I agree with him.
>Stockholm syndrome from birth does that to a lot of people.
Yes, yes, you are very smart

>> No.21788328

I'm sorry, I forgot you were a bakuninite. Just switch the words and you'll be fine.

>> No.21788329

And Russia can just take the US because Ukraine is decimated and half their troops are form around the world including the US.

No, you need a drive-by

>> No.21788335

Lmao vatnigger cope. Russia is a paper tiger.

>> No.21788340

>read anarchkiddie books
No thanks

>> No.21788344
File: 259 KB, 680x388, DCE3CFD9-784A-4A3B-B83B-0D57A9A0CB71.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>lol you can’t kill super nazis

>> No.21788350

My business has never earned a single cent from the government and easily 60-70% of my expense is on taxes.

>> No.21788352

>wo! Leanrin’ stuff? No way Jose!

>> No.21788354

>vatnigger is a phoneposter
Russhits are losing, and that's a good thing

>> No.21788361

Nobody needs to learn about retarded ideologies. We are good.

>> No.21788362

It's not suspicious in the slightest to you that bankers love socialism?

>> No.21788373
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Damn you dumb. The very fact you get it wrong every fucking time, just shows you DO need to learn about it.
But, not you. You're too chicken shit scared.
And you never read books. Get the fuck off /lit/

>> No.21788375

Anarchism and socialism will remain incoberent until it drops the idealist universalism. Inferior unintelligent peoples are incapable of being socialist. This may not be strictly along racial lines, but races are certainly unequal in the amount of these inferior individuals contained within. Worldwide anarchism will only exist with anarchist-capable people. Total Statist Death

>> No.21788385

You don't know what you're talking about, little racist boy, even if you are scratching the surface of things already written about.

>> No.21788387

Me dumb¿ me dumb sonovabitch¿¿¿ your retarded ideology will never work, so there's no point in learning it. keep crying

>> No.21788391

Bankers love anything that can turn a profit I see Capitalist governments giving huge amounts of money to Fascists, Monarchs, theocrats but not many Communists since WW2.

>> No.21788398

bro antifa, blm??

>> No.21788400

I'm not a racist. Learn to read.

>> No.21788404

You should be. Racism is healthy.

>> No.21788406

You're wrong. And again, communism is a weapon to destroy countries and consolidate power. It's very potent especially when you want to plunder their natural resources.

>> No.21788408

Like I said, most. I'm sure you get some amount of tax breaks as well. Depends largely on your industry and size.

>> No.21788425

Those are both liberal organizations to create division within Capitalist governments. Bankers do not fund revolutionary Communists.

You're talking out your ass. When Iran nationalized it's oil production did the Capitalist governments use Communism to destabilize it? What did they use? Show me where a western government used Communism to plunder natural resources.

>> No.21788430

>your retarded ideology, which I know nothing about
Screams a little retarded boy from his behind the bars of his cell. "No point". It is useless to resist!

Ah, yes. Not along racial lines. But somehow you're blind to why some people are so stupid and "incapable". Maybe you do have potential to see it someday.

>> No.21788437

Antifa is revolutionaries. BLM is revolutionary.
Resist what? Change? Lmao good luck with that, 2 more weeks, comrade.

>> No.21788441

>Communism to plunder natural resources
South Africa
the US

>> No.21788444

>Individuals involved in the movement subscribe to a range of left-wing ideologies, and tend to hold anti-authoritarian, anti-capitalist, and anti-state views. A majority of individuals involved are anarchists, communists, and socialists who describe themselves as revolutionaries, and have little allegiance to liberal democracy,[8] although some social democrats also participate in the antifa movement.[6][9][10] The name antifa and the logo with two flags representing anarchism and communism are derived from the German antifa movement.[11] Dartmouth College historian Mark Bray, author of Antifa: The Anti-Fascist Handbook, credits Anti-Racist Action (ARA) as the precursor of modern antifa groups in the United States.[12][13]
When will commietrannies stop lying?

>> No.21788453
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>a-any day now!!!

>> No.21788456

>But spmehow you're blind to why some people are so stupid and "incapable"
>inb4 "it's environment" cope
I can smell your sub-2σness from a mile away.

>> No.21788459

He's just brown. Cut him some slack.

>> No.21788463

antifa is a tactic. masked cops vandalizing buildings to turn protests into riots aren't antifa.

BLM used to be a political action committee, but they're a government controlled group and have been since before the 2020 cop riots

No no, that last line is you/him from his barred window telling the people to let the boots stomp on them, don't resist it. Hey, just because you like being stepped on, don't expect real humans to like it.

>> No.21788474
File: 771 KB, 2116x1060, NINTCHDBPICT000613306505.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>masked cops
Lmao, read >>21788444
>a whole lot of cope
>real humans
Are you even listening to yourself?

>> No.21788486

You will never own the means of production.

>> No.21788537

>I swear it! I will defend Elon and Jeff Bezos to the death!

>> No.21788568

Isn't it amazing! There is a guy in my country, i don't know if he's paid by north korea or what but he even dresses like their leaders in the islly military like clothes and shilling is his living.

>> No.21788574

fascists are funny like that

>> No.21788583

Is there anything actionable in there? Does it offer a way of life that can actually be implemented in todays world or is just "Wouldn't it be cool if humanity unanimously decided to..."?

>> No.21788590

>trust the plan

>> No.21788599

Anons, never forget this >>21785221
>Capitalist countries
Yes, the economic system can be abused, but it doesn't depend on abusing people, unless you want to play more freestyle semantics and define capitalism together with oppression.
But communism cannot even begin to fail, let alone work, without oppression.
>b-but the dictatorship of the proletariat will be good
suuure, wasn't it bakunim that said that the people are no much happier if the stick used to beat them is called the people's s stick?

>> No.21788603

Leftism is all about theory.

>> No.21788606

None of them are involved with revolutionary activity. They exist to moderate liberal democracy. They only oppose people who oppose liberal democracy. The individual beliefs of those involved makes no difference. Their actions are not revolutionary.

Neither of them do any revolutionary action. The private funding makes sure that is the case and remains the case.

>the US is a Communist state
Ok bud live in your fantasy land

>> No.21788636

>they do nothing revolutionistic
Guess no communist is true communist nowadays.

>> No.21788639


>> No.21788649

>Yes, the economic system can be abused, but it doesn't depend on abusing people, unless you want to play more freestyle semantics and define capitalism together with oppression.
Capitalism started with the enclosure movement which stole land from peasants and created homeless poor for factory jobs creating the Dickensian poverty of that era. They also got off the ground by invading, colonizing, and stealing that natural resources and labor of non-western places. Historically, Capitalism used these things to get off the ground and continues these colonial practices.

>But communism cannot even begin to fail, let alone work, without oppression.
Who did Mohammad Mosaddegh oppress.

>> No.21788659

No, but it's used to weaken it to turn it into a technocratic neo-surfdom. Your thinking is too rigid, too focused on technical definitions to see what's happening. War, which is what this is, is all about adaptation.

>> No.21788663

No western Communist no. There are actual revolutionaries that get killed by colonial western states regularly.

>> No.21788813


>> No.21788940

>I mean, there is absolutely no necessity to kill people in Socialism/Communism, quite the opposite, it values every life because it values community, on the contrary capitalism NEEDS murder, it needs death to survive.
You must be joking, that's it I give up, I am getting trolled or this person/people are so incredulously bad faith there is nothing to gain by engaging past this post, there is no way anyone can actually be this delusional. Clearly there is a need to kill people under the systems like the Soviet Union and Communist China considering the genocides they engaged in by numbers making the European-American treatment of Native Americans look like a nursery, I'm not even defending that, people should be held accountable for crimes and they often are in this day in western societies. I can concede the capitalist/democratic countries have killed people that have acted out against the interests of the people and corporations before that's completely true, but some of the most disturbing and notable abuses of power and genocides have occured almost exclusively under Communism and Fascism autocracies in the twentieth century.

>> No.21789124

So what? What the fuck are you talking about?
This is the same level of autism i encountered among fedorasXcreationists in 2004 internet.

>> No.21789146
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I don't care about the ism, i care that you understand that you do not speak for me, your preferred elected retard does not speak for me and get off my property.
>b-but marx says that property is theft
Aham, i say get off my property or i'll shoot you and then my neighbors are gonna cheer.

>> No.21789159

Is that a graph of the economic collapse caused by lockdows and money printing?

>> No.21789186
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Another angle to the picture

>> No.21789190

It'll never work. Humanity will collapse and go back to the stone age and then just form the same societies that it did before. Give up.

>> No.21789524


>> No.21789715

I can literally write a book titled towards a new capitalism like KEKSHOTT

>> No.21789725

Black Panthers are scumbags.

Overrated too aloneside with malcom x and mlk

>> No.21789756

This is false.

Taiwan literally became a powerhouse because of KMT AND CHIANG KAI SHEK.

plus martial law was based.

>> No.21789763

Lol. Some of these cia coups helped you such as the one columbia.

that president in his youth was a devoted falangist of spain.

or the one in venzeula and so on

>> No.21789791

Mohammad Mosaddegh was a literal landowner

>> No.21789852
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>> No.21789960

cool story from your fantasy world bruv. now back to reality:
>In the 1950s, Taiwan was dependent on American aid, which allowed its government to maintain a large military without overburdening the economy.
>With American help, the government implemented a land reform program.
>The $1.4 billion in US foreign economic aid to the Chinese Nationalist led ROC government in Taiwan during this 15-year period was a seemingly disproportionate amount compared to its small size and type of authoritarian regime compared to other aid recipients. This project appraises the extent that Washington used the US cold war containment strategy’s foreign economic aid concepts to justify economic aid to Taiwan.
>The beginnings of the Taiwanese electronics industry go back to the 1960s, when foreign companies, mostly American and Japanese, came to set up on the island.... At that time, many of them chose to establish joint ventures that included technology transfer to their local partners.
>The second weakness in the Taiwanese economy lies in the fact that, despite the government’s efforts to promote R&D, Taiwan has remained in most cases dependent on American, Japanese, and even Korean companies for key technology.
>Taiwan is doubly dependent on the American and Japanese markets: directly in the case of Taiwanese finished products exported to these two markets, but above all indirectly in the case of semi-finished Taiwanese products exported to China and Hong Kong, which after assembly are re-exported to the US and Japan.
>Beginning in 1967, the U.S. became Taiwan's largest foreign market, overshadowing Japan ever since. As of 1975, America absorbed 34% of Taiwan's exports, while Japan took only 13%.
>the greatest gain in share of imports was registered by the capital goods category. It gained almost a third, rising from 22% to 32% of the total value of imports. The major import sources of these capital goods are Japan and the United States.

>> No.21790111

Cope harder.

President Jiang Gong's thoughts and speeches

Chiang Kai-shek before the Republic of China 15 years ago

Selected Works of Ms. Jiang and Ms. Song Meiling's Remarks

Five Notes of President Jiang Zhongzheng

all those links is on a google search site. after clicking it, click the first link on the google search site and use google translate. it's a site that shows all of chiang's and chiang's wife works and notes.

>> No.21790143


>> No.21790150

They were great. There aren't any now

>Doesn't deny ass licking Musk and Bezos
Damn. Nazis are fags

>> No.21790175

>a-any day now, vatsisters

>> No.21790178

cockshott does not understand marx's theory of value and thinks the law of value is transhistorical he is very dumb and the only people who read him are reddit brained millenials who are convinced marx is just a riccardian with different aesthetics

>> No.21790191


>> No.21790321

No, you don't get it.
The fighting continues till the MIC decides it's had enough, nuclear winter, or everyone in Ukraine dies and no new troops try to continue. Russia is doing just fine.

Now, the US and world economy is another matter. 2 weeks? Unknown, but a crash of significant proportions is coming