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File: 373 KB, 1200x654, what-is-the-book-of-mormon-image-1435315912.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
21783479 No.21783479 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.21783484

>okay so I found a bunch of gold plates buried in my back yard and they're actually part of the bible and tell the story of Jesus visiting America, you can't see them though lol
>why? because uh... because an angel took them, okay?

>> No.21783497
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>> No.21783572

and how is this different from moses and the burning bush and the 10 commandments on stone tablets?
lol would you rather believe in stone tablets or gold ones? pick a side nigga

>> No.21783587

Why not neither?

>> No.21783600

absolut heathen

>> No.21783611

Prove it

>> No.21783612



>> No.21783616

The magic words you’re looking for are:
Mountain Meadows Massacre

>> No.21783619

u mad?

>> No.21783701
File: 806 KB, 1001x823, 1662541909969725.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mormon civilization will continue to flourish long after the flame of America goes dark.

>> No.21783750

Bullshit. Mormonism is on the decline among young people, who see it as bigoted and homophobic. Once the boomers and gen Xers die it'll be a shell of itself.
t. knower

>> No.21783758

Why are Mormons so evil, bros?

>> No.21783789
File: 221 KB, 700x633, 1669561744672298.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You mistake the cosmology (it was always a heresy) for the community. In a demographic race to the bottom, the winner need only come in last.
t. Jell-O enjoyer

>> No.21783793
File: 358 KB, 800x1270, execute order 44.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lilburn Boggs did nothing wrong he did everything correct

>> No.21783810

>and how is this different from moses and the burning bush and the 10 commandments on stone tablets?
millions of people were at mount sinai anon

>> No.21783813

to his defense, there is nothing in the Bible that prohibits it

So the mormons are right about that one

>> No.21784211

do muslims respect mormons?

>> No.21784300

A lot of the slaves that the English planters brought to America were Scots and Irish who would often run away or decide to go native if given the choice. Tecumseh and a lot of other Indians looked white. Later they switched mostly to African slaves of course.

>> No.21784331

Bigots and Homophobes are a growing demographic

>> No.21784434

>who see it as bigoted and homophobic
it's really easy to make zoomers bigoted and faggot haters though, just ask
>yion fr fr no cap, why isn't being big'ed and 'phobic bussin'? what if it were strait fire and mids were low key holdin us from peak drip?

>> No.21784451


>> No.21784539

Are you stupid? He carried the tablets with him all the way down the mount.
Fucking idiot

>> No.21784647

are you stupid? nobody magically appears tablets, they were stashed there

>> No.21784905

>nobody magically appears tablets, they were stashed there
there is a giant stone with the entire Torah somewhere too

>> No.21785093

Ask yourself why the entirety of the Jew cucked nation hates Mormons and then decide which side you’re on.

>> No.21785098

They have resource to survive for over 2 decades if the world collapsed.

>> No.21785712

Howcome Mitt Romney is so normal looking compared to mormonism? I'm not talkin Romney 2012, but current day Romney who doesn't have orange face paint when talkin to a crowd full of mexicans

>> No.21785726

All Mormons look like that. You have a skewed vision of what normal Mormons are like.

>> No.21786924

Another thread of this.

>> No.21787146

Solutrean kino never ends.

>> No.21787154

Mormons have a giga temple in Washington DC. A lot of the test pilots for secret aircraft are Mormon

>> No.21787182

Doesn't matter if the actual amount of active members is declining.