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21783448 No.21783448 [Reply] [Original]

So what would he think about the DPRK and Che Guevara?

>> No.21783462

Shitty commies that killed millions, they deserve to burn in hell for eternity.

>> No.21783533

He would probably reject them, like he rejected liberal bourgeois, because they're materialists. I haven't read his books tho.


>> No.21783542


Che was an idealist tho

>> No.21783562

He would still reject them because new communist regimes shunned all the ancient spiritual traditions in the name of progress.

>> No.21783566

Iranian Muslim communists would have achieved something if they weren't retarded enough to give all power to revisionist clerics on a silver plate.

>> No.21784005

If I were Shah, I would be more explicitly anti-Western and do everything in my power to slaughter you all. Habsburg–Safavid alliance against the Ottomans was a mistake.

>> No.21784016

Rich liberals who didn't deserve what they owned and actual faggots.

>> No.21784133

Top kek you fucking idiot. There's no way you have an IQ over 90, stop posting.

Modern Iranians are donkeys, often beneath amerimutts (they are mutts, after all).

>dirty, violent 3rd world ape wants to harm White people
We know, that's why you're gonna get kicked out.

>muh work!
Fucking loser detected, kek.

>> No.21784165 [DELETED] 

>We know, that's why you're gonna get kicked out.
Seethe, snownig.
Better than a robot for ZOG. At least donkeys are sentient beings unlike you.

>> No.21784175

>We know, that's why you're gonna get kicked out.
Seethe, snownig.
Better than a robot for America or ZOG. At least donkeys are sentient beings unlike you.

>> No.21784194

He hated communism, you absolute retard

>> No.21784236
File: 49 KB, 1024x613, au-hasard-balthazar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Donkeys are pretty cool.
Euroshits... not so much. Only thing they're good at is being colonies of America/NATO and reeing on the Internet.
Uncultured brats.

>> No.21784257

>mentally ill anti-white lebanese muttman is posting in yet another Trad thread
What a shame, now there's almost no way the quality of the thread will improve beyond his oogabooga fuck whitey monkey rants.

>> No.21784263

I am halfway into Revolt but had to put on the side due to other duties. I've finished the first part.
I can still be an anti-Western Traditionalist.

>> No.21784264

It's the icchantika guy again, isn't it?

>> No.21784276

>oogabooga fuck whitey monkey rants.
If you're going to post anti-nonwhite rants, then I'd like to balance it out with anti-Western rants.

>> No.21784286


Really /lit/? Is this what this board has come to? The only thing lower is literal trannies

>> No.21784291

Evola is based. His fans, not at all.

>> No.21784306

Evola was a wimp. Didn't have the balls to fully reconstruct Roman polytheism, with actual polytheology and actual rituals, so he just cringed his way into modernist fascism faggotry.

Why can't there be someone with some guts who has the actual cojones to create an actual Roman polytheism?

>> No.21784379

You're an anti-White, anti-Western kike who without exception ruins every Trad thread he's in (most of the one's I've seen). I'm almost of a mind to accuse you of being a fed since your ability to stifle any propagation of Trad knowledge is very convenient for those who would like to impede authentic RW views. But it's more likely you're an autistic attention-starved class clown, impeding everyone's learning because you're a narcissistic brat.

>> No.21784393

Evola is pretty popular here. Better than anything the left has to offer.

>yet another brainlet who doesn't understand the first thing about Evola
You should stop posting.

>> No.21784406

The Hyperborean spirit left your race a long time ago. All your left is with impotent rage and scapegoating as you're mechanized husks who beat your chests as you cuck to USA and/or Israel. You have no real autonomy, no real spiritual drive, or etc.
China is the new power. China literally helped end a decades long feud whereas America and Europe merely exacerbated it. If Iran were to ally with Israel at this point, the West is finished. I am starting to think this is the best course of action.
You can never experience the sacred Being. Your mind is completely cut off from it. I doubt you could even sit five minutes in Zazen, completely stilling your mind.
What Arabs and Pakis are doing to you, I used to look down on, but now I completely embrace it.
Get fucked and burned. If it were up to me, you would all become failed states like Syria. You have nothing to offer the world spiritually or artistically anymore.

>> No.21784412

>Mao: Western educated, handled by Sidney Rittenberg
>Pol Pot: Sorbonne educated spook
>Che: degree holding LARPer that fucked around and found out, but only after murder a lot of people for fun
>Rocket Man: Swiss educated, at loggerheads to maintain position against Chinks & the West, no good options, the Turkey of the Far East

Apart from the cult and cannibal economy, perhaps not wholly irredeemable as a hermit nation hold out within the current paradigm. Che on the other hand is thoroughly a man of the hour in the lowest way.

>> No.21784418

>your left is with impotent
you're left with is impotent*
US hegemony is collapsing, and EU is pretty much an extension of it.

>> No.21784423

And you need to stop sucking fat dicks, pedantic intellectotard

>> No.21784435

Evola hated America. What would Evola think of Europe being a vassal of America for the past couple of decades?
Europe has no real independence from America.

>> No.21784440

>t. turd worlder living in the West, buy far the most materially satisfied and comfortable of any of his lineage of goatfuckers
>still complains about it like a toddler
It's the same with these toilet people coming to the UK from Africa. They get housed in 5-star hotels, are given phones, food, designer clothes, loaded credit cards, and they still whine endlessly. They all have to go back, there is no need for these ungrateful feral monkeys to have any of the West's wealth. You have to go back.

>> No.21784446

>Better than anything the left has to offer.

Holy fuck, a restaurant has better food to offer than eating literal dogturds. What a high watermark.

This is why the right will never amount to anything. It has this symbiotic relationship to the very things it hates

>> No.21784458

Evola would agree with me more than you.
The Hyperborean spirit left Europe long ago.
Evola hated the USA and what it stood for, and Europe has been a vassal to USA for awhile.
You're just twisting these past thinkers to fit your present views.
> most materially satisfied and comfortable of any of his lineage
Farthest from the truth.
>You have to go back.
USA's hegemony is collapsing. The recent deal China brokered with Iran and Saudi Arabia signals the end of your decadent profane empire. If Iran and Israel reach a peace agreement, then Europe and America are finished.
The future lies in China.
Eat shit, and I am glad my presence brings you a lot of pain. Go do something about it. Go abduct a random minority and torture them in Minecraft (for example). The bad publicity would suit my interests.
Whiny narcissistic brat. You just want a safe space to complain about non-whites, but the Hyperborean spirit left you long ago.
You're probably the kind of retard that thinks Japan is great when their currency is pegged to the USD.
Iran-Russia-China-KSA axis is going to demolish your decadent hypocritical empire.

>> No.21784459

>the West is finished.

Wow, I've never heard that one six trillion times in the last two decades. Does anyone also have an alternative that isn't embarrasing state crapitalist corruption?

>> No.21784464

China brokering a deal between KSA and Iran signals an end of the unipolar world. Europeans have no independence from the dollar or USA's hegemony.

"The world coming off of the dollar means US hegemony is over, USD would be devalued to almost nothing, as it stands the US can do what it likes because no matter what the US currency can't fail, it's like Japan being pegged to it post WW2 but on a much larger scale.

The only thing that could cause this is a group with enough clout/resource to challenge it. Now as it stands the US + OPEC has too much of a monopoly on oil and gas for that to happen, the reason this news is so big is that China + OPEC + Russia would be strong enough to challenge the dollar. If OPEC started their own currency or even started using the Yuan then USD would lose it's place as the world currency.

China somehow getting Saudi on side is one of the greatest geopolitical plays since the middle east was carved up in the first place. What happens next is either the US damage controls hard and caves to whatever demand Saudi comes up with (probably Ukraine tier funding for their war in Yemen) OR this spells the end of the unipolar world."

>> No.21784468

>hurf durf muh geopolitics

No one outside of the Tiktok dudebro schizosphere gives a flying shit about geosophistry

>> No.21784477

Goddamn, they brokered le deal! And signed le innovative contract with a shitty corporate title.

That's fucking amazing, it makes me almost able to read the Economist without falling asleep

>> No.21784478

It is relevant to Evola because he considered America as the great expression of Anti-Tradition. The fact of the matter is that Europe is both a colony of America and Americanized. Europe is dead. The Hyperborean spirit left them a long time ago.

>> No.21784488

It's good to understand basic economics like how USA's currency gets its value.
You're a one dimensional thinker who lacks lateral thinking capacity. You have issues making basic connections in related fields.

>> No.21784502

And you're a retard who LARPs as a political science expert, kind of like how antivaxxers think they're all suddenly world class virologists. Absolutely none of the shit you posted will be remembered in about five years

>> No.21784519

If you got the vax, then you're a moron.
In fact, the vax is testing out dangerous nano technologies related to advanced cloud surveillance technologies...
The unipolar world is ending.

>> No.21784522

Do not concern yourself with Hyperborea, spirituality, worldly events, prehistoric races, etc. Your base and violent nature is opposed to esotericism and spirituality. Join a mainstream church, probably Islam since you're brown and anti-white but not jewish.

We can already tell by reading your thoughts that any ascesis you intend is destined to be perverted and harmful, or Promethean in the negative sense.

>> No.21784523

He would support Pol Pot.

>> No.21784525

>geopolitics woo woo


>> No.21784531

I'm talking about the "white race" and the Western world, idiot. Evola loved the White race, which is intimately connected.

>> No.21784533

I'm a Soto Zen Buddhist.
I'm not brown.
>Your base and violent nature is opposed to esotericism and spirituality.
It is much more violent to feign innocence while causing massive damage behind the curtains. It wasn't just American troops that raped and pillaged Iraq or countless other countries. For what? It wasn't a transcendental war in the least.

>> No.21784541

I only used the comparison because it was pretty obvious that you're a leftist sympathizer, likely to whine about Evola being "racist" if we wait around long enough.

>> No.21784542

>I'm a Soto Zen Buddhist.

You're a giant cocksucking faggot

>> No.21784550

If the white race were so great, then why is it completely cucked to America, the bastion of Anti-Tradition, can't uphold promises or business deals, can't maintain stability, etc.?
Europeans literally pushed Iran into the China's sphere of influence. Iran wanted to be your allies, but you ruined it multiple times. In fact, you continue to ruin it on multiple levels.
It's fine because I've always considered Chinese culture richer than yours. They have better poetry, traditional religions, and artwork than Europe on average.
When Chinese intern the Uyghurs, it makes sense. What do Europeans do? Go online and yell "shitskin" and constantly berate others, including their cultural legacies.
I am tired of the hypocrisy of Europeans. The reality is YOU are the real savages, but you do a better job of concealing it. You've just stupidly invited the war into your borders and complain about it all the time online.
You've had a good run. I liked many of your art-house films, writers, art-house film directors, and etc., but it's time to pass on the torch. Admit the Hyperborean spirit left you a long time ago.

I am the smartest and most creative poster on this entire cesspool of a site.

>> No.21784557

Stfu, icchantika. A single line of the Lotus Sutra is worth more than the entirety of Abrahamic cultural legacies. Damn all Abrahamism.

Damn Muhammad
Damn Ali
Damn the Holy Spirit
Damn Elohim
Damn Jesus
Damn Christ
Damn Moses
Damn Jacob
But most of all Damn You

Eat shit and give other cultural spheres their time to shine! I hope Iran and China have cultural exchange and a new golden age. Down with West! Down with you evil sadistic hypocrites! The Hyperborean spirit shines most strongly in ME, not YOU.

>> No.21784580

He lived until 1974. Shirley, he would have been familiar with both of them.

>> No.21784586

>muh work
A major component of fascist ideology is the theory of action, or manifesting the Will physically. Fascist movements all started as labor movements

>> No.21784590

>dumb faggot perseverates autistically about entry-level pol redpills and insists Evola would take his side with no evidence
Kek. You're such a retarded loser posting in every thread. You haven't even read a single book by Evola, right? You don't even know what the "Hyperboream spirit" is, or the Primordial Tradition. You want to talk about spirituality but you're an angry little hateful gremlin wishing violence on everyone, and you don't know the first thing about initiation properly understood.

You should leave the West if you hate it so much. But the fact is, you're too comfortable and weak to abandon the pleasures of the West, but you'll wish hate on the people that gave you this all day. You're a donkey, you have the mind of a nigger. The fact you can't read a single Trad book but I see you in practically every thread is further proof of your base and inferior nature.

>> No.21784592

Evola has been a major topic on /lit/ for several years

>> No.21784603

>The Hyperborean spirit left them a long time ago
No it didn't, it went underground, you retard. Practically everything else you said is wrong too, you're on a role.

>> No.21784610

>You haven't even read a single book by Evola, right?
I told you I read the first half of Revolt deeply, but I had to put it to the side due to other duties and obligations.
>You don't even know what the "Hyperboream spirit" is, or the Primordial Tradition.
He discussed it a bit in the first part, but the 2nd part goes into it in more depth.
>you don't know the first thing about initiation properly understood.
He discussed that significantly in the first part. Initiation is only available to Vaishya, Kshatriya, Brahmin, and Kings. Initiation is a kind of rite you go through to be "twice born". It's a highly symbolic act that touches on deep mythos and ethos.

>> No.21784619

Evola claims that patrilineal lineage is the most important, which is something I've known most of my life. I bet you descend from an interminable line of shudras from your patrilineal line. You father, fathers... were all shudras. Therefore, you are not in the place to patronize me.

>> No.21784628

Wow, an actual icchantika. Nice right speech.

>> No.21784636

>I told you I read the first half of Revolt deeply, but I had to put it to the side due to other duties and obligations
So I was right, your narcissism just keeps you from admiting it: you haven't read a single book by a Trad, yet you post your autistic, low-info, shit-tier posts in every thread like spam. This is another sign of narcissism.

Of course I'm not at all surprised that you don't know anything about initiation except that it's a "rite" for upper classes kek, good job! You're anti-white 3rd world garbage, don't bother with Evola.

>> No.21784644

Shut up, muttman. You know nothing.

>> No.21784665

He goes more in-depth in description. The rite involves complex actions such as crossing a river, certain ritualistic behavior like imbibing in liquid, and so on. It differs according to each culture.
>you haven't read a single book by a Trad,
I will finish Revolt soon, but I had to put the 2nd half on the side.
Evola and Klages have a similar symbolic epistemology, but they both arrive at entirely different conclusions. Klages can be considered Trad (but in a different direction) due to his emphasis on the Pelasgians. His discussion on hieros gamos can be considered aligned with certain Trad interpretations too.

>> No.21784671

Check page 96, footnote 15, of Revolt, snownig peasant. You descend from an interminable line of peasants on your patrilineal side whereas I know I come from royalty.

>> No.21784701

I remember last year when you were posting in Trad threads passionately like you are now, and you still haven't read a single Trad work. Good thing I never took you seriously from the start. You type so much garbage...

>> No.21784725

You should do some serious genealogical research. If you find your ancestors on your patrilineal side were servants or peasants, then Evola wouldn't even want you to read his books. What's caste is preordained from up above (p. 89). Evola considers patrilineal line even more important than race (check page 96, footnote 15).
Genealogical research is very important if you want to get into Evola. I sense without a benefit of doubt that your ancestors, on your patrilineal, were peasant scum 500-1000 years ago.

>> No.21784733

>What's caste is preordained
One's caste is preordained*

>> No.21784748

You're no different than a nigger proclaiming himself a kang, you're painfully insecure over not being white, you have to shit on purer whites to make yourself feel better. Comparing yourself to royalty is hilarious but also an absolute disgrace. You haven't even reached the most elementary state of altered consciousness written about by Evola, you don't even meet the pre-requisites for initiation.

>> No.21784749

Of Cosmogonic Eros can be considered a Trad work.
Revolt feels like two books in one. I will read the 2nd part soon. When I say I will do something, I will.
I think reading Evola without doing serious genealogical study is a bad idea! After all if you have peasants on your patrilineal side, he wouldn't want you to read him!

>> No.21784762

>you're painfully insecure over not being white,
To Evola it's not *ENTIRELY* about race. It's about caste/class, illiterate faggot. I even referenced the page number and more. Evola would prefer speaking to a high caste Arab over a low caste European. Those are HIS views.

>> No.21784776

>You're no different than a nigger proclaiming himself a kang
No, I actually do descend from aristocracy, but there is no way to go beyond 300 years. Very difficult.
Again read the page and footnote I referenced. If you descend from plebeians or servants, Evola wouldn't want you to read him. Only the path of contemplation would be viable for you; not the path of action.

>> No.21784778

>le darque edgelord reactionary


>> No.21784779

>this hilariously autistic shitskin cope
I remember last month when you were shitting on Evola because he "endorsed Nordicism", now you are radically in favour of some of his ideas but still don't appear to understand them correctly. You're a goof, you're all over the map.

I'm sorry to bring race into it but the fact that this autistic idiot spammer is brown is the cherry on top.

>> No.21784795

>so mad he replies twice with his autistic blogposts
I cannot emphasize enough how much you bring the quality of these threads down. You aren't high caste. You're a butthurt muttman with no center. Nothing about you says solar or centered. You're insecure over not being white/Aryan/European, that's sad.

>> No.21784821

I do understand the first part of Evola. He's honestly not hard to understand at all.
There's a spiritual hierarchy with the solar at the top. All spiritual concepts, hierarchies, and so on come from "up above". The solar king is in close access to BEING, which is solar and to be contrasted with the telluric, chaotic BECOMING. Evola privileges the solar over the feminine lunar.
A patrician or upper caste who is not initiated is on the level of a shudra. Only Vaishya and above can be second born and go through initiation.
Evola views on the nature of time were very complex, he saw it as both cyclical and linear.
The second part will go more into the giant hyperboreans and how they degenerated and their vestigial remains exist across many races.

I don't have brown skin. Also Evola would not agree with you. To Evola CASTE/CLASS is even more important than race. He would prefer an upper caste Arab over a low caste white. This also conforms to the way he lived.

>> No.21784823

>After all if you have peasants on your patrilineal side, he wouldn't want you to read him!
Good thing I'm white.

>> No.21784824

Right, if they weren't muslim, they wouldn't have deferred to the muslim clergy. A fascinating take.

>> No.21784828

This isn't something you can determine easily through analyzing one's writings. It comes from genealogical research, period.
If you notice all your patrilineal ancestors were peasants in the past 300-500 years, then that's what you are to Evola. He wouldn't want you to read his book. Read the first part of Revolt more carefully.

I don't care about not being a snownig. You lack reading comprehension.

>> No.21784832

>Good thing I'm white.
That's not enough for Evola. What caste were your patrilineal line of ancestors? Have you done genealogical research?
If you descend from peasant whites on your patrilineal trash, then you're worth less than trash to Evola AND me.

>> No.21784855

>reads half a book
>thinks he knows everything about the author
Could you make it any more obvious that you're 3rd world garbage?

>> No.21784856

You morons can't even properly read your favorite thinkers. You just cherry pick whatever suits your biases based on contemporary times.
In general, what class/caste where your patrilineal line of ancestors in the past 300-500 years? This is important to Evola. You can disagree with him, sure, but these are HIS views.
One cannot move up or down one's caste with Evola.

>> No.21784872

Where did I claim to know everything? I do know that Evola claims one's patrilineal line of ancestors is immensely important, and that caste comes from "up above". One cannot move up or down one's caste, it would be against Tradition.
Therefore, I repeat, what class/caste where your ancestors on patrilineal side?
>you're 3rd world garbage?
As I've argued, Evola would prefer interacting with high caste Arabs over low caste Euros and there is evidence he did.
In fact, I wouldn't be so rabble rousing if you would stop saying nonsense like "shitskin", "third world garbage", etc. in Trad threads. Trad doesn't just apply to you, snownig. In fact, you most likely descend from peasants unlike me (300 years ago).

>> No.21784893

Look at this idiot go. Last month he was shitting on Evola for being a Nordicist and calling us Nazis, now he's praising Evola and telling others they don't understand him well enough. Read the rest of the book first, he goes way deeper. Then read Mystery of the Grail.

>> No.21784904

>As I've argued, Evola would prefer interacting with high caste Arabs over low caste Euros and there is evidence he did.
Yes that is obvious. The problem is that innately and as a whole Arabs tend to be low class. The Germanic or Aryan spirit is inherently more Hyperborean and thus aristocratic than the semitic spirit. Evola talks about solar vs lunar forms of spirituality in Revolt, can't remember if it's first or second part.

>> No.21784931

It's just banter, ya mutt.

>> No.21784935

I've always been a classist, and I like the classist aspects of Evola. I still don't accept his Hyperborean theory. It is more a respectful disagreement though, but I will have to finish the book before passing full judgment.
I am simply pointing out your hypocrisy in that Evola values class/caste even more than race (excluding blacks who he saw all as plebeian, telluric). He did not view *all* Middle Easterners as "shitskin" "third-worlders" the way you illiterate faggots do.
>The problem is that innately and as a whole Arabs tend to be low class.
Unless Evola discusses the ratio of patrician and plebeian for each race, then you're speculating, but I am open to the possibility of different ratios.
>The Germanic or Aryan spirit is inherently more Hyperborean and thus aristocratic than the semitic spirit.
It is still constrained by immobile caste/class (to his view). A higher caste Germanic (from his patrilineal side) would indeed be considered more Hyperborean but not a shudra or plebeian caste one.
Also, Evola speaks positively of Mesopotamians who were Semitic, so it sounds like you're full of shit. He would consider the high caste ones as expressing the Hyperborean spirit.
>Evola talks about solar vs lunar forms of spirituality in Revolt, can't remember if it's first or second part.
First part, retard. I've already summarized it.

>> No.21784941

Nope, I am 100% serious about hereditary caste system, you peasant snownig trash. Unless you do serious genealogical research, I genuinely believe your ancestors on your patrilineal side were all plebeian trash. For this reason, it was a mistake for you to learn to read or write. Mass literacy was the biggest mistake in all of history along with industrialization.

>> No.21784992

>First part, retard. I've already summarized it.
Did he talk about the Aryan invasion of India and the metaphysical beliefs of the elite castes? Zoroastrianism? Light fighting the forces of darkness? I think you'll find that caste and race (of the spirit) tend to intertwine. Obviously that doesn't mean all X are Y. That should go without saying. It means collectively they represent something almost on a supra-human level.

>> No.21785032

>Did he talk about the Aryan invasion of India and the metaphysical beliefs of the elite castes? Zoroastrianism? Light fighting the forces of darkness? I think you'll find that caste and race (of the spirit) tend to intertwine.
>Obviously that doesn't mean all X are Y. That should go without saying. It means collectively they represent something almost on a supra-human level.
Yes, he discussed all of that. He viewed the social hierarchy with the solar-king at the summit as expressing luminous Being (as oppose to Becoming). He also critiqued the Brahmins and preferred Kshatriya, referencing how even the Kshatriya were able to teach a Brahmin. My memory is a bit fuzzy, but I remember the general principles.
He also argued everyone wills their preordained caste before being born.
He argues from a Platonic angle, so if you are not a Platonist, then you will have philosophical issues with his views.

>> No.21785092

One of my favorite parts of Evola was his phenomenological analysis on how games in Rome served a metaphysical significance. Everything from the architecture to the gestures was based on an understanding of that "which comes above". There was a sense of sacredness imbuing everything, even games, in Traditional societies.

>> No.21785637
File: 38 KB, 500x500, society.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thread seems full of retarded faggots so I am not reading this.
To answer the question, he would pity them, because they muster all that effort and strength on behalf of worthless things. Personal virtue cannot make up for lack of principles and character.

>> No.21785819

Caste is not tied to the modern socioeconomic classes, caste is related to birth, it is your birth-nature, determined by the three gunas, rajas, sattva and tamas, the threefold nature of white, red and black. Read guénon for an explanation of birth, and the gunas as well, that you're so stuck in a most contingent aspect of this concept, is forgivable, if only you were to just read the texts, and develop an understanding instead of spreading misinformation by overtly equating caste and socioeconomic class, to the exclusion of the real meaning.
>the man who has reached a certain degree of realization is called ativarnāshrami, that is to say beyond caste (varna) and beyond the stages of earthly existence (āshramas); none of the usual distinctions any longer apply to such a being from the moment that he has effectively transcended the limits of individuality, even though he has not yet arrived at the final goal.

>> No.21785845 [DELETED] 

>He also critiqued the Brahmins and preferred Kshatriya, referencing how even the Kshatriya were able to teach a Brahmin. My memory is a bit fuzzy, but I remember the general principles.
Both castes were one at some point, and split and revolted against each other, guénon says the revolt was by the Kshatriya caste, ebola sees in early Christianity and evident subversion of the priestly caste, and an therefore emphasizes that the priestly castes were just as degenerate and he even says that there is no real reason to say the modern priestly caste has retained its superiority, even more so because modern institutionalized religions are so degenerate.

>> No.21785901

I am curious, anon - by that definition, wouldn't readjusting the proportion of the gunas within yourself also modify your caste?

>> No.21786052


So what should have Che and the Kims done from their positions in reference to their struggles at that point?

>> No.21786110

If we are being realistic, there's nothing that they could've done better than they already did - if they could have, they would have. The issue is that they have no connection to primordial tradition. If North Korea had been a spiritual kingdom, then that would've been one thing, but it's obviously not that and it would have required a completely different history in order to be one.
The best they could have hoped for would be individual salvation, by referring their struggles to a spiritual principle and not to economistic liberation ideologies. By putting trust in their souls, their heroism may have helped them become spiritually integrated.

>> No.21786193

>wouldn't readjusting the proportion of the gunas within yourself
NTA, you cannot separate gunas from the empirical self, the gunas and their interplay is what common sense today considers to be its substantial self. If one were to "modify" the gunas, it would no longer be the same being. Better said, the previous being would have to be destroyed to make way for the new being. What can be done is a shifting of emphasis onto one guna, but the core of the being is unmodified (so long as it remains in existence). If one is predominantly rajas, placing emphasis on sattva would be analogically like using a pony to pull a freight car. This said, caste is not wholly inflexible when taken as a social institution, in this world of multiplicity there are always confusions and errors which appear.

Beyond this, the highest level of attainment, one remains completely detached from the interplay of the gunas, as one recognizes the gunas as not-Self through Transcendental Knowledge (Bhagavad Gita). The gunas, however, still act just as they normally do (there is no annihilation), so the empirical human being appears and remains the same. The difference is, at least in classical Indian society, the being transcends caste at this stage but he does not "change caste." Nevertheless the substantial being has gone above conditioned existence, there is no more passivity, no more "rebirth."

>> No.21786215

Appeal to large numbers fallacy.
Argumentum ad Baculum

>> No.21786222

Dig the fucking hole.jpg

>> No.21786329

>If one were to "modify" the gunas, it would no longer be the same being. Better said, the previous being would have to be destroyed to make way for the new being.
Anon, humans change all the time. If we're forced to be precise, the "samsaric self" is constantly being destroyed and remade - hence why the Buddhists say it doesn't exist.
I agree that the genuine transcendence of caste means not being attached or averse to any particular guna, but I think that a natural by-product of spiritual growth is the increase of sattvic qualities and activities in one's life. In that case, if one goes from a state in which tamas predominates to one in which rajas or sattva predominates, wouldn't we say that the being has effectively changed caste, since the accent now falls on a different type of existence?

>> No.21786345

The far more important question is what he would think of GPT-4.

>> No.21786415


Thing I'm saying is that with the situation of the third world, imo, it's more like "Marxism chose Che and Kim ill sung" rather than the other way around. If you read the writings of Che, he envisions a communist society as the opposite of "the state withering away" and instead has a more fascist vision of the Leader, Mass, and State acting as one singular entity. The difference from traditional fascism being that this is a proletarian vision rather than the original middleclass one as in og fascism, his other writings also note his influence of Nietzsche and talks about Heroism (something later influencing the Bolivarian socialists in general). Likewise, the kims are revisionists that mutated Marxism into this weird direction of being a kingdom along socialist ideas.

Think about it you're a third worlder whose basically a slave or you're more wealthy but constantly see your countrymen in bondage to foreign powers. The people often representing the "Right" in these countries often serve the slaver class which in turn serves the global liberal hegemony.

Are you going to join the militant labor movement that is the conduit of marxism in this situation? or would you betray everyone just to have a comfortable, but still servile middleclass existence. Assuming you got into politics like 70 years ago

>> No.21786476

Well you're kind of preaching to the choir here, because while I am in full agreement with Evola's principles, I also have a lot of sympathy for Marxist movements. The real issue is the problematic elements of these movements - actual theoretical Marxism, dogmatic internationalism, materialism, anti-spiritual orientation etc. I can't blame the Kims or Che for being unable to change this character of the socialist movements - hell, they probably weren't even aware of the issues Evola talks about. Nevertheless, ultimately, communist movements stamp out whatever little is left of tradition. Their energy and independent spirit may be admirable, but the doctrine and structure inevitably lead to the abyss. With that said, that does not preclude the possibility for even admirable, Traditional men to involve themselves with these movements - a man who is spiritually awakened could in theory even choose to join a communist movement and even become a leader of such a movement, but he would never be communist, or any "ist", really. The spirit is free and above any profane concerns - this is why Evola condemns the narrow, suffocating horizons of communism, and also of liberalism.

>> No.21787082

Thats gone into more in depth in intro to magic too, which have to be some of the best books on enlightenment from a western perspective, connecting to and learning from the east

>> No.21787084

>Anon, humans change all the time.
Read the post again.
>the "samsaric self" is constantly being destroyed and remade
That is not correct, because, as I said, there is a unity of empirical consciousness which persists through your life and a contingent but relatively stable personality, which can deviate but never wholly deviate from its nature. The empirical self is changing at each moment, but it is not being destroyed at each moment. This is only the most sparse continuity, and it ends with the destruction of the being at death. This is why you are you, and not your father or mother (until your death). Every being is concretised (substantial) with an array of potential they might or might not make actual during their lifetime, none of which are actually essential considered from the highest perspective, but which are so considered from the human or empirical perspective. Buddhism is not even univocal on this topic so I fail to understand why you bring it up, and the most supreme strains of Buddhism focus only on Transcendental Knowledge (Prajñā/paññā), which exclude all contingent conditions for the sake of the highest goal.
> but I think that a natural by-product of spiritual growth is the increase of sattvic qualities and activities in one's life.
You think? The truth is that the transcendental man is not restrained by any of these qualities or activities. This includes not only sattva but also tamas. There is simply no point speculating in empirical terms "what that is like", nothing you "know" is comparable.

>> No.21787386

You seem to be a pretty arrogant person and I am a bit surprised how in such a short post as the one I wrote, you attempt to correct me by reiterating what I already said. Yes, as I said, genuine transcendence means having neither attachment nor aversion for any particular guna, but - to repeat myself - I do not think it is an especially radical claim to say that spiritual growth leads to an increase in sattvic qualities and activities in a person's life. Since you seem to take issue with my wording, for some indiscernible reason, I suppose I should specify that this is an observation I have made in my own life. Spiritual practice and contemplation leads to internal change, even if you are not deliberately aiming at it.
I have no idea why you would bring up "empirical consciousness" in a discussion about the gunas (your earlier use of "empirical self" was much less objectionable in context). I am also not sure where you got the idea that a contingent (your words) personality can have a nature in any serious sense of the word. Such a personality would not actually belong to the person, as we already established when we said that from the higher perspective none of the gunas say anything meaningful about man. Now the balance of the gunas itself is by no means static - it is subject to change, so I do not think I asked a particularly crazy question when I inquired on why caste would remain static if the gunas can change and caste is in fact based on the gunas. Further, I do not see what physical identity has to do with our discussion of the gunas - a given state of balance between the gunas can theoretically exist in any living being, and it is not that if someone else reached an inner balance that is the same as the balance in my father, that man would suddenly transform into my father. As for my comment on the "samsaric self", it had the simple value of pointing out that at one moment of our lives one guna (or quality) can predominate, and at the next, another. Seeing as how continuity may not necessarily be maintained even from one moment to the next, it seems rather clear to me that the gunas can in fact change a person's conduct and direction rather easily, and that, presumably, over the long term, their balance within a being can vary quite radically.
With this brief recapitulation, perhaps you can now give me an answer to my question: does caste remain the same if it is based on the gunas, and the balance of the gunas within a person change. If you feel that this would not be productive, because your understanding of the gunas is incompatible with the question, then you may choose the more productive avenue of explaining how and why you define the gunas and how the question is not valid. But only if you are feeling generous, of course. Believe it or not this is a question of practical importance for me and not just an issue of theoretical hairsplitting.

>> No.21788854

Le bump