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/lit/ - Literature

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21783010 No.21783010 [Reply] [Original]

Never met a buddhist that wasn't basically just trying to cope. Funnily enough they always drink and do drugs.

>> No.21783026

Literally what is the alternative to cope?

>> No.21783029


>> No.21783035

Sex is just cope for the feelings celibacy gives you.

>> No.21783037
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Celibacy makes me feel kinda good tho

>> No.21783040

Buddhism forbids drink n drugs so you prolly just met hippie larpers

>> No.21783047
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What causes this much seethe in you? If demons are real you must be under the influence of one.

>> No.21783061

"n-no y-you're the one seething!"
Literally a religion totally devoted to mastering cope but not even in a cool way like conquering your enemies which is at least in line with your nature. Buddha was a faggot who abandoned his wife and child to be a hippy, speaks volumes about his adherents.

>> No.21783070

lots of middle-class, white people LARP as a buddhist. /lit/ is a good example of this

>> No.21783072


>> No.21783073

jesus was a socialist

>> No.21783089

I agree, so I am not sure what your comment is trying to achieve.

>> No.21783101
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>> No.21783107

>not even in a cool way like conquering your enemies which is at least in line with your nature
What does this even mean? Religion is supposed to be about political violence? It's natural to chimp out over every little thing? Crawl back into your sewer. Also projecting contemporary westoid nuclear family ideals on to a classical era Indian royal household is pretty ridiculous. There were plenty of servants to wait on his family he didn't need to "be there" or whatever cutesy doting instagram behavior you're expecting an ancient man to show a baby in an era of high mortality rates where it was also considered a valid path in life to become an ascetic (this lifestyle is villainized today because it produces no capturable economic value). Furthermore, his son's name, Rahula, means something like "little burden," so whoever was writing his biography was being a bit on the nose with the symbolism of renunication vs attachment within his narrative. Also the Buddha was said to be miraculously born from the side of his mother and able to walk and talk as a baby—so how real or relevant are these fables for actually studying or practicing the religion? Perhaps you'd rather worship Heracles since in his fables he was something of a family man and went around killing monsters—interestingly enough, Buddhism absorbed him from Indo-Greek colonists and translated him into Vajrapani, a bolt wielding protector of mountain sages.

>> No.21783116
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>conquering your enemies
Are you 12?

>> No.21783127

Processing, acceptance, growth, strength gains. Coping is just stagnation and avoidance.

>> No.21783132


>> No.21783134

>Processing, acceptance, growth, strength gains
How isn't that cope?

>> No.21783135

Conan the Barbarian is the corner-stone of my personal Philosophy

>> No.21783137


>> No.21783145
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>> No.21783159
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>pic rel
funniest shit I saw today. Saved

>> No.21783161
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>this is my religion
>it doesn't integrate the shadow
>it cannot survive without handouts
>it is worthless and parasitic and causes people to waste their lives

Friendly reminder that Buddhism is Hinduism for complete retards. Gita says why warfare or hunting must be done and not to just nope out of the maya completely. Even God is gnashing teeth and terrifying.

>> No.21783166

>drink and do drugs
Yeah and the christians all rape kids.

>> No.21783168

Cope is drinking alcohol or playing video games or having casual sex. It is shrinking back in fear of pain and hiding in comfort. Embrace is accepting and bearing the pain willingly.

>> No.21783183

OP if you want to learn about Buddhism go on Google or to an actual temple.

>> No.21783185

>warfare or hunting must be done
You don't do either of these things so you're going to Hindu hell aka being reborn as a designated street sweeper.

>> No.21783187

Post wrist.

>> No.21783200

>Embrace is accepting and bearing the pain willingly.
How isn't that a cope?

>> No.21783210

Reread the first bit. Do it 10 or 12 more times. If that doesn't work copy it down 10 or 12 times a day until that works.

>> No.21783214

My shit isn't going to clean itself. Get going Gita guy

>> No.21783216
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The only no-cope is suicide

>> No.21783218


>> No.21783241

Look, if you're going to lionize a system that considers you a sub-human that's not my problem. But don't expect to convince me to join you wallowing in filth

>> No.21783245


>> No.21783252
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I accept your concession

>> No.21783255
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>> No.21783256


>> No.21783260

I dare either of you to fight me. Not even kidding. I'll post an e-mail but neither of you would rise up to the challenge. We can duel and find out who's argument is superior through combat.

>> No.21783261

Fuck you're a retard. Is this bait?

>> No.21783265

I will shoot you both and then eat you.

>> No.21783275

I will disarm you first and then honourably beat the living shit out of you faggot.

>> No.21783290
File: 160 KB, 181x191, 1635536983081.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't want to have to do this. But now I am become sneed, the feed and seed. Chuck I know you will poo your duty and clean my shit.

>> No.21783294
File: 53 KB, 647x406, 1672148994182111.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let me guess, you're a Navy SEAL right?

>> No.21783295


Send me an e-mail, we'll discuss a time and place. Man to man, pugilism, grappling, we can discuss having a referee. I refuse to fight trannies as they are spiritually revolting.

>> No.21783301

Hey buddy I think you got the wrong door the fisting club's two blocks down

>> No.21783304

Ok söyboy. Post wrist.

>> No.21783313

See that's the problem, all you fags do is talk about how men used to be real men, "I'm not like the other guys", all talk but absolutely no-show. If violence is so based let me punch you in the chest.
You have my email. So far I have 0 in my inbox.

>> No.21783328

I'm all in favor of you having a match with the other gentleman who insisted the Bhagavad Gita was about Jung punching his shadow to be more like Conan the Barbarian. If he's really the boss of this gym that's how we'll know for sure.

>> No.21783341

Post wrist.

>> No.21783342

He won't match me even if I go all the way to his house to do it. 0 emails, I could get a fight on /fit/ or /x/ but here people have no follow-through.

I fight fair btw. No knife, no guns, clear rules, I will just physically dominate you until you give up. But if you pull a knife I will quite literally kill you with your own weapon.

>> No.21783365

You have to go back

>> No.21783390

No, /lit/ LARPs as traditional Catholics, while believing and doing none of the things even ordinary Catholics do

>> No.21783393

Silence, insect. Why don't you go vote for something.