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21780241 No.21780241 [Reply] [Original]

Is anti intellectualism on the rise in the West? Zoomers actively bully their peers for reading books and using proper grammar

>> No.21780305

Proof? Don't remember dunking on pseuds be considered an "anti intellectualism".

>> No.21780311

Yes but not because of retarded shit like "kids are bullying nerds"
Science and philosophy are becoming increasingly dogmatic to the point that presenting a statistic or claim that contradicts the established narrative is grounds for dismissal of your argument. That's real anti-intellectualism

>> No.21780319

It's on the rise everywhere social media is popular. It was a thing when I was a boy (elder millennial), but social media makes being an asshole that much easier.

>> No.21780369

OP I don’t zoomers are the relevant variable In your pic

>> No.21780375

>Is anti intellectualism on the rise in the West
When the economy falters the “citizens” grow restless and start to look for answers, cures on their own, etc. the state then stirs up the reactionary right, who search for cures with either religious revivalism or political authoritarianism. In order for both of these unpalatable directions to be desired you need an extremely stupid population. State schools have been purposely declining since the 1960s. They don’t want even slightly smart people, they want fools. Yes of course this is all on purpose. What do you expect from this commercial venture known as the USA?

>> No.21780401

And it is not a new trend.

>> No.21780415

No guys in general don’t like reading, it’s a woman thing. Even Mishima said so

>> No.21780431
File: 2.79 MB, 640x360, Horton hits a Whore.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Attention spans have decreased by 70% in twenty years. It's literally over. Soon people won't be able to read a restaurant menu

>> No.21780520

Yeah because nobody besides 40+ year old women read anymore

>> No.21780526

Plenty of young women are literature majors and there is a booktoker wave of girls in their teens who have crushes on Kafka and Raskolnikov

>> No.21780546

>dis nigga ahh reading a book
what did it mean by this

>> No.21780564

> OP decries illiteracy in a post where he misinterprets obvious satire

>> No.21780585
File: 3.49 MB, 360x202, Horton hits a Whore part 2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reading & Math Comprehensions have decreased in America while obesity rates are skyrocketing.

>> No.21780586

People are brazen about their stupidity and view it as a "free speach issue" to be as stupid as they like. Anti-intellectual sentiment is also on the rise which you would expect as society becomes more and more right wing.

>> No.21780924

>the state then stirs up the reactionary right
Lol shut the fuck up

>> No.21780928

this nigga out here reading a book?
this nigga's ass reading a book?

>> No.21780933

>as society becomes more and more right wing.
How could you possibly think this in the current year.

>> No.21781162

Came to post this thanks anon

>> No.21781209

>lol shut up. Don’t tell!
The truth must be told

>> No.21781409

It's always been here, I'd get made fun of at home for reading as a child.

>> No.21781417

>no one mentions right or left
>throw an incel tantrum anyway

Why are you like this?

>> No.21781507

>Is anti intellectualism on the rise in the West?

the entire public schooling system is based on making people stupider and stupider, generation by generation. The managerial class wants barely functional retards able to follow orders but not threaten their monopoly on power.

>> No.21781548
File: 318 KB, 1920x1080, 1984 map.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're right about the idea behind monopoly on power plan but it isn't going to work.
You have people that stupid but you can't realistically expect everyone to be either a useful idiot or in your political party.
If there is a grand scheme to make people stupider (there is) then you would see widespread industrial failures (you do in food production and transport), but it hasn't affected big-money infrastructure like oil. Someone is going to be smart and driven, and making everyone think like willing peons gives any potential opponents serfs as well.
Anti-intellectualism is quite frankly too stupid for a high-tech society to function. Huxley had the idea with programmed infantilization, that's what you're seeing with balding 35-year-olds playing Nintendo. I think that's more from market forces and generational wealth than anything else, though.
If anything public schools more and more resemble prison, that's a bad portent.

>> No.21781575

>Is anti intellectualism on the rise in the West?
challenging to analyze. vocal few have their voices amplified on every social media. Yes, even.
>Zoomers actively bully their peers for reading books and using proper grammar
not for this reason. you ever talked to a tucker carlson viewer?

>> No.21781594

Yeah you got me all I can focus on is the filename, that's hilarious

>> No.21781612

Blacks oppress themselves.