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[ERROR] No.2177906 [Reply] [Original]

Remember, remember
The fifth of November
The gunpowder treason and plot.

I know of know reason
Why the gunpowder treason
Should ever be forgot.

God Save the Queen!

>> No.2177909

roll on the referendum

>> No.2177913

Thanks for reminding me that I'll have to endure that shit tomorrow.


captcha: remember terntin

>> No.2177917


What fucking loser are you that you don't enjoy burning efigies of Catholics and the Pope, and fireworks?

>captcha: 1984 ecredoc

>> No.2177921

I live in America. It will be 12-20 yr olds running around making asses out of themselves. On top of it all I volunteer at a children's theater, ages, you guessed it, 12-20. They are of the LOLSORANDUMB and "look at how nerdy I am wearing a Mario shirt guys XD" variety.

catcha: Topographie hmillar

>> No.2177922

Does anybody know what the protestors outside St Pauls are actually trying to do? I saw a few of them interviewed and all they could come up with was.

"umm...Yeah...We like..umm hate capitalism and stuff..but umm.. we're not communists."

I really don't get It. Do You want a libertarian government that only controls the stock market? or maybe a semi-socialist republic that abolishes the monarchy but retains some control over financial trading?.

Yes investment bankers fucked up by trading in vast amounts of mortgages that would never recoup, but what are the protesters aiming to achieve? They seem passionate, sat there in their Guy Fawkes masks, but lack any direction. I'm genuinely curious.

>> No.2177929


the movement is still pretty nebulous at the moment, they shouldn't rush to begin tempering their demonstrations into concrete demands.

>> No.2177931

>Live in N.Ireland
>Don't celebrate this shit
>Don't care

>> No.2177937

Pseudo-hippy1 - "Dude I like saw on the news that hedge fund managers like lost loads of money n shit, n now there's like this recession thing."

Pseudo-hippy2 - "aw man thats soo not cool. they get to play with loads of peoples money and I cant even get a job."

Pseudo-hippy1 - "Yer we should really do something about this. Hey, pass the joint already."

Pseudo-hippy2 - ".I know, I should totally give jamie and Tom a call. I'll tell them to get the festival gear, an oz of homegrown and invite everyone they know. we are gona reform society"

Pseudo-hippy1 - "dude this is so sweet."

>> No.2177938
File: 389 KB, 159x124, ralph.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>living in n. Ireland

>> No.2177940

Remember, remember
The fifth of November
A day with a troublesome schism

We could ditch the old Queen
And a Republic would gleam
But we'd lose too much bank from tourism.

>> No.2177941

>I know of know reason

>> No.2177944

Remember remember the fifth of November
The traitors shall burn henceforth

I don't know why we are writing these poems
when it's clearly november the fourth.

>> No.2177947


That picture is exactly how I feel about it.

>> No.2177952

I thought the Protestants in N.Ireland would love the chance to burn some more Catholics.

>> No.2177958

*Bang* oh shit, look at dog *WOOFWAWAWRAWOOOOOF* all night.

>> No.2177967

>I know of know reason
Where are you OP? This is thread deletion worthy. What's the matter with you?
>God Save the Queen!
That's not what we're doing tomorrow.