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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 472 KB, 1200x1520, Marx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
21778793 No.21778793 [Reply] [Original]

>Be you.
>Awaken from your dogmatic slumber.
>Actually get off your ass and write a philosophical treatise or whatever the fuck.
>Halfway through writing.
>Glowing orb appears and a man from the future appears (See Terminator).
>He tells you that after your death your ideas are known as "Anonism" and it becomes the most influential ideology for years. Empires rise and millions of people around the world sacrifice them and struggle lives just to put your ideas into practice.
>Millions also get killed as a result of people trying to put your ideas into practice.
>Anonist Nations and Empires rise and fall. And over time it becomes more and more dubious whether your ideas were correct and may have left a horrible legacy, and your ideology and cult will never truly die.
>Man disappears because of Paradox duh

Would you stop your work in order to prevent a catastrophe or continue and make your mark on history?

>> No.21778830

whats the downside

>> No.21778834

>people like Lenin will copy your work and add their own stuff saying it was you bc for some reason you're an authority now
>people like Stalin will do fucked up things in your name and ideas
>Stalin's enemy will take advantage of your ideas depicting them as self-destructive if put in practice so that can keep every commie's mouth shut


>> No.21778847

obviously the latter
I'd rather be remembered for being wrong than forgotten for being right. having people fight and die for you decades after your death is just about the strongest testament to your influence imaginable.

>> No.21778864
File: 81 KB, 900x900, unnamed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

millions huh

>> No.21778868

You made the same thread on /his/ too, shitskin.

>> No.21778878

>awaken from dogmatic slumber
Marx is dogmatic though, thus beneath Kant in relevance and IQ.
>why would you do if your were the next Marx
Cut my dick off and support trans rights.

>> No.21778903

I would make a shitty, off topic thread on /lit/.

>> No.21778914

Could never be me. I'm not a subhuman jew.

>> No.21778962

>people like Lenin will copy your work and add their own stuff
what did Lenin add?

>> No.21778994
File: 44 KB, 500x473, AD4EB5BE-A074-4AD4-A411-7D10CA043D20.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

“The economists have interpreted the world’s market in various ways. —The point of the Revolution, however, it to change it!”
—M. Bakunin

>> No.21779027
File: 3.72 MB, 480x640, Willem'm'boy.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>Awaken from your dogmatic slumber.
You're a funny guy