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File: 159 KB, 749x909, Law_School.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
21774217 No.21774217 [Reply] [Original]

Is law school still a viable career path for English majors?

Are there any good novels which realistically depict the life of a lawyer in the 21st century?


>> No.21774273

>wreck havoc

>> No.21774286

>Is law school still a viable career path for English majors?
Isn't that the best career path for English majors?

That said...
Damn. How can any American (not American here, by the way) watch this and not freak out? This is the elite of the future. They will destroy your country.

How can graduate students in an elite university act like this? Where did things fail? Schools are creating idiots? Or is it admission committees that are selecting by idiocy and immaturity?

>> No.21774297

The reality is that lines in the sand are being drawn, and these academic institutions that consider themselves elite will simply insulate their inner circles - for example, the nepotists that rise into high level political and government positions. do you think the average joe is really affecting the upper class that they think they brush shoulders with?

>> No.21774311

You mean those students will not achieve positions of power and the really smart ones are just silently watching this?

>> No.21774318

Welcome to the meritocracy, it only works if you ardently hold the line, unfortunately.

>> No.21774321

That is the way things have always been. Schools like Stanford to the elite classes are like public school to you. It's an experience largely removed from what their life will consist of

>> No.21774330

I mean, this is a good thing, in this case.
Do you want the retards screaming in this video and making a show of leaving the speech to have any position of power? Frankly, the screaming ones shouldn't even be shift managers at McDonalds.

>> No.21774335

this is why education is being devalued, it's the same with literacy, not everyone should be capable of communication by virtue of how little they will ever say

>> No.21774356

>That said...
>Damn. How can any American (not American here, by the way) watch this and not freak out? This is the elite of the future. They will destroy your country.
If you have been in Law you know Judges are not worthy of respect in any shape or form, and that it is only the authority of the court they embodie that is worth a damn. A judge in a school is just another shithead teacher.

>> No.21774417

So what's the context of this? What did the judge do/say?

>> No.21774452 [DELETED] 

i have no idea about the context or who that dude is but the college i work at is full of narcissistic administrators just like that lady. any time there is a podium or a camera, they have to get up there and start going on and on about themselves.

>> No.21774455

There’s a tweet covering the whole story in detail in there somewhere

>> No.21774460

that's why so many supposedly elite schools are dropping out of college rankings so they can ditch the meritocracy and protect nepo admits while making noise about diversity.

>> No.21774476

Three cheers for comrade Mao!!! Western countries having no immunity for this shit is hilarious

>> No.21774516

leaky h-vac?

>> No.21774526

It’s no better or worse than any other career path. The singular reason you go to law school is because it’s a requirement to take the bar exam and not because you get a quality education.

If you do decide to go, go young but take the time to max your LSAT so you can get into the highest ranked school possible for the lowest cost possible.

>> No.21774528

>Fed Soc literally just wants the law to be judged neutrally
Why do leftists find this so appalling?

>> No.21774535

I think it’s so that they can experiment with admit and enrollment ratios without getting the bad PR of dropping in the rankings. Most universities have enrollments in free fall and elite law schools are no exception. They’ll admit more lower scoring applicants to salvage the financial picture.

>> No.21774540

The last 70y my country has been governed by a handful of political families that sent their subzero IQ offsprings to elite American universities, then get sent to work at some investment bank for 2-3y and then get voted parliament members and prime ministers.
The American degree is for the average voter the ultimate proof of competence. You can be a spineless idiot that can't speak without a prompt but the degree & family name guarantees a life of leasure and immense wealth.

>> No.21774541

It’s both. The role of the university is to act as both a filtering mechanism and an indoctrination method.

>> No.21774547

It’s the elite of the current. Look across this country and notice all the activist judges and district attorneys there are. It’s our fault really. We let politics become synonymous with a particular profession and then the universities were able to develop a stranglehold on it thanks to accreditation and exam requirements.

>> No.21774555

It’s worse than that because in America, our government and states are dominated by lawyers with law degrees from so-called “elite” schools. It’s not merely that they have high social status and wealth. They have political power too. There are many political offices which you cannot even serve in without a law degree and professional experience, particularly from an elite school and elite firm. This country was run by lawyers for 200 years and now we’re paying the price.

>> No.21774561

>and not freak out?
This has always been the mettle of the elite. What makes you think judges, individuals notorious only for how easy they are to corrupt and their boundless stupidity, have any part in the future? Hopefully an AI algorithm with firmly laid out ethical beliefs will take over. The law is a joke, always has been.

>> No.21774563

Any one who had any balls or principles that went to this and saw this happen would immediately drop out. California is one of a handful of states that doesn’t even require a law degree to practice.

>> No.21774572

Good. From what I have seen judges are the most narcissistic pieces of shit, larping as king, demanding you call them le your honour and dumb shit like that. For that matter, the whole concept of a judge is an outdated convention.

>> No.21774576

They will. They’ll get clerkships, positions in advocacy groups, win elections, get appointments, and get big law jobs at large faceless organizations that think this is not only okay but good.

>> No.21774597

>see one of the photos
>niggers, fatties, someone wearing a fucking mask in 2023, a limp-wristed cuck with an earring
Dysgenics 101.

>> No.21774603

Damn that woman is on the verge of tears in front of the patriarchal white man. Purely hypothetically how could a slightly immoral person profit from what the American society is going to look like in 20-30y?

>> No.21774617
File: 114 KB, 610x502, E4QRsnBVgAA1wM8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>le new generation of Ivy Legue law fags!
It has always been libtards.

>> No.21774621

>/lit/-bait threads

>> No.21774633

That’s true, but the “libtards” of today are particularly insane and subversive. We’ve gone from them wanting Western civilization but the liberal version, to the complete destruction of Western civilization in general because it’s like racist or whatever.

>> No.21774641

Just bet on increasing inequality and turmoil in the middle East. All the screeching is just territorial pissing, like putting genderqueer on your twitter bio so people know exactly where you are, one of us.
It's only there to exclude people who can't perform it, like some dumb gilded age shit about passing the port left except on ascension Sunday.
You and I are dumb chuds who can't or won't perform these rituals correctly, so lose out on certain breaks. Exactly as planned.

>> No.21774774

The banking and defense sectors seem poised to have a 50 year run. Everything else will crash and burn.

>> No.21774810

How do i download this or can someone post it as a webm?

>> No.21774846

Energy, transport, farming?

>> No.21775123

>viable career path
Lol fiat globalist central banking is going to crash this century. Get an agriculture degree because all the city bugmen will die and there will be a return to agrarianism.

>> No.21775161

Keep dreaming

>> No.21775172

And I thought 4chan was inflammatory... How do you read Twitter and stay sane?

>> No.21775174


>> No.21775180

Lmao the keynesian experiment has gone on about 50 years untied to assets and now literally every country's central bank is absurdly insolvent and you think this is infallible? Tick tock. It will start with the smaller countries and balloon up.

>> No.21775181 [DELETED] 

I can only handle 20 minutes of it a week at most. I would say the average person in current year would be considered categorically mentally ill, (apart from generally very poorly educated and low class,) 100 years ago.

>> No.21775201

>central bank
This is your brain on /biz/

>> No.21775250

>birthrate -5-50%
>interest rates 0-5%

Does this sound sustainable to you, retard?

>> No.21775262

Yes. Let me know when the sky falls on your head

>> No.21775270

Will do, bugman.

>> No.21775272

you make posts like this only to excuse yourself from doing anything

>> No.21775314

I'm moving to a flyover rural area and building a compound. I move in 4 months to a small city there to start looking at places to buy in a year. It is admitted fact that the birthrates cannot sustain the current economic models. The insolvency of central banks in places like canada or germany are whispered loudly among those in the know. Dude it has existed 50 years. Exactly what precedent or data do you have besides state propaganda that this experiment is sustainable? Everybody in finance has been screaming about this for years.

>> No.21775453

>bank that can literally print its own money is insolvent

>> No.21775478

It's based on bonds held by other governments anon.

>> No.21775496

What does the obviously planned demolition of western civilization mean? What elites are plotting it, from where, where are they planning to relocate/wait out the collapse, and what do they think comes after?

Any social theory that can't answer these questions is inert

>> No.21775502

ya and they can print the bond payments

>> No.21775507

I don't think they want it, it is just inevitable. What they are planning for is how the hell they will retain power and power structures when it does.

>> No.21775512

most of the people at that protest probably aren't in the law school. those kind of events are open to anyone.

>> No.21775516

Ok and now their country has so much inflation the workers cannot buy bread.

>> No.21775527

i know the war in ukraine is fucking up those state subsidized wheat breads in egypt, but i have not heard of any food insecurity in a democratic country. nice doomer cope fantasy tho.

>> No.21775538

But they don't pay those bonds. The point is the debt is well above gdp pluss reserve assets.

>> No.21775541

you're talking about the united states? the united states has never missed a bond payment unlike various communist and authoritarian countries.

>> No.21775558

I just said germany and canada. The US actually has the least poopie yucky fiat since they held the worlds gold until 1970 and then established the petrodollar as the world reserve. Also the US birthrate was propped up by new immigrants, especially catholic mexicans and only now is declining like europe and asia. The problem is that the worlds economy is globally tied and anybodys problem is everybodies problem.

>> No.21775559

>very end of video
>"it's upside down"
>sign is actually upside down
>doesn't change a thing
captured in a nutshell...

>> No.21775598
File: 104 KB, 1189x312, 4E7CE33D-9905-4FFB-9CB5-A46377E9A18E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All because he wouldn’t play the tranny game LMAO

>> No.21775726

Yes. I'm currently doing my MA in English lit and plan to go to law school afterwards. It's one of the few fields where you can make a very good living. Most writing jobs out there suck and are hard to come by without connections or fucking your way to the top.

>> No.21775734

>The last 70y
America was always owned by several elite families. This is well documented.

>> No.21775739

>difference is multifaceted
Obviously written by ChatGPT

>> No.21775860

>Most writing jobs out there suck and are hard to come by without connections or fucking your way to the top.

“writing” is redundant

>> No.21776257

As an english major-turned-attorney I would advise everyone who was in my shoes, considering law school after graduating with a worthless toilet paper degree, to think hard about whether spending 6 figures on a difficult advanced degree in an extremely tight and competitive job market is something that would put you in a better situation than, say, working at Starbucks or Amazon without that debt. If nothing else, you need to work at a law office before deciding it's a career you want to do, so you can witness firsthand how much you can handle boring work and stressful situations.

>> No.21776266

>This is the elite of the future. They will destroy your country.
Have you seen how the elite of the present are doing?

>> No.21776561


>> No.21776578

Under what circumstances would you say law school is worth it?

>> No.21776609

>go to an elite law school like pic related
>normal, non-polarized experience
>gain valuable skills and a marketable degree that will allow me to practice in preferred area
>read and write all day
>scholarship and teach so minimal debt

feels good man

>> No.21776628

A big regret of mine is not doing this at 25. I’m 29 now and still thinking about going but it’s not the same anymore and sort of feels like a cope.

>> No.21776633

lots of my classmates are late 20's/early 30's. it's a second thing for most people. i think the average starting age at my school is 26 or 27. the longer you wait the worse it'll get anon

>> No.21776656

This type of behavior is exhibited by people who have never gotten into a legitimate fight in their life and by people who have never had their ass beat (humbled).

Just look at all the times some lefty college kid thinks they can go around fucking with people's stuff and starting fights. It's crazy. They feel safe doing that at a campus because the culture protects them.

It's insane though because they have absolutely no idea about some of these people's backgrounds. A conservative guy/or anyone they are screaming at on campus might have a couple years training mma, hell even 6 months to a year is enough time to fuck someone without training up. They're not going to do shit against someone like that.

>> No.21776660

That’s interesting to know. I talked to a few schools and told them I’d be matriculating at 30 or 31. They told me they’re happy to take older students but the typical student is 25 or younger. Anyway, it’s not really the age that’s an issue for me so much as a question of like “isn’t there something I can do that makes more sense given what I’ve already done”? Law school is more what I wish I did than what I want to do, if that makes any sense at all. Appreciate the advice regardless.

>> No.21776693

that makes sense anon. good luck figuring everything out.

>> No.21776695

>go to an elite law school like pic related
>normal, non-polarized experience
Hm, I don't think you do.

>> No.21776707

don't you have a fedsoc meeting to go to?

>> No.21776816

>Is law school still a viable career path for English majors?
Isn't that something you should ask a professional and not here?

>> No.21776840

There are a lot of lawyers and professors on this board

>> No.21776862

>we have multiple /pol/ threads on /lit/ now
Holy shit, it's over. This board is completely fucking dead.

>> No.21776881

welcome to post-2016 4chan

>> No.21776885

>There are a lot of lawyers and professors on this board
You have to be really dumb or delusional to believe that.

>> No.21776906

blame the bots that board is 9/10 slide at any given time

>> No.21776911

If you get into a good school (at least top 20) and you get a good scholarship that minimizes your debt. You also have to be willing to work your ass off and network in order to actually get good grades and a job. It is much harder than undergrad because you're on a curve so you have to actually outperform your classmates, who if you are a 4channer are in all likelihood smarter, more sociable, and with superior work ethics. As I said it is an extremely competitive market to get good grades and a decent attorney job that doesn't make you want to kill yourself.
Then when you do get a job you won't be making big money (meaning you are going to get fucked in the ass by your loans for decades) unless you are at a big firm where they will work you like a slave doing the most boring shit imaginable for 80 hours a week.

>> No.21776915

it's disproportionate compared to other boards. things are shit here i can see why you think this, but back when effortposting was more common this was definitely the case

>> No.21776917

Well it requires a high level of literacy and written communication skills which one would at least hope would be the product of an English degree. There are of course many ways to get those skills without such a degree, mainly by reading and writing. Law involves interpreting often heavily stylized, dense texts, and if that's what you've been learning what to do in English class, it applies.

Personally I would major in the area immediately related to the domain of law you want to get into. Doing so will differentiate you as a candidate. Corporate law? Study business. Criminal law? Criminology. Family law (divorce, child custody, etc). Sociology/psychology.

>> No.21776924

This has been the case for a while. Most threads get /pol/ replies in them too. Might as well rename 4channel /pol/ at this point. Goodbye board culture. It is all a homogeneous mix of /pol/ slop from here on out

>> No.21777023
File: 2.00 MB, 494x498, clown-pepe.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>One source of the students' ire was Duncan's refusal... to use a transgender sex offender's pronouns
>A transgender sex offender's pronouns.

>> No.21777032

So you admit that Fedsoc is a refuge for conservative law students in a politically divisive environment? Curious...

>> No.21777048
File: 58 KB, 498x750, stoner.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminds me of the MN 2020 riots. I went for posterity, every faggot rioter was a skinny, short stoner/skateboarder type that would loudly proclaim their contempt for the man in the relative safety of not being around any authority figure. As soon as the police showed up they would scurry away with their tail between their legs. They don't even make good anarchists they're just total failures with daddy issues.

>> No.21777057

South American? I see these fucking faggot kids everywhere. You can tell they're rich in a trashy way and have servants. I've learned to hate "upper class acting" South Americans with a passion, they are extremely willing to enslave and parasitize other human beings. They are closer to wealthy Chinese expats than, say, wealthy Indian expats. At least the latter are transparent and self-aware about how they want to be rich pigs living in a flat in London. Chinese and LatAm ones are like some kind of prototype for future a next gen slave-owner class. It's especially hilarious that they all claim to be victims of racism too. They adopt the agitprop and learn to wield it very quickly,

>> No.21777072

not really, of course there's political student groups. i never denied that though. i just said that things are non-polarized for the most part here

>> No.21777075

fedposts, at least this one definitely is >>21775272

remember to call out all "do something" "you will never do anything" language for what it is, feds or antifa troons being useful idiots for the fed worldview as usual

>> No.21777076

Literally go trans and pull heartstrings about how oppressed you are. We’re fucked

>> No.21777081

How could such a person benefit from being in Rhodesia in 1970? The only real answer is "get out as fast as possible."

Study the history of Brazil, Rhodesia, South Africa. We are headed there with no stops.

>> No.21777082

Must be nice having your parents buy your food

>> No.21777085

It's over saturated, don't even think about it without having an Uncle System route.

>> No.21777089

so corporations and people with big bucks can take over everything and make the rules, woke shit is consent being manufactured not to say the woke fags don't believe in it, they do.

>> No.21777135

The Club of Rome has a youtube channel with multiple videos going into explicit detail about their plans.

Basically, they want to reduce the population through soft eugenics (porn, birth control, cultural engineering, etc.) and also destroy the ability of western countries to exercise viable political autonomy by saddling them with a "green new deal" which basically leaves them indebted for the next century with expensive construction projects that require ridiculous upkeep just to keep society running.

Then they want to offshore their assets (previously in China, I don't know if this is still the case) while they control demo Western Civilization. After it's burned to the ground, they'll move their assets back in and buy everything back for pennies on the dollar.

Why would they do something so heinously evil? To save the environment, Chuddy. You don't want global warming to destroy their beachfront properties do you? It's time to get in the pod and eat the bugs.

>> No.21777210

dude like 40% of the class at some law schools in my country are over the age of 25 and there are lots of people 29+ who are doing a second degree or are coming from master's/phd programs. late 20s/early 30s is fucking nothing if you wait until you're actually old like late 30s/early 40s yes you will be the old guy in the class but 29 is fucking nothing. I'm 27 and in graduate school and will be going to law school after this I will likely be 29 or 30 by the time I start. Fucking relax.

>> No.21777272

you can't afford bread? have you tried applying for snap?

>> No.21777291

I’m not American Jose

>> No.21777356

I wasn’t exactly freaking out about it.

>> No.21777376
File: 165 KB, 1500x1725, grumpy_kitzia-3-49f1519d7ae745fa9c3c327fd800df59.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>enrollments in freefall
>humanity majors in a steep decline
>still got rejected from the linguistics program at USC with a 4.0 gpa

>> No.21777394

That only applies if you're not white.

>> No.21777453

yes you were you moping pussy I can sense your insecurity from here and it's pathetic

>> No.21777515

Ayo, ayo, hol’ up homie. I gots in widda 2.1. Y’all be oppressin’

>> No.21777713

Zoomers are pathetic

>> No.21777745

should have checked "African-American"

>> No.21777837

I am so tired of the world and its bullshit.

>> No.21777909

>elizabeth warren
>woman of color
damn guess my 1/256th indian blood gives me protected minority status too. brb gotta con hwites into reservation casinos for easy neetbux

>> No.21777928

That shit were they snap their fingers instead of applauding is so fucking gay.

>> No.21777933

Have you seen some of the people in the current administration? These retards are absolutely rising to the top.

>> No.21778000

In a different boat, but im 25 about to finish up my first year of engineering. One of the guys I've befriended is 30. Youll be 33 in 4 years anyways, why not be 33 and a law grad if thats what you want? Go for it

>> No.21778012

>clerkships, positions in advocacy groups, win elections, get appointments
You don’t need law school for any of these
>get big law jobs at large faceless organizations that think this is not only okay but good
Sure, buddy. And the Indian guy who got in his face will be the best applicant among them all, right?

>> No.21778595

My grandpa started his degree in medicine when he was 42, so it's never too late.

>> No.21778597

I'm a lawyer, but from europe. Love my job. It's great.

>> No.21778768

That was the 1910s and he was rich.

>> No.21778778

Yeah stuff like this is why I choosing to do a trade.

>> No.21778876

Yes, you do need law school for all them.

>> No.21778881

Are you projecting? It’s called a conversation you neurotic.

>> No.21778884

>Then when you do get a job you won't be making big money (meaning you are going to get fucked in the ass by your loans for decades) unless you are at a big firm where they will work you like a slave doing the most boring shit imaginable for 80 hours a week.

Underrated post for anyone who's taking the thread question seriously. You'll either be scraping to make ends meet, or you'll make decent (but not amazing) money in a firm but you will absolutely be slaved to death there with a lot of stress.

If you can use your degree to get a government job where you live, that's probably the best option.

>> No.21778886

It’s because the total pool is decreasing but percentage of what they consider URM is increasing. They’re also increasing the cohorts that spend the most, so international, out-of-state, etc. on a percentage basis, a white male applying in-probably has the lowest odds of a receiving an admit ever

>> No.21778894

It sounds like going to a top law school opens a lot of doors but being an actual lawyer is a shitty job. I don’t know why all lawyers don’t run for office.

>> No.21779117

I thought periods of turmoil were the perfect time that a grifter can amass wealth. Stable regulated "democracies" have very few openings that haven't already been exploited by those with generational capital and power

>> No.21779136

That’s wrong. In unstable regimes the way to amass wealth is to exploit and speculate. In stable regimes, there’s s clear path upward and opportunities to make wealth the conventional way.

>> No.21779139

For the amoral and opportunistic, sure. Lawyers should do just fine

>> No.21779151

This. Best advice I heard was to read Storm of Steel. Sounds out of place but it makes more sense 10 years later. Shouldn't have been there in the first place. Go work a fishing boat. You will be happier.

>> No.21779160

Being a doctor or being a lawyer are both shitty jobs. Plus all they require is a high degree of memorization. I don't get why they are meme careers

>> No.21779164

I suspect people of the past would’ve considered going back to school in your 30s to be immature.

>> No.21779165

And it's why I'm quitting law in a few months once I get my lawyer's licence (I just want it on my resume so I can get a possibly better job afterwards).

>> No.21779168

People of the past worked in a vinyl siding factory inhaling petrochemicals for 45 years.

>> No.21779184

That’s just not realistic for most people. Most will become a professional such as a lawyer, maybe a teacher, or some totally meaningless symbol analysis or coder job that produces no one of note or historical remarketability.

Because they’re highly paid professional careers that have been taken up by gentry drop outs and middle class social climbers via university degrees since the Middle Ages.

>> No.21779186

The people in question was obviously not the peasantry and working class that never had a choice

>> No.21779213

If you're graduating then, I hope you are at least going to try to pass the bar or have a job lined up immediately afterwards, because if you don't, everyone will ask you why you got a JD but didn't take the bar for the rest of your career and you will become unhireable.

>> No.21779220

Running for office is immensely more stressful than being a lawyer. It will literally turn you into a schizo.

>> No.21779237

But surely a less soul crushing job. American history is filled with lawyers and would-be lawyers who ran from legal advisory and embraced legislating.

>> No.21779511

All of those people were already rich and well-connected sociopaths who could afford to not work for years while running their campaigns. The only way it could be considered less soul-crushing is because you cannot have a soul when you are a politician. And the reason that so many of those people are former lawyers is because practicing law in most contexts will grind your soul away to nothingness which sets you up perfectly for a career in politics.
You know how there are those vtuber/kpop/eceleb fans that are fucking obsessed with the viewer count numbers of how well their oneitis eceleb does on a daily basis? Now imagine you are a politician and your actual livelihood depends on that type of statistical autism, and you HAVE to be that obsessed with winning and manipulating people to vote for you. It is a "career" exclusively for deranged liars with god complexes.

>> No.21779617

Well, if that’s your impression I won’t argue with you but my anecdotal experience is that you don’t need to be particularly well-connected or wealthy to run or win at the state or local level. Many of the people who get tapped though are lawyers either way, and many people who end up aspiring to office wish they had at least pursued a career as a lawyer for that reason.

>> No.21779770 [DELETED] 
File: 237 KB, 1479x2048, ok.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>privileged dei lady vs federal judge
who shall prevail?

>> No.21779785

Obviously the judge.

>> No.21780162
File: 3.18 MB, 400x300, 1678393181316.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm gonna say it, I'm gonna be that guy.

The Stanford philosophy website fucking sucks and is full of purple prose!!

>> No.21780547
File: 85 KB, 640x902, 1614374289242.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We'll just have to fight another civil to war to wrangle freedoms from the managers.

I don't really see any way back from this.

>> No.21780567

wtf I've been wrong all this time. thank u sempai

>> No.21780596

Yes, if you get a good lsat score and go to a mid tier school for full scholarships. But that cheat code may be too late. The schools are dropping out of rankings and probably dropping required lsat tests because they want to be able to cover their tracks and do Affirmative Action once it gets banned. My school was pretty good, but we got a new dean after my first year and she has tried to make the school more diverse and harassed our federalist society. Time is running out for this career path to be viable.

>> No.21780609

Millennials and their consequences have been a disasters for humanity.
>b-but those are le zoomers!
Yeah, and whose ideas made them that way?

>> No.21781030

The critical theory people from the 60s-80s

>> No.21781054

>Can you BELIEVE what the kids are doing these days? It’s OUTRAGEOUS!
Dont care faggot

>> No.21781244

>Isn't that the best career path for English majors?
The best writers have always been outsiders from literary studies. How do you not know this?

>> No.21781263

Critical theory is a nothingburger. Have you even read Critique the journal or any Adorno? It’s just whinging about no one taking them seriously as they cry about the “ossification” of literature.
Spivak and maybe bell hooks are the only ones I see as obsessed with race and gender, but they’re not even really theorists and they have an iffy relationship to critique.
Just blame post-colonialism and feminism; it makes it clearer.

>> No.21781284

>Critical theory is a nothingburger.
there's nothing theoretical wrong with it but in practice it's just a pretext for more "ayo fuck whitey (gimme dat btw)" Retarded kids are only paying half attention so they just believe whatever is repeated the most regardless of how it should be qualified.

>> No.21781286

He called a tranny "him" in a court proceeding. Not joking, that's the entire story.

>> No.21781303

The troon was sentenced to 15 years in prison for possessing CP btw

>> No.21781305

I’m saying that Critical Theory isn’t really connected to activism anyway; the activism comes from political groups or just rich students being bored and needing to feel morally superior, to even to get ahead in the rat race as universities try to seem cutting edge.
Critical theory is always some upper class poofta writing about the invention of a steam engine and how it relates to the Count of Monte Cristo or something useless. You’re (rightfully) mad at feminism and post-colonialism, which are just politics that have nothing to do with Adorno nor Latour. They might have tangential connections to Marx but barely any contemporary “Marxists” even read anything, let alone Marx.
No one even teaches Critical Theory at university until postgrad, and it’s usually got nothing to do with any real politics.

>> No.21781319

>I’m saying that Critical Theory isn’t really connected to activism anyway
well it is—it's a tool in their toolkit, specifically a Trojan Horse. That's how they invariably make us of it. But I agree with you.

>> No.21781470

Humans are bloodthirsty and love to take any opportunity to devour others when they can sense that they can do it with support of the group

>> No.21781482
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>> No.21781546

They made us do that shit in elementary school because the principal's sister was deaf or something. How that correlates, I do not know.

>> No.21781629

keyed, thanks for spreading truth

>> No.21782023
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>> No.21783160

Law school is in a "Barbarian at the gates" moment. There are evil forces pounding on it and demanding its submission. I personally think it's already done for. I am in law school right now and there's a fertile hatred (in the faculty and students) of the law as its practiced and understood. Once these students find their way into positions of power (and they WILL find their way into them), the West (as a concept) is really going to be dead.

I'd just like to add that legions of DIE administrators, and undergraduate re-programming before law school have been performing exceptionally. Law schools were basically ground zero for most of the nonsense today (CRT, 'sub-altern' and minority voice inclusivity protests, and (the worst, of the worst) the incorporation of deconstructionist philosophy).

See: Charles Lawrence, Kimberle Crenshaw, and Mari Matsuda.
Essential to understanding: Jacques Derrida

Overall, I am enjoying learning about the law and the reading, writing, and analysis aspect of it. I would still recommend it if your option is between a legal career v. soulless retail/minimum wagie work.

>> No.21783194
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I really need to get the hell out of this country before it's too late.

>> No.21783199

Just move somewhere like Kentucky or New Hampshire. If all the sane people congregate in the same places we can defend them. Vote in freedom caucus or libertarians. Build alternative schools and agrarian relationships.

>> No.21783202

Are you mentally retarded?

>> No.21783225
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>> No.21783234

People used to say this about Texas and Arizona
both of which are now inundated by refugees from California and Mexico and coincidentally growing bluer all the time

>> No.21783318

Kek, you can't make this shit up

>> No.21783374

What the fuck was happening in the video? What did the guy do?
Btw, Judges are one of the worst kind of people in existence, at least in Civil law.
Also, fuck jannies, fucking banning me for nonsense shit.

>> No.21783473

The good students are studying and not watching this guest speaker shit.

>> No.21783496

Humanity would sink into eternal darkness, it would fall into a dull and primitive state, were the Jews to win this war. They are the incarnation of that destructive force that in these terrible years has guided the enemy war leadership in a fight against all that we see as noble, beautiful, and worth keeping. For that reason alone the Jews hate us. They despise our culture and learning, which they perceive as towering over their nomadic worldview. They fear our economic and social standards, which leave no room for their parasitic drives.

>> No.21783550

And you’ve personally contributed what exactly?

>> No.21783970

save le heckin (((individualism))) for someone who cares. No man is an island

>> No.21784022

Cost of education doesn't matter if you started from nothing. It's free money that's secured by nothing.

>> No.21784042

Via election fraud.

>> No.21784092
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At least think they will with their cunning plots.
But in the long-run, we will.
History is cyclical, left-extremism will only provoke right-extremism; the pendulum will always swing. There is no straight course, only the tipping of scales. That is, until the cycle resets and begins anew; wherein, at the dawn of, we, the righteous, will reign and create paradise on Earth.
We only have to bide time until the inevitable decay has set fully so we can usher in a new Golden Age; hopefully more and more closer to its eternal realisation--as the truth is with us, and the perseverance of its followers knows no bounds.

>> No.21784122

You're 45, balding badly and a virgin

>> No.21784164

Why is this dumb boomer surprised that a bunch of broody mutt dykes and turd worlders don't respect him after he allowed jews to weaponize the institutions against his kind?

>> No.21784171

He's right and you're wrong. Cry about it, bluepilled NPC.

>> No.21784180

Maybe if you keep crying like a woman Jesus will fly down out of the sky like iron man and save you?

>> No.21784200

>can't write a rebuttal to the post
>impotently implies that others are stupid Do the world a favour and jump off a tall building ASAP, leftwing nigger halfwit.

>> No.21784509

>hurr durr crying won't help
Neither will "action". If things change for the better it won't be in our lifetimes, there's nothing a single person can do against global systemic processes that have run out of control. Only the crash can correct it, and the only thing anyone wants is to delay that crash, because it will be horrifying. So here we are.

>> No.21784683

>Is law school still a viable career path for English majors?
the foundational level skills will probably translate, but higher order ones are completely different. Lawyers have their own completely unique system for writing and argumentation. An undergrad that focuses on stuff like philosophy and logic would probably be best.

>> No.21784909

Yeah I am lawyer

>> No.21785016

>I am lawyer
prove it
I bet you don't even know what an order to show summary jurisdictions is

>> No.21785027

>prove it
I hate my life.

>> No.21785088
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sometimes it really do be like that

>> No.21785235

That’s a pretty big straw man there big goy. Maybe you’d like to live among the enriched and vibrant Palestinians in their Talmudic hellscape? Yjh824

>> No.21785728


>> No.21785817

Ah yes, another thinly veiled excuse for a /pol/ thread and to attract the schizos.

>> No.21785881

Nietzsche was right. What a fucking sick society.

>> No.21786725

>things are shit here i can see why you think this, but back when effortposting was more common this was definitely the case
Why are you talking about the past, stay focus on the present. You have to be really dumb or delusional if you think lawyers and professors post here