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/lit/ - Literature

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21773798 No.21773798 [Reply] [Original]

Sorting little children into schools that stereotype them into their worst or best traits for years? That's some serious psychological abuse there for people who change massively year by year so nothing would keep them stable.

>> No.21773801

Sounds cool. I’m Ravenclaw btw

>> No.21773806
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The magic hat represents Jung and the hat knows the kids.

>> No.21773809

It's bullshit though: absolutely bullshit. Those are extremely small kids. Whatever they are one year they are extremely different next month.

>> No.21773820

Grindelwald was using the holocaust as his source for his army of inferi.

>> No.21773851

>Secret magical school that's hundreds of years old doesn't follow modern globohomo education techniques
No way

>> No.21773898

They change but they always come full circle.

>> No.21773906

Prophecies and divination are real in the Harry Potter world anon. The sorting hat even tells Harry that he can see him doing very well as a slytherin

>> No.21773911

Oh, and to add to this, this is shown within the books. Neville is shown to be very timid and cowardly as a Gryffindor, with people even musing that the sorting hat might have made a mistake, yet he grows into his bravery throughout the books

>> No.21773919

>so nothing would keep them stable.
Being part of a specific house tradition would keep them stable, even if they end up developing in ways that are distinct from it. Children need guide rails of that sort. Otherwise you get an amorphous mass of retards.

>> No.21773925

>Whatever they are one year they are extremely different next month.
not if you don't write them that way. checkmate.

>> No.21775338

I've been saying this years and it still bothers me because the books are so ridiculously popular; I wonder if there's any deconstruction similar to Harry Potter and the Method of Rationalism but from a child psychology perspective.

>> No.21775351

Rise up Ravenclaw

>> No.21775389

I posted the same complaint on an entertainment forum, and someone suggested they could at least re-sort them every year.

That would make it less terrible I guess but it's still lame because why have it at all.

>> No.21775398

It's just awful from a child development point of view; there's also the fact that the teachers pit the students against each other rather than try to resolve issues

>> No.21775404

>Harry, it's time I told you about the House Cup...
>You see, a population is easier to control when it is fighting amongst itself
>You students pick your battles with other Houses -- complaining that Slytherin this and RavenClaw that
>We tell you that one is the bravest and the other is the cleverest
>But the REAL magic is this
>While it's the Teachers assigning the points, you students blame the other Houses for your slights and the pressures we put upon you
>You struggle against an enemy that we conjured in your mind
>You and Draco hate each other
>Because he wears green and you wear red
>And the first thing we did when you arrived
>Is put you in a red robe and he in a green one >One of my more clever devices if I say so myself
>And here you were thinking that Gilderoy Lockhart was the master of charm spells... A wizard that needed a wand.

>> No.21775416

I guess harry potter is pure satanism.

>> No.21775426

Theres so much about blood and inheritance in those books which is nice imo.
Rowling dun goofed by not creating any friendly Slytherin students though. Or showing why it can be a good thing to belong there.

>> No.21775439
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Kek, I know its a stereotypical American soccer mom position, but there is unironically a lot in HP that could be categorized as Satanic, like the good guys using black magic against the villains. If you look back at other popular fantasy novels like Narnia and LotR there was a Christian undertone, and though good characters engage in violence there's no moment where a character uses just their mind to tear another character into pieces (this happens to Voldie's waifu I believe). There's also no moment where animals are casually transformed into inanimate objects like in HP, Narnia and LotR tend to try to invoke empathy for the natural world.

>> No.21775447

Puritans are funny.

>> No.21775473
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funny, but weirdly and ironically correct about HP. Not entirely for the reasons that they suggested (though as an Ortho Christian myself the black magic use by sympathetic characters with no repentance or consequence does irk me) but because it is a book that does not develop children morally.
It's not only the characters that engage in the Inter-House fued >>21775404 but the young developing reader is encouraged to "feel" the angry emotions of the child-characters towards other child-characters, and cheer when they are hurt and fail. Lots of HP readers ended up insufferable liberals who split the world into black and white, good and evil, based on party colors and not personal merit
Can't blame HP for all of it, but is there a link?

>> No.21775488

>who split the world into black and white, good and evil
As if Christians dont do this.

>> No.21775513

The problem is that in Christianity (at least mature philosophical Christianity, not soccer mom Christianity) there is inherently room for repentance, and good guys are regarded as having some sin in them and baddies some good. Pure evil characteristics are projected onto demonic characters that are outside of this human condition, and even then some Christians question this (Tolkien for instance toyed with the idea of Sauron not having been malicious at the start just too invested in industrialism as an idea to see that it was hurting other people). In HP evil is near, and it is other children

>> No.21775519

Only women and little girls care about Harry Potter. No self respecting straight white male cares about these books for literal CHILDREN.

>> No.21775526

True, but I care about the effect it might have on children. My kids' are reading Narnia and the Tolkien books once they are old enough

>> No.21775606

>Old enough
You are pathetic. You don't and never will have children.

>> No.21775618

Angry faggot

>> No.21775620

>Hey NRA
>TEENAGERS took down Voldemort
>They'll take down YOU next
holy irony

>> No.21775751
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>> No.21775951
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I snickered; have to revisit the Harry Potter books and movies due to my younger cousin being into the Vidya even though I hate it and Draco screaming "Pottah" might be the only thing that I find bearable

>> No.21776746

These were the troubles and insecurities children were facing in the 90s. Which is why it became so popular.

>> No.21776770

When will these daily harry potter threads be over?

>> No.21776793

Doesn't he demonstrate his bravery from the very first book? When he stands up against Harry and pals and tries to stop them from looking for the stone. In fact, it's because of him they win the house cup.

>> No.21776971

Troon seethe has attracted attention

>> No.21776981

>girls don't walk around with their tits out
she really fucked up

>> No.21776995
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I just found out on /tv/ that Malfoy loyally nursed his terminally ill wife till she expire
What the fuck

>> No.21777017

The DA references by anti-gun activists are pretty funny given the fact that it was essentially created as a militia in response to government crackdown on self-defence education.

>> No.21777127

so in that case he had zero corpses to necromance?

>> No.21777163

Actually he had around 250k, mostly from typhus

>> No.21778450

yes, but that too is after the sorting hat picks him. in addition, this is a very small act of bravery, and he was still often a joke among the other students after that incident

>> No.21778473

you have never been around kids. and please keep it that way.

>> No.21778481

you are stupid. even adults can change rapidly given enough drastic experiences.

small kids have "drastic experiences" daily so pretending their main traits are going to stay stable between 6 years old and 18 is just: lol.

>> No.21778506

>being around like minded people is bad
>dont build up intimate friendships over the span of years, just change your "identity" every few months and dont forget to buy all that fashion to fit in with your new "subculture"

>> No.21778513

Catharsis is a sham, personalities dont change by singular experiences but through long processes of growth and sometimes suffering.

>> No.21778524

JKR is a Calvinist. HP is very much based on an idea of predestination. Bad is bad. Good is good. People are judged on who they are, intrinsically, not what they do.

>> No.21778525

yeah what a brilliant parenthood /s.

if your kid turns out to be retarded at something, will your best solution be to be taught by other retards?

>> No.21778532

Yes, if my kid wasnt very good academically I wouldnt surround them with high IQ geniuses playing the piano and discussing Plato at age 12, I would encourage them to find something else they are good at (sports, a craft, drawing) and surround them with similar children so they could grow their skills and live a fulfilling life.

>> No.21778548
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>> No.21778560

Why is this board and/or website swarming with plebbitors?

>> No.21778570

>this board
Redditor midwits are trapped in this bubble where all literature is "left wing" and "right wingers" are illiterate and dont read so they assume /lit/ will be another commie echochamber circlejerk, which it kinda is.

Own the Chuds

>> No.21778588

>it's because of him they win the house cup.

they win the house cup because dumbledore gives them bs extra points at the last minute

>> No.21778600


That is correct. Why do you phrase this like a disagreement?

>> No.21778608

dumbledore is a faggot. jk confirmed this

>> No.21778612

Seriously please keep that /s shit outta here my guy

>> No.21778613


That is also correct.

>> No.21778630


>> No.21778911 [DELETED] 

you seem very familiar with that reddit. you must visit it a lot.

>> No.21778915

you seem very familiar with that reddit. you must visit it a lot.

>> No.21778989

I know enough to detect some redditurd posting reddit shit, fucking faggot.