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/lit/ - Literature

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21772166 No.21772166 [Reply] [Original]

>Hamsun had strong anti-English views, and openly supported Adolf Hitler and Nazi ideology. Due to his professed support for the German occupation of Norway, he was charged with treason after the war. In 1945 at the age of 86, the Nobel laureate novelist Knut Hamsun wrote an obituary of Adolf Hitler in the newspaper Aftenposten. Hamsun's eulogy to Hitler served as the collaborationist newspaper's feature article on Hitler's death.

>Adolf Hitler

>I'm not worthy to speak up for Adolf Hitler, and to any sentimental rousing his life and deeds do not invite.

>Hitler was a warrior, a warrior for humankind and a preacher of the gospel of justice for all nations. He was a reforming character of the highest order, and his historical fate was that he functioned in a time of unequaled brutality, which in the end failed him.

>Thus may the ordinary Western European look at Adolf Hitler. And we, his close followers, bow our heads at his death.

>Knut Hamsun
How come nobody told me Knut was so based?

>> No.21772174

>Hitler was a warrior, a warrior for humankind and a preacher of the gospel of justice for all nations.
These are obviously the words of a senile man. You do know the reason he wasn't put into prison was because he was legally senile, right?

>> No.21772175

>that jaw doe
Nazis be like we wuzz neanderthals!

>> No.21772183

True, and these motherfuckers have the gals to call us dysgenic kek

>> No.21772186

Back to re*dit
I'm going to start reading his books now.

>> No.21772194

looks like a grown up harry potter

>> No.21772200

He had supported Nazism since the 20s, and had been a far-right racialist since his youth in the 19th century.

>> No.21772206

The Nazis described his work as the zenith of cultural achievement and the perfect example of the art they want for their thousand year Reich. German soldiers were encouraged to carry his works into battle with them.

>> No.21772217
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>this jaw
lel lil biolennies aren't sending their best

>> No.21772258

>Hitler was a warrior, a warrior for humankind and a preacher of the gospel of justice for all nations.
Anyone who says shit like this AFTER being aware of what happened during WWII is obviously mentally ill. Many other people were also Nazis before and grew disillusioned after knowing the reality.

>> No.21772269

Well, you might believe that. I, in turn, believe that anyone who still believes the allies propaganda is too unintelligent to have an opinion.

>> No.21772290

Hamsun is a great writer and Mysteries is one of my favorites but I wish he was liked for reasons beyond /pol/. Truly a cancer

>> No.21772294

Same. The irony is that if Knut were alive today he would have become a leftist and would hate /pol/tards.

>> No.21772302

is this how leftists cope with their favorite writers being far-right fascists?

>well uhhhh he would be le woke tranny like me if he was around today!

>> No.21772303

A truly wise and perceptive man.

>> No.21772305

>allies propaganda
Such as? How the fuck was Hitler a warrior for humankind and a preacher of justice for all nations?
This board is filled with 18 yo edgelords. They see the label "Nazi" and they run to ask their mothers to buy them some Nazi books.

>> No.21772314

You're right. Most internet nazis are young men like 19-23 and will grow out of inevitably. It's just a phase you need to get past

>> No.21772313

what books?

>> No.21772318

I’m a pretty apolitical but I chose by favorite writers based on what they wrote, not their political beliefs

>> No.21772319

There is literally nothing wrong with his jaw, shitbloods.

>> No.21772320

Seething. This is actually how it is with communists and lolberts though.

>> No.21772330

and you saying right wing writers would really be left wing is just pure coincide

>> No.21772331

The fuck are you saying moron

>> No.21772333

It happens to all idpolfags.

>> No.21772339

You boomers are a pathetic bunch. Literal manchildren who can't live without mass media propaganda. You have no right to tell young people what is right and mature. Your great great grandpa who was an actual adult man would disown the entire lineage if he knew that you would be a homosexual with mongrel children.

>> No.21772340

They do actually do this. They claim every writer they like actually “grew and recanted their views later in life” or just try to twist into absurdities not worth engaging with. They’re disgusting, gross freaks

>> No.21772345

Does it really hurt you so much that if your heroes were alive today they would feel disgust for you? Who is the snowflake exactly here?

>> No.21772348

pure projection
lenin and stalin would have you gunned down in 3 seconds

>> No.21772352

>grew and recanted their views later in life
Some did. Believing in the possibility of redemption is a Christian theme after all, there is nothing wrong with that.

>> No.21772353

considering I don't go around claiming every writer I disagree with politically would actually agree with me if he was around today? Not much of one. You are on the other hand...

>> No.21772357

But without the shit angloid genes.

>> No.21772358

It kind of reminds me of Jews who like a gentile actor and insist he must have a some Jewish blood lol

>> No.21772359

looks very angloid

>> No.21772361

Uh still you because you created an imaginary scenario in your head where a dead guy would have liked you and killed me? Seems really childish and sad, even by 4Chan standards. You just kinda sound like a fag right now desu

>> No.21772362

/pol/ fantasy

>> No.21772363

he is norwegian, theres not a huge difference anyway
both look a little weird
just less med admixture

>> No.21772372

Jewish comedians literally make jokes about it

>> No.21772380

are jokes reality?

>> No.21772382

Ahh yes they are often heavily based on reality

>> No.21772384

That wasn’t me, Mr Benjy Compson

>> No.21772385

And I’ve also seen poltards doing the same thing. What’s your point?

>> No.21772398

[Citation Needed]

>> No.21772402

I see /pol/tards doing this with Tolkien lmao
"he wasn't le catholic, he was le based pagan!"
"he was forced by the uk gov to say mean things to the nazis!"

>> No.21772403


>> No.21772411

I've seen some pagans doing that. The likes of Varg. But pagans are a minority within /pol/.

>> No.21772415

If you’ve never seen an anon saying [insert whatever writer from decades, if not centuries ago] was/would be right wing today, I envy you because you don’t come here often

>> No.21772431

>German soldiers were encouraged to carry his works into battle with them.

So they could all look forward to becomign art fags like that guy in Hunger?

>> No.21772439

Tolkien had bad opinions, I still can enjoy his books even if he was wrong. It doesn't make me want to lie about him, it only proves that intelligent people are often stupid.

>> No.21772453

Tolkien had different opinions to your own*. The absolute arrogance of claiming someone is stupid because they don't agree with your view. It shows you're an immature child.

>> No.21772470

What's his best work? Is it Hunger or Growth of the Soil? I don't give a fuck about politics as long as he's not some heavily ideological freak.

>> No.21772475

Yeah fuck his stupid sentiments his books are beautiful

>> No.21772476

Growth of the Soil. I don't remember any incel Nazi shit, but I read it years ago.

>> No.21772480

Growth of the Soil is one of the most beautiful books I’ve ever read.

>> No.21772486

I’ve read 6 of them, and it’s Mysteries for me

>> No.21772511 [DELETED] 

>In 1943, he sent Germany's minister of propaganda Joseph Goebbels his Nobel Prize medal as a gift. His biographer Thorkild Hansen interpreted this as part of the strategy to get an audience with Hitler. Hamsun was eventually invited to meet with Hitler; during the meeting, he complained about the German civilian administrator in Norway, Josef Terboven, and asked that imprisoned Norwegian citizens be released, enraging Hitler. Otto Dietrich describes the meeting in his memoirs as the only time that another person was able to get a word in edgeways with Hitler. He attributes the cause to Hamsun's deafness. Regardless, Dietrich notes that it took Hitler three days to get over his anger.
I wonder if they used interpreters or if Hamsun knew German. Either way, this is basically a comedy sketch.

>> No.21772517


>> No.21772523

I'm not exactly sure how a Hitlerboo would feel anything but visceral contempt for circus freakshows a dozen mutations away from legal disability of your kind

>> No.21772556

I will now read your books.

>> No.21772565

literally 'leave Britney alone' but for Hitler

>> No.21773527


>> No.21773561

He is Danish. He wrote his books in Danish and published them in Danish magazines.

>> No.21773569

Danish was the literary language in his day. He is Norwegian by nationality.

>> No.21773751

Based beyond belief.

>> No.21773753

>lying is based

>> No.21773782

everyone hates /pol/tards though

>> No.21773793

Bizarre how Nazis make this abominations and ratfaced jews seethe to this day. They emerged from a crushed society and economy, becoming so powerful that the entire world had to come together to defeat them.
I think that what pisses them off, besides the holocaust being clearly false, is that compared to the US, the UK, Belgium, Netherlands and France, Germany wasn't nearly racist or imperialist. While black soldiers fought alongside white germans in Africa, the US segregated the blacks in coloured battalions. While Germany simply defended themselves from Poland, a country that invaded and annexed parts of the USSR, Lithuania and Czechslovakia after not exsiting for over 100 years, the european powers and the US were raping, looting, killing and colonizing sovereign nations worldwide.

>> No.21774060
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>/leftypol/tranny gaslighting

>> No.21774061

Where did he lie again?

>> No.21774071

not reading that gay shit nigger lol

>> No.21774075

It's just /leftypol/troons crying about /pol/, as always.

>> No.21774081

Nazi thirdies falling for war propaganda are hilariously retarded. Don't ever forget you were at the bottom of the nazi racial hierarchy and that nazis literally sterlized mixed race offsprings.

>> No.21774140
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>> No.21774155


>> No.21774170

>mixed race
Uhh.... not really dud

>> No.21774175
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>trannymunist nonsense

>> No.21774176
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>woah!!! He liked le nazis!! so heckin basde and tradpilled!!111

>> No.21774179
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rumao, I have this one

>> No.21774186
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>>woah!!! He liked le nazis!! so heckin basde and tradpilled!!111

>> No.21774223

Almost everybody from Nasjonal Samling did not regret anything

>> No.21774243

hit a nerve?

>> No.21774264

Doreen pls

>> No.21774284

I have "her" porn lmao. Retarded faggot actually posted his pics of sucking cocks.

>> No.21774403

>based on what they wrote, not their political beliefs

People say this to pretend that they're above political shitflinging, but in my experience the overwhelming majority of people do not read people whose political views starkly oppose theirs on the assumption that one's sense of aesthetics and one's political inclinations are intimately related to each other through both of them being a subset of the way one interprets the world and the ways of the world. That is to say, a true believer communist will not read a chuddy author for pleasure because they can't help but think that to arrive at their political views that chuddy author must have a poor understanding of the world or possess inherently malformed senses and reasoning, therefore making it extremely unlikely that said author will be able to give a new and/or interesting perspective on the subject of his artwork, whether that's literature, cinema, painting, music, etc.

>> No.21774421

I'm not a boomer and I speak from experience

t. larped as an internet nazi for the past year or so

>> No.21774435

Falseflaggers get the rope.

>> No.21774443

It should be mentioned that this kind of judgment is usually reserved for works of art that are relatively recent and which have not been fully canonized yet. Historical value more than anything can smooth over this sort of thing. But considering recent events even past canonization is not a complete defense against getting this sort of treatment.

Moreover I think you can catch this sort of attitude both around here and in the, let's say, hip and happening places IRL. I've had anons say that they won't read this or that jew or ultra-left wing author on the assumption that they're only popular because they fit the current zeitgeist and have connections, and couldn't possibly have anything interesting to say, and also read many "literary" people in magazines make claims along the lines of "art is an inherently left-wing phenomenon" and such.

And of course there's always the institutional aspect to all of this. People usually read the authors who have a network of institutions to publish them, to popularize them, and spread the good word about their works, not necessarily the authors who are "the best" in an objective sense, if such a thing exists to begin with. You may write the best novel ever but you will never ever get canonized or even published and read if your work goes outside the current overton window and you have no critics, publishers, readers, etc. to get the ball rolling the right way. In that case your best bet is to hope that a later generation whose sense of aesthetics are more like yours will dig you out of oblivion and claim you as their spiritual kin.

>> No.21774451

Why lie like this?

>> No.21774472

Because people here usually fall for it.

>> No.21774537

/lit/ is supposedly the smartest board here, so I don't expect them to fall for such nonsense.

>> No.21774819 [DELETED] 

lit is probably the most underage board behind x and mu, they're still undergoing state propaganda so don't be to harsh

>> No.21775182

you will never have a real chin

>> No.21775186

> Hitler was a warrior, a warrior for humankind and a preacher of the gospel of justice for all nations
This section. All that Hitler said and did contractics this.

>> No.21775188

>n-no u
leftists are the ones who deny that right wing artists exist. Don't project

>> No.21775197

>I see /pol/tards doing this with Tolkien
no you don't. You saw Varg do that, and everyone made fun of him for it, including /pol/tards
Tolkien supported francisco franco and referred to himself as a political reactionary in his letters. You retards used to fucking hate him too because he was an old school tory (look up "epic pooh"), but after the movies came out you "people" started pretending that he was actually a lefty all along.

>> No.21775228

If he supported National Socialism he already was a leftist though.

>> No.21776159

Lying about the nazis is fair game. When you're a piece of shit you don't deserve honesty.

>> No.21776283
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>Hitler was a warrior, a warrior for humankind and a preacher of the gospel of justice for all nations.
damn, hitler do be like that

>> No.21776307

> You retards used to fucking hate him too because he was an old school tory
You’re not talking to your boogeyman. Who gives a fuck about bong local politics lmao
> but after the movies came out you "people" started pretending that he was actually a lefty all along.
He shat on Hitler and the Nazis. That’s enough for me. No one actually claimed he was left wing, stop inventing shit.

>> No.21776338

Tolkein hated Nazism but he liked Germans as a people and he said he was proud of his German ancestry. He also hated Britain's anti-German propaganda.

>> No.21776352

this. them leaking out of their containment board has been a disaster for /lit/

>> No.21776356

Imagine the mental state of the dude who made this

>> No.21776362

> Tolkein hated Nazism
Bases Tolkien

>> No.21776399

Evola's reading of Hitler is the best and is comparable to this. Hitler was pure daemonic force that could be used for good or evil. He was pure energy, which was ideal for smashing down decadent structures or blasting through the encircling siege camp of global technological-financial tyranny emanating from London and New York. But left to its own devices, pure mindless or "headless" force will either sputter out uselessly, or even get turned around and destroy things that are good. A true dialectical synthesis of the classicizing tendency twoard moderation, represented by Mussolini, and the volkisch tendency represented by Hitler, would have created a new world order in Europe, which probably would have culminated in limited nuclear exchanges with the financial world-order of Oceania. Instead Oceania won "fair and square" by unleashing the equally headless Bolshevik behemoth against Hitler, something Hitler was eager to oblige by smashing the new European order against the Bolsheviks. It all came down to a coin-toss really: from the perspective of 1940, it could just as easily have ended with the Bolshevik machine breaking down and the new European order being able to turn westward without distraction. In the long run, the new European order was completely correct that an agricultural heartland had to be established in the east. But in hindsight it seems obvious that Hitler got into a quagmire in the east and the sea-based financial powers had every advantage over him as a result.

The second round of this fight can only be won by strategically identifying those people who are capable of renewing and continuing the fight self-consciously. It won't do any good to awaken a few million male urbanites if the latter are incapable of doing anything useful or they are the first victims of a limited nuclear exchange with fragmenting Russia.

>> No.21776423
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I don't get it.
Why do people talk about Hitler like he was some sort of wizard casting a spell on everyone to do his bidding?
Wasn't he just saying what the German people already believed anyway?

>> No.21776443
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Nearly everybody who met him said he had such powerful charisma that it was almost literally magical.

Occult Roots of Nazism by Goodrick-Clarke is also a good book.

>> No.21776703

Not at all.

>> No.21776713

>tries to kill all the jews and commies, alongside bunch of slavs
>not a warrior for humankind and a preacher of the gospel of justice for all nations
Lmao get the fuck out of here. We would be better without any of those... things.

>> No.21777040

Anglos were just puppets for the Counter-Tradition

>> No.21777054

You’re awful, Murray.

>> No.21777124

One day there will be justice for him. A real saint on the flesh.

>> No.21777128

I meant Codreanu, not Hitler, although Hitler was good too.

>> No.21777769

I'm glad I'm not the only one who feels that way. A truly holy man.

>> No.21777986

>the aesthetic man is a nazi, who wants to share Nature's gifts with all humanity through eugenics
>this infuriates the dysgenic mongrel, who has made his bad luck of the genetic dice at conception a core part of his identity
Was there ever a more clear case of right and wrong? Those who want to cure the world vs the sickness itself

>> No.21777995

There are two opposite forces that have always governed over mankind, fighting incessantly against each other. Through the history they have received different names, but now we call them fascism and bioleninism.

>> No.21778599

Rhineland Bastard (German: Rheinlandbastard) was a derogatory term used in Nazi Germany to describe Afro-Germans, believed fathered by French Army personnel of African descent who were stationed in the Rhineland during its occupation by France after World War I. There is evidence that other Afro-Germans, born from unions between German men and African women in former German colonies in Africa, were also referred to as Rheinlandbastarde.

After 1933, under Nazi racial theories, Afro-Germans deemed to be Rheinlandbastarde were persecuted. They were rounded up in a campaign of compulsory sterilization.[1]


Nazis weren't friendly to thirdie blood lol

>> No.21778666

>killing mulattos
Wtf I like nazis more now!

>> No.21778767

>Hamsun had strong anti-English view
Many nations supported the Nazis due to the exact same geostrategic reason.

>> No.21778938

What are the best English translations for Hamsun? Several of his novels look interesting but people seem divided on which translation is best.

>> No.21779023

>Why do people talk about Hitler like he was some sort of wizard casting a spell on everyone to do his bidding?
It started as a post-war cope by some actors in the german leadership to deflect blame("We didn't meant to do it, the bad man made us do it!"), which was then scaled into Wizard Hitler
Of course, you can find similar stories about pretty much any autocratic dictator(see for example the relationship of Stalin and Molotov, where the latter worshiped Stalin even after he ordered the arrest of his wife and as he was actively planing on purging him).

>> No.21779658

>Such as
The death camps were a war time rumor. Hollywood was playing up national socialism as "evil and murderous" before we knew about these "death camps" that, after russia and the red cross checked them out, seemed to only be death camps when russia looked at them.
Don't be retarded, or do you think the nazis used human fat (in camps where people are starving) to make soap and the skin for lamps?

>> No.21779664 [DELETED] 

African blood*

>> No.21779665

I wish monocles were still a thing, my left eye is jacked up but my right is perfectly fine, so I have to wear these imbalanced glasses that are a pain in the ass

>> No.21779827


>> No.21779861

The death camps are a fact. There are millions of testimonies and evidence. You cannot keep a secret like that forever in the dark. Unsure why /pol/tards cling to this so much.

>> No.21779869

Kikes overexaggerate it to get pity points from goyim so they could manipulate them longer.

>> No.21779875

You should read this novel. It's called The Sandman.

>> No.21779881

look, like him or love him you got to respect Hitler

>> No.21780038

kys filthy larper

>> No.21780127

>You do know the reason he wasn't put into prison was because he was legally senile, right?
No, the reason he wasn't put into prison was that jailing a Nobel Prize winning artist for thought crime would have been an extremely bad look. Threatening an old man with jail unless he accepted being publically labelled "crazy" for his beliefs was much more effective propaganda (as you've just demonstrated).

>> No.21780161

Which is Hamsun's best work?

>> No.21780189

Pan was really good. Hunger gets most of the attention. I want to read On Overgrown Paths, the book he wrote to prove he wasn't senile.

>> No.21780192

Growth of the Soil. Hunger is the reddit tier answer.

>> No.21780273

I æventyrland