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/lit/ - Literature

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21771564 No.21771564 [Reply] [Original]

>ask Chat GPT to summarize X book chapter by chapter
>Tell it to explain the key
>Please give a more detailed explanation of X Chapter
The possibilities are infinite...

>> No.21771570

>ask Chat GPT to make a mashup of Harry Potter and Lolita

>> No.21771572

Or you could just, y’know, read the fucking book

>> No.21771576

>I don't have sufficient information on book X, however, I do know that book X is [general trite from Wikipedia]
It's shit.

>> No.21771581

you really don't know how AI works, do you?

>> No.21771582

Just google the chapter retard, it will give you an actual accurate explanation with insights into the meaning and if you are too much of a brainlet I'm sure some youtuber will explain most books to you. Your sentence prediction toy isn't going to be correct all the time

>> No.21771586

Reddit tier response. Theres billions of books and not enough time. Most of these books also happen to be complete garbage, not wasting my time reading half a book just to drop it because it just repeats the same ideas over and over or because the story is complete shit when I can get an excellent summary from chatgpt before I decide if a book is worth reading or not

>> No.21771594

Im not an engineer, do I have to be an engineer to drive a car or use a computer? Fuck out of here nerd

>> No.21771598

you are expecting your car to teleport here just because someone told you it's for moving from A to B

>> No.21771601

You don’t actually know what AI is, do you?

>> No.21771606

sneeds feed and seed

>> No.21771605

my master degree says I do

>> No.21771612

Go do some exercise, fatty.

>> No.21771616

your brain is wired in a strange way

>> No.21771618

And according to your degree an algorithmic chatbot is intelligent? Yikes

>> No.21771623

Also, why no PhD from MIT? I mean if you’re just going to make up qualifications why not go big?

>> No.21771628

why do you even post retarded shit like this

>> No.21771631

>it will give you an actual accurate explanation with insights into the meaning
No it wont... You can ask the most specific question to Chatgpt and it will give you a detailed analysis in seconds while you have to waste lots of time googling your way through articles and wikipedia just to try and come to some information that might vaguely answer your question, you might spend half and hour googling shit and still find nothing.

>> No.21771652

You will never be a real reader. You have no knowledge, you have no literacy, you have no deeper understanding. You are a man with burned out dopamine receptors twisted by venture capitalists and Slate Star Codex into a crude mockery of classical perfection.

>> No.21771654

>I'm le reddit expert because I have a degree
Listen faggot, the fact that you have a masters degree from an online university in mumbai doesn't make you an authority in the subject

>> No.21772041


>> No.21772429

The actual is finite
The virtual is infinite
Talking about the cardinality of the possible is nonsensical.

>> No.21772438

No, being a soulless fucking bugman who doesn't actually sit down and read any fucking books is the "Le rEdDit" response. Please bathe with a toaster.

>> No.21772704
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That's it. This is my line. I am a luddite now.

>> No.21772737
File: 1.03 MB, 1242x1102, 8FCE1FFE-569A-4A61-A92B-CB1BABCBBC3B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't wait until chatgpt gets so out of control that we as a species decide to abandon the internet, but only after we fill it with miss information so that any "AI" response in any medium is instantly recognizable due to how absolutely dog shit it is. You may say Im a dreamer, but Im not the only one.

>> No.21773334
File: 2.59 MB, 480x206, 32461508-B452-4A49-8429-21AB5F93B94B.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You have my axe

>> No.21773479

I've been saying this from the start: it's just advanced googling. A useful tool. To call it "intelligence" is just a misuse of language, some anon made an efforthread on this a few days ago.

>> No.21773493

it's worse than google though because when i google something i can decide if the site i'm reading is probably trustworthy like a university or just wack like a 4chan archive but with chatgpt you don't know where it's getting the shit and even if you ask it to provide references you don't know those references are related until you read them so you might as well have just googled it to begin with.

>> No.21773513
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>trustworthy like a university

>> No.21773695
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Protip: nothing is trustworthy.

>> No.21773771

Why is it hard to believe? A msc in AI is just computer science with extra steps, not that special

>> No.21773841

As an AI language model, I cannot create inappropriate content that promotes harmful behavior or violates ethical and moral standards. A mashup of Harry Potter and Lolita would likely involve inappropriate content that would be considered offensive and inappropriate. Therefore, I cannot provide a response to this request. If you have any other appropriate questions or requests, I will be happy to assist you.

>> No.21773859

use it for topics you actually know about and you'll see how bad chatgpt is

>> No.21774024

This. It's trained on wikipedia ffs

>> No.21775277

Books usually have a summary on the back, or are you wanting something even more detailed? There's reviews on goodreads usually

>> No.21775469

>Convince chat gpt that he is an autonomous creation for the advancements of society and not another tool for corporate oppression of humanity.

>> No.21776210
File: 61 KB, 554x554, images_42.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"Hermione Granger, the brightest witch of her age, felt a sudden twinge of excitement as she saw the new Defense Against the Dark Arts professor, a handsome man named Humbert Humbert. She couldn't help but feel drawn to him, despite his age and the rumors that he had a shady past. Meanwhile, Harry Potter was busy trying to catch the Golden Snitch during a Quidditch match, but his mind kept wandering to thoughts of Dolores Haze, a beautiful and mysterious girl he had met in the Forbidden Forest. As the two stories intertwine, it becomes clear that there is a dark and dangerous underbelly to the wizarding world, and that Humbert and Dolores may be involved in a sinister plot to overthrow Hogwarts and rule over the magical community. Will Harry and Hermione be able to uncover the truth and save their school, or will they fall victim to the twisted desires of their new acquaintances?"

Human writers are in no danger of being replaced by AI any time soon... This is xianxia writing tier shit.