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/lit/ - Literature

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21770627 No.21770627 [Reply] [Original]

Why can’t they make good literature?

>> No.21770629

Flags are inanimate objects that cannot write.

>> No.21770631
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>> No.21770633

They absolutely can.

>> No.21770692

They used to make good literature. Though I think they always struggled with developing a unique identity (before WW1) or not having an identity at all (after WW2)

>> No.21770739

I dunno why can’t you make good literature?

>> No.21770747

so interwar american literature is where it's at?

>> No.21770762

The search for identity has never stopped anyone from writing good literature, in fact, that's arguably a motor for good art. Either way, what you say is false.

>> No.21770768

You can’t name 1 country with a better 19th and 20th century canon.

>> No.21770771

America was born too close to the decline of the west. That said ... Jack London.

>> No.21770773

America dominates Western literature after the world wars, and rivals European literature before them. The only era that it isn’t a heavy hitter is prior to the 18th century for obvious reasons.

>> No.21770775

>19th century
France, Russia.
> 20th century canon.
You got me there.

>> No.21770792

Maybe in the anglosphere. But France, Germany, or most of Eastern Europe does not care about american literature all that much, certainly not to the point of taking an interest in it beyond the obvious classics like Moby Dick.

>> No.21770797

Ezra Pound, though he lived in Europe most of his life.

>> No.21770801

Ezra Pound is an honorary euro. He has a lot more in common with either the troubadours or medieval England than he has with New York or Los Angeles.

>> No.21770809

In no order, just a small segment of American writers that highlight our obvious superiority to your shithole country (Whitman, Melville, and Faulkner alone mog your entire country’s literary output):
Hart Crane
Frank Stanford
Thomas Wolfe
Charles Olson
TS Eliot
Robert Creeley
Henry Miller
H. Thompson
Frank O’Hara
Herman Melville
Henry James
E. A. Poe
Robert Frost
W. Faulkner
Toni Morrison
Carson McCullers
James Baldwin
John Ashbery
William Carlos Williams
Wallace Stevens
Robert Bly
Tennessee Williams
Marianne Hauser
Philip Roth
Don DeLillo
Robert Duncan
Alfred Starr Hamilton
William Gass
Marianne Moore
Ezra Pound
Robert Lowell
Louis Zukofsky
James Schuyler
flannery o'connor
Truman Capote
David Markson
Gertrude Stein
Emily Dickinson
George Oppen
Langston Hughes
Anne Sexton
Sylvia Plath
Elizabeth Bishop
Adrienne Rich
James Merrill
James Purdy
John Knowles
William Gaddis
Frederick Exley
Donald Barthelme
Richard Brautigan
Gabrielle Burton
William Lindsay Gresham
Upton Sinclair
Walter Abish
Michael Wigglesworth
Edward Taylor
John Blair Linn
Edgar Lee Masters
Archibald MacLeish
Carl Sandburg
Kenneth Koch

>> No.21770810

>New York or Los Angeles is all America is
Eurofag moment.

>> No.21770817

After the Civil War, yes, they ARE America.

>> No.21770820

>James Baldwin
>Langston Hughes
Overrated negroes. Only held in high esteem because they are blackamoors and one is a fag. Lots of overrated women as well. Agree with most of the list.

>> No.21770832

No. And literally all you said about Pound applies to every poet. If New York or Los Angeles is what all America is for you then no shit it's easy to resemble European poets.

>> No.21770834

Then substitute Leon Forrest for Hughes and Baldwin. Forrest is the negro Pynchon

>> No.21770842

i remember some quote saying the most american genres are the mystery and the western

>> No.21770854

American literature is as strong as any country’s from the 19th century on. Anons who say American literature sucks just hate America. The USA is so diverse that if you don’t like a single book from there I don’t believe you actually like reading

>> No.21770853

Mystery is too vague. More like detective story. Americans have also developed the horror genre like no one else, although it of course exists elsewhere.

>> No.21770861

True. American literature is so vast that there's something for everyone.

>> No.21770866

lel its not even true for the Anglosphere, its just cope. Most people here in Britain are reading books by British writers.
I'd say all the best works of American literature are mostly from the 19th century.

>> No.21770871


>> No.21770879

>Most people here in Britain are reading books by British writers.
That's the same for every country. Most countries read their own. This isn't some enlightened thing about Britain.
>Anons who say American literature sucks just hate America
It's one hateful bong.

>> No.21770888

It’s always a dysgenic bong and an esl spic who shits up American lit threads

>> No.21770908

>lacks any counter-argument
Basically all you've done is make a list of every writer you can think of, well done. Its not an argument however or proves that somehow American literature is superior. Tons on there that are overrated and several authors of betters works that are missing.

>> No.21770924


>> No.21770935

It’s almost as if different people have different tastes in literature. The point still stands that American literature is good

>> No.21771074

It was only after ww2 that american intellectuals rediscovered Moby Dick and herald it as the counterpart to Dostoevsky, Cervantes, Hugo, etc.

>> No.21771104
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>> No.21771115
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Not true. It was in the 1920s.

>> No.21771177

All New Englanders should be classed as British.
If I were ethnically American, I would side with the British during the Revolutionary War.
The British have an actual culture... Americans not, unless you consider worshiping (((them))) as a culture.

>> No.21771184

Nice dubs.
Also, God Save the Queen.

>> No.21771196

The only reason English is spoken worldwide today is thanks to the Americans. English would be relegated to Europe and a few colonies like French is if it weren't for America.

>> No.21771197
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>Why can’t they make good literature?

>> No.21771205

Lizzy is feeding the worms now. There is your God, Nigel.

>> No.21771209

No soul

>> No.21771212
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Here is your philosophy bro

>> No.21771215

>The only reason English is spoken worldwide today is thanks to the Americans.
The only reason BASTARDIZED English is spoken worldwide today is thanks to the Americans.*
Sorry for typo, Nigel.

>> No.21771217

>all capitalized except flannery o'conner
what did they mean by this?

>> No.21771220

I despise Am*rica with every fibre of my being and yet most of my favourite authors are Am*rican.

>> No.21771225

No true Scotsman!

>> No.21771436

>The only reason English is spoken worldwide today is thanks to the Americans. English would be relegated to Europe and a few colonies like French is if it weren't for America.
True dat. French was the language for international trade, politics, etc. for centuries. Even the English had to learn French to have diplomatic relations with other countries. All this change after the US of course.

>> No.21771478

American English is closer to Shakespeare, Retard

>> No.21771516

Because the publishing industry got hijacked by the jews. They used to make great literature.

>> No.21771526

this is cluster b, right?

>> No.21771587

Nobody cares if Eastern Europeans care for American literature. That means nothing.

>> No.21771592

Russian literature is overrated and French literature had already been overtaken by English literature by the mid-19th century.

>> No.21771599

America is arguably the least urbanized Western country in general. The big cities have less of a stranglehold on it than any other country.

>> No.21771622
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>Euronigs claiming American artists

Listen to his radio broadcasts from Fascist Italy. He shits all over ZOGrope, especially Britain and France, and tries desperately to convince the average American yeoman individualist to come to the side of reason.

>> No.21771626

>Russian literature is overrated
They have the two greatest novelists ever. Plus many great ones. And Pushkin.

>> No.21771644
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>American English is closer to Shakespeare

>> No.21771663 [DELETED] 

>Russian literature is overrated
All major literatures are to a degree. This is just an empty buzzword at this point.
>French literature had already been overtaken by English literature by the mid-19th century.
Flaubert? Maupassant? Huysmans? Verlaine? Rimbaud? Lautréamont? The French were more avant-garde than the English. The English couldn't get way from realism and that's mostly what they tried the entire century, save a few exceptions. Wells and Stevenson (technically Scottish) are examples of authors who managed to get away from the chains. But overall, I wouldn't say French lit was "overtaken" by English lit, unless you explain what that means.

>> No.21771746

>Hi! I'm a reactionary pile of ambulatory shit
>I use words like "negro" and "blackamoor" to show how k-rad edgy and dArK eNlIgHtEnMeNt I sm
I can't wait until we start shooting the heads off of """people""" like you. You retrograde pusbags really have had it coming these last several years.

>> No.21771767

Seething much? Go dilate until the anger passes, tranny.

>> No.21771796
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Blood Meridian.

But in a broader sense the definitive American philosophy is Pragmatism, which tends to view everything, even ideas, as means rather than ends themselves. Understanding something has no innate value, nor does articulating an idea--the only value is utility. This is the backbone of all American behavior, and principally, it essentially deprioritizes sentience.

That may sound like a condemnation, but it is not. What I mean is that the ideal American, not in the since of being the "best" American but rather the most singularly American kind of individual, does not contemplate anything. He fixates upon an objective, assembles the tools to accomplish it and then does so. Art, literature, music, culture, are all at best instruments for achieving an end, and it is only ends which hold meaning. This is why so much American culture is consumerist dreck. The objective is to make money, the art itself is kitsch.

Think about how singularly American it is to deride enjoying things. Not enjoying bad things--the difference in quality is seen as irrelevant. Enjoying things AT ALL is associated with childishness and frivolity, or else extreme wealth--it can only be justified in American parsing if it is "earned" in some way, or if it serves a broader purpose. The French do not do this. The English do not do this. The Italians don't do this, not even the Chinese do this.

This attitude, when it cracks, cracks disastrously in the other direction. A Hedonistic France produces epicureans--a Hedonist America produces tasteless pigs, because while having abandoned the idea that diversion and entertainment is bad, they have no frame of reference by which to judge things, and the chauvinism against "degenerate" cultures that naval-gaze and actually enjoy the taste of coffee or fine chocolates or good literature remains.

The few breakout successes of American literature develop in extreme adversity, which does allow for unique styles and interpretations of theme, but it's rare.

>> No.21771815

To call someone a reactionary is to admit that you fear them. Change tactics.

>> No.21771819

"derpy derp, it's autmn outside and i'm wearing a sweater, i'm walking around on land i dn't come frum! derpy derpy"
american romance

"derpy derp, i work wit cattle herdin', and i'm gon shoot this man. oh no i don shot this man, now i'm filled with grief! someone better shoot me tew!"
american history

"derpy derpy, i'm walking around in a circle with no where to be! i am filled with questions that can never be knowed!"
american psychological drama

"derpy derpy, i'm just eaing a cheeseburger, hey looky there go a black person, h'aint he COOL for reasons nobody can explain"
american other

>> No.21771846

Nobody Russians like Pushkin so stop pretending.

>> No.21771850

>muh popularity

>> No.21771857

>I am rubber you are glue

It's GOD SAVE THE KING you bastard

I agre with this, and I think this person is misguided >>21771746 Baldwin is genuinely good, but 99% of people who know about him are tweens from a fallen academic climate who only know about him because he's black. This is why racism still exists, for instance.

jesus, how many books about dancing with your knees bent can they possibly write?

>> No.21771867

>Ezra Pound

>> No.21771871

Born and raised in 'Murica.

>> No.21771873

I dunno retard maybe because he was born in fucking Idaho and grew up in America.

>> No.21771883

>Hart Crane
>Frank Stanford
>Thomas Wolfe
>Charles Olson
>TS Eliot
>Robert Creeley
>Henry Miller
>H. Thompson
>Frank O’Hara
>Herman Melville
>Henry James
>E. A. Poe
>Robert Frost
>W. Faulkner
>Toni Morrison
>Carson McCullers
>James Baldwin
>John Ashbery
>William Carlos Williams
>Wallace Stevens
>Robert Bly
>Tennessee Williams
>Marianne Hauser
>Philip Roth
>Don DeLillo
>Robert Duncan
>Alfred Starr Hamilton
>William Gass
>Marianne Moore
>Ezra Pound
>Robert Lowell
>Louis Zukofsky
>James Schuyler
>flannery o'connor
>Truman Capote
>David Markson
>Gertrude Stein
>Emily Dickinson
>George Oppen
>Langston Hughes
>Anne Sexton
>Sylvia Plath
>Elizabeth Bishop
>Adrienne Rich
>James Merrill
>James Purdy
>John Knowles
>William Gaddis
>Frederick Exley
>Donald Barthelme
>Richard Brautigan
>Gabrielle Burton
>William Lindsay Gresham
>Upton Sinclair
>Walter Abish
>Michael Wigglesworth
>Edward Taylor
>John Blair Linn
>Edgar Lee Masters
>Archibald MacLeish
>Carl Sandburg
>Kenneth Koch
pure garbage. You didn't even list the Americans who are actually Good or original in anything they wrote. Many of those are not even American. what do you designate 'american' as? BORN THERE, MOVED THERE?! HA

stand idle on little st. james and you'd find garbage trawlermen passing with more insight.

>> No.21771886

lies, he was an Italian. If anything he was an expat who hated America and left ASAP.

>> No.21771888

their dysgenic and incestuous race makes them soulless, retarded, and unfit for anything but manual labor

>> No.21771894

How are Melville and Faulkner "pure garbage"? Who of these is not American (note: you said many weren't)?

>> No.21771895

Almost any writer of note was critical about their country

>> No.21771901

He couldn't even speak Italian, Anon. There's an anecdote where some Italians couldn't even understand what the fuck he was saying. He's an American doesn't matter where he lived.

>> No.21771907

Expatriate isn’t a nationality. Every source lists him as an American

>> No.21771913

I hate America too, that doesn't mean I'm not American. Your ethnicity is not something you choose, nor is it random. There is no accident of birth. All men are genes expressed in an environment. Ezra Pound was an American by virtue of his homeland. If you were to draw his ancestry by blood, he was an Anglo on both sides. There was nobody LESS Italian.

>> No.21771914

without going point by point: I see a lot of names that are obviously scots, irish, germans, english, french - these are not Americans.

I also see Plath. The fucking fuck fuck, she's terrible.

bah, it'd be like if i larped as an ancient hebrew and moved to israel and you kept insiting i was schlomo from new york. imean.... hahahaaha it's kind of like that..

but point taken. yea.

>> No.21771918

You’ve never even read Pushkin

>> No.21771929

Lots of filler. Here's a more curated list:

19th century:
>Herman Melville
>E. A. Poe
>Emily Dickinson
>Edit Wharton

20th century:
>Thomas Wolfe
>TS Eliot
>Henry Miller
>Robert Frost
>W. Faulkner
>Wallace Stevens
>Tennessee Williams
>Arthur Miller
>Ezra Pound
>Truman Capote
>William Gaddis
>Jack London

>> No.21771934

>without going point by point: I see a lot of names that are obviously scots, irish, germans, english, french - these are not Americans.
Ah, you're that kind of autist. Never mind.
>I also see Plath. The fucking fuck fuck, she's terrible.
I agree with you there. She sucks.

>> No.21771974

while true, Moby dick is still in the vein of distinctly american styling of the 1800s along with the likes of Hawthorne, Witman, and Thoreau.

>> No.21771975


>> No.21771977

How so?

>> No.21771978

You’re genuinely fucking stupid, bud. Stick to /sffg)l/

>> No.21771981

Ahh, I see. When you are talking about American literature you are looking for Cherokee, Iroquois, Delaware, etc texts. Makes sense you are disappointed

>> No.21771992

Bad guys

>> No.21772106

Well, no. 'American' just doesn't exist, sorry about that. An Irishman who moves to America doesn't go through some great change, he's the same person he was in Ireland.

If you can't accept this then you've got no merit to the case against random immigrants being "your equal" in every possible way lol

I don't think you guys know what it is to have a nation, to be honest. It's probably the answer why: >>21770627

>> No.21772110

These people are not first-gen immigrants.

>> No.21772113
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>> No.21772122

Again, why is this dysgenic brit so fucking stupid?

>> No.21772123

This. If you are born and raised in America you are American. Simple as. If you want to dig deeper you can say that someone is an Irish American, but they are still an American. That anon is retarded

>> No.21772128

better question for you, if you moved to China would you describe yourself as Chinese? If not, then why should I entertain your gender-bending delusion that Fitzgerald ever stopped being Irish? Even if he declared it it wouldn't make it true.

>> No.21772131

You legit need to kill yourself my man

>> No.21772133

Why do Brits hate Americans so much? Is it envy?

>> No.21772145

Probably since their country is more cucked than ours. Dysgenic brits are proposing legislation that would make bragging about sexual conquests publicly a criminal offense. At some point, they became buckbroken

>> No.21772151

I agree with you there, if you ask me who Americans are then it's really the first generation of the revolution for the only real claim on anything to do with 'America'...

but obviously that's a specific time, and even then the children of, say, Jefferson would still be Yorkshiremen by their blood. I think the lost heritage in Americas biggest problem; it's like you're born for a valley and a forest, and you don't know where it is, never knowing peace. It's sad, truly.

>> No.21772154

It’s not, Europeans are just insanely butthurt. My English ex gf told me they read to kill a mockingbird and of mice and men in their English course in primary school. I was a bit shocked desu. Point is, is America is a cultural powerhouse no matter what fag ass Europeans say on 4chan. Also consider that 4Chan encourages trolling and mindless contrarianism and not to mention quite a few on here are openly Neo-Nazis and think America is a vector for uhhhhh Jewish conspiracies. Mix that together and you get the classic incel archetype - hateful, ignorant, racist, stupid, and arrogant.

>> No.21772159

we don't even fetishize black people in England or Britain so that's complete projection of self on your part, you work-shy slave loving yankee scum you.

>> No.21772160


>> No.21772165

Britain is not a pure island. They have been raped to death by a million different foreigners across the years. It's bizarre of them to request blood purity to Americans when they are a mixed culture themselves. Being American is not tied to any specific ethnicity. Look at how many Nobels they have, how many Palm d'Or wins they have, how many Olympic medals they have. They must be doing something right.

>> No.21772172

Yet your cucked country still kneels for fentanyl floyd, especially during the world cup where we didn’t even kneel

>> No.21772176

"in order to commit attrocity, you must believe absurdity" / americans are no.1, i believe it.

tbf, yankee, when i watch american news or youtubers, from an english language perspective, i see mentally retarded people who cannot speak fluently or understand what they read or hear.

You're reduced to the level of black slaves in 1700, intellectually speaking. Can't you tell by turning on the television and listening to your rulers?

>> No.21772181
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>why yes I am british how could you tell?

>> No.21772193
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>oi m8 u bettuh knael foi dat Black criminal cuz we don’t want no roicism here in our spaht

>> No.21772196

The relationship between Europe and America is like a story of two sisters. The elder sister was at some the prettiest girl on the land, then she got old and ugly but inside she still felt she was the prettiest of them all. The youngest one, in the meantime, grew up, inevitably, and became the new prettiest girl in town, causing the envy of her elder sister but prevailing nonetheless.

>> No.21772201

you'd be surprised how the language dialect retains the oldest inhabitants of england and france, in all fairness. But this isn't the same as America... there was no 'unity' or 'common culture' after the thirteen colonies, like the Tudor Golden Age was for England for example.

At best, and bizarrely, they have cowboys, who existed for 20 yrs, and they never shut up about it because they have nothing else and don't want to talk about their actual history during the revolutionary era - for whatever reason. After cowboys you just have television decades to substitute culture.

It's all bogus, is my point, obviously so.

>> No.21772213

>America has no unique identity

>> No.21772223

yes and I'm still not sure why they did this. We ended slavery by bombing your ships centuries ago.

Only Americans have the stain of racism on them, and it is a uniquely American phenomenon.

>> No.21772262

i guess really my point is that, citing the theft of other people from other nations to produce an impression of having 'literature' in their past, a modern american can accept the truth and find out where they came from and discover their real history and have some sense of humanity and belonging, or they can have a small piece of taffy.

>> No.21772266

>Simple as
get a load of Tex from Alan Partridge

>> No.21772276

Why do Europeans try to claim American achievements now? Is this an /int/ meme?

>> No.21772282

>the theft of other people
Wtf? Kek. They chose to come over. You are in hardcore “no true Scotsman” territory now. You are probably the only person who wouldn’t consider Melville, Hawthorne, Faulkner, etc to be American. Your whole schtick comes off as sour grapes. American literature is literature is made by people born and raised in America. That’s all there is to it

>> No.21772284
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here's your philosophy bro

>> No.21772307

the more I interact with euros on the internet the more I realize that they are basically subhumans saturated in an utterly decadent culture, even Germany and Scandinavian culture is greatly inferior to American culture. In America people still believe that they are masters of their fate, Europeans are just cattle.

>> No.21772309

He said Toni Morrison, kek

>> No.21772335

>In America people still believe that they are masters of their fate
An idiotic notion. America is a land mired in decades of snowballed psychological operations and home of the world's largest surveillance state. If you genuinely believe Americans are "masters of their own fate", you're a deluded moron. And no, I'm not European. Deflecting by attacking my identity won't work. You are just wrong.

>> No.21772337

Look at Margarett Atwood, what the fuck can she say about Canada. What the fuck can anyone say about Canada. No one gives a shit about that place.

>> No.21772343

You don't care but Canucks care and that's all that matters when it comes to criticizing your own country.

>> No.21773273

no, no, you don't understand:
his team good because his team.