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/lit/ - Literature

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[ERROR] No.2176948 [Reply] [Original]

sometimes i feel like dorian because everyones trying to change me but i realize that if i do my beauty will fade and ill just be a grumpy old man

>> No.2176965
File: 49 KB, 1036x244, fabulous.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2176971


>> No.2176974

in all fields

>> No.2176976

fuck you!!

>> No.2176985

Fuck you. All your threads are about you. You're a selfish and your concerns are shit.

>> No.2176996

/lit/ is a community of equals and i can use my resources how i want

you're being selfish by deciding how and how not the board can be used!

>> No.2177000

be your beautiful self

>> No.2177005

right- but a community of equals that seeks to strive for the best in those individuals, to celebrate and enhance the right kind of intellectual discussion, progression, and debate.

When a topic is seen as unworthy of this attention and recognition by other equals, they "sage" it so that more relevant and useful topics can be focused on.

We're democratic here, but not communists.

>> No.2177011

you must be in high school, or american.

there is no reason why you couldn't appreciate fab's thread.

>> No.2177017

/lit/ is a literature board, you disgusting piece of tripfag shit.

Comparing yourself to dorian gray is not discussing literature. I hope you get skin cancer.

>> No.2177024
File: 3 KB, 105x126, shouma1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> I hope you get skin cancer.

i'm sure i can, with your support :]

>> No.2177039


i hate how because homophobia exists, everything someone says in disagreement of a homosexual is treated as such.

Also, you're saying that my generalization of gay people is because of being american and in highschool, which itself is a generalization you hypocritical idiot.

Finally, i was not making my personal argument, I was stating a fact- that no matter how hurt you get, it is someone's right on this board to sage other people's threads.

>> No.2177962

What is this faggotry?

>> No.2177966

Trolling outside of /b/ is a bannable offence. And don't deny that this is a troll. Anyone that's been here for a short amount of time knows about your faggotry.

Why can't you take some pride in this board and actually contribute something rather than insisting on filling it up with nonsense?

>> No.2177970

There's a difference between trolling and posting stupid shit for the hell of it.. I'd know because I do both, and this is more of the latter

>> No.2177973

this is just stupid, trolling is fun

>> No.2177976


You're both bumping this useless thread. Why are you even here? Are you the same people bumping the music threads, the film threads, the /soc/ threads? I don't understand how you think this is even slightly entertaining, it's just sad.

>> No.2177979

I bump the film threads sometimes because they can be cool, but the music and /soc/ threads are terrible