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/lit/ - Literature

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21768171 No.21768171 [Reply] [Original]

What does /lit/ think of The Wheel of Time series?

>> No.21768343

Stopped being good after the fourth book, although there were still a few good moments here and there. The tenth book is one of the worst novels I've ever read to completion.

>> No.21768498
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Pretty much this, though Sanderson does a somewhat decent job at wrapping things up in the end, along with Jordan's epilogue.

>> No.21768686

I read them during covid.
I really fucking enjoyed them. The books are really long with Jordan giving a lot attention to details about different cultures, their accents, dresses, beliefs etc. Normally this would bore me out but during lock down I had so much free time that I really enjoyed exploring this world.
Also the protagonist's character development is the best I have seen in any series.

>> No.21769474

Pretty much this.

>> No.21769552
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Book 10 is one of the, if not the worst novel I’ve ever read of my own volition. The other books range from good to masterful, leaning toward the latter. The journey is likely more epic in scope then any other you have ever encountered. The world-building is flooded to the brim with detail. The writing prose are delightfully poetic. The characters and their arcs are some of the best in fantasy and probably all of literature. The ending to the story was overall more satisfying than that of any other story I’ve ever read, seen, or played: full-stop, bar-none.

>> No.21769563

Hard disagree, while book 4 was excellent, 5, 7, 11, 12, 13, 14 and maybe 6 were either on par or better.

>> No.21769731


>> No.21769866

It's really good if your thing is massively detailed sprawling stories with huge casts. Towards the end of Jordan's life the plot started to lose a little of its focus so you had stuff like the whole Faile kidnapping arc that devolved into Perrin angst and NTR bait before it finally wrapped up but other than that it's great.
Obviously it's not highbrow literature of anything but it's an enjoyable read.

>> No.21769876

anyone know a website from which to download free audiobooks?

I wanna get started on WoT

>> No.21770350


>> No.21770384

I read the first one and it was okay, but I'll never read more because they made an Amazon show about it that is bad and now the cover of every book in print will have "NOW AN AMAZON SPECIAL" with photos of the actors instead of the kino illustrated covers

>> No.21770984

>now the cover of every book in print will have "NOW AN AMAZON SPECIAL" with photos of the actors instead of the kino illustrated covers
you can find the old paperbacks everywhere, spastic person

>> No.21771117

I liked it enough to read the first 4 or 5, and wanted to read more. But it's been a while and I can't remember much about any of it.

Damned if I'm reading it all again though.

>> No.21771394

>obviously it’s not highbrow literature or anything

This snobbish tomfoolery epitomizes the state of /lit/, embarrassing.

>> No.21771446

He's not wrong though

>> No.21771552

What? Do you need to feelclike you're reading Great Literature to enjoy something? It's a fun epic fantasy series with great detail and it doesn't try to be anything more.

>> No.21771588

It's an unholy clusterfuck that can't do the barest basics right.

>> No.21772118

Have you read it Anon?

>> No.21772185

Wheel of Time’s artistic merit will stand stand the test of time. /lit/ casts aside most if not all fantasy as being frivolous nonsense, clinging to a select-few-approved authors at the expense of people like Robert Jordan and Brandon Sanderson. The same people will even go so far as to deny that the Odyssey and the Iliad are fantasy, exposing themselves for being the pretentious gatekeepers that they are.

>> No.21772670

The middle of the series can be a bit of a slog and I don't think reading the prequel should be done first but i highly recomend the series.

I've read it end to end about a dozen times as a comfort blanket kind of literature

>> No.21772675

keep it in your containment thread you faggot

>> No.21773718


>> No.21773728

I found it pretty boring for some reason, dropped it after the 4th book I think.

>> No.21773732

One of the few things I remember is that one of the girls was kidnapped and put in a magic collar that would make her obey every command. I found that pretty hot.

>> No.21773894

Jordan is kinky and he’s not afraid to show it

>> No.21773962

Read the first two. Some cool parts but they didn't take with me. I liked Sword of Truth more as well as the Sparhawk novels.

>> No.21774567
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>sword of truth
Just say you are coomer anon
(Sparhawk was good thou)

>> No.21774581
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A very comfy fantasy novel that you can sink your teeth into.

But the guy died before he could finish, so Sanderson took over.
The result? A very different voice from the one you have spent thousands of pages reading, and it shows. He did as good a job as anyone could do, but it just isn’t the same and it leaves a bland taste in your mouth.

Ultimately? I’m glad I read it, but it just had that “oh what could have been!” Could hanging over it

>> No.21774850

The entire series is a barely-disguised vehicle for Jordan's laundry list of fetishes.
>shared senses
>ugly bastard mindbreak rape

>> No.21774891

Not literature. >>>r/books/ is that way

>> No.21774987

One of shitties worldbulding in fantasy, thinking for just for couple of minutes you realize of shitty the worldbulding is and break itself many time just to make it cool.

>> No.21775476

>people like Robert Jordan and Brandon Sanderson.
Why do doing such a disservice to Jordan by placing him next to Soinderson?

>> No.21775490
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>I liked Sword of Truth more
U wot m8?

>> No.21775965

Fellow anon- Jordan and Sanderson are both masters of their craft. They both belong on the /lit/ hall of fame. Granted his prose are simple and straightforward, but his skill as a storyteller is up there with the best. I suggest reading some his best work and then forming an opinion. I suspect /lit/‘s unfairness to Sanderson boils down to religious discrimination.

>> No.21776517
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how much sex does it have?

>> No.21776545

I dunno there were just a lot of fantasy series, I don't know which ones are good, those are just the ones I read.

>> No.21776719

Not better than Tolkien. Jordan did the fantastic job of taking all of Tolkien’s originality, ideas and themes—bastardizing them and turning them into derivative formulas.

>> No.21776741

It's an alright fantasy series, nothing special about it.

>> No.21777019

Will you go into more detail about this? I’ve only read WoT and 1/2 of LoTR.

>> No.21777025

It has enough Anon

>> No.21777058
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NTA, but only the first book is a lotr ripoff. Every other book is it's own deal.

>> No.21777101

i have only read the first book because by the end i despised it
people say
>the first book is a lord of the rings ripoff but the second book really comes into its own
but if you "write" a nearly eight-hundred-page novel and it requires you to read a sequel of eight hundred more to receive any kind of payoff at all, your book is dogshit and you have failed as an author

>> No.21777676


>> No.21778438

Fellow Anon- There is pay off in every book except 10. Let anyone who has read all of the books come and deny this truth.

>> No.21778447

I have never read it because I simply do not believe any series of novels can have quality and be 10 800 pages long. And I do not believe any person with taste would go on beyond the first novel, let alone finish all 10. Hence what /lit/ thinks of Jordan is going to have skewed results.

>> No.21778453

>I suspect /lit/‘s unfairness to Sanderson boils down to religious discrimination.
A retarded take, considering the most well loved fantasy authors on /lit/ are Wolfe and Tolkien.

>> No.21778474

>I simply do not believe any series of novels can have quality and be 10 800 pages long.

Friend-Anon, there are 14 novels and a prequel.

>> No.21778482

Same as other anons, I really enjoyed it at first, but got bored and never finished the series.

>> No.21778486

I don’t think it’s retarded anon, Mormonism is thought of as being distinct from distinct from generic Christianity. I’ve read people on /lit/ go as far to state that he is probably working with the CIA because he is mormon, as a lot of CIA are mormon(apparently).

>> No.21778566

>Mormonism is thought of as being distinct from distinct from generic Christianity
It's not even a theistic religion, so yes, it's distinct from Christianity, but it is not prejudice based in anti religious sentiment. And other Mormon writers generally don't get shit because of their religion in particular.
Even worse. As for why, a story has to have a coherent structure and be filled with genuine content. Filling 400 pages with content, without padding is a difficult task almost all fantasy authors fail at. Getting to 14 novels and offering something to the reader constantly is something which would make Jordan one of the best writers in history, which he most probably isn't. So I'm left with a slim possibility that he is a literary genius born every 2000 years or he's shit.

>> No.21779319

Christ, I remember this show
>directed by sam raimi

>> No.21779849

>implying Book 11 isn't buildup kino

>> No.21779957


>> No.21780358

Friend-Anon, that logic is post ergo proctor hoc.

>> No.21781316

Last 3 books are good only because it was supposed be one gigantic novel. Sanderson had to split it into 3 entire books.