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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 340 KB, 414x492, Michel_Foucault_1974_Brasil.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
21763097 No.21763097 [Reply] [Original]

>most cited scholar on google scholar
>but nobody ever talks about him

is he worth reading?

>> No.21763108


>> No.21763110


>> No.21763140

yes but deleuze is better

>> No.21763158

Yes, and he's quite enjoyable to read actually.

>> No.21763176

Somehow I get the sense he's the generic 20th century French intellectual who writes in an overly ambiguous style, making sweeping generalizations about society in an obtuse way without really backing them up or giving a good reason to agree with him besides "His conclusions sound cool"

You know, like Camus

>> No.21763214

Haven't read him yet but the fact that he thinks laughing at retards is good makes me love him. Lulcows are the modern jesters and if Foucault was alive today he'd definitely be trolling wings of redemption etc.

>> No.21763219

How can you expect to grasp a 40 year philosophical oeuvre which goes literally all over the place and where positions change or evolve multiple times from a bunch of fucking /lit/ posts, just pick one of his works, read it and see if you agree.

>> No.21763280

>Literal pedophile is the most popular figure in academia
Color me surprised

>> No.21763421

The most popular is actually Marx.

>> No.21763433

>but nobody ever talks about him
wtf are you talking about? people talk about Foucalt constantly. probably the most talked-about philosopher of the 20th century

>> No.21763466

Not since the pandemic. He became chudmaster overnight.

>> No.21763494

i hear people talk about him on a semi-regular basis

>> No.21763525
File: 24 KB, 579x110, most cited man in academia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reading him is secondary, What you need to do is track one of his still living gay sex partners. They have "assimilated" Foucault and can give you the....initiation. Then you will be in the line of understanding. It's a bit like apostolic succession in the sacrament of order.

>> No.21763532

Hello, fellow Giocel.

>> No.21763704 [DELETED] 
File: 428 KB, 2250x2250, FqohAG-WcAY9m4e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's verboten to discuss because we have to work together to fight the coronavirus, don't you remember Anon?

>> No.21763718

realest mf to do it since nietzsche

>> No.21763721

Have you ever been to college? He's assigned reading no matter what you study in the humanities.

>> No.21763753
File: 19 KB, 624x351, _81763098_risitas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"sweeping generalizations about society in an obtuse way"

>> No.21763989

Why are all his Kindle books 12.99? Feels like they should be free at this point

>> No.21763997

Camus is nonsense m8

>> No.21764548

Oh you're just a seething anglo

>> No.21764558

The most cited scholar in general is Aristotle (PBUH).

>> No.21764579

I’ve always thought modern day /lit/ would love Foucault, especially his panopticon. I guess /lit/ really doesn’t read and judges based on everything except the writing

>> No.21764586

> he'd definitely be trolling wings of redemption etc.
hahahaha golden comment

>> No.21764638

i want to read foucalt but i don't know where to start. what's his chuddiest work?

all kindle books are free

>> No.21764642

He’s most cited but actually never read by the people who cite him. They just read secondary and tertiary literature and say they have read them.

>> No.21764668

Modern day lit evaluates philosophers entirely by their biographical anecdotes, see

Chuddiest? Discipline and Punish and The Birth of Biopolitics are both good starting points.

>> No.21764678

>what's his chuddiest work?
Fisting and social activism. His literary works are all garbage written as garbage. Watch the 2nd half of Foucault/chomsky to understand that Foucault understands what praxis is and the limitations of his writing anything other than ENS promotion garbage.

Normaliens get out.

>> No.21764697

Don't really like him. Got half way through his history on sex, but it's not really a history book, more like a schizo conspiracy theory on why society wants to keep him away from little boys. French philosophers were some of the most overated trash of the last century, and I'm scared that some popsci trash like peterson is gonna be cited as a legitimate source in the future.

>> No.21764700

You're moralising sexuality. Don't. Also go read Male Fantasies instead, much better use of your time in terms of sexual fantasy than reading Foucault. It is about how proto Nazis feared women's all consuming vaginas.

>> No.21764726

I'm not. I actually feel the same way as him, so I could suss him out easy.

>> No.21764762

You think that all orders of meaning are social power inflicted through language games which are essentially ones of productive and reproductive control which thus produce a secondary ideology that justifies them; or, you want to fuck male youths like Germaine Greer?

>> No.21764795

These are not mutually exclusive positions.

>> No.21764805

>Foucault faked his own death
Who have you been publishing as, and how did you learn English so deeply?

>> No.21764814

Former, no. French retardism. Latter, yes.

>> No.21765044

I think it’s amazing people like him and Marx and Freud are cited as if their work has scientific validity and isn’t just a bunch of horseshit they thought sounded good. Meanwhile the very notion that I could turn in a paper with no real references and just say “based on what I’ve learned so far here are some opinions of how shit really works” is considered ludicrous. The scientific process! Blah blah!
How the fuck do you accept building an entire house of cards over some opinionated twats from half a century or a century ago then?

>> No.21765089

Russell. Popper. Kuhn. Lakatos. Feyerabend.

>> No.21765143

Try actuslly reading Das Kapital. You’ll realize how autistic it is in proving it’s arguments.

>> No.21765150


>> No.21765181


>> No.21765183

>recommending more pseuds with no scientific validity

>> No.21765187

>doesn’t realize that this scientific validity shtick was the invention of popper

>> No.21765189

>talking shit about foucault
>scientific validity
>niggas know nothing about all that historic research

>> No.21765190

Prison and military are societies peak form and everything else is derived from it such that you even internalized them. Now you're done with Foucault

>> No.21765193

>doesn't realize that scientific validity has been around since at least aristotle

>> No.21765206

It’s just one guy.

Popper is the reason psychoanalysis is practically extinct in the anglo sphere. He’s peak “muh scientific validity”.

>> No.21765291


Yes. Against Empiricism. Against the State. Against the "science". Writes very clearly. If you happen to be into Socionics, most people have the impression that he is the stereotypical French ILE but he's actually SLE.

>> No.21765304

He also praised the Iranian Revolution and shat on western feminists that criticized him for that. Dude was /ourfag/

>> No.21766504
File: 28 KB, 961x716, 1668632047354887.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"Male Fantasies"
>Top review Amazon - Verified Purchase
>FIVE STARS - Useful background reading for the Trumpian Dystopia
>"Fascinating, if a bit disjointed, here are the antecedents to both the Nazis and the Alt-Right: The early post WWI German Freikorps, analyzed brilliantly by Klaus Theweleit. A hatred of cities, women and the Other, a fear of loss of rigid boundaries animated these proto-Nazis, then and now. More useful reading for the dystopic Age of Trump."

>> No.21766514

I'm glad I'm not so terminally-online that I understand what you're saying.


>> No.21767210
File: 128 KB, 659x760, Daddy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aristotle, my son, didn't have an idea of science in the sense that the poster above was using it in the sense of German 19th century academic verificationalism.

If you are allowing me to use "Aristotle" here then we can just go metaphysics on the original shit cunt.

History, by the way, is a 19th century invention by a German. All Hail Ranke.

>> No.21767618

Its not an ad hominem if he tries to devalue traditional morality and then dies of sodomy by aids. He was proven wrong by reality check.