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/lit/ - Literature

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21762728 No.21762728 [Reply] [Original]

Someone posted this Sam Hyde video in another thread and it got me thinking.
The tl;dw is that if you don't get some sort of skill before you're 30, it's over.
In my case, I spend most of my time learning useless languages (mostly in order to read in them), reading useless books, and pursuing a useless classics degree. I will never get a job teaching in classics but will probably end up going to grad school anyways. Is this viable? Will I pay the price for purusing what I love? Surely no one will want to hire me or seek my services because I can read Latin or German or because I can speak at length about such and such philosopher or author. Will I just end up a miserable wagie because /lit/ made me love literature? Do I have to learn programming or welding?

>> No.21762737

Anon, you already knew all this when you decided to go this route. Scholars being poor recluses is a trope for a reason. You'll likely work a wage slave job and read and learn in your free time, purely for yourself.

>> No.21762738

That video is like BAP doing a parody of Andrew Tate.

>> No.21762744

No, I genuinely thought things would magically work themselves out. But idk about that anymore.

>> No.21762783

maybe getting life advice from a lolcow youtuber who makes a (very comfortable) living off paypiggie handouts from streaming idle chatter with burnout zoomers and an unironically suicidal used car salesman isn't the best idea.

regardless of that fact, yes. Did you really need someone to tell you that you need some kind of skill that makes you valuable to others if you want money?

People over 30 can learn skills just fine if they really want. The real issue is that it sucks being over 30 so who the fucks wants to learn anything new.

Idk if that's what Sam said in the video, I'm not watching that shit.

This is the best Hydewars video anyway: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0Mq8Jel6IB0

>> No.21762798

What is Sam Hyde’s skill again?

>> No.21762895

He's an entertainer. Satirist. Motivational speaker.

>> No.21762904

His dad is rich so he could study rhetoric without having to fall back on a trade.

>> No.21762959

>muh 30
>it's over
>muh over muh 30
I hope your realize that this is just Sam projecting his anxiety over approaching middle-age and having very little to show for it in terms of traditional markers of adulthood such as a famly wife, kids, his own house etc

>> No.21762995

this is so funny

>> No.21763060

>this is just Sam projecting his anxiety

This, and virtually all eceleb self help types do this exact thing. Their "advice" is a self therapy session projecting their own regrets onto an audience for catharsis. It is worse than the blind leading the blind, because there is an intent to sabotage those younger with more potential.

>> No.21763069

If you are over 30 and taking life advice from fucking youtubers it's already over for you regardless of what you do with your time

>> No.21763085

You must be a impressionable zoomer if you still respect Sam Hyde. My mom picked up the violin in her 30s and she’s semi-pro tier now. Goethe learned Persian at 80. No reason why you can’t learn a lucrative skill like programming or start a business later in life.

>> No.21763090

Am I the only one who thinks Hyde is just a loser in denial?

>> No.21763091

I don’t think Sam Hyde is necessarily a good source of life or even career advice.

>> No.21763098

>read interested in browsing mindless youtube videoes
do what you want anon, so long as its not fanfiction I believe in you

>> No.21763132

Classics is rough because it's so specific and it's currently collapsing, and this probably will get worse as the economy declines and there is less demand. I know several people with Classics PhDs and they are already basically competing with you for private high school teaching jobs and 9-month contract adjunct slave positions for which they have to move 800 miles. Try to diversify as much as possible. You may want to bill yourself as a general humanities teacher primarily, with solid Latin and Greek (both) teaching being your bread and butter (this is still somewhat in demand), but with the ability to teach classical civilization plus "Western History," "World History," US history (another big one), philosophy, political philosophy, etc. Anything you can add to your resume to justify teaching some Catholic private school somewhere.

It's hard to recommend someone do the opposite of what I did. But it's rough out there. If you get into an absolute top program for Classics, maybe you could still make it work. But you're talking about your entire youth spent writing one shitty monograph on one aspect of Plautus in an environment that is increasingly hostile to real scholarship and increasingly just a training institute for women going into Human Resources or some extension of it. All so you can have a fractional chance of a real academic job (professor at major state school or higher), in a location not of your choosing, which can be difficult if you've started a family by then, for example with another academic who gets her own job offer far away.

Are you still in college? Are you smart enough to do math or do you enjoy math enough to do it? Particularly stats with training in data. Or some other "hard" field that gets jobs. If you really want to go to grad school, consider just going into a field with better prospects, but then LARPing like you're getting a Classics PhD while you're there. If you just keep your langauges strong and go to some classes and participate in some activities, even publish, you will already be doing more than most of the students.

There really isn't anything magical to it anymore. It's increasingly hard to recommend. I honestly think it would be less difficult and less unrealistic to learn Greek and Latin, and classical history and culture, on your own and then start some kind of free academy, than to get one of the few decent Classics jobs 10 years from now. Just know what you're getting into and don't think that the institution is necessarily a repository of wisdom or experience. No matter what path you choose, never stop learning and practicing your languages, even if you go through a ten year phase of losing interest in them you have to do them every day or you will lose them - and I guarantee you that you will regret this later. Latin and Greek will comfort you in old age if you hold onto them.

>> No.21763141

Your mom should start making videos of herself playing the violin in a very low cut dress, with her face just out of frame. Or in cosplay covering anime OPs. That would be insanely hot.

>> No.21763142

It’s a question of what he wants to do with his classics degree. Theodore Roosevelt received just bachelor’s degree in history, didn’t pursue graduate studies in it, and even dropped out of law school and yet if you look up his Wikipedia, you’ll see that it calls him “historian”. Why? Because he wrote an original work that was a contribution to historical scholarship. If OP wants to be a “classicist” he doesn’t necessarily need a PhD, which is in reality a professional degree for professors and not scholars or even researchers.

>> No.21763145

What the fuck does useless mean? Zoom out a little and ask yourself if you enjoy doing those things or not and if pursuing them to the exclusion of all else is sustainable. It isnt a binary thing, you can just moderate your interests a little. Ultimately if you can support yourself and do things you like then youve already won.

>> No.21763154

I agree, it's one of the few fields like math where the skills are so specific that you can just do it on your own and still produce good research. However you will still miss out on the academic atmosphere which, for better or worse, imperceptibly shapes your mind to seek "interventions" you can make in "the literature." A lot of people who just learn Latin and Greek and love reading classical literature will remain dilettantes because they won't keep up with the (to them) boring literature. But keeping up with the literature can give you a small feeling of meaning and belonging because it feels like an ongoing dialectic instead of just the occasional "oh you know Latin, that's cool."

I would say if you do it on your own, try to dive into some aspect of actual research that interests you and stay current with it, and make it your goal to make original contributions as an independent scholar. Of course, things would be a lot better if you could do this with a larger community of classically educated laypeople, instead of asshole academics. That's why I mention founding some kind of independent academy.

>> No.21763161

I got my B.A in Classics and Philosphy, Masters in IR thinking it would lead to some sort of international career. In the end I went to a career fair after working driving an amazon truck for a while and got hired by a consulting company. Work isn't that amazing but it pays way better than most jobs. Try looking that way OP

>> No.21763167

i'm just going to wash dishes, go home and read, and die in my 40s or 50s, leaving nothing behind.

>> No.21763193

life is meaningless. it literally does not matter what you do.

>> No.21763208
File: 261 KB, 680x377, ugly bastard.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder if there's anything like that on youtube..

>> No.21763211

What's the point of being a lifting fag if you're still painfully, horribly ugly even after you get swole?

>> No.21763224

Lifting and being eternally butthurt that his shitty little Adult Swim show got canceled. That and being really butthurt about IDubbz and his icky dike tier girlfriend as well.

The guy is OBSESSED. I mean, sure, Ian's a fucking faggot, but who actually CARES!?

>> No.21763242

kinda based honestly

>> No.21763362

I think the academic atmosphere you’re talking about is completely gone, if it ever even existed at all. If he wants to study classics, I think he should study classics. If he wants to be a classics professor, I think he should study classics in a PhD program. But if he wants to be a classicist, I think he should just start writing.

So we disagree slightly but it sounds like either way we agree that the YouTube advice is not particularly good in any case.

>> No.21763368

Leave behind a novel and you described the life of Roberto Bolano.

>> No.21763370

What do you want to do with your life? Any idea at all?

>> No.21763405

>Do I have to learn programming
Fuck, no.
>or welding?
Sounds way better. Learn a handcraft it is future safe, all the withe collar jobs will be replaced by machines soon.

>> No.21763407

>Is this viable?
Could you not find out the answer through research and asking people..
>Will I pay the
price for purusing what I love?
Depends on your drive.

>> No.21763412

Learn a living language, move there, teach at a uni. An American degree from a bottom-tier state university is worth more than a degree from every other country's top-tier universities, so you'll be golden.

>> No.21763439

>hyde shills are now on /lit/
How fucking autistic are you? Hyde isn't funny.

These. Sam even says in several of his life advice videos that these are messages to his younger self
>hyde actually had to learn in his 30s that there is no such thing as a perfect woman, that you should get a real fucking job, and that politics is mostly worthless.

>> No.21763441
File: 801 KB, 1731x1200, miguel-angel-camacho-seneca.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is nothing more valuable than wisdom. If you read good quality books and implement what you learn in your life, I have faith you be fine OP.

>he is happy who in his present circumstances, whatever they may be, is satisfied and on friendly terms with the conditions of his life. - Seneca De Vita Beata, bk VI

>> No.21763460
File: 346 KB, 220x123, 1661760832058195.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there is a skill in what you have sunk time into but you're too lazy to figure it out, no amount of motivation/alpha grindset/work to the bone videos will get you there, you have to literally get used to constantly risking being embarrassed, most anons think they're getting themselves out there by posting on an anonymous board to validate their 'potential ideas/goals'. It's fucking laughable that men don't ascertain that the victory is in the constant doing, if you aren't swimming you're sinking you cunt.

>> No.21763719

If you have time for what you love, how could you be miserable?
My neighbor is probably like 140iq and works part time as a nurse. He doesn't have much, but he reads constantly and lives alone. I think he knows multiple classical languages

>> No.21763733

Do you think he’s actually happy?

>> No.21763735

I think so. More so than people who live empty lives chasing money

>> No.21763740 [DELETED] 

i lived like that for almost a decade, ya i was pretty happy until the inflation forced me to take a full time job. my new ft job is pretty slow though so i read all the time. it's basically the some but i have to get up in the morning and read in an office instead of my bed.

>> No.21763757

NTA but money isn't everything. I know a guy that worked security and now does EMT. He makes dirt pay, but he seems pretty happy

>> No.21763789

I think he's confusing a career with finding a purpose, if you haven't figured out what you're going to do by 30 it's over, you should've started thinking about that by 18 - 20. A good career isn't the x factor for fulfilment it's up to you and your goals

>> No.21763800

it's over when you start listening to sam hyde.

>> No.21763809

>before you're 30
absolute bugmen mentality

>> No.21763835 [DELETED] 

no you're not , he a loser insecure trustfund retard who has to project failure on others.
he just doesnt get it , all his current project are absolute vomit
He cant hang around people his own age except for Nick who is also a insecure retard, albeit a funny one at least.

>> No.21763836

Off-topic. Fuck off with your e-celeb worship, you fucking loser

>> No.21763871

Bots have been alerted

>> No.21763875


>> No.21763894

>watches e-celeb jewtubers
You have the IQ of a bot that you whinge about

>> No.21763895

They're not bots, they're the same retards who have been pavlovianly conditioned to start crying about fascism when they see Jordan Peterson. They didn't watch the video and they don't know much about Sam Hyde, they just watch other online influencers who talk about him and want to be part of their tribe by repeating the talking points.

>> No.21763909

I am a fascist, but real fascists don’t watch Juden Peterstein and some fat JewTuber who still brags about being the class clown. Fucking retards and their e-celebs. How about you read an actual book in your life, you fucking loser, instead of watching videos of retards

>> No.21763917

Didn't he have a wife and kids he struggled to feed?

>> No.21763922


>> No.21763923

I don't care about Sam Hyde and I think this thread is off topic. I am just pointing out a class of fags who are responding to relatively anodyne advice about how you really need to have a core skillset established by 30 so you can be employable, as a baseline for survival.

>> No.21763926

>skill before you're 30
as if he had any

>> No.21763933

>be employable, as a baseline for survival.
sounds gay

>> No.21763942

Hyde is just like an old school style professor, one that thinks for himself and encourages you to do so also.

>> No.21763943

>They didn't watch the video and they don't know much about Sam Hyde
I've been watching Sam Hyde since 2014. He's sometimes funny but thinking he's some kind of lifestyle guru is the right wing version of leftists thinking that John Oliver is a genius political analyst and a good source of news.

>> No.21763950

>thinks for himself

>> No.21763951

>t. sam

>> No.21763962

Sorry, let me put it in terms you will understand. With your base job that you don't hate, you will be psychologically healthy, LIKE A PRIMEVAL STEPPE WARRIOR. You will have money to put a down payment on a home WITH YOUR TRADWIFE. You will be able to do it in an area actually worth living in, like a 90%+ white, YOUR FUTURE WHITE ETHNOSTATE. You will be able to do this because your job is in reasonable demand in many decent areas, LIKE A VERSATILE VIKING WARCHIEF.

I am a fascist too, I just understand that we are about to go through a second Great Depression and you don't want to be trapped in San Francisco while that's happening. You don't want to be among the first few waves of people who end up in neo-breadlines, standing next to the dregs of humanity. Do not make yourself reliant on government handouts or low grade service work. Do something that gives you the ability to relocate, get some property, start a family and support network, and have enough savings that you can bug out and leave a whole state at the drop of a hat when some lunatic gets elected there and decides to institute UBI and allow "migrants" to live in your house, or force you to get a vaccine microchip or something. Being a useless faggot is not how you win a civilizational collapse.

>> No.21763980

sounds gay af
dw about me buddy, i go where i need to

>> No.21763984

Oh you are a twitter leftist, I wish you luck on CHAZ 2.0: LA Riots Edition then

>> No.21764003

Sam Hyde is a loser. MDE was never funny. Charles and Nick are also losers and unfunny.

>> No.21764006

>im leftist bcz im not a larper pagan
bro stfu

>> No.21764010

you need to spend less time online

>> No.21764013


>> No.21764014

Charls is cool

>> No.21764019

The point is that "shit is about to get really bad, you should be able to absorb loss, relocate, and live a good life" is universal advice regardless of your political leaning, unless you disagree with the initial premise that shit is about to get bad (twitter leftist=going to be eaten alive by jiggaboos while apologizing to them either way).

You have male friends who dressed up as women and killed themselves or will kill themselves in the near future.

>> No.21764020

>in a morbid curiosity way
yea he's cool

>> No.21764028

''life is over after 30'' is a bad advice , its never over till you give up ,funny guy

>> No.21764035

I agree. Nobody said that. The OP's video, which I watched 4 minutes of, didn't say it. What it did say is that complacency is dangerous and most men today are coddled with lies about how they can always "find themselves." You have your whole life to find yourself, you have your 20s to figure out how to make enough money that your inevitable dental work or your dog having colon problems doesn't financially enslave you for the rest of your life.

>> No.21764050

>You have male friends who dressed up as women and killed themselves or will kill themselves in the near future.
I don't but it sounds like you're speaking from experience. Hope things get better bro. You're not a bad person, just fucked in the head by too much internet.

>> No.21764051

>Nobody said that.
subtext and comments says it and the self is not something you find ,only what is.
bad situations are a blessing sometimes.

>> No.21764061

nepotism, like all the vile hypocrits in the media industry that pretend to be self made men.

>> No.21764062

I agree to an extent, some people will bounce back and even get stronger from adversity, but we're talking about averages here. On average a lot of young guys who blow their 20s playing video games are going to have a bad time. Especially with the world falling apart. It's perfectly reasonable advice to say that no matter what other dumb shit you do, probably try to avoid acquiring a drug addiction and going into debt, and try to get some skill or trade that you can go when push comes to shove. If you're in college, use that time to do something you can put on a resume.

>> No.21764083

>the world falling apart
nihil sub sōle novum
you're the addict, stop listening to doomsaying grifters

>> No.21764102

most are beyond saving
most wont save themselves

>> No.21764104

Why do you leave the macrons on?

Like I said if you think everything is fine by all means stay in San Francisco.

>> No.21764111

>if you don't get some sort of skill before you're 30, it's over
Define 'over'
>Will I just end up a miserable wagie because /lit/ made me love literature?
Not necessarily. I got my MA in literature just because I wanted to, and I work in a field which is not related to literature. I enjoy my work and I'm paid reasonably. Wagie? Sure. Miserable? No. Over? I don't think so.
>Do I have to learn programming or welding?
Not if you don't want to. I didn't. But I think the basic message of 'learn a valuable skill' is good anyway. While I was in grad school I was interning. If I wasn't I would definitely be behind and I definitely wouldn't have gotten my current job. This is all to say that you can pursue your interests all you want as long as you don't neglect other things. My advice on threads like these is always: get great grades, get an internship at a prominent organization, and learn valuable skills and make contacts while you're there. It matters a whole lot less what you study and a whole lot more what your attitude is. If you're positive, diligent and eager to learn new things, you can't fuck it up all that badly.

>> No.21764116

I thought he got his life back on track

>> No.21764118

>everything is fine by all means stay in San Francisco.
all is given for them to learn

>> No.21764121

i like charls but on track is never a thing is gonna have, the wind carries him

>> No.21764123

That doesn't work anymore when you have children

>> No.21764129

im not saying it works

>> No.21764134

i pray for his childrens

>> No.21764145

>Especially with the world falling apart
Literally every normie is saying this. Nothing is going to happen for another decade or two, just continual creep towards the West becoming second world and nobody can do a goddamn thing about it. Keep looking for a bang but there will only be a whimper. That's just how civilizational decline works. I agree with seeking self-sufficiency though. If you have land with a secure food source and water tank or well you'll be fine no matter what.

>> No.21764150

If you are reliant on large scale systems like needing healthcare for insulin then you are massively fucked though.

>> No.21764153

I am curious to see how millions of urban retards will handle shortages of their prescriptions

>> No.21764167

from a philosophy grad with a masters degree from cambridge, i seem to be completely unemployable

going into teaching training tho I guess thats the thing u would have to do as someone interested in this, though I am not excited by the idea of teaching some cucked curriculum to brats

>> No.21764177

yeah, there will be no collapse. it's just every time there is a recession, when the economy bounces back, it's a little worse than it was before. this has been my experience now in my third recession of this century. it's slow, and industrious individuals can still prosper, and the the masses will be kept mostly comfortable, but the decline is real.

>> No.21764190

Whats Sams skill? Scamming zoomers with "life advice"?

>> No.21764192

It’s time to start reading computer science textbooks.

>> No.21764197

Please tell me, at the very least, that you're writing

>> No.21764207

He's definitely skilled in media production and graphic design. People forget that he made a television show.

>> No.21764263
File: 10 KB, 202x360, 1678412826284152.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This balding schizo

>> No.21764274

You realise every guy balds right? Fuck is with this site and balding

>> No.21764285

Nick is funny

>> No.21764287

my dad is 65 and with a better hairline than charles or sam.

>> No.21764290

no male in my entire extended family is bald, but my dad's side all went gray prematurely
>t. 28, basically salt and pepper now

>> No.21764297

>Hyde isn't funny.
This is definitely funny:

>> No.21764583

Agreed. I got a tech WFH job in a company that is still hiring in this economy and I read philososhit books and work on side projects during work hours.

>> No.21764591

your guys dads sound like severe beasts

>> No.21764615

your dad is low test

>> No.21764651

is crying on a livestream about your 5/10 tv show getting cancelled 8 years ago high test behaviour?

>> No.21764794

only funny thing he's ever done

>> No.21764877
File: 401 KB, 2000x1363, tent-1559925243.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My nigga. You live in LITERAL DYSTOPIA. It doesn't matter what you 'end up as'. The government doesn't necessarily give a fuck about you at all, no jobs, and the culture is tanked anyway. What exactly did you think was gonna happen?

This is like living in some fucked up country like China, Mexico, or Cambodia during the Killing Fields or shit, and being like "Will I end up disappointed in life?" Man, you're just lucky you're not being cut into little tiny pieces with a machete. If you wanted to "succeed" here in any capacity, you were supposed to give max effort everyday in exchange for a 1 in 10,000 shot.

I'm old and retarded now, so I can't tell the fake/trollposts anymore, but it's all the same anyway.

>> No.21764883

>Hyde isn't funny.
Lol. Old MDE is one of the funniest things on the internet, Sam has great presence and god-tier delivery also

>> No.21765201

What the hell is nta

>> No.21765215

Honestly name one art group on the internet that is consistently putting out quality content that is more popular than com98

>> No.21765219

There are plenty of intellectual fields where you can leverage your love of knowledge and learning to make a living. Knowledge isn’t power; applied knowledge is power. Plenty of people dumber than you have figured it out, so now it’s your turn.

>> No.21765254

Not that anon. Means you’re replying to someone’s reply, but you don’t want them to assume you’re the person they initially replied to.

>> No.21765264

I imagine that being a niche internet celebrity or something similar (such as a niche musician or artist popular with teenagers but not particularly successful) would get a bit tiring as you approach middle age and realize that, from a long term perspective, you may have been better off having a traditional career that’s more stable and where you have the respect of your fellow adults, as opposed to relying on the charity of young people who will eventually get over your schtick and move on. Sam is “famous,” but I don’t envy him at all.

>> No.21765270

he's a multimedia guy, graphic design, comedy, entrepreneurship skills, sales/communication skills, boxing.

he went the Scott Adams route so probably considers himself an Engineer all but in name.

>> No.21765281

>tfw afraid
>tfw spent 31 years afraid
I know you're right but it doesn't help.

>> No.21765287

he harps on about it but the fact is that brain plasticity doesn't just fall off a cliff at 26, it just doesn't. I think what maybe he means is that you're very unlikely to be able to find the motivation and willpower to learn a skill by that age because you'll have gotten this far without learning anything so why not continue, aka you don't have a purpose in life.

so yeah, not plasticity but about purpose.

>> No.21765305

What the fuck is a trope.

>> No.21765327

Why do you people put so much stock on people just saying things? You really need to learn to let unsubstantiated claims just brush off of you. Sam just says things, and never gives any indication that he has seriously thought them through.

>> No.21765378

Dude, this thread ain’t meant to be taken seriously.

>> No.21765415

Youth worship is a symptom of high degeneracy. If you really believe anything is over past (x) age then save us all the trouble and jump off a bridge already. It's not over till you're dead.

>> No.21765654

I second this anon's idea.

>> No.21765814

>Sam Hyde video
Stopped reading there.

>> No.21765926

>you may have been better off having a traditional career that’s more stable and where you have the respect of your fellow adults
there are no more "traditional careers"
"respect of your fellow adults" = lol
you are not good, Jordan Peterson has ruined this board and the entire planet

Sam's mental illness is incurable, but at least he's a millionaire and created some cool stuff, I respect the guy even though he's a weird piece of shit in a failed world

>> No.21765975
File: 42 KB, 468x576, sam-hyde-with-fans-589c47f44538b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No one has given a straight answer for some fucking reason so I guess I have to.

Sam graduated from film school and has extensive knowledge of VFX. In old MDE videos, all of the crazy graphics and art you saw was him. I'm pretty sure he even edited a lot of World Peace's visuals himself because it looks distinctly like his style.

Everything he did after learning what basically amounts to Adobe After Effects - including this self help guru stuff - is a coping mechanism. The bodybuilding, the crypto hoarding, Gumroad, even KSTV2 was something of a cope from him because he realized he could no longer do what he wanted and had to listen to his fans first.

As a firm believer that outwardly ugly people should never be taken seriously, I think it is vital to look at all of Sam's advice post-WP as at best a satire of eDaddy rhetoric, and at worst one continuous projection from a blacklisted and publicly humiliated Internet celebrity.

>> No.21766083

It’s over when you start taking advice from Sam Hyde of all people

>> No.21766121

I’ve been a fan of Sam since for like a decade you retarded faggot, he’s a funny smart talented guy but he’s also a bitter maladjusted freak and absolutely not someone anyone with half a brain would take advice from
I watched the video and the shit he’s saying doesn’t even make sense, he never actually makes a case for why it’s “over” at thirty

>> No.21766138

do you really think Jordan fucking Peterson was the first person to realize that people with some degree of status tend to be happier than minimum wage untouchables? Do you actually believe that careers have ceased to exist? The world’s going to shit for sure but you sound blackpilled to the point of being disconnected from reality

>> No.21766154

I’m at a stage of my life right now where I can agree with some sentiment at least that you need to be careful about what you devote your time to. You’re always writing a biography. The worst feeling is being being thirty or thirty-five and looking back on your twenties only think that they were spent in a way that doesn’t and can’t align with what you want out of your life. That said, I think you have to differentiate between the sort of things you can do which are for money and the sort of things you do which are money. If Napoleon really wanted to make money, he wouldn’t have been an officer but then he wouldn’t be Napoleon. If Dostoevsky really wanted to make money, he wouldn’t have been a writer, but then he wouldn’t be Dostoevsky. I’m sure you understand what I mean here. The great tragedy in all this is that people often don’t know what they want out of life or what life has in store for them until they’re older and at that point it’s too go back and do things in a way that would lend itself to that.

>> No.21766566

As someone who is turning 30 next month, I think it’s really important that you decide on something like a vocation in your late 20s AND you take some action toward that trajectory. The decision alone is not enough. I can think of no historical examples excepting Christ where a man who became renowned for something wasn’t in some way working at that thing before he was 30. And as someone turning 30 next month, I can say that the problem is that you’ll have built up some biography which you’ll be measured by no matter what. So I think there’s some truth to this advice.

>> No.21766575

“Traditional careers” are largely gone for the younger generations. We can blame baby boomers who never retired and mentored, automation, or just laziness but the fact is that the large majority of millennials and zoomers in Western countries are unemployed or underemployed, and I would argue many more who are employed appropriate to their education and training are still not really in careers but rather dead-end symbol analysis jobs. Almost no one under 35 has a career. At all.

>> No.21766620

Almost no one under 35 has a career. At all
This is false. Most of my buddies are around my age (23) and have serious long-term skill based jobs. I'm the odd one out since I went back to school after my two years of minimum wage burger flipping. Most of my same-age coworkers were the same, and a good portion of my HS graduation class already had an in with construction contractors and I often see them working on road development.
Try not to develop a picture of society based around social media, it's usually not a reliable reflection.

>> No.21766626

Whoops dropped the quote, oh well

>> No.21766771

NTA but what type of jobs are like this?
>musician/professor and tired of it

>> No.21766792

I think that were this really the case, you would have to admit that your buddies correspond to the exception and not rule if you were to actually look at the big picture. I’m going to go out on a limb here and guess that you’re from an upper-middle class suburban household and the cohort you’re looking at is the lucky few but you’re confusing it for the whole population. Moreover, I would suggest that some of the people you suppose are skilled workers, are in reality not skilled workers. Neither are they properly in careers. Most “analysts” and such that find themselves in large organizations are working jobs. Their pay might go up with experience, they might get more senior job titles, but these aren’t properly careers. They’re certainly not professions and least of all vocations. Your buddies are objectively not a good picture of the norm.

>> No.21766835

20% of men between 18 and 50 are not even working any job at all.

>> No.21766855

I firmly believe that the world will get extremely bad for an average joe in 10 years or so, so it seems pointless to get "skills" in anything unless you're exceptionally talented. I'm not, so I embraced consoom and die

>> No.21766901

My Moby Dick edition has a preface of Meville shitting on book worms. He made some librarian pull out every reference of a whale he could find and then makes fun of him for doing it.

>> No.21767044
File: 62 KB, 618x455, it's over original.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought it was big but it's probably the case.
For 25 to 54 year old it is 12% of men out of labor force. 25% for women. Then you add 3.5% of unemployment rate and you get 15.5% not working. Arguably unemployment rate is undervalued by several tricks. The difference to 20% is the college kiddies in the 18-24 age range.

>> No.21767067

>if you don't get some sort of skill before you're 30, it's over
This is false. You need to get a *marketable* skill before 30 or it's over.
t. competent painter on his way to the rope

>> No.21767072

Speak for yourself. The fact that you don’t have a career (i.e. you haven’t found gainful employment) doesn’t mean other people haven’t. Get it together, you still have time.

Regarding boomers: a lot of them left the workforce and took early retirements packages during the pandemic. There are more openings now than previously due to this.

>> No.21767083

I've had a boomer tell me "well what did *I* have when I was 30? Nothin'!" and in that moment I wished we'd let them all die of Covid

>> No.21767221

Don't be one of those boomers who say, "I'm 60 and I still don't know what I want to be!". That's the kind of person who never had dreams, or forgot they had them. You should figure out what your dreams are by age 30. Time is the most valuable resource next to your life because it's the one thing you don't get more of.

Pretty soon, technical work is going to be the only decent job field left.

Look at a country like Ireland for example. 2nd highest GDP per capita, yet all those jobs are from branches of American tech companies. Otherwise, your choices are some shitty service jobs, trades, or manual labor which are highly regulated to exact maximal profits, so you have 0 autonomy. In the US even law and medicine aren't what they once were. You want to freelance? Better make sure AI doesn't steal your job, oops. In the coming decades it's tech work or bust. Future is bleak.

>> No.21767315

this. if you get to 30 while only smoking weed and playing vidya throughout your twenties, there's a good chance that you will not only lack the wherewithal for getting your shit together, but also will be totally fucked in trying to find the time/motivation after coming home form the wage cage.

so many 25-30 year olds are beyond fucked at this point. zoomers even more so. the best thing to do right now is to leverage this by self-improving and implementing such practices/lessons into being better than the majority. which is not hard when the bar is becoming lower and lower each year. generation alpha is your main competition to worry about.

>> No.21767347

The stats don’t lie. You’re looking at a very specific sample size and mistakenly assuming that’s the whole population, but it’s not.

>> No.21767374

I don’t think it’s enough to know what you want to do by 30. You should know what you want to do and be doing it before you’re 30. For example, if you want to be a novelist? Ideally, you’d not only know that at age 30 but also have actually finished a novel and maybe even published a novel before you’re 30.

>> No.21767382


>> No.21767480

I’m lucky in that I had a general sense of knowing what I wanted do around 25 or so, but I wasn’t able to take initiative until my 20s were over. If you’re in that situation, don’t let that happen to you.

>> No.21767580

Why would anyone care about keeping up with the "literature"? Name 5 relevant revelations made since ~1970 (hell, even earlier). Just scholars who want to pretend their contributions are actually relevant to anyone's understanding piling on to a field that was mostly completed by German guys in the 1800s anyway.
For classical history archaeology and genetics are areas where actually relevant discoveries are being made but that isn't what classics is.

>> No.21767587

His graphical design work is actually decent.

>> No.21767730

Women were pretty fucking stupid to think that fulfillment is giving up motherhood and family life to go slug it out in the fluorescent-lit trenches of the 9-5 workplace. If they had spoken to any working man, he would have told them how shit it is.

Middle aged men have always been the backbone of the economy and especially the tax system. They’ve traditionally been the tax pay pigs that allow the whole (bloated) system to remain afloat. And yet no one gives a shit about middle age men. They have the highest suicide rates; no one cares. They’re the fathers of the next generation; no one cares. Almost everything meaningful has been created and maintained by them, and yet they’re made the butt end of almost all jokes. No sympathy for men and fathers; they’re all maligned as idiots whose main function is to serve as a place from which to extract resources. If society is alarmed that men are dropping out of the work force, it’s not concern from a humanitarian standpoint, but rather a pragmatic concern that the economy’s main “machinery” is not functioning properly.

>> No.21767732

everyone and their mother can do graphic design

>> No.21767755

Imagine living in the most comfortable and peaceful age in all of human history with endless media and avenues to pursue any interest and saying we live in a "LITERAL DYSTOPIA". lmao lol

>> No.21767804


I dislike the anxiety surrounding it. If you choose independence, you have to realize the risk and the problem of being recognized in a retarded peasant village like America

>> No.21767841
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Sams skill is literally just being able to manage people and get them to do all his heavy lifting. He's pure Connecticut. Its the other guys who carried him

>> No.21767887

Not true at all. Sam and his associates work with some incredibly talented graphic designers that really how talent and vision differentiate you from jobbers.

>> No.21767893

That is a real skill though. One of Sam's best assets is talent scouting and management. I don't watch a ton of his stuff but even in some of the bits I've watched he has talked about how he'll check out any random guy sending him some shit and he's willing to recruit and give people a chance.

Two other interesting guys like this are Linus Tech Tips and Louis Rossman, I don't know much about the computer business but you can tell they are really good finders and managers of naturally talented people.

>> No.21768070

Don't listen to Sam Hyde's life advice. He's a clown, like Jim Carrey. You wouldn't take life advice from Jim Carrey would you? Also, Sam is a kike, which means he gets easily possessed by whatever sounds good at the moment. He'll say a bunch of cool based things sure, but he'll also just spout whatever thought pops into his head.

>30 it's over
Applies to the highest tier careers like violinist or rocket scientist. Marcus Aurelius would actually disagree with this doomer sentiment. Marcus Aurelius talks about honing your skills even if all hope is lost. Keep on keeping on is the stoic approach to life.

So ignore Sam and keep chipping away at whatever your life purpose is.

Also, let me reiterate. Sam is a kike. No one should take anything that a kike says seriously. This used to be taught in kids stories for a reason.

>> No.21768116
File: 208 KB, 1200x1920, the-poetics-of-aristotle-11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well said.

Aristotle's definition of a Comedy might help some people on here understand Sam Hyde, and comedians in general:

"As for Comedy, it is an imitation of men worse that the average; worse, however, not as regards any and every sort of fault, but only as regards one particular kind, the Ridiculous, which is a species of Ugly. The Ridiculous may be defined as a mistake or deformity not productive of pain or harm to others; the mask, for instance, that excites laughter, is something ugly and distorted without causing pain" - Poetics, Ch 5

>> No.21768201

elaborate bruh

>> No.21768336

>just spend years and years and years of your youth developing your le career & le skillset
>anon wages for 5 years wasting his youth, in the hopes of some better future
>car randomly runs anon over
How'd that work out?

>> No.21768362

That quote isn't even negatively critiquing comedy, just describing how it functions, so I'm not sure how it's relevant.
He's saying what is ridiculous is something ugly, but which takes out the harmful/painful part so that it creates a pleasurable reaction.

>> No.21768367

>so I'm not sure how it's relevant
Sam Hyde is a comedian

>> No.21768398

If you understand what Sam Hyde is, you're not going to take his self help seriously. He's a clown, which is what Marcus Aurelius said is the last thing you want to be. We laugh at clowns for a reason.

>> No.21768415

Whatever his actual intelligence, Sam Hyde has always been one of the most rambling, inarticulate guys to ever talk his opinions online, it's weird.

>> No.21768467
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Your limb is busted dude, I'm not gonna pretend I had a hard life but most of my dudes come from busted bumpkin homes. I'm not going to go into details because frankly it's none of your business, I'm just gonna let you know that you're dead wrong. Also, say no to meth.
And I guess the work wouldn't be particularly skilled if you don't count things like new construction plumbing or wildlife management or welding or mechanics or anything like that skilled.
On the other hand, the most useless fucks I've ever met are all in their thirties or forties. Barfly blues types, low-level chain store management, cigarette huffing city slicker state workers, that sort of thing. I'm not saying there isn't a significant portion of people out of work right now but to insist even that it's uncommon for people my age to have a career is shockingly ill informed and reeks of fart huffing boomer brainrot.

>> No.21768470

> you're not going to take his self help seriously
No self help is serious.
>which is what Marcus Aurelius said
Opium eater = opinion discarded

>> No.21768499

His Kuwait sheik father in law will take care of everything

>> No.21768508


>> No.21768580

>read Latin or German
Having proof of Greek/Latin whatever classics mastery has spooky class cachet still, try an get in as a reader/editor at a film studio/publisher/newspaper ect. There are limitations to FOMO advice. You've already comitted to the degree and have the chops for post graduate, just follow through and stop thinking about it. Get a side hustle going in a 'skill' that specifically interest and enhances you and your abilities [could you be tutoring in those languages?]

>> No.21768820
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>Will I just end up a miserable wagie because /lit/ made me love literature? Do I have to learn programming or welding?
i can't answer this for you OP. but i will ask, fellow lit brothers, how /lit/ is your job? i work on a team of 3 people and 1 guy goofs off on facebook for about half hour to hour and a half each day. i read. i usually have an ebook that i send to my work email and delete it when i'm done. end up reading a few paragraphs at a time between work tasks and usually about 10-20 pages a day. how lit is your job, lit? are you fulfilling your quest for knowledge?

>> No.21768824


>> No.21768854

Doesn’t matter. The numbers don’t lie.

>> No.21768862

Could Marcus Aurelius be Marcus Aurelius if he wasn’t on the path to being Marcus Aurelius before 30? If not, why should his take matter?

I do think actually though there were a handful of Roman emperors who were practically nobodies until their 30s.

>> No.21768871

You got about 10 seconds to show me your hole because this gorilla daddy sick is hungry

>> No.21769006

so true sister

>> No.21769020

>the responses claiming amateur vfx graphic design is a legitimate skill

>> No.21769424


>> No.21769461


>> No.21769566

Latin tutors are somewhat popular among students of medicine and jurisprudence here, and Ancient Greek tutors also get some cash from lovers of the Classics and Bible students, if occasionally.
The languages for the Humanities are like math for the STEM, always and everywhere in demand - so you can be a language tutor alright, if you add some teaching skills there. Some academic profs can be terrible tutors while knowing like 5 languages.
Also consider extending yourself to European customers, since America and China are extremely bugmanite, while back in Europe people still value culture and the Classics. You will not be upper middle class rich, especially not America tier rich - remember, French and German wages are like Alabama tier - but you will be OK, just less burgers to eat, so you will got leaner too.

>> No.21770065

Claudius, one of Romes better emperors, was thought of as the palace retard until well into middle age when a coup thrust him into power.

>> No.21770110

He is correct.
I am just like you, but at least I am a Lawyer, though I hate that and am learning how to program. I started six months ago and have already finished a few projects for my portfolio. I am 26 and never had a job, outside of doing a few cases during the pandemic. Until the end of this year I will have one. It's determined. Even if I have to go back to law.
Anyway, I seriously recommend learning to code.

>> No.21770197
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This doesn't really say anything about what you actually want to do or how you want to use the skills aside from possibly teaching.

I studied philosophy and ended up marketing online casinos alongside several former English teachers, physics masters and drug addicts because it beats any kind of real job. I also work with several people who work in German despite only speaking it as the second or third language. Merely being able to write about different things in an enjoyable fashion in several languages is a very useful skill even if you didn't think that studying Nietzsche is preparing you to write reviews about the newest Playboy slot machine.

>> No.21770211

>I recommend doing something AI will do better in a few years

>> No.21770222

I wish I had become a lawyer when I was younger. Lawyers can enter politics and make something of their life. They can also just give up law and dedicate themselves to business. Or they can ignore law for literature. Being a lawyer in your 20s is arguably the best occupation you can possibly have. Run for office, you idiot.

>> No.21770225

Yes, but realistically none of us are going to be thrust into power as the result of a coup because we’re not highborn pseudo-royalty like Claudius was. A Caesar is possible. A Claudius is not.

>> No.21770229

It’s not. I work for s university, now fully remote. Access to the libraries and not having much to do was great at first but it gets old fast. Spending all day everyday reading books is a nice fantasy, but it won’t help you lead a fulfilling life unless you write them and you should start doing that fairly young ideally.

>> No.21770310

Painters are cool. Can you posted something of yours?

>> No.21770604

I think if you find yourself turning 30 without having really having had done the things with your life that you wish you had, it can turn into a crisis and a real obsession. By 30, a non-insignificant portion of your life is over and the first chapter of your biography already written. You won’t be able to re-write it.

>> No.21770652

I'm thirty and have no discernible skills, or at least not ones I want to utilize for financial gain. It's been over for me since high school, as I have major depression. I'm lucky I'm still alive.
You should focus on what you want to do. You can get sucked into a career where you make lots of money say being a quantitative analyser, but maybe you hate that kind of work and you end up hating doing the thing you spend the majority of your life doing. You do all this just so you can rot in your mcmansion when you're old and decrepit? Doesn't seem worth it.
Classic degree does lend itself to law pretty well btw, so it's not entirely useless in terms of career mobility

>> No.21770709

I think we really fuck people over now by sending them to university, the measure of success at which is now 6 years to graduation and not 4 by the way, and tell them that if they just study hard and work hard things will work out. It’s probably true somewhat if you just want to be a spreadsheet jockey in a cube for the rest of your life, but it’s inadequate advice for anyone with aspirations in art, or literature, or politics, or even entrepreneurship. The kind of person who even thinks about what they want to do and what they want to be before they’re 30 is so vanishingly rare that they may as well not exist. Instead, we just force everyone into meaningless degrees and jobs and say “good enough”. Maybe for some. Not for all. If you manage to realize this and take the steps to get off this treadmill by 30, or even better by 25, you’re in incredible shape. Try to figure out what you want to do, what you want to be, what you want to be known for, and get working at it as soon as possible. That’s all you can really do. Otherwise, the best case scenario you’re talking about is waking up at 30 or 35 or something with a whole bunch of skills but a life you don’t find particularly worthwhile.

>> No.21770730

As someone turning 20 next month I can see that you should have done this in your late teens. If you are 22 without a path in life it's over. Don't cope.

>> No.21770737

right. most people finish their undergrad degree at 22. most people get it over with and forget about it, but people on /lit/ are like mentally stuck in college at 28.

>> No.21770772

I got my bachelors at 28 without a clear idea of what I want to do and I live in a penthouse by the sea now that I'm 31.

>> No.21770781

that's a very cool story, anon.

>> No.21770784
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Thank you.

>> No.21770786

At 20, you are just young and dumb enough to think there’s no qualitative difference between what you’ve done by 20 and what you’ve done by 20. At 20 you are basically a kid and just barely entering young adulthood. By 30 you’re no longer a kid and your young adulthood is nearly over already. If you think otherwise, you’re liable to find yourself on the spreadsheet treadmill mentioned above.

>> No.21770795

>no qualitative difference between what you’ve done by 20 and what you’ve done by 20
what did he mean by this? it's like on of those gre questions on the literature section where it looks almost exactly the same but there's some tiny almost imperceptible difference

>> No.21770812

>spreadsheet treadmill
i love ripping through spreadsheets with python and analyzing the shit out of them, but i have autism. for people who only get dopamine from consuming, life might seem like a drag though.

>> No.21770823

The latter number should be 30, obviously.

>> No.21770830

oh i see

>> No.21770831

Then have a blast, but many would rather ride above the herd and see themselves become great novelists, poets, artists, mercenaries, political revolutionaries, e-celebrities, or maybe even all of the above.

>> No.21770838

good luck with that dude, meanwhile i'll just keep pumping my retirement accounts. see you on the boomerside.

>> No.21771218

The only two posts with any rationale in this entire thread.

>> No.21771248

He's old and retarded, give him a break.

>> No.21771286

>I will never get a job teaching in classics but will probably end up going to grad school anyways. Is this viable?

if you don't mind teaching mandatory freshman comp to disinterested hungover undergrads it's a viable career path

>> No.21771317

Thats what I get from people like Andrew Tate or Jordan Peterson. You're seeing a guy having an identity crisis in real time.

>> No.21771405

He's the Candyman laddy

>> No.21771437

A literal nothingburger of a human being, no wonder he has to pull stunts and be an edgelord.

>> No.21771445

So many people start new careers after the age of 30. If your grad school isn't getting paid for, though, that's probably not a great move. I'm sure you've seen Jackson Crawford talking about it. His advice is alot more worth listening to than Sam Hyde. That said, I go to conservatory, so I'm in the retard boat with you.

>> No.21772702


I told you once, I told you twice. The troup has reunited and is currently filming for World Peace 2. It's gonna be good

>> No.21772906

Getting away with it

>> No.21773012


>hasnt heard about DHT

>> No.21773274

>I spend most of my time learning useless languages (mostly in order to read in them), reading useless books
Literally me. I wish I pursued a classics degree though. You're lucky; you could have chosen to be a fucking loser and get into STEM.

>> No.21773297
File: 34 KB, 260x264, 7C8365E8-DF63-432E-A473-7FA7A46E9796.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If your parents didn’t care about your education or social circle and you didn’t go to a target high school and then an ivy (or near ivy) league uni then yea your life is basically set in stone.

You’re free to do whatever and get whatever skills but you’re unlikely to make any meaningful difference in the trajectory of your life +- a few grand.

Learn to embrace mediocrity and learn to live with less modern comforts. Strive to make friends in this world and go off the beaten path. Doing what your doing is only useless if you don’t find it fulfilling. Don’t let this psychopathic system tell you what is and is not fulfilling.

>> No.21773303

Not true