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21760641 No.21760641 [Reply] [Original]

The BLACKED scene in Brave New World… how did he foresee this?

>> No.21760643

>entry level book
Can /tv/ posters just fuck off already?

>> No.21760656

Degree in English that’s been here for five years

>> No.21760671

Also, Brave New World is one of the greatest books of the 20th century and no one gives a shit that it’s sometimes taught in American high schools. I know you’re a snob who cares about that but I’m not. Deal with it

>> No.21760686

Those were native americans right, not niggers

>> No.21760694

>MODERN Womyn that's taught to freely fuck everything goes to savage lands
>Fucks the natives while unable to return back to her society
It follows naturally from the rest of the setting and characters.
Why are you surprised about this one part in particular, totally-not-a-/tv/-poster?

>> No.21760701

>this is the reading retention/comprehension of the average /lit/ user
You don’t remember the feely Lenina takes John to where an Alpha Plus African goes to town on a blonde woman in a helicopter? It’s kinda a significant scene

>> No.21760733

Are you a blackamoor?

>> No.21760742

Have no idea what that word is and it looks retarded so I’m not even gonna bother searching it up. If you’re the person I responded to I assume you’re trying to cope with the fact that you dismissed the book as entry level yet you may as well have never read it

>> No.21760754

Oh right, i remember now. But that was like 3 blonde alphas rescuing the woman from the nigger right, so i didn't immediately connect

>> No.21760763

Yea, you are. Or a zoomie.

>> No.21761012

Yea I forgot that part as well.
Sorry but I can't vividly recall every single scene of books I've read years ago. Anyway, like >>21760754 says, the implication of that scene is understood to be that niggers are low class savages that need to be kept under control. Nothing like the blacked meme your /tv/-addled mutt brain seems to be consumed by. For that reason, even if I had remembered the scene you were (so ineptly) referring to, I would've dismissed it. That's one scene where Huxley's vision deviates from current reality. The essence of blacked, and by extension most American propaganda, is the positive portrayal of niggers as desirable and attractive.
That type of Feely would be considered a hate crime by modern standards.

>> No.21761133

>Brave New World is one of the greatest books of the 20th century
It’s really not. It will be forgotten in a few hundred years.

>> No.21761152

Kys midwit

>> No.21761168
File: 174 KB, 584x702, Last And First Men nig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's nothing Last And First Men explicitly names the muttoid-
>Thus when American culture dominated the planet, the pure Negroes became a sacred caste. Forbidden many of the rights of citizenship, they were regarded as the private servants of Gordelpus. They were both sacred and outcast. This dual role was epitomized in an extravagant ritual which took place once a year in each of the great national parks. A white woman and a Negro, both chosen for their prowess in dance, performed a long and symbolical ballet, which culminated in a ritual act of sexual violation, performed in full view of the maddened spectators. This over, the Negro knifed his victim, and fled through the forest pursued by an exultant mob. If he reached sanctuary, he became a peculiarly sacred object for the rest of his life. But if he was caught, he was torn to pieces or drenched with inflammable spirit and burned. Such was the superstition of the First Men at this time that the participants in this ceremony were seldom reluctant; for it was firmly believed that both were assured of eternal life in Gordelpus. In America this Sacred Lynching was the most popular of all festivals; for it was both sexual and bloody, and afforded a fierce joy to the masses whose sex-life was restricted and secret.

>> No.21761173

More Stapledon
>One other race, the Jews, were treated with a similar combination of honour and contempt, but for very different reasons. In ancient days their general intelligence, and in particuiar their financial talent, had cooperated with their homelessness to make them outcasts; and now, in the decline of the First Men, they retained the fiction, if not strictly the fact, of racial integrity. They were still outcasts, though indispensable and powerful. Almost the only kind of intelligent activity which the First Men could still respect was financial operation, whether private or cosmopolitan. The Jews had made themselves invaluable in the financial organization of the world state, having far outstripped the other races because they alone had preserved a furtive respect for pure intelligence. And so, long after intelligence had come to be regarded as disreputable in ordinary men and women, it was expected of the Jews. In them it was called satanic cunning, and they were held to be embodiments of the powers of evil, harnessed in the service of Gordelpus. Thus in time the Jews had made something like “a corner” in intelligence. This precious commodity they used largely for their own purposes; for two thousand years of persecution had long ago rendered them permanently tribalistic, subconsciously if not consciously. Thus when they had gained control of the few remaining operations which demanded originality rather than routine, they used this advantage chiefly to strengthen their own position in the world. For, though relatively bright, they had suffered much of the general coarsening and limitation which had beset the whole world. Though capable to some extent of criticizing the practical means by which ends should be realized, they were by now wholly incapable of criticizing the major ends which had dominated their race for thousands of years. in them intelligence had become utterly subservient to tribalism. There was thus some excuse for the universal hate and even physical repulsion with which they were regarded; for they alone had failed to make the one great advance, from tribalism to a cosmopolitanism which in other races was no longer merely theoretical. There was good reason also for the respect which they received, since they retained and used somewhat ruthlessly a certain degree of the most distinctively human attribute, intelligence.

>> No.21761352

Is he wrong?