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21759084 No.21759084 [Reply] [Original]

How realistic is it to be an author? I feel like, especially today, you can't write about anything controversial and get it published. But I only write about controversial topics.

It doesn't seem worth it to spend so much time writing if nobody is going to read it.

>> No.21759171

I think it will be realistic to a greater or lesser degree depending on what sort of thing you write. Blogs? Journalism? Columns? There are plenty of people out there who make a living exclusively writing these sort of things. Novels? There are fewer but people do it. Poetry? Very few I think. But either way, you probably shouldn’t count on writing to be your only income, at least not at first. If you really want to write, get a job that is good for your writing. Rely on the income from the job and not the writing. Maybe save your money so you can take some time off to do nothing but writing. When you can make a living off the writing, switch over but not before then. This is what most writers who end up writing for a living have to do at some point.

>> No.21759215

Write something and post it here; I, anon, will read it.

>> No.21759847

i dont really care about money. i just care about people reading it.
i dont feel like being made fun of

>> No.21759855

I think because AI can't be controversial, human writers should aim to be the most human possible by writing on controversial themes.

>> No.21759863

>i just care about people reading it
>except if they are 4channers

>> No.21759928

>How realistic is it to be an author?
Considering that there are authors out there right now, I say it's realistic.
Now, if you asking how realistic is to live off and make money from writing books, it's very likely depending on how much money you want to make. You would probably won't be able to affort rent by writing columns or having books on kindle, but if you wanna make millions you will need help from a big editorial to shill your works or from adaptations.

>> No.21759932

Whether you want money or readers, the way you go about it is the same if you’re going to trad publish. If you’re not going to trad publish, just put your stuff online for free.

>> No.21760100

Stop being a fucking pussy and write whatever you want nigger. I hate this bitchy mentality of GUYS!!! MY WORK HAS LIKE NIGGER MENTIONED TWENTY TIMES THE SJW/NEW LEFT/JEWS/LIBTARDS ARE GOING TO UNEMPLOY MY ASS IF THEY FIND OUT!!!!

Quit being a pussy and post your work, or you'll just be like those libtards you hate so much.

>> No.21760112

forgot to add

You love writing about controversies, yet you have no balls to take up such controversies, you've alright failed if you think this.

>> No.21760117

if you want to tell the truth, you'll have to coat it with lies

>> No.21760174

If you hate the current state of literature and publishing, solace in the fact that you are almost certainly a terrible writer who couldn’t be published in any time period or social climate.

>> No.21760194
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As realistic as you want it to be. Write whatever you want and it will find an audience unless it is just objectively shit. Lots of books have controversial themes written today and are successful.

>> No.21760848

Name 3 written since 2020, are published by a bit publishing house, and that are by a white male and are controversial.

>> No.21760962

Only 2 years have passed since 2022 and those years were not good for any kind of publishing or entertainment industry anyway. You do not have to disclose your race or ethnicity to get published, you can remain anonymous if you wish. And lastly why do you insist that it needs to be published by a large publisher? A lot of 'classics' that we enjoy were not published by mega-corporations and approved by CEO's that must uphold his fiduciary duties.

>> No.21761462

ok but do you really think someone could write Turner Diaries or Mein Kompf or Lolita today and get it published? It doesn't matter if it's left or right, there is always someone out there trying to cancel you.
this doesn't even make sense

>> No.21761526

do you think it would be better to write fiction or nonfiction if you want to write something political? i cant remember the name of the exact author but they wrote fictional books that kind of described different political systems. I dont think it was Orwell.

>> No.21761591

>Turner Diaries
Was originally serialized in a neo-nazi magazine and was then self-published in a single volume by the author. The magazine was published by the National Alliance, which was founded by the author.

>Mein Kampf
Was published by the Nazi party's publishing house.

Was initially rejected by respectable publishers in America and England, and was initially published in an edition of 5000 poorly edited copies by a French publishing house specializing in erotica. It was banned in the UK and then France, and it was 3 years before it was published in America, at which point it sold rapidly due to the hype around it and its quality.

So yes, I think all of those books could get published today.

>> No.21761599

You're not going to make a living as a writer of novels

>> No.21761601

I've been thinking about self-publishing a book about all my escapades with hookers and massage parlors. I'd call it "Sex Life of an Incel." Wonder if it would sell? I already sell erotica, so I'm no stranger to profiting off of steamy stories.

>> No.21761606
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>be anon
> takes no interest in contemporary literature.
> believes he'll make a living writing contemporary literature

It's not muh fault. Its the wokeists and leftoids fault. BAWWWWWWWWWW.

Get a real job faggot

>> No.21761617

>be anon
>not read the thread
>don't realize OP already said he doesn't care about making money and just wants an audience
>didn't even read the original post that didn't mention money
>say something smug to get a 'dunk'
>completely oblivious to the fact you're boxing with shadows

learn to read before you speak faggot

>> No.21761621

I don't know if it would sell but I'd read it. Might buy it too because I like controversial stuff.

>> No.21761642

I'm this close to outlining it and writing it. What I'm hesitant on, though, is to include absolutely everything in order to give an accurate look into my psyche and sexual development, namely, my pedophilic leanings. Afraid that would make people not just report the book, but get my account locked and eliminate my revenue stream from my already established writing, or getting people to try to unnecessarily sick law enforcement on me to search for "crimes." There already is a wonderful book called "Lolita in the Lion's Den" that is a pedo's memoir on dealing with those attractions, and it hasn't been taken down, so I feel maybe I could include this part of me.

>> No.21761660

just call it a work of fiction and include some platitudes in a forward or something

>> No.21761664

I'd want to present it truthfully as a "case study" so people could perhaps understand those who don't have a normal sex life, but yeah, maybe marking it as fiction would be best.

>> No.21761668

you could create a fictional character that is presented as real and you're "interviewing" them

>> No.21761678

Hmm, not a bad idea. I'm starting to think of the psychologist's forward at the beginning of Lolita. Maybe I'll start outlining this for real.

>> No.21761681

do it before i do it

>> No.21761685

Let's both do it, we can create a niche on Amazon and boost both of our sales.

>> No.21761688

ok i will. how do you outline? i just have a notes document and never plan anything.

>> No.21761693

For fiction I would go by the Snowflake method (look it up), but for this I would probably just bullet list all the stories I have and arrange them by suitable sections and chapters. I.e. "the massage parlor phase," "early dawnings of sexual desire with pornography," etc.

>> No.21761695

do you have discord

>> No.21761700
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Easy enough to do a little postmodern trickery to give you deniability. Philip Roth got away with it for years
Though you have to write it before I write mine. I'm somewhat of a chad with a well paid job in a big city, and have been fucking all kinds of different chicks from tinder. I'm going to write that all up with a vague romance narrative, but spare no details about how awful, pathetic and self centred the modern city girl is

>> No.21761709

I do, but it's my main personal one. I have an alternate that I haven't used in forever I could perhaps use, if I can remember my login.

Do it, anon. Nothing wrong with some competition. I imagine our books would be very different.

>> No.21761713

i think there being an entire "new" genre being created is not a bad thing. I'd like to read all of these books you guys write but ill probably forget you exist :( i really like independent amateur writers

>> No.21761716

This sort of thing has been done to death

>> No.21761725

yeah but this one is being written by a 4channer

>> No.21761727

Well look for a book called "Love Life of an Incel" in the coming years. It will take me a while to outline and write it with all the other work I have. Pls don't steal title, any of you other authors. Thanks.

>> No.21761736

you better actually write it

>> No.21761756

I will, anon. I'll even shout it out here in an appropriate thread. You guys gave me the appropriate framework idea to actually write it now.

>> No.21761769


>> No.21761777

No anon, you're based.

>> No.21761788

Has it though? Are there many novels written by white guys about how this one black lawyer chick liked getting slapped and choked and called a dirty nigger whore? I'm going to go pretty heavy on the way upwardly mobile ethnic minority girls fetishise white dudes

>> No.21761991

>But I only write about controversial topics.
Don't worry. You'll grow out of it once you're out of your teens

>> No.21762037
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It's entirely possible to write books and get them published. I mean, i've managed it so how hard can it be?
Making money or getting a larger audience is another story.

>> No.21762541

How do you go about finding an editor that "gets" your vision? And how much $$ can we expect to drop on a solid editor?

>> No.21764077

its not

>> No.21764253

Yeah you ain't going anywhere man. The way you talk makes you seem weak as a writer. A writer doesn't care about people trying to cancel them, they just continue on writing like nothing ever happened.

You have already failed by asking such stupid questions and wasting your time talking to others who, in turn, won't give you a true answer. You might as well give up on expressing your thoughts if you're too scared to be criticized for it.

>> No.21764880

Anon, I...

>> No.21765311


>> No.21765386

You can get published in todays time.