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21758710 No.21758710 [Reply] [Original]

I plan to read the entirety of the Bible, But I don't really know much about it's history or christianity, where should I start? what order should I read it in?

>> No.21758801

Just read the fucking bible you lazy retard. KJB and NSRV are recommended. Any respectable edition will have extra information and contextualize each of the books.

Aside from reading the actual book, you're going to want to read additional material:

Roberto Calasso: The Book of all Books
Bloom: A Literary Appreciation of the King James Bible.
James Kugel: How to read the bible
And there are also Northrop Frye's two books on the bible.
When youre done you can move onto Augustine and Boethius (you have read Plato and the stoics before, right?).

There are a bunch of video series on YouTube and podcasts giving you an indepth bible-tour. Use your brain.

>> No.21758814

start in the front and finish in the back. if there's anything you don't understand just look it up. you should read the whole thing before you read any supplementary literature, and by the time you're done you'll know exactly which topics you want to explore more so i won't recommend you any

>> No.21758828


>> No.21758833

Am I missing something? Isn't the bible made out of two testaments, gospels, epistles, and so on?
in what order should I read all of this?

>> No.21758855

In my dream I went camping and forgot to bring any supplies. What should this tell me about current affairs?

>> No.21758888

they're already in order, just open the book and read it

>> No.21759227

You could read an abridgement.

>> No.21759295

Just read it, if you don't understand something I guess you can google it. I also endorse >>21758801 list of translations. KJV is the best translation from a literary perspective, NRSV (they just updated it I think) is the best in terms of accuracy and readability. ESV is also good.

>> No.21759440

How do I do that.

>> No.21759462

one page at a time

>> No.21759763

Like many peoples of his time, the writers of the old testament were influenced by Indian philosophy. The Hindus and Buddhists understood that what gave man continuity over countless lifetimes was not his body, or even his mind, but his labor, his karma. The labor determine his future, not his class or the whims of God. If you want to understand the bible at all, you have to understand the Upanishads retard

>> No.21759774

willfully retarded

>> No.21759781

Genesis, Job, ecclesiastes, psalms, gospel of Matthew and finish with gospel of John. Thats all you need.

>> No.21759783

Jesus wrote the bible and the only influence he had was the holy spirit.

>> No.21759942

Matthew, Mark, Luke, Acts, John, Epistles, Revelation, OT.
if you find it too hard, skip chronicles the first time around, it retells the pentateuch with genealogies and you won't get anything from it if you're just drudging through.

for usual tips, always search for anything that sounds weird, that you've feel you've misunderstood, that sounds somehow contradictive to another passage, etc.
it's always a misunderstanding on your part.
all criticism and whatnot i see is nothing but a doubt or misinterpretation (or misunderstanding) held onto instead of answered.

>> No.21759953

i would still read through Chronicles, btw.
the genealogies will also give you a few surprises when you properly connect the dots about who is a relative of who.

>> No.21760046

Does anyone have the 30 day Bible reading guide?

>> No.21760047

The only good book in the Bible is Ecclesiastes. It really doesn't fit in with the rest at all. It's actually philosophically meaningful whereas the rest is total shit.

>> No.21760059

go ahead and read Proverbs too.
if you say Ecclesiastes is good, you would likely agree that the rest of what Solomon wrote must be as good.

the whole Bible is even deeper than Ecclesiastes, it's just not as clearly shown. requires study.

>> No.21760068

for a great example of that imense depth, read Jeremiah or Isaiah, with a few commentaries and explanations on hand for each passage.

or, for one that looks deceptively simple, study and truly understand the Sermon on the Mount.

>> No.21760517

>Bloom: A Literary Appreciation of the King James Bible
i just started reading this after seeing this post and it fucking sucks
REALLY showing his ethnicity if you catch my drift. and how can you talk about exodus without mentioning aaron's golden calf? this shit is absurd.

>> No.21760569


Learn Greek and Hebrew grammar and muscle through it until you can pump. The bible is like 35% mistranslated and you're missing all the wordplay

>> No.21760646

Phenibut stops the dreaming.

>> No.21760901

its a copypasta

>> No.21760915

Start with a reliable study bible and in the New Testament and then do the OT
Get the Ignatius Study Bible

>> No.21760983

The bible was abrogated by mohamed about 1500 years ago, just go straight to the quran

>> No.21760991

Start with the Gospels and go to the Old Testament after you finish them, then reread the Gospels and finish the New Testament.

>> No.21761386

Get the book or pirate it. If you bought the book, then open it from its left and start reading. If you pirated it, open it in your electronic device and start reading.

>> No.21761389
