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/lit/ - Literature

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21757855 No.21757855 [Reply] [Original]

>95% of the world population is too stupid to find and post on 4chan
>most of 4chan retards are too low IQ to have an interest to post on this board
Does this mean the average retard here is what?

top 1-2% intelligence on the planet?

Not saying we're geniuses, because you fags are stupid as fuck.
I'm saying 98% of the planet is much more stupid than the most retard here.

>> No.21757858

it's pretty crazy how dumb the average person is, you're not supposed to talk about this and some dweeb is going to make fun of us but it's true

>> No.21757862

I don't own any books and I haven't read any since I was a kid but /lit/ is just in my rotation today. Kinda demolishes your theory.

>> No.21757865

his post didn't mention books. die

>> No.21757867

I'm not saying we're like genius.

I am saying we're geniuses compared to the average population.

Which is like, kind of weird when you think about how stupid are humans in reality, if we're on the genius tier.

>> No.21757871

95% of the world population is too Intelligent and knows why you should avoid 4chan

>> No.21757872

>retard frog thread
this place is filled with people who thinks they are women just because they cut heir dicks, probably the least intelligent site on the whole web after reddit

>> No.21757873

>most of 4chan retards are too low IQ to have an interest to post on this board (this board being the "literature" board)
any other theories need to be demolishes in this thread?

>> No.21757875

Someone who doesn't read but has life experience , is stoic, and knows how to survive is more intelligent and more well balanced than 90% of ivory tower academics.

>> No.21757883

You’ll get some contrarians but this is true. Of course there are still retards on /lit/: tolkienfags, /pol/tards, trannies.

>> No.21757884


>> No.21757886

Most people on this board are genre fiction fans, aka indistinguishable from the smelly manlet brown hordes that infest 70 IQ boards like/v/, /vt/, /tv/, /co/, and /tg/.

>> No.21757887

>stoicbros don't read

i'm not surprised motherfuckers

>> No.21757889
File: 65 KB, 630x689, Halpern-Bottle-Tilting-Question-Diagram.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you have no idea how stupid the population is.

at least 70-80% of the population can't solve this puzzle.

>> No.21757897

It's not that we're smart, it's that everyone else is stupid

>> No.21757904

But I’m agreeing with OP…

>> No.21757906

lol backpedal harder retard

>> No.21757909
File: 248 KB, 2048x1152, iq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The crazy thing is, the average retard you meet in the street as a Westerner is a genius compared to the global average. The are whole countries, continents that would be considered mentally disabled by European standards.

>> No.21757910

A fun game is wilfully trying to score 100 on an IQ test and try to emulate for yourself the level of consciousness that requires.

>> No.21757912

I’m literally agreeing with OP >>21757883

>> No.21757913

It really is true. When I was a teenager I used to think most people were retarded. Then in my early twenties I thought that was just me being a teenage edgelord and that I needed to lighten up and chill, bro. Now I realize that in fact, my teenage self was right all along and that there's swathes of people that barely qualify as being sentient. And that's in the West, forget about how retarded most third worlders must be.

>> No.21757916
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>> No.21757918

I’m trying to remember the saying so I’ll have to paraphrase:
Reddit is where stupid people go to pretend to be smart, 4chan is where smart people go to pretend to be stupid.
Full disclosure: I’m pretty sure I’m a moron

>> No.21757925

you won

>> No.21757932

having a hard time imagining how people fail at this desu. is it just the water level or do people actually tilt the line or something?

>> No.21757933
File: 25 KB, 680x723, 1E7499AE-94F1-44A6-9B05-DDBBEA356FC1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People on 4chan in general are extremely elitist and disconnected from the real world, to the point they do not realize how FUCKING DENSE the average moron is compared to them.

>> No.21757937

I don't understand it, at the same time I had to explain how moon phases work to at least 4 people at work because they didn't know it was because of the shadow of the moon.

>> No.21757943

there's not hidden gotcha in that test.

You simply need to draw an horizontal line, is not asking you to calculate.

Is not a math problem.

>> No.21757947

and the majority of people can't do that correctly?

god save us all

>> No.21757949

Wait this can’t be true. Imagine tilting the bottle fully on its side, following your logic it would then fully filled up

>> No.21757950
File: 69 KB, 800x689, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this supposed to be hard?

>> No.21757955

Are you retarded?

>> No.21757957

60% of college women cant do it.
20% of males.

NOT normal population, college students.

congratulations, you're a woman.

Bro, you need to draw an horizontal line.

There's not fucking magical gotchas.

>> No.21757966

Nigga do you really not understand gravity?

>> No.21757969

I’m not talking about the angle of the line you mongrels I’m talking about it’s height. It should not be the same height as the non tilted bottle

>> No.21757970

Feels good knowing I’m smarter than the average Eurofag. It confirms my suspicions. I’ve met some of them and they were a lot less cultured than I expected. I basically knew more about their national literature and art than they did with just some casual reading. I won’t tell the name of their country to protect some of their dignity.

>> No.21757974

It's not asking the height of the line.

It's asking what angle it has.

>> No.21757980

>It should not be the same height as the non tilted bottle
The volume the water takes up does not change. The only way it would be lower or higher is if the entire bottle shifted up or down.

>> No.21757983

It’s not read the fucking text. Holy shit I had to double check I’m not on /sci/ considering all this retardation

>> No.21757984

You thought every frenchoid would be discussing philosophy at the bus stop?

>> No.21757988

congratulations you now realize flat earth is true, someone promote him to the next degree

>> No.21757990

The fact that any of that was surprising to you shows me that your IQ can't be much higher than 110.

>> No.21757989

>>95% of the world population is too stupid to find and post on 4chan
You're confused, anon. It takes an incredible amount of stupidity to find and post on 4chan

>> No.21757993

These are the people making fun of analytical philosophy amd calling others STEMfags

>> No.21757996

You think you're smart because you read 100 books?
I wish someday you meet a real genius, top havard 300 iq student or japanese scientist.
compared to the average hill billy you might be a genius but being in the 30% doesn't make you special

>> No.21758000

>top havard 300 iq student or japanese scientist
this is a weird vision of genius. are you a woman?

>> No.21758002

>implying hillbillies aren't genius compared to your average office email job haver

>> No.21758004

bro, can you solve this puzzle?


This puzzle is basically an inteligence test.

>> No.21758010

hell yeah
with a pussy and all

>> No.21758014

can we... you know?

>> No.21758021

To be fair that is quite a thinker if you've never thought about it. Normies can barely visualize in 2d. You need to get a flashlight and a ping pong ball for them to get it

>> No.21758024

you will never be a real genius like destiny or hasan
matter of fact I can solve the puzzle

>> No.21758026

Theres a big difference between masturbatory pseuds (a good portion of this board) and actually being intelligent. It is also very dumb to reduce "being smart" to being interested in culture and philosophy. Im sure theres a lot of people on /g/ for example that are much more technically gifted and better logicians than the people here.
But it is true that most people in the world are genuinely very very mentally limited

>> No.21758030

Not even philosophy. They cannot even talk about literature.
Europe is sold worldwide as a place full of cultured people. Don’t believe the hype. All that an average citizen could recommend me was a modern bestselling thriller. Euros are unimpressive. A /lit/fag is probably more cultured than your average Eurofag. The ones who do read, anyway.

>> No.21758036

Le mayo, bro, these smart niggas don't even know what it mean to get rich or die trying, street smarts always beat book smarts, on god fr fr.

>> No.21758037

Wait is that real? Source me

>> No.21758039

not talking about geniuses retard.

talking about 80% of the population can solve a 8 year old kid puzzle.

>> No.21758042

Cultured is relative, just look at those street interviews where they ask Americans basic topography or who historical figure X was or something. The average euro is an ignorant retard, sure, but there are levels.

>> No.21758046


>> No.21758050

>60% of college women cant do it.
>20% of males.
>NOT normal population, college students.
link now

>> No.21758054


>> No.21758056

>Europe is sold worldwide as a place full of cultured people.
you mean in hollywood movies about american girl goes to paris or something

did you actually think polish construction workers were reading hegel or something?

>> No.21758057

I am a Eurofag. You're an idiot for believing the 'sales pitch' to begin with, hence why I said your IQ can't be that much higher than the European average. Of course most Europeans are rabble and don't know shit about 'high culture' like literature. This is an entirely unrelated subject anyway, there's plenty of people with high IQ's that don't care to know about any matter of subject that you might deem an indicator of intelligence.

>> No.21758066

you should go to japan and find out it isn't like your animes if you want a real shock to the system

>> No.21758067

The line is always horizontal, but depending on how you rotate the bottle it's not always the same height.

>> No.21758075

>Out of the 120 female and 120 male participants, 96 females (80%) and 109 males (90.8%) passed the Water-Level Task, while 24 females (20%) and 11 males (9.2%) did not. The mean number of errors for females was 0.76, with an SD of 1.51, and the mean number of errors for males was 0.38, with an SD of 1.12 (p < 0.05).
University of British Columbia students seem to do fine

>> No.21758076

It's not asking the height.

>> No.21758084

>10 to 20% failing at the most basic of nonretardation tests in a university is doing fine

>> No.21758093

Ok, in that case it's easy.

>> No.21758113

The real blackpill is realising all behaviours that people criticise as 'adolescent' are all correct, and the only thing that could truly be described as poor about these behaviours is having not just ceased to care about the importance of these things.

>> No.21758114

yeah and it is the oldest and most prestigious uni in Canada.

>> No.21758158

I’m not sure why you guys love to go hyperbolic all the time. I’m not talking about philosophy that is read at an academic level. I’m talking about plain old literature. Quality fiction, narratives, stories. These people (and I’ve met different batches of them), were a lot less cultured and read that I expected. Sorry for having decent expectations about Europe but I just find it funny that I’m somehow better read than the average of them. I went to public school in the poor district of a small town, all my ancestors were farmers, and yet even cosmopolitan Eurofags are worse than I when it comes to literature (yea, I met a guy from Paris, he recommended the thriller I mentioned). I simply expected better from Euro education.

>> No.21758179

The fact that you consider literature “high culture” is funny. The so-called classics should be a basic part of an education. I suppose my stereotypes of Europeans were outdated and you’re as worthless as everyone else. Good to know.

>> No.21758189
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>> No.21758194

most people don't read anywhere in the world and it has always been that way. anyone with even a passing interesting in literature can go to any city in the world and feel smug about reading more than almost anyone he can happen to strike up a conversation with in the same way that a model train enthusiast or kite flyer could about his hobby.

i can't see why you would have expected it to be otherwise desu if it wasn't for buying into stereotypes form american pop culture

>> No.21758237

Literature is 'high culture', always has been, regardless of whether you think it's funny. It has always been a pastime for the cultural elite, swathes of people were illiterate as little as 100 years ago. They teach ancient Greek and Latin at the highest level of public secondary school in my country, which includes philosophy and poetry/drama in the curriculum. They also teach the literature of any elective language which are mostly French or German in most schools as well as English and the native language (Dutch). Most of my classmates didn't give a shit about this however and forgot about most of it after they had passed their class. A lot of them went on to be doctors, lawyers, engineers etc. I can assure you they are far more intelligent than you. As I said, this is the highest level, most people that work an average white/blue collar job will not be thought these subjects. You strike me as a rather unworldly, pale trilby-wearer with a chip on his shoulder regarding his perceived intelligence, as evidenced by >>21758158

>> No.21758256

The bottle was half full and now it's only a third full?

>> No.21758265

>You need to get a flashlight and a ping pong ball for them to get it
This is what I had to do. Also, there was no understanding that the moon phase is the same for everyone, not different depending on where you are.

>> No.21758280

oh my God help us

>> No.21758290

I mean it is like that for about a tiny fraction of time but after that it loos like >>21757916

>> No.21758294

Chud moment. It could be like that for as long as you want if you keep accelerating the bottle.

>> No.21758297

The most terrifying blackpill is realizing that normies aren't actually retarded, they simply have the ability to turn their brains off which is essential to having fun doing mindless shit and enduring 8 hours daily in the workplace.

>> No.21758299


>> No.21758302


>> No.21758303

You're a faggot.

>> No.21758320

This board has the stupidest retards I’ve ever had the misfortune of encountering in my life. There’s a maximum of perhaps 5 relatively intelligent posters per month, maybe even per year.

>> No.21758325

>95% of the world population isn't stupid enough to visit and post on 4chan
>few 4chan retards are low IQ enough to have an interest to post on this board
>Does this mean the average retard here is what?

>bottom 1-2% intelligence on the planet?


>> No.21758332

/lit/ is the smartest board for better or worse, perhaps only surpassed by /sci/

>> No.21758337

>yeah and it is the oldest and most prestigious uni in Canada.
Oh lol so that's your Harvard okay didn't know

>> No.21758345
File: 321 KB, 2530x1868, 8cffa365c05d6163549e04df954f31f5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Intelligence isn't just about logician-autistic application, either. It's not like middle-of-the-road Boolean thinking happens to be a greatly valued skill or that the shit-skinned robotic savants found in /g/ are that much smarter, if anything it's a different usage of similar problem-solving, abstract-thinking skillsets within similarly "gifted" fuckups applied to wildly different topics due to a great number of factors (bad parenting, personal interests, degrees of abuse and trauma, level of exposure and quality to education, etc.), essentially a disjointed but ultimately connected melting pot of chaotic variables that meet in different extremes, each being more or less capable of what the other is able to do and only guided by the invisible hand to its ultimate resting place (in life). A solace being that interest actually stimulated their development; the closer to mean normalfaggotry one is the more dejected, passive, and drug-and-video-game-addled your usual college dropout 4chan-browsing shitposting attention-whoring NEET really is.

>> No.21758348

Your inference is profoundly wrong and stupid but it's stupid in a way that makes me stop and think.

>> No.21758358

you're right, I thought he meant posting as opposed to lurking, not /lit/ as opposed to other boards

>> No.21758362

Many of them spend so much time with them off they forget how to turn them back on. Willingly retarded is still retarded anon.

>> No.21758363

>herp a derp

>> No.21758411

They aren't retarded at all, they mostly just have different interests. Instead of knowing skyrim lore they know soccer players names.
If you really try to "dig someone out" you will basically figure out a hole new world of experience and subjects you didnt even know existed

>> No.21758454

don’t confuse mental capacity with interests

>> No.21758458

Dumbest has to be /x/

>> No.21758462

The instructions didn't specify Earth-like gravity. How retarded are you?

>> No.21758469

tits or gtfo

>> No.21758474

>>95% of the world population is too stupid to find and post on 4chan
>most of 4chan retards are too low IQ to have an interest to post on this board
Or they just aren't interested in the bullshit posted here, since only the general boards are worth browsing, and even then there are only a few gems.
>Does this mean the average retard here is what? Top 1-2% intelligence on the planet?
If the logic you just used is any indication of the average intelligence on this board, not even close.
>Not saying we're geniuses, because you fags are stupid as fuck.
You just did. What you just described is genius, unless you're saying genius doesn't exist.
>I'm saying 98% of the planet is much more stupid than the most retard here.
>Much more stupid

I give this bait a 8/10. /Sci/ and /His/ are unironically smarter than us, but 4chan as a whole is a shithole and anyone who takes any of the seriously, or takes advice from this place, is a retard. Sage.

>> No.21758484

this must be the best way to announce "I am a midwit"

>> No.21758491

Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence. Did you think you'd get away with pulling a statistic out of you ass and not get called out on it?

>> No.21758499

lol my bad nice reddit impression

>> No.21758510

Sorry that's my fault, I got thirty and took a swig.

>> No.21758517
File: 819 KB, 732x959, 1582242269258.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do you even talk to random people IRL, like random people outside of the internet?

the average people is a non sentient animal.

>> No.21758520

Thirdworlder here. Consider how many times you were told that you are smarter.

>> No.21758523

Your bait has now dropped to a 7/10. Congrats on your (you).

>> No.21758527

Based on what exactly? The way they talk? How many people have you interacted with? 100?

>> No.21758531

The people here are actually dumber than average.

>> No.21758534

The black pill dude said that people "turn their brains off", I'm just saying that you can enjoy normie shit and not be stupid. The average person is not retarded, on the contrary, people in general are very interesting beings
Everyone in this thread are just spergs. They are unable to connect to regular people and just assume they are above them intellectually, like the average excluded autistic ugly weeb teenager

>> No.21758559

high IQ people (especially high IQ children) don't get stuck reading books and being a fucking nerd doing intelligence tests online, they usually exceed in sport and socialization.

>> No.21758568
File: 465 KB, 640x640, 1673419940478986.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes faggot retard.

dumber people tend to speak in shorter simpler sentences usually of simpler phrase structure.
They use vulgar language vocabulary and almost never use a compound sentence.
Their sentences also are never more than like half a dozen or maybe a dozen words.

Have you ever listened normies speak?

Using a conjunction is a sign of intelligence.

>> No.21758569
File: 58 KB, 625x626, excellent bait.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21758574

most of their unique and interesting life experiences are basically spic rosa de guadalupe trashy soap opera garbage.

>> No.21758577

> people in general are very interesting beings
You must be living on Mars.

>> No.21758584

No, I literally left this board because you're all retarded. Imagine tfw when I come back hoping for something good and instead see this.

>> No.21758585

wow you can speak longer sentences... this definitly is something intrinsic from high IQ (the innate measure of intellectual capacity), there is no way you can train to articulate better

>> No.21758589
File: 41 KB, 762x974, crusius.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/lit/ needs to be PURGED

>> No.21758591

Have you heard of the Dunning–Kruger effect?

>> No.21758592
File: 299 KB, 720x732, 1672330581183283.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you can't articulate longer complex sentences naturally, since you're a preteen.

sorry, but you may be of lower intelligence.

>> No.21758596

dude just stop beliving you're better
I'm telling you, your life will improve at least 20%

>> No.21758597

All IQ can be trained to some extent; people merely have capacity to a certain point, and some is more than others. I bet that anon is a rich kid who had the privilege of going to a good school or college, but he feels "special" for being able to be a monoglot.
Your first sentence makes no sense... "If... since"

>> No.21758598
File: 89 KB, 856x856, 1673897605278138.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

have you listened speak one of the more melanine rich individuals?

>> No.21758601

read eveything wrote again

>> No.21758602

I am not that anon and I agree but the way you just wrote this makes you sound absolutely retarded anon.

>> No.21758604

iq can't be trained

>> No.21758605

Good morning sir!

>> No.21758606

I’m not saying I’m better. I’m simply saying I don’t think people in general are interesting beings. Very few are interesting.

>> No.21758607

Yes. It can.

>> No.21758611

/sci/ is homework threads and deluded autists at its best
t. actual scientist

I won’t tell you idiots what the best board is because not only would you go shit it up, you wouldn’t understand it anyway

>> No.21758612

you can be trained to do better in iq testing but scientific literature says you just can't increase your iq,
btw fucking mensa.the high iq organization that you can pay to be a part of lmaoooo

>> No.21758615

Did you read my post? I said people have a capacity. People who go through 3-4 years of university will do better because they usually have to do more mental work than the average person.

>> No.21758619
File: 101 KB, 1080x870, 1668125493995766.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this nigga and histches though and thank and think and thought that the dumbestestest chosen darken castes of the cursed cain line of the african steppe, may be of not adequate intelectual skills, simply because of sociopureconomic factors.

And thou nigga, the niggerest of the braggart niggarly, carefuly craft -because he's 'nware- his sofisma, carefully projecting under his solipscims.

That I may be a wealthy oxford yorskmire of the eurasian haplogroups of the older gaul frankish blood.

When In reality I am the bastard child of iliterate farmers from a spicoid and brownoid family in the middle of a war torn banana replubic.

Oh my, wouldn't be ironic, if this niggardly and dardly, would assume I have more white privilege than a black kid in califonrnia or new york?

And wouldn't be funny to be of the zambo phenotype, meanwhile this fag claims I am of the nazarean skin color?

wouldn't be funnier if a dirty zambo from a spic shithole tell you the true reality of the IQ genetic inheritance over the cultural nurture side of the debate?

>> No.21758621
File: 501 KB, 507x598, 1582762850049.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm ESL.


>> No.21758625

you said iq can be trained dumb ass

>> No.21758629

High IQ essentially means being closer to a robot. It’s something that mainly measures pattern recognition and memory. The higher the IQ the more robot-like potential.

>> No.21758630

Why are psychologists banned from taking IQ tests? It's because they know how they work. Of course you can train to cheat on it.

>> No.21758632

Pis af med dig!

>> No.21758636

Now I'm curious. What takes higher iq to understand? Skyrim Lore or Sportsball Trivia?

>> No.21758644
File: 42 KB, 492x647, 1677658202201392.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dude you are trolling me there is no way

>> No.21758647

Elder scrolls lore in general is pretty fucking bananas to be honest anon. Actually some of the better made up universes out there. Dunno about Skyrim specifically but it could because it all feeds into each other.

>> No.21758649

>Consider how many times you were told that you are smarter.
What did you mean by this?

>> No.21758654
File: 75 KB, 1416x264, psychologists banned.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

IQ isn't scientific. It's psychology woo-woo.

>> No.21758658

This proves my point

>> No.21758660

Tell me how IQ is scientifically backed in any way. I bet you don't believe in other psychology bullshit.

>> No.21758673

it's the best and most precise way to measure intelligence, there is no other way to do it otherwise
the army uses it, it can predict not only what profession people will probably follow but also what best fits them, etc.

>> No.21758676

Yeah I saw that video; it's bullshit. Thanks for sending me a psychologist instead of a scientist. It "proves my point."

>> No.21758690

really? show me a scientific way to measure then

>> No.21758694

There’s no scientific way to measure intelligence because it changes with whatever technology and economy is available. Scientists actually study things of importance, not cultural bullshit. You also don’t need an IQ test for any job, so it’s irrelevant.

>> No.21758698

that's because the supreme court banned using iq tests for jobs, and guess what right after that they started requiring degrees, and to get the degree you have to do an sat test. so basically, thanks to the supreme court trying to stop unequal outcomes we all have to waste four years and fifty thousand dollars instead of spend an hour taking an iq test.

>> No.21758699

ok you are trolling me
just to be clear because you didn't get my initial point:
you can be trained to perform well in iq testing but you can't increase the thing that is being measured

>> No.21758701

The world isn’t America, retard. Why hasn’t any country instituted it? Because it’s irrelevant and there’s so many variations on it that make it suspect; people have had differences of 10 points or more on different types of IQ tests.

>> No.21758705

It’s only measuring how well you do on that particular variation of IQ tests. That’s why it’s easy to train.

>> No.21758707

what do you think leetcode is but an iq test? ya you can practice and you can memorize, but some of you are just not going to be able to solve a leetcode hard problem in less than an hour. i'm sorry.

>> No.21758708
File: 14 KB, 204x77, asdfasdfa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah, in your country they measure the size of the head to know if someone is smart or not

>> No.21758709

nigga what are you doing outside of heem?