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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 174 KB, 875x1280, 41575293-D954-4BBD-8F8C-5A0CFC0AB8BF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
21755148 No.21755148 [Reply] [Original]

A Nation’s Strength

What makes a nation’s pillars high
And its foundations strong?
What makes it mighty to defy
The foes that round it throng?

It is not gold. Its kingdoms grand
Go down in battle shock;
Its shafts are laid on sinking sand,
Not on abiding rock.

Is it the sword? Ask the red dust
Of empires passed away;
The blood has turned their stones to rust,
Their glory to decay.

And is it pride? Ah, that bright crown
Has seemed to nations sweet;
But God has struck its luster down
In ashes at his feet.

Not gold but only men can make
A people great and strong;
Men who for truth and honor’s sake
Stand fast and suffer long.

Brave men who work while others sleep,
Who dare while others fly, —
They build a nation’s pillars deep
And lift them to the sky.

>> No.21756235
File: 46 KB, 334x487, aberration .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

very phallicaceous poem, OP

>> No.21757122
File: 60 KB, 385x390, pepf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is cool but then you realize its a nazi larp and these faggots are traitors to liberty and the west

>> No.21757137

t. Robert Garcia, nu-American™

>> No.21757154
File: 322 KB, 864x864, 20lbs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you got me dog im totally that guy

>> No.21757168

The West did many things right, but liberty was NEVER one of them. It's extremely concerning to claim you care for both. Indeed, there is no caring for the West if you care about liberty.

>> No.21757367

liberty is the one thing that separates westerners from animals
everything else you'll find in islam or among chinks

>> No.21757388

>west came to existence in 17th century

>> No.21757413

before that it wasn't much to speak of, only reason you prefer it over other similarly advanced civilizations is because you like the aesthetics and feel nostalgia for it because you consider them your ancestors

>> No.21757426

This board is really cringe now desu

>> No.21757686

>all nationalism is National Socialism
Only if you're a socialist.

>> No.21758141

The advent of the internet and of social media and discussion fora such as this one has largely rendered any sort of national identity or consciousness obsolete.

In short due to the deluge of unfiltered raw information not distilled into a form that is interpreted and relevant to a specific person, region, nation etc, the person subject to this deluge can in no wise be more than an individual and citizen of the world rather than any kind of nation.

Perhaps that can be fixed or mitigated but that’ll require consciously limiting your interactions with people, news, or events from without the nation.

>> No.21758191

Go back to /pol/, faggot

>> No.21759338 [DELETED] 
File: 16 KB, 307x444, 80A454FB-84F3-4D7E-A3B4-8FB0E11B0A7F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Farmer’s Fire-Side - Alonzo Lewis

Is there a brighter, purer scene on earth. Than that which Winter's evening hour displays,
When by the fire-side of the man of worth,
His children sit, and view the cheerful blaze?

When honest youth at wisdom's feet reclines, To hear some sweet, instructive tale of old ; And as the warm and genial fire-light shines, So the mind brightens, and the thoughts unfold.

Perchance some lay of ancient time is read, Some history of long departed years ; Some rich production of the mighty dead,
That fills the eye of innocence with tears.

Then round the hearth the social circle crowd,
To drain the bowl, and join the sweet repast;
The voice of youth is garrulous and loud,
And age enjoys again its pleasures past.

This done, a chapter in the Book is read, Which tells of better worlds and joys on high ; With reverent gesture then the prayer is said, And all appear prepared to sleep— or die.

Oh scene of tranquil bliss, of thoughts refined ; How warm your pleasures press upon my soul!
Such hours have I enjoyed; and to my mind, Few joys on earth more sweet reflections roll.

>> No.21759350

> reclaim America
Fascists never owned America before. Disingenuous, populist title.

>> No.21759356
File: 16 KB, 307x444, 40D7EC96-995D-49D0-99EE-A7EC7D06D291.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Farmer’s Fire-Side by Alonzo Lewis (1794 - 1861)

Is there a brighter, purer scene on earth,
Than that which Winter's evening hour displays,
When by the fire-side of the man of worth,
His children sit, and view the cheerful blaze?

When honest youth at wisdom's feet reclines,
To hear some sweet, instructive tale of old ;
And as the warm and genial fire-light shines,
So the mind brightens, and the thoughts unfold.

Perchance some lay of ancient time is read,
Some history of long departed years; Some rich production of the mighty dead,
That fills the eye of innocence with tears.

Then round the hearth the social circle crowd,
To drain the bowl, and join the sweet repast;
The voice of youth is garrulous and loud,
And age enjoys again its pleasures past.

This done, a chapter in the Book is read,
Which tells of better worlds and joys on high ;
With reverent gesture then the prayer is said,
And all appear prepared to sleep— or die.

Oh scene of tranquil bliss, of thoughts refined ;
How warm your pleasures press upon my soul!
Such hours have I enjoyed; and to my mind,
Few joys on earth more sweet reflections roll.

>> No.21759357

The West began after Rome fell.

>> No.21759368

>the only reason you want to beat the other play is because you're you and not the other player
uhhh duh

>> No.21759397
File: 47 KB, 1002x666, 26-clippy.w536.h357.2x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>guise hear me out, we can become president if we just write shittier Kipling poems in between jacking off to chinese cartoon women