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File: 102 KB, 600x863, Mormon-book-2782341767.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
21753965 No.21753965 [Reply] [Original]

why don't christians believe?

>> No.21754182
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Because it is dumb and gay. It starts with a "Just trust me bro" from Joseph Smith and then it's his wack biblical fanfic about the Americas.

>> No.21754226

I've talked to some missionaries for over a month now, read throigh 3rd Nephi and a few select D&C sections. The main hesitation I have is because they defined grace not as sufficient alone, but sufficient because it makes up difference. And that difference is through covenants to God. That and this attitude that Christ is crucified afresh the LDS put the cross to shame.
The book does a good job at attracting Protestants who believe their respective theologies but once you get to the context it is unrecognizable. Beautiful and nice people though.

>> No.21754383

Do we need to go through this again?
The BoM, just like everything else about the Mormon faith, is a load of bunk designed to swindle laymen into giving the church their money. There's no depth to it, no great theological insights or truths, just a lot of "dude trust me" from completely untrustworthy people like Joseph Smith (dude, an angel with a flaming sword forced me to marry those 14 year old girls, I didn't want to do it, promise!) and perpetuated by a cabal of general authorities who have profited very handsomely from continuing the grift (look up Ensign Peak Holdings).
Don't waste your time. Ask them if they know what "second annointing" is next time, or what they think about their tithing going into a $126 billion investment fund used to buy shopping malls.

>> No.21754419

if you can believe in a sky wizard, you can believe in any story

>> No.21754427
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On the other hand, do Mormons actually care about the Bible, or do they just pay it lip service to convert normal mainline Christians with the tagline of "we're Christians too bro!"?

>> No.21754455

They use it as scripture along with the BoM and the writings of their prophets, but cherry pick it or misread it to support their wacky doctrine, without actually understanding anything about Christ or the church He founded.

>> No.21754456
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T. Ex Mormon from Utah. On Facebook I see that all my Mormon classmates are now in their early 30s happy with their 4th kid (continuing the white race). All my non Mormon classmates are either fat spinsters, or divorced single mothers, or still in the dating stage, one started dating a mtf tranny, and a couple an heroed. Let me clarify, not all Mormons on my Facebook are doing great, but the general trend is that out of the ones doing great, all are Mormon. And I can't name a single non Mormon doing well. So I say, who cares if Joseph Smith was a scammer? By their fruits ye shall know them

>> No.21754553

This is the thing that fucks me up the most. The NT also says that us being sinners doesnt prove that God was wrong, and also that if grace is good we should not sin more so that grace may abound. In spite of the NT being very clear about it, grace is abused anyways and we are left with a totally destroyed, unhappy church body. The groups that believe in their works are goaded into purity and worldly happiness, but do they even believe in God's grace at that point? Why does it seem like people are not capable of making a morally upright community unless they are given "bad" doctrine? Are people just that hopeless?

>> No.21754587

The religion is pure horseshit and the church is corrupt but I can't help but feel that things would be better if everyone were a Mormon.

>> No.21754616

This. Mormon culture is based.

>> No.21754619
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>It starts with a "Just trust me bro" from Joseph Smith
No, it starts with the written declaration of 11 witnesses who all affirmed to their dying day to have seen the plates. And it ends with a challenge to discover the truth for yourself:

"And when ye shall receive these things, I would exhort you that ye would ask God, the Eternal Father, in the name of Christ, if these things are not true; and if ye shall ask with a sincere heart, with real intent, having faith in Christ, he will manifest the truth of it unto you, by the power of the Holy Ghost. And by the power of the Holy Ghost ye may know the truth of all things." (Moroni 10:4-5)

If you had any spiritual integrity you would read the Book of Mormon with an open mind, pray about it, and accept the answer that God gives you. But you won't.

>> No.21754771

None of them physically saw the plates they claimed to have seen them with "spiritual eyes"

>> No.21754776


>> No.21754811

Life's a lot easier when you don't have to choose your own path, and have a giant support system to help you on it.

>> No.21754862

>If you had any spiritual integrity you would read the Book of Mormon with an open mind, pray about it, and accept the answer that God gives you
Yeah man just pray really hard to get the right answer (which conveniently is that it's true) and ignore the mountains of bullshit surrounding this fake-ass religion. Enjoy wearing your dumbass chef's hat and green apron playing your goofy little games in the temple and paying for the privilege. One day, if you get a job that pays well enough for you to be called to a ward or stake leadership position, and you slave away for free for a couple decades, the general authorities might decide to let you into their second annointing club and release you from the need to obey any moral standards or commandments in this life, just like they have been.

>> No.21754874


>> No.21754883

Mormons have one of the strongest support networks out there but it's not really exclusive to them since other churches have it too. If you're religiously apathetic and just want the benefits of being a member you can do worse than Mormonism though.

>> No.21754960

>In regards to my testimony to the visitation of the angel, who declared to us three witnesses that the Book of Mormon is true, I have this to say: Of course we were in the spirit when we had the view, for no man can behold the face of an angel, except in a spiritual view, but we were in the body also, and everything was as natural to us, as it is at any time. - David Whitmer

>Accosted on the street by a group of challenging teenagers of Clarkston, the intense nonagenarian [Martin Harris] countered with the question of whether the group could see a nearby chopping block. Upon their ascent, he replied, "Well, just as plain as you see that chopping block, I saw the plates; and sooner than I would deny it I would lay my head upon that chopping block and let you chop it off"

>I wrote with my own pen the entire Book of Mormon (save a few pages) as it fell from the lips of the Prophet, as he translated it by the gift and power of God, by means of the Urim and Thummim, or ass it is called by that book, Holy Interpreters. I beheld with my eyes, and handled with my hands, the gold plates from which it was translated. I also beheld the Interpreters. That book is true - Oliver Cowdery

Did the 8 witnesses touch the plates with spiritual hands?

>> No.21754970
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Your excuses won't save you from the fire. Read the book, pray, accept the answer. Unless you don't believe that God can answer prayers, or unless you are afraid of what you might find out, there is no reason for you to not do this.

>> No.21755251
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>Your excuses won't save you from the fire
Hell doesn't exist in Mormonism, albeit. I'll just be spending my time on the neutral planet filled with other Catholics having a gay old time eating Mexican, Colombian, and Italian food for eternity. Oh no!

>> No.21755298
File: 82 KB, 788x351, D&C 19.4-5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Repent, or suffer with the other neckbeards in hell

>> No.21755310

You have a whole array of insults at your disposal. Papist, Romanist, pedo, altar boy, foot kisser, and you went with one reserved for atheists.


>> No.21755328

You can call yourself a catholic all you want, but trying to score points by pretending that you want to be in hell is a total lift from the edgy atheist playbook

>> No.21755365

If I die and your religion is correct, I'll be in another planet. That was the joke

>> No.21755378

Yeah, you childishly misunderstand the religion you are attempting to insult, just like cringy, internet atheists do. That was the joke

>> No.21755384

Kek true. Cant expect much from Mormons, though.

>> No.21755400


Tithe? Hello?

>> No.21755423
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My bad
>"Just trust us bro"

>> No.21755457

i'm sure this cult had a legit spiritual message and joseph smith's need to fuck all of the wives of his congregation was by divine reasonings unlike those other cults where the leaders fucked everyone else's wives to sate their own base carnal pleasures.

>> No.21755467

Join the Knights of Columbus (Catholic order). Plenty of valuable contacts you can make there.

>> No.21755469

If you don't care about witnesses, then why bring it up as an issue? That aside, you don't need to trust Joseph Smith, the witnesses, me, or anybody else. All you need to trust is God.
Read the Book of Mormon, pray about it, and accept the answer.

Not OP btw

>> No.21755475

Some missionaries are dumb.

Source: was a missionary. Grace is sufficient. The thing is you have to actively receive that free gift of grace by exercising faith. Think women who touched the hem of Jesus’ garments. She was forced into grace but took the free gift. I would highly recommend Brad Wilcox speech about Mormons view of grace. It’s called”grace is sufficient or some shit” but if those missionaries are telling you grace is not sufficient they need to study more

>> No.21755482

I’m Mormon and care deeply about the Bible. It’s first in their canon.

>> No.21755508

No culture white Islam follower. A twisted mockery of a movement of a twisted mockery

>> No.21755545

100% can confirm same thing in my end accept I’m one of the happy Mormons

>> No.21755552

I've read your damn book. I was raised LDS. The book of Mormon is dogshit and I have not experienced any divine attraction to it's teachings.

Do not talk to me about spiritual integrity you charlatan. My views are no-doubt flawed, but I have put more thought into my beliefs than you ever will. Stay within your bubble and listen to this false-god of your own creation. It makes no difference in my world. I believe you won't be punished for your ignorance after this life.

>> No.21755665

you’re blinded by your hatred of yourself.

>> No.21755760
File: 52 KB, 602x391, main-qimg-035b9aaa400a3e61ad79971c33178bd6-lq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whats goin on brah

>> No.21755762
File: 74 KB, 760x507, SALTLAKECHURCH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whats happenin

>> No.21755774
File: 55 KB, 638x1000, der.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

le hand holding in white garments in private/restricted rooms of church? i just want to see all the church's rooms in a loving religion :(

>> No.21755783

>believing in religion founded by a well know grifter

Imagine being such low IQ.

>> No.21755786
File: 35 KB, 462x337, le.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


le handshakes from the veil and tongue speaks

>> No.21755812
File: 69 KB, 866x332, DD(dexter).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mind you these videos are from a hidden camera. No uninitiated allowed okay!

>> No.21755854 [DELETED] 
File: 3.05 MB, 1920x1080, sana green shirt 트와이스 사나 '배고픈 샤샤샤' [300115469]-[00.37.804-00.46.336].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


because it's made up like the bible is

i hate religious people

>> No.21755864

the most devout religious males tend to be gay because the religion has things in that only appeal to gays(Such as a sky daddy and a naked guy dying on a cross in a homoerotic way)

>> No.21755873

Lol the lost tribe were found fool. They're Ethiopians. You are just a larper. Some of the Mormon ideas are cool for a fantasy setting however so thanks for Dragon Lance.

>> No.21755894 [DELETED] 
File: 3.23 MB, 1080x1570, megan pajamas 어떻게든 해결해드림w 새롬, 지원, 하영 [376-22690076]-[15.36.636-15.39.205].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a masculine male doesn't need a sky daddy for comfort. christianity is super gay

i worship idols. i am an idolator

>> No.21755902

most mormons know mormonism is bullshit but they believe in it anyway(as if they are larping) because it gives them purpose

i think this is the case with most religious people

>> No.21755903

>chink poster
Many such cases

>> No.21756224

Bro it reads like well written fan fiction. Plus the whole "injuns are jews actually" shit has been long put into question by so,ientific fax.
I like the one part of the book I read anyway.

>> No.21756239


>> No.21756291

simple, i haven't read it

>> No.21756297

Mountain Meadows Massacre

>> No.21756340

Didn't the original book get burnt by some dude who ponies up the money to print its wife, and the Smith did a "you aren't getting those translations back here's ones for different plates so the text will be different"

>> No.21756345

>Joseph Smith: gets convicted of fraud for telling people he had magic stones that allowed him read a secret map leading to buried indian treasure
>...a few years later...
>Joseph Smith: starts a religion claiming he had magic stones that allowed him to read secret tablets which were buried like treasure

>> No.21756359

>"injuns are jews actually"
Don't forget he claimed he could read hieroglyphics with his magic rocks. The early Mormons collected as many examples of such as they could and Smith claimed one of the most common ones was the story of Abraham and Isaac. After the Rosetta Stone (although not magical like Joe-Joe's rocks but surely amazing in it's own right) was discovered the plates Smith claimed to have translated turned out to be a common burial ritual.

>> No.21756379

Found out recently, Mormons actually baptize living people in the name of dead people.

It's why they now have alot of genealogy records. So it is possible they've baptized a dead member of you're family. Iirc idea is to give those who are dead but may have converted in the after life a baptism.

>> No.21756383


>> No.21756425

>he unironically believes Smith's bullshit
Pic related

>> No.21756429
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