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[ERROR] No.2175354[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

How do I say this, /lit/?

"At the temple, people dip a cup into the fountain and wish for three things: longevity, [fulfillment of romance/love success/return of their feelings by the one's they love], and [academic success/good grades/schoolwork success]."

I'm translating from Japanese and the direct translations are tripping me up to the point of not even being able to think in my own language. Please help.

>> No.2175358

romantic fulfillment and academic success

>> No.2175368

Is there a better way to say romantic fulfillment?

>> No.2175386

i think it gets the point across pretty well

>> No.2175388

longevity, true love, and success.

Don't get fancy. Let people extrapolate from simple words. For everyone, success is a different thing (some want careers, some want intelligence, some just want a roof)

>> No.2175402

I prefer "sexual congress"

>> No.2175403

Original text is

長寿 ~ longevity

恋愛成就 ~ romance fulfillment

学業上成就 ~ schoolwork above fulfillment (I think the "above" means "in addition to" the romance)

>> No.2175405

scratch longevity. It sounds way too Confucian.

long life, true love, and success

>> No.2175408

I'm translating from Japanese and talking about a Buddhist temple, so that's actually desirable.

>> No.2175413

I guess the problem is that I never read horoscopes or I might have a whole vocabulary of ways to talk about these things.

>> No.2175452

At the temple, people dip a cup into the fountain and wish for three things: prosperous lives, reciprocated feelings, and academic achievement.

You should post the original Japanese text.

I'll wake up and take a better sing at it in 7 hours.