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21752982 No.21752982 [Reply] [Original]

How come Gen Z are so inarticulate? According to studies, about 50% read frequently, but when I interact with them they literally talk like they're 60iq or from a ghetto.
Has anyone else noticed this?what kind of texts does the average gen z read?

>> No.21752986

Baby Boomers love thrillers (43%), while Generation Z prefer fantasy (53%) and YA literature (49%). Generation X read across all genres. The main part of the infographic, however, is a breakdown of reading habits by generation. Here are the highlights: Reading habits of Gen Z (aged 5-25) – 50% of 6-8 year olds read for fun 5-7 days a week. Teenage girls read more fiction than boys, who prefer comic books.

Source is ebookfriendly dot com but the url is all messed up.

>> No.21752991

The complete and utter niggerisation of society.

>> No.21752993

Social media. They're basically junkies.

>> No.21752996

Do you think it's all the texting too?

>> No.21753021

That's what leftist indoctrination does to a human mind.

>> No.21753022

>they're 60iq or from a ghetto
Nigger culture promoted by the MSM.

>> No.21753035

When I was in school if you spoke without slurring your words you were called "White" and that was a bad thing. It was usually White trash wiggers that did this. This was during the 2000s into the early 2010s. It was unironically the media's promotion of rap music and hood films that caused this shit. They socially engineered an image of hoodrats as cool somehow. All those cringe gangster Spongebob memes were made by confused kids growing up in that era. Also having any vocabulary at all was taken as a threat and a weakness at the same time paradoxically. It was like how in Idiocracy they keep calling the main character gay and retarded for not talking like a retard. That was real. The upper-middle class only ever used hood slang ironically but I'm telling you that below them it was all done without self-awareness.

>> No.21753039

the boomers had it the same with 'squares'

>> No.21753048

I know. Jerry Heller promoted degenerate rock music before he got involved with gangster rap. And before that Jazz was used. Its all an actual psyop. Even fucking country music and that was my personal favorite given the choices.

>> No.21753068

Silent and Boomer primary education churn, where the sensible/based/practical ones had the latitude to do things their way (the old ways) rather than Common Core and its antecedents creeping into the curricula.

>> No.21753682


>> No.21753692


This + herd mentality reinforced by social media

>> No.21753727

interpersonal communication is in 99% of cases minimally taxing for words so anything but brevity is verbosity

being a cringe fag who speaks in parables when asked how they are doing is actually not an interesting personality trait

>> No.21753740

only tangentially related, but is anyone tired about how hearing about how everything is a psyop

yes, country music is a psyop. now take your meds

>> No.21753764

Everything IS a psyop. It's called the postmodern condition.

>> No.21753795

valentines be a psyop because i now have to buy a card and chocolate for my gf and therefore cons00m wow i am very smart

>> No.21753820

Nigger worship has them emulating baboon-speak. Also ADHD-brain as a consequence of modern lifestyles and lack of concentration is an impediment to working memory.

>> No.21753841
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>only tangentially related, but is anyone tired about how hearing about how everything is a psyop
>yes, country music is a psyop. now take your meds

>> No.21753845

Why are you incapable of typing a normal sentence? Why do you type like a nigger?

>> No.21753903
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>why is everyone in this negro-themed hell dimension an idiot?

>> No.21753930

I've got a serious question for you all.

Has anyone noticed that, after YouTube and Google plainly just do not work anymore, do not give any relevant results at all, completely censored, etc.
And there are no people making genuine videos anymore, let alone real websites (a thing of the past)

Don't you find it a little strange that nobody even comments about the above? I mean I know what the fuck happened, but it's like the entire world disappeared, and nobody even noticed or cared. It's like if everyone sat down at their TV, and the TV remained black, but they just kept watching and smiling as normal...

This is very upsetting to me, and I don't know what to do. I can't unsee it. I lost any form of basic respect for the species because they're collectively insane now (and this is obviously just one issue of many). Like, there really is no explanation for this. It's not possible for EVERYONE on the planet to be completely stupid and lazy/hopeless all at the same time. Surely there is one conscious person left?

I think I will just never talk to another person, ever again.

>> No.21753940

because the tribe ran out of east coast and west coast jive preformers to exploit and the only group left are the original spores from atlanta georgia. The youth of today are exposed to a flavor of pop culture derieved from southern inner city youth in its purest, most unadulterated form.

The kind you grew up in, while of a lesser variety, benefited from their close proximity to whiteness and white culture. The ghettos in southern california, for example, werent always as such and had many meaningful interactions with the upper class, with the high minded academia of their time. The civil rights movement, for example, didn't start with poor impoverished blacks but with more intellegent middle class ones. These men and women didn't slave in the fields, but instead were given educations in higher centers for learning. They understood poetry and prose and had degrees in the arts. While their descendents may shock you with tales of crack rock and crime, at their core they are based on a well to do life based in wealth and power. Even the 'poor' peformers of that era at the very least had contact with money and power as it is concentrated in those areas. Even the lowest of the low was brought up by simple virtue of proximity. But that is no so in the underhives of the south. True poverty has existed there since the 1800s, it is pure and unadulterated concentrations of the lowest form of (arguably) human life. And that is where talent is now mined, that is where pop culture is exported from. That, is what your children consume. The most destitute, stupidest, most backward form of american poor: the american south.


>> No.21753954

I did realize that it is not possible to search for things anymore on the internet, not on image search, I remember I would search on duckie first and whenever I wasn't satisfied google gave results... but now google is 10x times worse than duckie in it's time, and do not get me started with youtube. All the based youtubers have stopped posting years ago.

>> No.21753963

Hi there, my question is why DIDN'T ANYONE NOTICE and publish articles about it? And nobody noticed the lack of articles either.

I think the only solution is death, whoever's controlling the society (Rothschild or whomever it is) did a very good job. Everything has been sanitized.

>> No.21753983


>> No.21753998

Oh thanks, I've actually seen this before and watched a few of this guy's videos.

How the fuck do I find more like this? He's not great or anything but I want to find 5000x YouTubers and websites like this, so my brain can stop bleeding all the time.

>> No.21754008

He's the best from what I've seen.
As for websites, just find some web ring full of people emulating the web 1.0 style and you're bound to find something useful.
As Luke says, however, you aren't going to find what you're looking for on the interwebs; go outside.

>> No.21754041

People just became accustomed to relying on automatic recommendations and whatever comes up first on a google search (and now, whatever a chat AI tells them lol). Most people will go down the path of least resistance. And plenty of people do notice this kind of thing, I've had several people tell me that youtube recommends totally unrelated trash and they shitty targeted ads that don't match their interests at all. Youtube is full of videos by creators talking about how they randomly get loads of views on one video, then almost nothing on dozens of following videos and that the algorithm is killing their channel.

>> No.21754045

Learn to curate what you read, you talk about people becoming braindead but you don't seem capable of ignoring the retarded recommendations and finding stuff yourself. Get recommendation from people you know IRL or who talk about your interests on forum and chat sites. I find much more interesting shit now that I never see youtube's interface or any adverts.

Torrenting also helps a great deal because you can find what you actually want without endless logins and recommendations.

>> No.21754056

Also, you don't need to keep watching gay shit online if it bothers you, find a physical book and read it for a while. Or some physical hobby.

>> No.21754153

It's noticable but hasn't reached critical mass. More people are checking out of social media and relying on old ways than ever, you just don't see it because it's not on the internet. There's also this misconception that the average person is terminally online, they're not and never were. Of course the hylics aren't going to notice, but who gives a fuck about them?

>> No.21754160

I'm currently listening to Moby Dick and I'm an ESL zoomer. Your bait is a lazy one.

>> No.21754163

so you represent every single zoomer?

>> No.21754180
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>According to studies, about 50% read frequently
I find that hard to believe. What do they "read", exactly? Text-to-speech TikTok captions?

>> No.21754192

You can’t even use bing to search for 4chan. They completely censor it.

>> No.21754195

Well the most profitable thing today is women cosplaying and selling their bathwater and low iq morons stamped with tattoos mumbling "ugh yh kill bitch nigger money" repeatedly over a blasting droning bass. To say such a complex development and state of affairs is because of x is obviously an overly reductive simplification. There is something, on a mass-basis, in this society that has led and is leading to outcomes like these. Of course it is x and it is y and it is z, but that isn't enough. We are collectively responsible for this situation.

>> No.21754200

No, but it doesn't matter because OP rejects statistical data anyways. OP's zoomers don't represent anyone either.

>> No.21754204

>statistical data
where is it then mein nigga?

>> No.21754206

This is why I only listen to mammal sounds and Mary J. Blige

>> No.21754214

It's been happening gradually since 2015 or so. The internet is getting centralized and google in particular is nudging people towards gay commercial results and globohomo approved stuff.
Google results stop after 5 pages now. You used to be able to go to page 20.000 to find the most obscure blogs.

>> No.21754246

But anon, it's hip to be square.

>> No.21754261

R*ddit, for all its issues, is actually being used as an aggregator again. So I've heard. I don't believe it but they're as terminally online as we are and have been dealing with the issue since around 2015, apparently the site is usable if you stay off the top level subs. I'm curious if it's actually true, I know they've built tons of old school networks and annotated links but haven't seen it in action because fuck that place.

>> No.21754266

Don't forget live hymns.

>> No.21754328

the only site that still keeps it real is 4chan unironically. it's the only place on the internet where I get a feeling of the freedom that used to be on the web a long time ago.

>> No.21754415

based Invidious user
Ironically the results you get from searching Invidious are substantially different than those you get if you search YT
I also know this video and it's a great one

>> No.21754429
File: 422 KB, 1125x886, BestGuessing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic very related.

>> No.21754430

Yes and this is why it's getting raided by trannies 24/7. They hate it and this is why they force /pol/ shit into every single board and spam every catalog nonstop to make the site useless. They want 4chan to become a containment zone like Gab and other right-wing shit which is why they spend all their useless lives to force this angle so much into every board. I believe that the majority of right wing /pol/ shit here is a joe job. Leftists really, really fucking hate 4chan because it's not "moderated" and you cannot downvote people until the post is deleted. You come here because it's exactly the opposite of Reddit, trannies also come here because it's the opposite of Reddit and they want to fix that. Never underestimate how much time and effort leftists are willing to put into destroying things

>> No.21754651


"Just find them bro, hope this helps"

>> No.21754685
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Even the relatively """intelligent""" zoomers are 100% mindless, psyopped, soulless servants of globalbomo.
For example, this is a Harvard student. This is what the intelligentsia of the next generation is like.

>> No.21754738

millennials are worse
there's literally zero excuse for being the age that you are yet still playing video games, watching anime and being on 4chan often rather than being successful with a wife, kids, etc.

>> No.21754763

>having a wife is succesful
lmao, have you ever been in a long-term relationship faggot?

>> No.21754767


Yes. The far-right talk show host Jesse Kelly recently did a segment on this very subject. He began by playing an audio clip of a teenage girl who was unable to express what she disliked about dating, and said "like" as roughly 60% of all words spoken. During the segment, Kelly underlined that the point was not to mock the girl, ("Do not make fun of that girl"), but rather that her state was an extreme example of what texting and social media have REPLACED, in terms of natural, human conversation, which everyone previous was forced to do.

Kelly went on to stress that his intent was not to "complain about the youngsters", but rather that today's tech environment has created a unique problem for young people which has never been encountered before. He then advised parents to be very intentional in teaching their children how to talk and how to verbally express themselves, which is sensible advice.


Also this of course. Emojis are simply repeated for a vague contextual sense. I really believe that with certain emojis, or "words", they are used without an exact understanding of what they actually mean. The contexts may be vastly different in their various phone-addled brains.

>> No.21754780

being successful as in have a good paying job that will last and is able to support a family rather than your funko pop addiction

>> No.21754796

Source on that first bit?

>> No.21754830

They got us addicted to the technology, and then they swapped out the things that were good about it in the first place, and now there's just habit, and it's not like you can just go outside and take part in your community, because that's gone too.
Really, what the fuck is there to do at this point? The world doesn't exist.

>> No.21754834

GenZer here I think there are 3 main causes; tech isolation, autism, and cultural negrification. Tech isolation makes consume media endlessly and rot or try to imitate youtubers, anime, or movies in their speech patterns. Second, Gen Z has the higheat rate of autism in any recorded human generation. Even "normal" seeming people might have signs of autism that affect their verbal IQ. I personally blame vaccines for this one; they massively increased the number and frequency of vaccines and these vaccine can cause brain damage through inflammation or heavy metal poisoning(mercury, aluminum).

>> No.21754854

They're being deliberately negrified by you-know-who so that they'll have more convenient , hedonistic cattle to rule over.

>> No.21754864


Just look up "Jesse Kelly talk show". If he has podcasts/archives it's less than a week old.

The girl really was quite stupid, but Jesse had a fair point that in a way, it wasn't her fault. She was born into Phone World. The girl herself seemed to get frustrated after about 30 seconds of hearing herself talk, she seemed to recognize on some level that she was unable to formulate a coherent thought.

>> No.21754871

>X is bad but what about Y
Lol what a cope. My Zoomer friend, who told you're going to have any of that when you're that age (which you are rapidly approaching)? Or are you going to magically jump to a timeline where Boomers didn't fuck up the economy beyond repair?

>> No.21754879

I agree with your comment and the other replies to my post. I just wish there were some more big-brained people on the case, because the little I've seen so far, doesn't really seem like a proportional response at all. A Jew rubs his hands together, saying, "it's all just big tech, bro!" Without really understanding or communicating what's really going on. Tldr I think it's much worse than we think.

>> No.21754881

Christ almighty, my brain's damaged.

A Jew rubs his hand together everytime someone says:

>> No.21754884

Ever heard of tiktok?
"Bix pat beda pomo gub finna be dat tum muhfuggah" is about the extent of the discourse that happens on it. The rest is visual stimuli

>> No.21754897

>"Bix pat beda pomo gub finna be dat tum muhfuggah"
translation ? I am not familiar with this vernacular

>> No.21754902



The relevant segment runs from about 4:00 over the next few minutes.

>> No.21754909

It's Zoomlish

>> No.21754925

>degenerate rock music
What is that? Like Linkin park?

>> No.21754932
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>> No.21754948

The internet of old disappeared because those people who posted on forums or made genuine vids got old and lost interest in all that (found better things to do), the rest of people who weren't on old internet nowadays spend most of their time on some social media platform.

>> No.21754965

A lot of what we consider "autism" is probably caused by social isolation in childhood, which is obviously being exacerbated by technology, to be honest.
That's not to say there is no autism, but are people getting diagnosed in record numbers just because they can't make friends, or deal with social gatherings? Most likely, yeah.

>> No.21754974

You think zoomers are inarticulate because you can't differentiate articulation from style. You're the kind of person who thinks the word "bussin" is less articulate than the word "good" even though they mean the same thing. Zoomers have no problem communicating with each other and I've never seen any indication that their lexical density is inferior to that of other generations. Produce some evidence of this or you're a pseud.

>> No.21755016

>You're the kind of person who thinks the word "bussin" is less articulate than the word "good"
bussin isn't a word

>> No.21755017

>just get married
To who?

>> No.21755100

I thought this is some dumb British thing, I get this gordon ramsay food video constantly on my yt feed about something or other "bussin" in the title, never really bothered to look it up what it means...

>> No.21755114

Comes from "bussy", which means "boy pussy"

>> No.21755125

not him but wait, what
bussy and bussin are the same root? so when a zoomer says something is good he's saying it's like fucking a man in the ass?

>> No.21755140

Lol, when people say something is bugging them it makes me think of some hiv positive homosexual fucking them in the ass, god I hate internet

>> No.21755147

but bugging is derivative of bug, not buggery

>> No.21755150


>> No.21755172

No they aren't. Bussin is a degeneration of "Busting" as in "this is so good I'm cumming"

>> No.21755208

Both are derivates of bug?

>> No.21755226

No, it's bussy.

>> No.21755228

I’ve been ranting about this for years. I spent so much time looking for something on jewgle yesterday. All I got was a bunch of shitty listicles. Can someone not invent a search engine that’s basically google from 2004? I used to be able to find all sorts of interesting little blogs.

I shit you not anons, you are my only source now for interesting information. This is the only place where I can ask certain questions or recommendations.

>> No.21755229

The rise in autism diagnoses is a consequence of young people today growing up in digital isolation and ”auto-erotism”. You can basically miss out on basic socialisation and develop anxiety and weird habits by living through video games and the internet - this wasn’t possible in the 80s and earlier

You can see a similar dynamic with ADHD

>> No.21755240

Are you dumb? The shitty little blogs don't exist anymore. Google gives shit results because the actual internet is shit.

>> No.21755285

Both are true, and Google caused this btw

>> No.21755286

>Can someone not invent a search engine that’s basically google from 2004?
It's a bit hit or miss

>> No.21755292

Also you should really switch to DuckDuckGo. It's way less biased than Google and you can use bangs on it to piggyback on other search engines. I only use Google occasionally at this point.

>> No.21755296

How did google cause it?

>> No.21755300

>someone not invent a search engine that’s basically google from 2004?

That's the other thing. It's impossible to find/make a truly working alternative solution, if nobody can even properly talk about, or even can grasp the scale and scope of the problem in the first place. The small percentage of people who even notice the problem, don't have any means of doing anything about it.

I guess you could say this about any problem in the last 100 years or before, everyone looks to everyone else for a solution and going "well I guess there's nothing we can do! Maybe it wasn't that big of a deal in the first place!" That's how you lose everything, slowly over time. Until the last couple years I was hyper fast and had lots of info and ideas, explanations, propositions for all kinds of solutions etc but now I'm brain damaged just like the rest of y'all, so I understand how it feels now.

>> No.21755321

ddg is invasive, anti-privacy cancer and the results still suck. CEO is a creep

>> No.21755410

>invasive, anti-privacy
can you elaborate on that?

>> No.21755486

You must be stupid

>> No.21755503

Try Yandex

>> No.21755515

Gen Z is just demographically different than previous generations. Now it is about half white and half various minorities. Each of the minorities have their own languages (including Ebonics) so you can't expect everybody to be speaking English like fifty years ago.

>> No.21755923

>I'm currently listening to Moby Dick and I'm an ESL zoomer
Zeppelin is great, congrats on having good taste in rock music, but this is totally off topic zoomie. Probably scrolling too fast and replied to the wrong thread. Sad, many such cases.

>> No.21755932 [SPOILER] 

> I've never seen any indication that their lexical density is inferior to that of other generations.
They speak in ebonics.

>> No.21755934


>> No.21755970

We have this thread every week and the answers never change, because people here aren't interested in actually knowing why, they just want to indulge in hysteria as a show of superiority.
>muh niggers
>muh phones
>muh rap music
Social media I can buy as an explanation, but I notice here how people just copy the same shallow tribalistic ideas without digging deeper as to the true sociological cause of any supposed decline.
I also wonder how today's literacy rates compare to say 18th century. Guess it's hard to know because they didn't have statistics back then.

>> No.21755991

Did you just assume my religious affiliation? I prefer Tibetan chanting tyvm

>> No.21755994

Are you really implying that niggers and phones don't have anything to do with it?

>> No.21756000

Yeah I can read thousands of pages but I can't write for shit. I blame our English classes for forcing us to write retarded MLA format essays instead of actually learning proper grammar. I've downloaded a ton of writing textbooks to study so hopefully those will help.

>> No.21756035

>I want to learn how to write so I’m going to read more about writing
Anon, really? Put pen to paper and battle to the death

>> No.21756130

by censoring all shit

>> No.21756220

bezmenov was right

>> No.21756278

>Are you really implying that niggers and phones don't have anything to do with it?
Phones definitely have something to do with it, but niggers I don't think have anything to do with it. Black people existed equally in the 1950s (though with far less cultural prominence) so it can't be an explanation for any possible decline in literacy.

>> No.21756294

>DuckDuckGo Sells Private Search Information of Users to Microsoft through a third-party tracker

>> No.21756317

But this is false and on top of all this is related to their browser, which I don't use. The search engine has nothing to do with Microsoft. Second this is related to shit like the fact that if you click on a Microsoft banner in the search results you are allowing Microsoft to run scripts and use trackers. No shit. DDG runs ads but they simply display ads related to the topics you search for instead of algorithm mumbo jumbo.

>> No.21756424

>Social media I can buy as an explanation, but I notice here how people just copy the same shallow tribalistic ideas without digging deeper as to the true sociological cause of any supposed decline.

I agree, and you're doing a similar thing by not adding more info. This forum is apparently the best we've got, but it still sucks. Once in a while, you'll get some really dense info... maybe like 1 in 200-500 posts or something.

It does seem to be niggers and phones, though. 97% of Americans now own smartphones. Like, if you had a video camera of a 21yo zoomer's life, you'd just see him on his phone all day since age 2, then occasionally being shuttled back and forth to the niggerphone schoolhouse, and that's it. They don't do anything else. Anything else they do, is in between phone time. And then they walk around slurring their words. So obviously, something's up.

The internet itself ruined a lot as well. I noticed in ~2010, whenever VICE first became a thing -- suddenly within like 2yrs, the entire internet started acting hip and cool - 38 year old men started dressing and speaking in slang like cool, laid-back high schoolers. Average people instantly become celebs, and then immediately dumb themselves down to maximize reach. It's like reality TV x9999, but with real people, who also present themselves as the genuine new counter-culture. Result, viewers subconsciously reprogrammed themselves to prioritize being hip and cool in a subtle way, they think they are 'in the know' by knowing nothing. And this set the stage for the 2016+ BLM tranny epidemic or whatever you want to call it... It all happened so fast.

My mind is a wreck nowadays, but:
-Cumulative effects of each generation of kids being treated like babies in school by public schoolteachers, essentially raised by the other kids, being exposed to almost nothing of substance.
-social breakdown in general, huge divorce rate and unhappy marriages
-video games starting in the mid-90s with SNES etc. was the beginning of the end for kids going outside, sure you could play multiplayer but initiative, independence and exploration was started to be nixed - these people are the parents now
-phone is ever-present, harder to get any kid to just act normal for 5 minutes cuz they're constantly resuming the delusional fantasy life track. phone takes priority over all authority and social relationships
-aside from just 'causing ADHD' because of the fucking notifications or whatever they claim.. tech exposure instills a general helplessness or lackadaisicalness(!?), not because of dystopian headlines, but because of 'why even do anything, if it requires effort?' and this shapes attitude and identity over time - for this and other reasons, kids can't take any thought, idea, expression, or situation seriously because their shallow performance is consistently validated 100% of the time by the phone world

>> No.21756436
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Sorry that's all I got. I'm sure there are tons of extremely valuable insights we could make, and trace a zoomer's entire life thru the insane retardo-culture. But I think the important thing is to ban phones and probably television forever, and then force them at gunpoint to be real human beings.

With the phones, they are essentially being allowed to fake their way through their entire lives, in every aspect. And they never have a moment to think clearly, nor an opportunity to express a thought to another person.

>> No.21756445

Good effort post. I wish I had more to add but I’m blazed af. Nice that it’s legal now

>> No.21756471
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>Never underestimate how much time and effort leftists are willing to put into destroying things
I'm pretty shore the AI pedos are troons and they seem to have nothing better to do then reply to every (you) even through they don't have anything to say. It's gotten to the point that I can send them into mental gymnastics with a folder of /ic/ and Twitter screenshots. Even at my lowest, I could not waste my time bumping a thread all day to "own" someone.
They have a mind set I find hard to understand. Parcel is form a ai art shill thread when one of them was asked why he hated artists. The only way I can interpret this is that Nietzsche and Uncle Ted where right about week people.

>> No.21756480
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It's not good, it's just some random gibberish. missing info arguments explanations citations and proposed solutions. The point is to enumerate and describe everything possible, and then figure out how it all works together in all possible contexts. I had the gift before, but then I suffered a series of brain damages.
Don't take the SSRIs, kids!

>> No.21756525 [DELETED] 


Bussin refers to the pleasurable, vaguely painful contractions of a male orgasm. Black could say "poppin" in the sense of something spontaneously being crushed, it would be the same metaphor. I once heard a pornstar say "oh yeah, pop on her face bitch". Das bussin, ah ah ah ah

>> No.21756527

You seem pretty cogent and coherent to me anon. I was attempting to make a funny by adding the popularization and legalization of dope to your list

>> No.21756539


Bussin refers to the pleasurable, vaguely painful contractions of a male orgasm. "Busting" a nut. Blacks could say "poppin" in the sense of a spontaneous burst and destruction, the metaphor would be the same. I once heard a pornstar say "oh yeah, he's about to pop baby". Das bussin, ah ah ah ah

>> No.21756542

Bussin means bursting, as in bursting with flavor. In this sense it refers to food, and means delicious or good. It also means busting, as in busting a move (dancing). You can hear this meaning in phrases like "quirked up white boy bussin it down sexual style." If something is dancing this is also good, similar to if you said something was popping or jiving. It also means busting a nut which is obviously good.

>> No.21756547


No it doesn't. "Bussin" "busting" sound nearly the same, only the t and g are elided which is how AAVE normally works. Stop being nice to retards

>> No.21756559

Is there any evidence that ebonics have inferior lexical density to white English? Is there any evidence that people who speak ebonics to each other struggle to convey meaning more often than standard English speakers do?

>> No.21756589

Sounds like you just found your doctoral thesis topic anon. I’m sure there’ll be scholarships aplenty for such important questions (I wish I was being ironic)

>> No.21756612

Zoomer here, I spend most of my time on my phone and the internet and playing games and I think it's good. It's the best way to waste my life away while subjectively experiencing the least amount of time passing as possible. I can wake up some days, sit down in front of a game, blink, and it's already night time before I even realized it. I wish I could blink whole weeks and months away just as fast.

>> No.21756628

Yeah I mean, I'm as racist as anyone else, and I think ebonics sound funny, but I think it's still a legitimate question. I don't think ebonics is necessarily "less articulate" than any other kind of regional English dialect.

>> No.21756632

You might enjoy this my young friend

>> No.21756635


yeah probably because the hyper hellenic language has magic powers and "bix nood" sounds like a line from planet of the apes

>> No.21756677

It’s a valid question and I apologize for being flippant. As best I can gather the quantitative study of the information density of different languages is a relatively new field, and opinions differ. Ebonics is not typically included in any of the articles I found by cursory search but that doesn’t necessarily mean someone hasn’t looked at it. It would make an interesting thesis, I stand by that

>> No.21756827

No, it means boy pussy.

>> No.21756843

That's the most retarded, pretending to be obtuse on purpose thing I've read whole week
>Black people existed equally in the 1950s
Do you think it was ok to emulate negro behaviors in the 1950s, as compared to now?

>> No.21756846

>I can wake up some days, sit down in front of a game, blink, and it's already night time before I even realized it. I wish I could blink whole weeks and months away just as fast.
Oh man the mid-life crisis is going to hit you even worse than Millennials

>> No.21756893
File: 51 KB, 883x590, sun path summer vs winter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bussy comes from the trend of having an emoticon for B type blood in place of other letters, perhaps to get around censorship on chink tok or whatever the fuck else they're using.
Words likeenis, agina, ussy etc. form from it. Then, >>21755114 this explanation came quickly as a retroactive portmanteau, 'cause it's fuckin' funny.
Google has purposefully broken itself, much like the youtube search algorithm giving you "Related results" and "previously watched" and "for you" bullshit. My google-fu didn't get any worse, but my results got far worse. Time on platform, or selling results space like it were a contract for grocery store shelf space (think like how McCormick spices have a dedicated display in most wypipo grocery chains, even though you can get everything for a fifth or less of the price at an Indian restaurant supply store. When I searched for something on youtube, I thought, "damn, if I were on a psychedelic, this shit would be unusable due to the increased difficulty in context switching and how doing so can derail your thought train like it's fucking Harrison Bergeron."
The general modus operandi of Silicon Valley is: under some left-center libertarian principles to draw creative idealists, come up with some innovative idea, get market share until you're effectively the only player in town due to network effects, then use this centralized power to censor, reframe, "give context", artificially boost, throttle, etc. to shift the Overton window and the discussion, typically on regressive left lines.
GPT will likely do to essays what Wolfram Alpha did to math problems >ten years ago.
>Be me, 21
>with first gf ever
>receive physical junk-mail advertisements for flowers and chocolates and bullshit.
I think it was my credit card info being sold, internet targeted advertisements weren't as good back then for it to probably be from browsing history.
Pic related is what your pic reminds me of. >>21756220
One thing is when facebook rolled out video, and it was counting every video (that autoplayed as people scrooollled) played for over three seconds, it would count it as a view to the content producer. So content producers thought, "Oh, ultra short feed-length videos are the thing, and now realizing that people are skipping them too, it needs a catchy intro." It's the same reason for why now movie trailers will have spoilers to the movie as a line by a character within the first three seconds of a movie trailer.
Facebook misrepresenting scroll video views directly told companies to pivot to shorter-format videos.
We're even seeing this trend in sped-up versions of songs being used in chink tok vids, much like trend of slowed + reverb just for a highlight or bass drop from the song that came just before this sped-up song trend.

>> No.21756900
File: 82 KB, 523x583, b emoji.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

4chan doesn't deliver the b emoji.

>> No.21756904

I've only ever used this to write NIBBA

>> No.21756920

All these jive turkeys turned into down syndrome cunts

>> No.21756944

>You seem pretty cogent and coherent to me anon.
Brain damage is pretty severe. I can say things barely passable now, but before I had the godlike powers. Life sucks for all of us, but hits us all in different ways at different times. Good luck out there, nigger.

>> No.21757027

Yesterweb, start from there and work out, neocities, start from there, le secret road website, start from there (agora sees you)
you are just a retard who doesnt curate his online experience. And it is, Gandalf, it is. Who knew a creature so basal could withstand so much pain? You should treat the internet like entertainment excepting specific specialty websites. Anything useful on them, you should be downloading/copying into your own websites or integrating the info into your own content with your own opinion on your own websites. Otherwise you are contributing to the problem. T. anon with a labyrinthine and hopefully enlightening website with no directory, you will be granted access to it only after clicking through 4-5 pages of content to filter out nigs. You have no idea that people still make beautiful things online just like they do anywhere else - and a website is beautiful, visual art and literature merged together, music if you wish it as well. Interactive. I allocate an hour a week to maintenance, communiques, and content updates for my website. Thats it. The "hard part" is actually making your own website from html css and fag shit like JS if you so desire, but thats only "hard" if spending 6 hours on creation is hard for you. If it is, you wouldn't create anything of value irl anyways - youd be the lazy fag who cant assemble ikea furniture and makes your gf do it, or a faggot who cant play an instrument or one who doesnt write, who doesnt cook or sing or paint, who doesnt work on a car or sculpt clay or sketch. Up your fucking game, theres tens of thousands of people doing this, its only gonna come back if everyone does it. You WILL read mt website and you WILL like it. My poetry page is my favorite, followed by the doctrine of Mithras, followed by the treatise on buried cities of central asia, followed by "a character study of Maedhros Russandol", followed by Top 10 underground carti remixes, followed by a collection of images of rare insects I have found (my favorite was a pill bug with blue and yellow stripes, i regret not keeping and breeding it.) Stop being a hylic. Express yourself fully, its like a diary, i even print out each page and keep them in a binder because i dont trust the cloud.

>> No.21757049

Why is /lit/ so obsessed with zoomers?

>> No.21757076

Because zoomers read and they don’t.

>> No.21757123

>-video games starting in the mid-90s with SNES etc. was the beginning of the end for kids going outside, sure you could play multiplayer but initiative, independence and exploration was started to be nixed - these people are the parents now
The missing child on the milk carton and "stranger danger" thing really fucked it up. Watching old shows like the Twilight Zone with scenes of grown men and child strangers interact with each other, when I'm afraid to correct a kid I heard telling his younger siblings that "That's not a knife, this is a knife!" was originally from Beverly Hills Chihuahua or some shit movie. My point is any interaction with children as a male is likely to get you accused of being a pedo.

>> No.21757181

You live in a strange world, I was raised with a mindset to correct children when they fuck up. My parents do this when they see a child misbehave or fuck up in public - it is your duty. Or if a kid has a toy, i like to ask them if they like to play with it, etc, its good to then chat with their parents too. Its called community. Maybe it comes easier as an older sibling, but its human to learn to interact with children, families and parents - it helps you for when you have one and its good to remember that even children have ideas and thoughts and dreams, as ridiculous as they are.

or maybe i just look trustworthy and have enough charm to not get killed for being friendly desu

>> No.21757477
File: 65 KB, 605x756, -0-0-0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dead internet theory.
Googling the term now results in the primary articles calling it 'wrong' and a 'conspiracy theory'; I do enjoy the top result being an Atlantic piece saying that it just 'feels this way, but it's totaly baseless goy, stop asking questions and consume your content'.

>> No.21757483
File: 55 KB, 634x376, bobs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I married the big titted baking girl who worked at my local deli.
My advice would be marry a big titted baking girl, something about working with eggs and boobs is naturally virile and correct.

>> No.21757580

>Bussy comes from the trend of having an emoticon for B type blood in place of other letters, perhaps to get around censorship on chink tok or whatever the fuck else they're using.
Kek, no. The amount of folk etymology for zoomerisms in this thread is hilarious. The B emoji thing comes from the "bloods" gang who use the B to replace words that usually begin with C, because they don't say the letter C since that stands for their enemy the Crips. They say things like boolin to mean coolin (hanging out) and "let me get a bickin nugget." This practice has become an ironic internet meme because it's so retarded. However, bussy does not come from this, it's been used by gays to refer to the male anus since the early 90s.

>> No.21757620

one person being retarded is not evidence of a significant group of people being retarded because technology.

>> No.21757643

We need more fanciful etymology threads. You faggots are alright

>> No.21757696

you're not alone in noticing the extreme decline in society and the internet. the world's been on a general cognitive, cultural, spirital & societal decline that's become more and more noticable.

algorithmic solitude is the death of culture. everybody being in a solitary confined algorithmicly curated bubble of content seperate from everybody else's bubble does not allow for culture and 'memes' (in the cultural gene meaning of the word) to spread in natural ways anymore. the way culture spreads has changed drastically in the last 100 years, it used to be physical locations (eg you went to greenwich village or the local punk scene), then it evolved to mass media where culture spread through mass produced magazine, radio or tv. the next step was the internet, which started off beautifully, but has devolved to what it is today thanks to monopolization, centralization and a general trend towards all-encompassing capitalism.

i believe when you say the 'world' you mean the internet. television has been dead for the last 20+ years, radio likewise, it's just recently that the internet started dying. this was bound to happen however, the internet could not keep being the magical paradise that it used to be in its heyday. corporate conglomerates were bound to centralize the internet and monopolize it. these handful of all-powerful companies have seized the internet and only use them to further their own goals. you probably could've predicted this happening already in the early 2000's to be honest.

capitalism has spread its vile tentacles into every corner and crack of human life, it has reshapen and deformed the internet into the most profitable, fast-paces, consumer friendly environment on planet earth. every website not indepently owned is just a collection of advertiser-friendly, sanitized content which has only 1 main goal; capital gain (in the form of advertisements). a side goal is pushing silly socio-political idealogies that further the goals and desires of the Public Relation propaganda elite in charge (ie: immigration, identity politics, neoliberal values, etc)

people have always been collectively insane, throughout history people have been blind and stupid and took the path of least resistance. but thanks to recent technological developments it's much easier to see them at their most basest, most inane, automated, unconscious version of themselves.

the next stop for you, my friend, is the real world. the internet's been a fun ride, but anything substantial and meaningful will happen off-screen now. most smart, concious humans realize the internet is a circus graveyard not worthy of any attention anymore and seek fulfillment in other places. the plebeians will continue to foster and writhe in this algorithmic, sanitized endless stream of dopamine and the future is indeed not looking too bright, but what will happen will happen.

>> No.21757769

Stole your post to work into a novel I’m working on. I’d send you some royalties but I’ll never finish it and no one will buy it even if I do

>> No.21757958

I've tried to post linguistics threads before but they don't get much attention. Recently I discovered that there's a relationship between fall/fell ("make fall") and lay/lie ("make lay") and drink/drench (originally "make someone else drink") but nobody was really interested in this idea or coming up with other examples. I'm sure there are lots more but I can't think of them.

>> No.21757971

Whoops, I mean "lay" means "make something lie" not the other way around (obviously)

>> No.21758122

Cool story, now let's count the distinct IPs making GET requests in your httpd log.
In hindsight I should have posted a link to the peertube upload instead but this is also true

>> No.21758138

Lol, what is this image supposed to convey? Some flat earth conspiracy theory?

>> No.21758171

it's like Mario 64 you fucking hylic, it only renders the ground you can immediately see

you bore me, hurry up and die and doom a different planet with your ignorance

>> No.21758227

What are some feasible economic systems beyond capitalism and communism/socialism? Or are all feasible, modern economic systems a variation of the systems I mentioned?

>> No.21758344

you can daydream about other economic systems, but the fact is capitalism won out. there's no ways to turn or twist this fact. communism bubbled up to the surface here and there had its chance to prove its efficiency and feasability, and it might've been more desirable in some aspects but at the end of the day it vanished and was usurped. usurped by a system that is better at self-propagating and growing. that's what all these economic systems boil down to, simple machine growth. no revolution, political power shifts, legislation, public relations, propaganda, historic uprising matter at all when you see society through this lens. our individual nations melded into a combined global unified capital-driven techno-society that found better ways of self-propagating, better ways of aqcuiring and consuming, better ways to satiate the all devouring forces that lie deep beneath the bedrock of our society. it's a fascinating idea, read ted kasczynskys manifesto for an abridged, simple version of it, it will make you change the way you look at all of society. read jaqcues ellul if you want less abridged.

there's an underlying force at work beneath all of society and its simple self-propagating growth, and the system that is best at that is the thing we call "capitalism", no fucking way around that

you'd be interested in The End of History and the Last Man by that nigga fukuyama too. i haven't read it but the idea is that neoliberal capitalism as we know it is the capital f Final version of society and the end of history. PERIOD.

>> No.21758373

>long rant about capitalism
No, the problem is human nature. Set normies loose on the internet and they will ruin it in all cases, independently of the profit motive.
It's true that capitalism facilitates and streamlines this, but it is not ultimately responsible.

>> No.21758380

When the human pest ape fumigates itself, the re-emergence of industry will never again be possible on this planet, even if some humans survived.

>> No.21758392

it's not the system that's the problem, it's the (((people))) occupying the system. I can go downstairs right now and grab a kitchen knife and start killing people? I continually make the decision not to do this because I'm simply not that kind of person. Similarly, a person can be a CEO of an international conglomerate and not be a jewish* sack of shit. Trouble is, they are all jewish sacks of shit.

*I don't necessarily mean these "people" are literally jewish, I mean it as adjective more like a partial synonym of cheap. Although if we're honest, they are disproportionately literally jewish. Or indians. Fuck indians, too. They will never be white and they're three times as racist.

>> No.21758413

this is chicken vs egg type shit man, capitalism was created by human nature, they work in tandem and almost complete synchronicity

>> No.21758441

>According to studies, about 50% read frequently
probably just about as reliable as self-reported average dick size increasing year after year. social media babies are unreasonably insecure and obsessed with keeping up appearances at all times

>> No.21758444

Tiktok does this too. They have the algorithm programmed to occasionally boost a person's vids. It keeps creators addicted to the platform because it gives them a small taste of success and they think they can replicate it if they just keep making more videos.

>> No.21758459

That's true. However, I wouldn't say they work in "almost complete synchronicity". Capitalism (and the industrial and fiscal systems it spawned) has completely reshaped the world, and western societies especially. Parts of the human experience which aren't in line with capitalist prerogatives are paved over.
This does not deny their fundamental humanity or utility in general, only within this system.
I'm not a leftist, but the central problem with capitalism is that it has no collective endgame and aims for endless growth on a finite planet. Acknowledging and harnessing the dark parts of human nature is a practical strength until it causes you to kill yourself out of cultish fixation on the same instincts (line go up)

>> No.21758478

That sounds kinda like you have depression.

>> No.21758563

this anon gets it.
so long as you don't think too hard about it, it sure looks like the overt meanings of the words are equivalent, but they're coloured by different sets of implicit connotations - like replacing 'making love' (emphasizing the emotional bond as much as the act) with 'fuck'(friction). and that kind of shift matters more than you might think. language is contextual, and when you switch around the subtexts you change that associations that come naturally to people in given situations. a linguistic frame that de-values thinking, planning, empathy, self-reliance and so on in favour of a kind of stupefied 'just vibin' mindset is a mimetic hazard for a young mind that doesn't know anything else.
not that I'm advocating the policing of language, probably all you'd need to do to solve 3/4 of this problem is ban smartphones in schools (and to hell with any helicopter parents who don't feel comfortable with their little precious snowflake not being able to call them in an emergency).

>> No.21758640

yeah i agree, and this cultish suicide of the human race is imminent and will happen in about 20 to 40 years. read limits to growth

>> No.21758650

I contribute to your threads but mostly in a tongue-in-cheek type fashion. Don’t give up anon

>> No.21758683

Thank you for the recs.
Not to insult the original poster I replied to because he said some insightful things >>21757696, but when I start to hear "capitalism" as a pejorative my eyes begin to glaze over. Not because I'm for or against capitalism, but because "capitalism" has become too nebulous a word, and in other areas of online discourse the only alternative ever mentioned is some socialized capitalist system. I only see this system being co-opted by our neoliberal, globohomo system.
I have read uncle Ted, whose ideology I see as the only, true opposing force to globohomo, if it's even achievable. As I'm not as well-read as I wish to be, I was hoping there might be some other economic system that is feasible but not often considered.

>> No.21758729 [DELETED] 

What's wrong with any of this? Idioms and metaphors never refer to anything concrete and language has never been a stable medium. If something is said, it's said for a reason.

>> No.21758748

>he doesn't have a 14" cock

>> No.21758820

I'm inarticulate because I pay attention to etymologies and the underlying meaninglessness of words. "Autism" is just 'auto' (i.e. 'self') plus 'ism'. So yet another way of saying self-concerned or self-obsessed. But who isn't at some level? Is it because with the word "autism" it's further implied that one isn't as social as others or mostly keeps to themselves? Yes, so they're self-concerned as said before.

>> No.21758900

you're very articulate and I don't think OP is talking about you. He's talking about animalistic tiktokker normalvermin

>> No.21758905

>DAE most people are stupid????
I never thought of that before

>> No.21758910

You are a nigger, that's not what autism means.

>Not to insult the original poster I replied to because he said some insightful things but when I start to hear "capitalism" as a pejorative my eyes begin to glaze over.
Same, but now we're just doomed to nitpick eachothers' memes-of-the-day forever and never really build anything. It's a giant russian doll system, and in the center, I think there's Satan. Or some kind of Jew.

>> No.21758911

>Yes. The far-right talk show
Stopped reading

>> No.21758915

>children, teens and young 20 somethings act goofy and sound stupid
Your parents thought exactly the same thing about you and their parents thought the same thing about them.

>> No.21758916

>I can't handle dissenting opinions!!!
Your misplaced pride is not my problem

>> No.21759188

starts off interesting but then he starts plugging 'male vitality' pills :/
i like hate that like so much

>> No.21759291

>Your parents thought exactly the same thing about you and their parents thought the same thing about them.

>> No.21759301

>t. all-or-nothing binary-brained mongrel
you know the thing about the boy who cried wolf is the boy really DOES get eaten at the end, right?

>> No.21759327
File: 67 KB, 896x342, 042D641F-8CA7-4555-AEDE-6B54AFB7C822.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There were never many white people in the world to begin with. It’s inevitable that minorities will take over.

>> No.21759452

hellenes ruled earth for millions of years. you are a criminal and you need to be in prison

>> No.21759613

You're all a bunch of faggots who don't read. All you people do is whine and complain, you don't give any viable solutions. It's always nigger this, nigger that, guys ze Jews are controlling us and we aren't doing anything about it!!! No real solutions, just bitching. I see this in every thread, every post. This whole thread feels like an actual psyop within a psyop. A whole circlejerk. What is the truth anymore? A bunch of retarded shut ins complaining about a group of people they don't understand? Or a bunch of glowies talking to each other? I'll never know the answer.

>> No.21759636

>women read more fiction
yes, as such their views on current affairs can be safely be disregarded, as they don't live in reality.

>> No.21759649

making fun of binary thinking is pretty much textbook ableism against autistic people. I normally don't like newspeak but it is what it is

>> No.21759736

Language is changing. Sounding like a bong doesn't impress anyone anymore and makes you look like a fag. Face facts the way black people talk is the accepted standard of the language and people intentionally talk in Ebonics now. We're the masters of the Anglos so they'll just do it or else be mocked anyway. It's good to be better.

>> No.21760140

Yes, we already discussed this above. Thank you.

>> No.21760198

I don't think we've discussed it enough.

>> No.21760404

The general apathy is not just caused by phones and whatnot, but rather that there is a lack of sense of justice even when demands are being made and it has a trickle down effect.

An example would be, as you've pointed out the bleak headlines, that big oil companies knew that climate change would seriously disrupt the future environment. What has happened to those executives? Nothing, just free to buy another yacht while the generation looks down a barrel of a gun. It's the sense of nothing is coming to save you, no one is going to help, which causes that outlook

>> No.21760408

this is a lie

>> No.21760409
File: 107 KB, 640x853, solution.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have plenty of solutions on offer, and I'm pretty good, but I doubt anyone would agree with the details of any of my analyses or strategies, regardless of the quality. I've never been able to successfully convince anyone of anything. Everyone will just choose to go with their own thing instead - part of the nature of being a rebel.

I agree that most of this forum is no good. If there's a place out there for actual serious discussion of new ideas, I would fucking love to see it. I've always wanted to find others like me. Haven't ever found them so far.

>> No.21760429

>I’m le spexial rebel
Fuck off little bitch. It’s no wonder you can’t convince anyone of anything

>> No.21760458

>I doubt anyone would agree with the details of any of my analyses or strategies, regardless of the quality. I've never been able to successfully convince anyone of anything.
I've convinced people of things on this website, including shit that I was just making up. And that's only counting all the times when people replied to my posts conceding arguments or admitting that I changed the way they thought. I have to assume that dozens or even hundreds of times more people have been influenced by my posts without having told me about it. I have also been convinced of many new ideas on this website, much more frequently than I've influenced others in fact. You've had the experience you describe because you're less interesting or convincing than you think.

>> No.21760466
File: 7 KB, 269x160, ideas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Fuck off little bitch. It’s no wonder you can’t convince anyone of anything
Thank you for INSTANTLY proving my point.

>> No.21760474

My pleasure. You’re nothing

>> No.21760479

Humble yourself anon, this is embarrassing

>> No.21760557

I read through the thread. What I think can be added:
>control the phenomenon geographically
Is the Chinese population affected similarly? They block US social media and are said to only serve the nefarious tiktok to the westerners, so some difference should be visible. At the same time theybare much more digitized than the west (qr codes everywhere, doing everything through mobile apps), so that would have to be considered.
>control for the language
Personally I consider English to be the conduit for a lot of this degeneracy and I don't mean ebonics. English is Democracy/Internet, the Language. It distribuite thought patterns. Would be interesting to see if French or German teens are less zombified than the Americans.

That said, I think my parents got progressively dumber since they embraced technology in form of smartphones. They also got older though. Hard to measure. Still, dad can watch half an hour of youtube tiktoks from what I heard, and mom seems to have lost some conversational comprehension and now treats talking like am exchange of monologues (I blame youtube, she watches a tons of it).

>> No.21760637

Come on man, seriously. Personally I would like to know your solutions. People in this board are usually to far up their own asses to actually come up with some. So someone who's actually able to make such solutions to me is already a step ahead of the game. So please, can you post your ideas. I'm tired of whiney faggot discussions.

>> No.21760773
File: 75 KB, 720x732, 1678109931859614.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Zoomer here. When I use big words like disingenuous my gen X dad makes fun of me for weeks, and asks me why I "make up those words". I have no one to converse with except for half a dozen family and friends, and all of them are midwits. If it weren't for 4chan I probably wouldn't be able to write either.

>> No.21760775

You should become a fascist.

>> No.21760880

Reddit volume in posts has actually dropped more than 40% in the last year or so. Ig is somehow the same and Tik tok is way up, to no one's surprise.

>> No.21760895

I don't use ddg but this argument is faggoted. Shitlib cancel culture shit is cringe when the average person is a tranny porn addicted loser. You're no Saint, dick face.

>> No.21760929

I mean yea, I am tired of being reminded about it, but only because it's true and sometimes I'm just too tired to care about anything anymore.

>> No.21760945

>by living through video games and the internet
Hey, I can do that and still maintain a carefully crafted facade of adequately-socialized human behaviour when needed

>> No.21760950

Kek, zoomers will not appreciate this wit.

>> No.21760965

Its because of country music fr fr

>> No.21760973

I'm so autistic I literally reverted as a young kid and stopped talking, the doctors said I'd be a low-functioning charity case in later life, and I still understood that post
Maybe you're just actually retarded

>> No.21760978

stop speaking vulgar english, profligate. hold thy tongue, articulate yourself, enunciate your words, speak proper english - pakistani immigrants in my building speak better english than the average zoomer.

at this terminal stage of decline its a class issue, the intelligentsia speaks high english, middle class speaks common english, and the lower class is developing vulgar english (this will finally split off in about 20 years once hispanics create unintelligible spanglish; as it is I can barely understand hood niggas and pablos when they speak.)

advice to you; actions dictate outcome. i used to talk like that to try and sound cool in High School and college. Turns out, the people I connected with were all vermin. I make s conscious effort just like my grandparents made a conscious effort to speak properly, clearly and accurately. You should all do the same - cultivate a world of beauty, not one of savage, unclear ambiguity and instinct; and do not be dissuaded from the fact that vulgar English is savage, ambiguous, and unclear. Communicating with vulgar english speakers is more of a guessing game than a conversation. Example? My girlfriend is somewhat of a hoodrat, and if she didn't give legendary blowjobs I would dump her ass because I have to ask clarifying questions so fucking often to get to the bottom of what she is trying to say...its painful.

>> No.21760998
File: 122 KB, 1137x1072, dumm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The internet COULD be amazing if profit incentive weren't there.

The issue is centralization -- Capitalism is all about centralization. Turn villages into cities, cities into regions, regions into countries, and countries into globohomo. What, you think France is real? That country used to be like 5 regions, modern French is just the written language from Paris. Breton, Picard, Basque, Provencal all had their own cultures (because as you know, culture generally evolves along lines of language). Then the French education system killed them all.

Centralization and profit-seeking are really the death of culture.

>> No.21761023

Retarded because I understood the joke the other poster made about Moby Dick and made a comment about it?
Maybe you should go back to not talking.

>> No.21761090

Bait threads are terrible.

>> No.21761099

The nation is a valid entity because comparable groupings are clearly found stretching back to the dawn of history. "Us-vs-them" on a cultural basis - beyond the tribe - has existed since the time of Egypt. Your post reeks of invented-tradition revisionism but I don't want to be unfair to you, so I won't insult you outright for that
on the other hand you deserve to be banned for your dipshit pic related tranny meme

>> No.21761132

Retarded because it's so fucking obvious that even a sperg like me can pick up on the joke just from context

>> No.21761170

i think the old internet we loved was actually a lot smaller than we all thought. it was one group of like 20k people making memes on 4chan, shit posting on somethignawful, making early youtube tutorials, running weird open source blogs, using niche interest forums. all the normies were still on aim and faceberg and myspace. they would never notice the death of a bunch of sites they never found or used.

it was always a walled garden, anyone who escaped the normie walls ended up on all the sites, anyone who stayed in the garden just watched the walls get higher.

>> No.21761183

I highly recommend for anyone wanting to recapture the magic of the old internet to join a niche community, almost no matter what it is, hobby or videogame or w/e, since that's where culture is still coherent and unique instead of a gigantic blurred mass. I've watched the internet at large become more boring but the smaller circles I run in stayed the same, and I prefer them.

>> No.21761193

im part of a niche community now which is why i started noticing just how small my realm of the internet is. some combination of 4chan, somethingawful, weird twitter, 2b2t, and open source forums lead me to my little community of people that apparently all did the same thing

>> No.21761201
File: 228 KB, 831x799, 1617347838664.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>but rather that her state was an extreme example of what texting and social media have REPLACED, in terms of natural, human conversation, which everyone previous was forced to do.
how fucking retarded do you have to be to think this is a 21st century problem

>> No.21761208

>Is China affected...
They've got a "movement" known as "laying flat" wherein a lot of young people (particularly men) aren't engaging with society or keeping up with standards pushed by the state, because they see no point in participation

>> No.21761227

They do not really read, they listen to some audiobook while doing something else at the same time, then they do not remember anything about the book but still like to say that they have read it.

>> No.21761257

hard cope

>> No.21761260
