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/lit/ - Literature

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[ERROR] No.2175107 [Reply] [Original]

hows it possible for an 18year old girl marry shelley to write a classic (frankenstein) hundreds of years ago when schools were shit.

this doesn't make me sense
how long would she have practiced writing to get good at it?

>> No.2175117

Was she 18 at the time? Thats impressive. It almost makes up for the fact that its really not a very good book

Its conceptually good, i dont think its written very well.

>> No.2175120


>not written very well

except thats just your opinion man

no really, its your opinion, there is no way to figure out if something is well written other than preference...

i mean her grammar was fine, other than that there is no objective measure

>> No.2175142

she was rich and didn't have much else to do she wrote a lot. not to mention she probably wrote a lot of letters and shit. if you check her style, it's actually written in very much the style of a letter.

iirc she was locked up with some other rich writer fools and they had a little writing contest and frankenstein grew out of her submission

>> No.2175144

She had a good education and was smart.

>> No.2175148

She was being dicked by Percy and Byron. Anyone could write a classic novel if they were being dicked by Percy and Byron.

>> No.2175151


This is the answer to your question OP.

>> No.2175152


>> No.2175153

not literally locked up.

>> No.2175155


ok makes sense

>> No.2175161
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>> No.2175163
File: 157 KB, 484x647, IggwilvDungeonCover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is that Iggwilv?

>> No.2175177

op, write an erotic picaresque nanorwimo novel about a thinly veiled self-insert character's quest to get fucked by his two favorite writers so that he can crank out an immortal novel. give the editor my name when they want someone to write the foreword for the penguin classic edition

>> No.2175181

how is it possible that aphex twin produced his first critically acclaimed album , Selected Ambient Works 85-92, when he was just 14?

The answer is that he is mozart reincarnation

>> No.2175183

Also, her parents were intellectuals and she was raised in a very intellectual milieu. Also her mother Mary Wollstonecraft was a pretty awesome writer in her own right.

>> No.2175193

Many great writers were born hundreds of years ago when "schools were shit" unless we followed every minute of Shelley's life it's hard to figure out how she became good. But I can get bet it's the amount of time she has dedicated to writing, really to be a fantastic writer requires you to read a lot and write a lot, probably hours and hours day. That probably goes for all skills.

No great musician is born with an innate ability to play an instrument, that's ridiculous. Zen concentration + practice for years makes them good, and they often start at a really young age, when most of us were playing with our legos and watching cartoons.