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21748536 No.21748536 [Reply] [Original]

I'm really tired of having suicidal thoughts all the time.

>> No.21748543

Here's a religion for you. God is not all loving. He is indifferent or malevolent. If he doesn't care about you on earth, then you can be sure he'll send you to hell.

>> No.21748548

Religion is by definition the negation of life

>> No.21748744
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>> No.21748759
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Matthieu Pageau's The Language of Creation. Only confession can set a person free of sin.

>> No.21749002

I know you asked for books but the most life affirming thing of any nature I've come across was the movie Taste of Cherry. Ridiculously basic but yeah.

>> No.21749013

So what I'm getting from this is it's about the same for every religion except Muslims

>> No.21749049

trying to fight your existential angst will end up in a spiritual fatigue, better learn to manage your mind patterns in order to develop new point of views and emotional articulations
a good religious bookl about that is "A trackless path" by Ken Mcleod, it's a study about a poem by the mystic Jigme Lingpa

>> No.21749060

If you're suicidal I doubt a book will save you, you need a more sensory experience to shift your attitude away from that.

>> No.21749063

Most religions I know of devalue life and place their hopes on a supposedly better world to come.

If you want a truly life affirming work that is written in a religious register I recommend Thus Spoke Zarathustra.

Of the popular religions, I’d say the most life affirming is Islam, but even there you are submitting yourself to something outside of you, not really life affirming.

>> No.21749096

Cosmic Trilogy by CS Lewis.

>> No.21749179

"Way of the Bodhisattva" by Shantideva.

>> No.21749297

Rule of St. Benedict
Or stuff by the Norbertines (I like them because they have a funny name) who used to be incredibly strict

>> No.21749311

Christendom and this >>21748759

>> No.21749344

How is submitting yourself to something outside of you not life affirming?

>> No.21749349
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>> No.21749773

Based Pageau poster

>> No.21749844

St. Agustine's confessions
Is that easy

>> No.21749971

pageau is excellent, but this is presupposing that one is already christian. he doesn't help anyone if they aren't christian in the first place.

>> No.21751083

Well in my view excellence and survival in life is mainly about self assertion and struggle, not submission. Look at small trees, mammals, apes, fishes, etc. If the wild beast had a tendency to submit to forces outside of them then they would all starve to death or hide feebly in a cave all the time.

>> No.21751107

>life is mainly about self assertion and struggle, not submission
Why do you assume these two are necessarily opposed? Anytime you dedicate yourself to a long term goal are you not submitting yourself to something beyond your immediate self?

>> No.21751112
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>> No.21751136

Ibn Al-Arabi
>Because He loves beauty, Allah invented the World with ultimate perfection, and since He is the All-Beautiful, He loved none but His own Essence. But He also liked to see Himself reflected outwardly, so He created (the entities of) the World according to the form of His own Beauty, and He looked at them, and He loved these confined forms. Hence, the Magnificent made the absolute beauty --routing in the whole World-- projected into confined beautiful patterns that may diverge in their relative degrees of brilliance and grace.
>The Meccan Revelations: IV.269.18

>> No.21751211

Yes this is so but you always begin with action, you are merely abstractly “submitting” yourself to a long term effort. If you started your day by submission you would never leave your house.

>> No.21751246
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You're not looking for life-affirmation or life-denial, you are looking for religious texts that show you the way to contentedness, beatitude, non-suffering, whatever you want to call it. Those are very different things. You can have very life-affirming texts that act as a cope to cover over your basic unsatisfactoriness with life, and you can have life-denying texts that lead you to a state of contentedness with the way things are. Fundamentally then what you need are instructions - there's no point reading about how different authors thought creation is extremely beautiful just so you feel nice for a bit. You need to learn how to conduct yourself by body, speech, and mind in a way that will lead to calm, and then to gain wisdom about the nature of feelings, gratification, happiness, suffering, and so on. Only then will you find what you look for. So that being said, read Al-Ghazali's Ihya or Life of the Buddha by Bhikkhu Nanamoli for approximations to what I have said from two different religions, depending on what you incline towards.