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/lit/ - Literature

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21747355 No.21747355 [Reply] [Original]

What are some good books of poetry? Preferably something modern or contemporary. I've read some Ashbery, Bukowski, Brautigan, not much else. Those guys are all dead though. Any good poets still alive?

>> No.21747366
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>modern or contemporary

>> No.21747398

The Cantos Of Ezra Pound if you really want to sink your teeth into something

>> No.21747412

Ashbery, John. Self-Portrait in a Convex Mirror (1976)

Ammons, A.R. Tape for the Turn of the Year (1965); Sphere: The Form of a Motion (1974); Garbage (1993)

Berryman, John. Homage to Mistress Bradstreet (1956); Dream Songs (1964-68)

Bly, Robert. The Teeth-Mother Naked at Last (1970)

Breckinridge, Jill. Civil Blood. Minneapolis: Milkweed Editions, 1986.

Brooks, Gwendolyn. A Street in Bronzeville

Brown, Rosellen. Cora Fry (1977)

Carruth, Hayden.

Chappell, Fred. Midquest (1981); River

Clifton, Lucille. The Terrible Stories (1995?)

Dickey, James. The Zodiac (1976)

Di Prima, Diane. Loba (1978)

Dorn, Edward. Slinger (1975)

Dove, Rita. Thomas and Beulah; Mother Love (1995)

Duncan, Robert. Passages (1968- )

Doubiago, Sharon. Hard Country (1982); South America Mi Hija (1990?)

Forché, Carolyn. Angel of History (1990?)

Finkel, Donald. Endurance (1978) and others

Galvin, Brendan. Wampanoag Traveller; Saints in Their Oxhide Boat (1993)

Ginsberg, Allen. Howl (1956); Kaddish (1961); Fall of America (1972)

Goldbarth, Albert.

Gluck, Louise.

Grahn, Judy. Queen of Wands (1982); Queen of Swords (1987)

Hejinian, Lyn. My Life. Los Angeles: Sun and Moon, 1987.

Hoffman, Daniel.

Hudgins, Andrew. After the Lost War.

Jeffers, Robinson. The Women at Point Sur (1927); The Double Axe (1948)

Kinnell, Galway.

Koch, Kenneth. Impressions of Africa (1986)

Lowell, Robert. Notebook (1969, 1970); History (1973)

McMichael, James. Four Good Things (1980)

Merrill, James. The Changing Light at Sandover (1982); Divine Comedies

Morgan, Robin. Lady of the Beasts

Olson, Charles. The Maximus Poems (1960-75)

Pinsky, Robert. An Explanation of America (1979)

Rich, Adrienne. Sources (1983); Atlas of the Difficult World (1992); Dark Fields of the Republic (1994)

Roethke, Theodore. North American Sequence (1964)

Schuyler, James. Hymn to Life (1976)

Seth, Vikram. The Golden Gate (1986)

Silko, Leslie Marmon. Storyteller

Swander, Mary. Driving the Body Back (1986)

Trask, Haunani Kay. Light in the Crevice Never Seen (1993?)

Turner, Frederick. The New World (1985)

Wakoski, Diane. Greed Parts 1-13; Jason; Medea

Warren, Robert Penn. Audubon; Chief Joseph of the Nez Perce; Brother to Dragons (1953)

Whitman, Ruth. Tamsen Donner: A Woman�s Journey (1977)

Zukofsky, Louis. A (1928-76)

>> No.21747436

I don't know

>> No.21747551

does anyone know where this place is

>> No.21747781

did a cheeky reverse imagine search since i was curious too


>> No.21747785

Rupi Kaur

>> No.21749314

is this an effortpost, or is it a copypasta?

>> No.21749509

it's a cringepost because there's an excessive amount of talentless women

>> No.21749521

I do not even think you know what pasta means, frankly, mr. shankly

>> No.21749532

sorry your taste has been sucked out by feminist moralniggers, anon

>> No.21749536


>> No.21749538


>> No.21749539

Michael Bok and Ben Lerner

>> No.21749542

>ben lerner

>> No.21749546


>> No.21749554


>> No.21749571
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the white troops had their orders but the Negroes looked like men

They had supposed their formula was fixed.
They had obeyed instructions to devise
A type of cold, a type of hooded gaze.
But when the Negroes came they were perplexed.
These Negroes looked like men. Besides, it taxed
Time and the temper to remember those
Congenital iniquities that cause
Disfavor of the darkness. Such as boxed
Their feelings properly, complete to tags—
A box for dark men and a box for Other—
Would often find the contents had been scrambled.
Or even switched. Who really gave two figs?
Neither the earth nor heaven ever trembled.
And there was nothing startling in the weather.