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File: 70 KB, 400x670, To Kill A Mockingbird.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
21743105 No.21743105 [Reply] [Original]

Tom Robinson was guilty, wasn’t he? Is that meant to be the subtext of the novel?

>> No.21743122

The blackamoor? I thought he was meant to br le innocent.

>> No.21743128

He’s found innocent by the court, but is his actual character intended to be an innocent person? I think he did it

>> No.21743130

Probly. Blacks are pretty rapey.
And they love white cunny

>> No.21743136

That’s what I’m thinking

>> No.21743141

In the sequel Atticus was pretty racist. What are the chances he found out eventually that Tom did it? I'd say, pretty high.

>> No.21743144

Tough call
Do you believe a black guy who says he’s isn’t a criminal?
Or do you believe a woman without physical injuries who claims she was raped?

>> No.21743148
File: 80 KB, 866x575, prejudice-to-Southerners.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The subtext is that upper class whites like Atticus Finch throw lower class whites under the bus when they are sexually assaulted by an inconvenient person
That's not what was intended but its what I got in light of the British Pakistani rape gangs breaking the headline at the time that I read it

>> No.21743157

Execute them both to be safe

>> No.21743172


>> No.21743186

The latter. You can be raped without physical injury occurring. You cannot be black and not a criminal.

>> No.21743188

That’s a good point. You look at things like Rotherham England in 2013, you see the effect of Atticus Finch’s on society

>> No.21743209

No injuries sounds like consent to me.

>> No.21743217

Not necessarily. Weak people can be overpowered by men without injuries.

>> No.21743254

Yeah, that really changed my perspective on things. I know it was not intended, and honestly To Kill a Mockingbird is still a worthwhile novel, but the message that it tried to get across is muddled to me
She tried to make it seem like the "White trash" father was badly abusive and raping his daughter but if he knew the nigger was innocent why did he continue causing trouble for the nigger's family when he was threatened with jail time? That sounds like a real grudge caused by a real injury.
I also began to look at historical cases of minorities released for raping lower class whites because it was assumed by upper class whites that the accusation was based in bigotry. A lot of the time the poor innocent victim of racism reoffended. Whether black, Jewish or Pakistani there was a consistent theme of reoffending after being released. My guess is that the real issue was classicism and that it was inconvenient for upper class Whites of the past to confess that the immigrants they let in were not doctors and rocket scientists

>> No.21743289


>> No.21743308

no he was innocent. him and the white girl were fucking consensually. her father found out and is a total racist so he forced her to say all this shit about being raped because he couldn't bare the thought that anyone but him was getting with his daughter, especially a black man.

>> No.21743311

Then he deserved to be killed for cheating on his nerdy black wife; though I think Tom claims he didn't go through with the sex

>> No.21743330

yeah true but the sequel isn't really canon. it was based on the original draft for TKAM but harper lee never published it because obviously it was shit. it only got published posthumously as a cash grab. i think its near unanimously agreed that it is a huge step down in quality from the first. i would even go so far to say that if it had not been a harper lee work, and lee was still alive she wouldn't have been able to get it published if she tried.

>> No.21743341

ok i haven't read the book in years so i just went and double checked what actually happened and supposedly it was the daughter that tried to kiss tom at which point he ran away. my bad guys

>> No.21743361

>What are the chances he found out eventually that Tom did it?
That would actually be interesting. A liberal White guy who spends his life defending blacks from the evil White poor realizes that the poor were the real victims
They so often are, the upper class elite Whites don't want to admit that their poor experiences the brunt of their liberal politics, that they are negatively effected by diversity quotas or immigrant groups

>> No.21743373

affected* white*

>> No.21743385
File: 293 KB, 1000x1334, Russian-artist-Angelic-messanger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I capitalize White because it deserves my reverence

>> No.21743387

>ctrl f the word 'nigger'
>50 uses

>> No.21743403

Why did the ancient Jews believe that angels look like White people in human form?

>> No.21743404

To White A Mockingbird?

>> No.21743407

Posthumously? I thought she was still alive

>> No.21743413

Pajeet detected

>> No.21743419

Russians, not Jews.

>> No.21743433
File: 630 KB, 1600x1363, Angels-John-Duncan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Read the book of Enoch and the Talmud. The Jews who met proto-Russians for the first time thought that they were of semi-angelic origin. The Russians and thankfully other Whiteys went with it and we got awesome art

>> No.21743435

Very well put. Emmett Till is a good example of this. A story went viral recently of how supposedly his accuser said he was innocent and she lied, and then quietly it turned out she never said that. Big example of “scream the lie, whisper the truth.”
Anyway, I started looking more into Emmett Till because of that. Did you know, according to all witness testimony, black people helped with his lynching? Did you also know that his father had been executed for raping a woman as well? Nobody ever tells those parts of the story

>> No.21743456

Euro Angeles are an invention of the Renaissance.

>> No.21743464

>Did you know, according to all witness testimony, black people helped with his lynching?
This happened surprisingly often in small communities. I've heard stories of incidents when Black women who were being abused by men came to the KKK of all people willingly and demanded they punish the guy. And the KKK were happy to comply, though typically the Black guys got killed and the White ones got flogged.
It was a wild vigilante justice of a poor rough people

>> No.21743468

>Euro Angeles are an invention of the Renaissance.
Cope, Jews invented it and then they tried to back out when WWII happened and the pretty White boys did not seem angels anymore

>> No.21743469

black* white*

>> No.21743480
File: 595 KB, 750x1028, B2E68DE1-D7DA-4099-BD69-3CCDFE919332.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That’s just explicitly untrue, there’s pre-renaissance angel art

>> No.21743488

Not that anon but I capitalize White but not black. This is something I explicitly do. I’m telling you this because I have been posting in this thread and will post more in the future. If you see a post like that, it’s not a mistake, it’s my intent

>> No.21743490

Not explicitly Euro.

>> No.21743493

I will continue to correct both words because neither should be capitalized. I hope you understand. Nothing personal.

>> No.21743502

>and his (Noah’s) body was white like snow and red like a flower of a rose and the hair of his head [was] white like wool… and his eyes [were] beautiful; and when he opened his eyes, he made the whole house bright like the sun so that the whole house was exceptionally bright. 106:3 And when he was taken from the hand of the midwife, he opened his mouth and spoke to the Lord of Righteousness. 106:4 And his father Lamech was afraid of him and fled and went to his father Methuselah. 106:5 And he said to him: “I have begotten a strange son; he is not like a man but is like the children of angels of heaven, of a very different type, and not like us…

>> No.21743508

White should be capitalized. It is the Jewish religion

>> No.21743519

White people are better than black people

>> No.21743521

Not sure what you mean. Colors are not capitalized.

>> No.21743526


>> No.21743532

Jews are Caucasian, yes. That’s different from explicitly Euro.

>> No.21743534


>> No.21743546

Noah is blond-haired as opposed to Jewish, and the Semites think its a sign of divine parentage

>> No.21743628

Pajeets don't like White people tho

>> No.21743642

They do, actually.

>> No.21743660

No they don’t

>> No.21743668

Do they? There was a fat pajeeta that released a kids cartoon all about cute white boys getting hurt like in Loonie Toons recently and all I hear from them is bitching about colonialism.
Groping you on a train does not count as "liking"

>> No.21743669

He was white haired, not blond. Possibly albino.

>> No.21743672
File: 58 KB, 564x846, elvish-boi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Noah was a qt

>> No.21743675

That’s an American woman, not a true pajeeta.
Yes, they do. Look at all the videos of European women in India.

>> No.21743706

To quote the other anon, groping you on a train does not count as "liking"

>> No.21743745

thought he was guilty and could not finish the book when i heard he gets off

>> No.21743768

It’s about an obsession. The other guy mentioned reverence.

>> No.21744874
File: 88 KB, 565x800, earendil.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am that anon. Reverence does not equal obsession. I just like Europeans' blue eyes and their cultural achievements, I don't fucking want to rape them like a Pakistani in Britain

>> No.21746163

>No injuries sounds like consent to me.
are you that guy who rapes his wife 3-4 times a week? consentually, of course

>> No.21746172


But if I’m on the jury the husbands going to walk and the wife is going to be liable for court costs.
Marriage = consent
At all times

>> No.21746191

White women do not have the mental intelligence to consent

>> No.21746405

You’re a spiritual pajeet.

>> No.21747384

Can I have spiritual enlightenment and the ability to stretch my balls?

>> No.21747419

That was actually pretty bad, they showed gore unlike the Loonie Toons and the brown characters gloating over their corpses
I wonder how it got greenlit

>> No.21747819

>to kill a mockingbird
>no information about mockingbird's daily habits and how to hunt them
Dissapointing book

>> No.21747951
File: 636 KB, 1300x1102, ANGLO.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Non Angli Sed Angeli

>> No.21748202

>In the sequel
I'm pretty sure it wasn't even a sequel but an earlier version of TKAMB that was editted and released as a cash grab by Harper's estate due to her being mentally feeble and unable to protest.

>> No.21748218

P.S. It's likely Truman Capote was heavily involved in editing (even writing) TKAMB and that's why Harper Lee was unable to write anything else. She was his faghag and he tossed her a bone.

>> No.21748231

>this racist must be justified because i am racist and i need to be justified


>> No.21748240

incredibly brave

>> No.21748362

I know right!
This. So much this.

>> No.21748383

I got the impression the rape was consensual, so the black guy was “innocent.” Fuck I haven’t this since high school.

>> No.21748453

Based Pope knew what he was talking about

>> No.21748612

Didn't he get shot while running away when he was still in police custody?

That's what I seem to remember. If he was innocent and was so convinced the justice system would be do him dirty, then he should've done suicide by cop that much earlier.

>> No.21749794

Bo Ridley is the only truly good character; based Gothic man in the attic