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[ERROR] No.2174060 [Reply] [Original]

>not writing poetry in rhymed couplets

i seriously hope you guys don't do this

>> No.2174062

I really do wish poetry went back to rhyming and other rhythmic devices. Trying to read anything free verse is a huge no-go/literary bonerkill for me.

>> No.2174065

It depends how well it's done. Or maybe it's just something you dislike too much.

I don't mind free verse, but I can't stand postmodernism.

>> No.2174067

>writing in anything but iambic pentameter

>> No.2174069


Maybe I can, I just haven't come across anything yet that sounds good.

>> No.2174075

Couplets are fucking annoying.

>> No.2174411

agreed. im glad we've moved on. im so, so very glad. but it is an absolute treat when you come across a poem that isn't some free-verse tripe and where the author has considered the phonetic and strucural layer achieve with rhyme without falling pray to what i beleive is the absolute restriction of those fucking rhyming couplets. fucking ryhming couplets.

>> No.2174421

>rhymed couplets
shit just sounds silly and antiquated and try-hard retro

>implying freeverse doesn't employ rhythm

>> No.2174430

rhythm in poetry doesn't have to be A-B-A-B shit

it's actually nice to read something that doesn't seem like it was written a million years ago

>> No.2174462

>rhyming couplets
>picture referencing sonnets
...you know there's only one rhyming couplet in an Elizabethan sonnet, right?

>> No.2174480

i like reading poetry and hitting the occasional couplet. they can be useful as aural markers of important points or the ends of verses. but a poem written in perfect ABAB, with perfect line-by-line metrical symmetry, sounds like a grade-school love letter.

>> No.2174497


came here to say this. Learn2poetry please and thank you

>> No.2174507

you realize this guy >>2174462 is correct, right?

a rhyming couplet would be

as is

The GG is the rhyming couplet.

>> No.2174515

thats the middle 8 or pre-chorus.

>> No.2174521

If you actually go to the trouble to write a sonnet or something with a rhythm instead of just rhyme, that's one thing, but the reason rhyming poetry fell out of fashion was because of bad poets.

A bad poet can still write something horrible, but you've seen those horrible chicken soup for the teenage soul type poems where someone is forcing a rhyme because they insist on using an overly simplistic rhyme structure.

We get enough of people trying to force horrible rhymes in bad pop music.

>> No.2174574

>entire poem in rhyming couplets and not using the full glorious array of poetic devices
>seriously fuckin hope you guys don't do this