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21736695 No.21736695 [Reply] [Original]

Monster Hunter Edition

Previous Thread:>>21727748

>Recommended reading charts (Look here before asking for vague recs)



>> No.21736774

Are the Witcher books worth reading? The answer may shock you

>> No.21736814

Might I suggest The Wandering Inn?

>> No.21736820


>> No.21736824

Are you fags actual shills or do you just shill the book because other people shill it in /sffg/?

Did you read it because you wanted to read it or did you only read it because /sffg/ told you you should? Have you actually read it or do you just say you have to fit in on /sffg/?

>> No.21736827

I don't think they are. They are mediocre at best and work only as short stories. When he gets into the whole Ciri plot it becomes incredibly dull.

>> No.21736829

I don't understand the hostility.

TWI becomes amazing around chapter 400.

>> No.21736840
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>One, Ciri needs to be a Witcher, a sorceress, and have access to dimension hopping powers. Two, whenever Ciri's not onscreen, all the other characters should be asking "Where's Ciri?"

>> No.21736842
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/SFFG/ Recommendations:

Read The Wandering Inn, Read Mother of Learning, Read I Shall Seal the Heavens.

Also read The Prince of Nothing, Neuromancer, Cradle, A Song of Ice and Fire, Hyperion, Between Two Fires, The Poppy War.

>> No.21736844
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>> No.21736859
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Finally some good fucking fantasy

>> No.21736861

I stopped reading when he spent like 40 pages on her sexual awakening as a 13 year old girl.
If I wanted pedo shit I would have read Nabokov.

>> No.21736874
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>Monster Hunter Edition
recommending the first four books of Runelords, I loved these books when I was younger

>> No.21736882
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Just finished Volume 3 of Lord of The Mysteries, 10/10, loved it, Cuttlefish references to dark souls and bloodborne = very good

'm trying to read as fast as possible so I can keep up with this but I've started volume 4 now and it seems so far away

>> No.21736934

My scalp is tingling, I can feel the lampoons internalizing already.

>> No.21736940
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It's basically a crossover of Cthulhu, SCP, Lovecraft, STALKER, and whatever cutsey anime Audrey is conjured out of

>> No.21736943

Replace Cthulhu or Lovecraft with Bloodborne

>> No.21736955

>/sffg/'s are slow threads on a slow board, they can easily last a week or more

>> No.21736966
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LOTM's weirdest character to me is Fors. She's a doctor, a fiction writer, an occultist. She has no qualms with deceiving someone she thinks of as her teacher, and still thinks of him as such even after eclipsing him in power. She casually kills a friend of her friend Xio and only cares about looting the body. She's also, despite becoming very rich, still rooming with Xio and later her family as they move in. Her only motivation in life is she wants to eat food and travel.

>> No.21736989

>She casually kills a friend of her friend Xio and only cares about looting the body.
who? they killed xio's friend? i don't remember.

>> No.21736995

The Poppy war was shit

>> No.21736996
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>Are the Witcher books worth reading?
If you like funny dialogues, le heckin slavic tales and mytherynos, atheism and good lively prose - yes
The story is meh.
Worldbuilding? The books are filled with all kinds of humanoid and non-humanoid creatures, nations, states and gods, yet the world has no character of its own. It just feels like a dump of everything fantasy related.
>b-but that's the point! witcher world is supposed to feel like a dump of everything because...
don't give a shit, kill yourself

>> No.21737000

how so? i was thinking of picking it up.
does it have a mary sue MC?

>> No.21737003


>> No.21737009
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>> No.21737012

TWI doesn't have a chapter 400.

>> No.21737065

eh, sounds like it could still work for me.

>> No.21737084

fuck off

>> No.21737105

> She casually kills a friend of her friend Xio
Huh? I don't remember anything like that. Only thing I can think of is one of Xio's underworld contacts dying but they were not a close friend.

>> No.21737126

What's your favorite fantasy game?

>> No.21737135

Neverwinter Nights

>> No.21737157
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whoever recommended me against reading this was right
the plot is bad, the characters are awful, character development is retarded, dialogue consists of characters trying to one up each other with every other word italicized, women larping as soldiers, women larping as "super soldiers, prose is bad

>> No.21737191

Oh no, is TWI the One Piece of books?

>> No.21737192

Finished The Lost Metal and by God that was a mediocre wankfest. Lardo should have kept the installment to three books, kept the uncle as the Big bad and fucked of with the explicit "muh cosmere/investiture" bullshit.

I think his other books usually are a solid 7 on a pure " fun reading" scale, but of this is the new standard of Sanderson i am done.

>> No.21737199

It feels like it tried to be a standalone book. Took too much time to get Era 2 completed in the real world.
big rip to the best character

>> No.21737207

I personally really enjoy The Witcher (It's probably one of my favorite fantasy series), but I have no idea why.
It's not because of the games, since I actively disliked The Witcher 3, and it's certainly not because of the series. I just think the books are neat

>> No.21737232

Not to accidentally shit on your rec, but if you're a magic system guy this one is pretty good. Farland (Wolverton) was Sando's mentor (literally).

>> No.21737237

Not yet, but it is projected to become amazing at that point.

>> No.21737258

TWI has much more than 400 chapters. Chapter 400 is somewhere around 7.11, if we count all sidestories and whatnot.

>> No.21737301

100% marry sue as written by some westernized Asian woman that holds all the stereotypes she hears from western ideals about Asians. From everything such as Asian fathers are unloving to their daughters to being completely restrained in a Asian household. None of which is true and it comes off as a self hating Chinese woman that tries so hard to love her own skin but can't. She wants big white cock.

>> No.21737315

True, although i am tempered by gurmy and rothfuss, so i gave no shits it took a while. It also felt like a massive pandering to reddit/college students, and big tits were totally absent.

>RIP best character

What do you mean? Wax is still alive.

>> No.21737318

>Monster Hunter Edition
Monster Hunter series by Larry Correia is somehow at the same time pretty bad, but fun and I've read like 8 novels in the series. Good background audiobook for painting miniatures.

>> No.21737323

>with the explicit "muh cosmere/investiture" bullshit.
And this shit is only going to get worse.
RoW was already pretty bad, I can't even imagine how bad it'll be in the latter half of SL.

>> No.21737332

>four books to realize that he can have a family, a heritage/inheritance, AND be a rootin' tootin' gunman all at the same time
Wax is one of several cardboard cutout characters within the cosmere.
Stormlight is the most Cosmere-important series. We've known this for years and we've known that the vast majority of Sando's shit is within the Cosmere that will naturally become more plot relevant as it proceeds. The last series of the Cosmere is going to be the space-era Scadrial trilogy even so Scadrial and Roshar are the biggest happenings planned.

>> No.21737343
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Any good book with academy setting that... stays at the academy? Preferable with harem
Harry potter stopped being about academy in the 3rd book or so and many other books do the same

>> No.21737361

See bottom reply

I totally agree that SL is the main Cosmere series and is totally fine with it being explicitly so. Although the flying hangar ship and stuff is really out there i feel that the whole story (with Taravangian becoming a god one of the biggest "oh shieet"s in my life) is so much better than what sorry excuse of an action flick Lost metal was.

>> No.21737397

Anyone have a recommendation of what to read after reading all of Abercrombies books? Profanity aside i really enjoy the simple violence and invest.

>> No.21737649

David Gemmell

>> No.21737754

I stopped reading at "I'm not a fool"

Why does this hack get recommended here so often?

>> No.21737756

There's an actual "shill" that's got a few posters to read it and two trolls that pretend to be the shill every now and then

>> No.21737884

That's xianxia, not litRPG.

>> No.21737957

I read it back when It was on volume 2 and it's nice to read a big chapter twice per week since then.

I can't relate to somebody reading it in one go. But I've enjoyed it a lot and it's on my top reads of all time (I tend to enjoy good world-building more than other aspects of a fantasy story).

I see the hate it gets as just reactionary chan culture.

>> No.21737975

>I see the hate it gets as just reactionary chan culture.
I read Volume one when it was first officially published, it had the groundwork to be a great story, but the author's shit characters and forcing in SJ propaganda for cookie points killed the book in the water.

>> No.21737996

You know in nature, females are usually stronger and larger than men? I don't understand what it is with you autist virgins when you cry about women soldiers in a fucking MAGICAL FANTASY WORLD.

Also fuck adare

>> No.21738010

>reactionary chan culture
There hasn't been any 'chan' culture in at least a decade thanks to overwhelming newfaggotry.

>> No.21738014

As I said , I like the worldbuilding , the characters are just PoV colors on it. As for SJ elements , eh , I don't mind then cause there is nothing preachy about it , unlike other works.

>> No.21738015

>She wants big white cock.
Stopped reading here. Was a good post until you went full /pol/

>> No.21738020

Gemmell is based. His books are good and fun. If you want literary genius you’re in the wrong general. If you want a heroic fantasy novel that reads like an 80s-90s action movie, read David Gemmell.

>> No.21738029

>reactionary chan culture
go back

>> No.21738043

>Stopped reading here.
Because that's where the post ended?

>> No.21738045

>I see the hate it gets as just reactionary chan culture.
They can't stand female authors.

>> No.21738053

Imagine being filtered by based Gemmell.

>> No.21738055


>> No.21738057

So basically, you like the book because of the environs it displays?
Characters can be shit (which they are, especially that bitchass innkeeper), and the story can have holes like soggy rat bitten wheel of cheese. Once the world keeps expanding, and more interesting things are shown, you will be content?
You have no authority to call people shitting on it "reactionary chan culture", when you just openly acknowledged that you don't really read the book. You are just looking for shiny places and buildings.

>> No.21738192
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Why are zoomers so obsessed with "le epic lore" and "worldbuilding"?

>> No.21738222

The haters.

>> No.21738226
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>> No.21738241
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I love female authors
I hate webnovels, litrpg and chinklit

>> No.21738250

I saw some Malazan posting in the previous thread and wrote this on a whim. It happens at random.

Gardens of the Moon, Malazan #1
One Star 5
Two Stars 12
Three Stars 13
Four Stars 25
Five Stars 16

One+Two: 17 (24%)
Three: 13 (18%)
Four+Five: 41 (58%)

71 ratings
3.49 average

108,632 ratings
3.91 average

What a spread. Maybe I'll eventually get around to trying the series again. If I do, it certainly won't be this year. When I tried to read it the first time I didn't get very far because it didn't seem like it would be a worthwhile ratio of time and effort to enjoyment for me. If a book doesn't want me to like it, then I usually don't go out of my way to do so.

Is there a minimum amount of expected enjoyment required for you to read any given book, or do you try to go in blind as possible and let random chance be your guide? I assume for most people it's a mixture of the two. If we assume that 3 stars means it's ok, there's theoretically a 58% chance that you'll think it's good or better. 76% that you'd think it might've been worth reading. Is that enough? What about the 24% chance that you'd regret it, wasted your time, or simply hated it? Is that too much? Of course those percents only are of those who rated it. It may be that many more immediately bounced off the book and provided no info about that, so the chances could be considerably worse.

Maybe only reading what's been most popularly approved simply has the best expected value and thus is the most reasonable way to proceed. I don't see anything wrong with only reading what you think you'll most enjoy either. It's only a problem if you feel that it is.

The same goes for anything else. Whether it's replying, discussion, reviewing, effortposting, or reading posts. The rewards are minimal to nonexistent and the time and effort may be considerable relative to what is available. As Piers Anthony wrote to Harlan Ellison in Again, Dangerous Visions: One does hesitate to open his vein too far if he suspects his blood is draining not into a patient clinging to life but a rank sewer.

>> No.21738272


>> No.21738285

Oral sex is nice though

>> No.21738295

I see what you did there.

>> No.21738302

The first couple of lines in the book kind of explains why I think Poppy War is shit.
>"Take your clothes off."
>Rin blinked. "What?"
>The proctor glanced up from his booklet. "Cheating prevention protocol."

It's very shock-value-y, placing it far and above anything interesting about the characters. It's like the author cares more about trying to be clever, and it's so obvious she's trying to be clever, that it's pretentious. The worldbuilding is literally 1:1 real-life 20th century Asia, with stand-ins for literally Chiang Kai-Shek, Mao Zedong, Japan, and WW2 (war crimes included).

It also doesn't know what it wants to be. It started off as a school life at a military academy (ok. sounds interesting. not many actual military academies). But then it gets bored of it and immediately timeskips to not!Japan's invasion of not!China. Like, what? On top of that, it's the usual snarky YA female protagonists with love triangles and shit.

I still remember Stormdancer getting released and that was a highly amped up YA asian fantasy. Fucker had an island named Shima Island. Shima means Island in Japan. It's literally fucking Island Island. So that's the shit Poppy War competes with and because Asian YA fantasy novels, much less good ones, are so rare, Poppy War gets elevated to being the top recommended if that's your flavor.

>> No.21738389
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Oi, fucker, we're constantly recommending Reverend Insanity as well.

>> No.21738533
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I agree but I also hate ritualposters

>> No.21738577

Coomer trash

>> No.21738600
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Nah, THIS is coomerlit

>> No.21738629

No you are. Everyone else is just digging around trying to find something new.

>> No.21738632

>It's literally fucking Island Island.
don't look up the etymology of River Avon

>> No.21738635


>> No.21738644

>Why are zoomers so obsessed with "le epic lore" and "worldbuilding"?
What's left for fantasy then?
Some fucking faggot simp trying to court some arrogant jade beauty?

>> No.21738654

>step mom

>> No.21738676
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Is this author dead? He hasn't published shit in years, he just disappeared from the internet. His website is gone too.

>> No.21738692

Is this website some scammers stealing other authors works and posting it there like they had permission?

>> No.21738698
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What are some books about femboys? Ideally heterosexual but I'll take what I can get

>> No.21738729
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What books have the best evil/barbaric races?
Sort of like Tolkien's orcs or savage humans like the picts from Conan stories.

>> No.21738733

I see the Sufficiently Advanced faggotry author is trying to get paypiggies to fund his shit book getting a hardcover version. Why would you pay to have a shit book made to look like it's impressive? When it's shit?

>> No.21738742

Yeah. One river whose name arose from mistranslations between romans and britons. But as a native yoy dont name your home island... island.

>> No.21738759
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Osteanus is a kingdom ruled by a Heralder King, with each part of it ruled by an Underqueen, a hereditary title of female rulers that serve both as consorts and rulers under the King, although its political situation is more complex than that. In this kingdom, Prince Makoa is a prince, adopted son of Underqueen Avina, whose own son and husband had died when she was young. So far his live was realitively stressful and without worries, but dark clouds hang over his home. Attacks by mysterious monsters and political instability due to the King's incoming demise will push the young prince into a path he never considered before...to stake his claim to the Throne. With support of his mother, comely Underqueen Anevia, her bonded Soul-Mate Petra and Ruby, his childhood friend and servant.

>> No.21738762


>> No.21738771

Never read it but heard second hand that The Grey Bastards it pretty good and in this vein.

>> No.21738802

Anya Merchant's writing is so awful I have to assume these are shill posts. Like 80s adult bookstore level mechanical prose.

>> No.21738805

Sounds interesting I think
I've been looking for (relatively) decent coomerlit for months now and everything I've come across has been absolute trash
Hope this ends up being good

>> No.21738820
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Stealing translated novels from pay-per-chapter sites is a time-honoured tradition and should be respected.
But I'll admit this one's odd.

>> No.21738938

Perpetually angry and entitled YA mary sue protag. The story itself was fine at best, but the main character/only pov started off unlikable and then got more and more power and responsibility as the series goes on despite a series of rash and bad decisions

>> No.21738941

That guy just changed his threadly spam to "SFFG recommends" even though he's the only guy recommending it. Went from being a shit to a double shit.

>> No.21739067
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I wonder how anon feels knowing he rented an apartment in the minds of so many idiots

>> No.21739079

Give five thousand (5000) reasons not to recommend RI.

>> No.21739095

#1. it's gay
#2. it's shit
#3. it's dumb
#4,999. because I said so
#5,000. so there

>> No.21739103

Maybe like a gigantic douche?

>> No.21739119

Jackie Chan

>> No.21739311
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>His questing hands quested amongst her slithery toves.

>> No.21739325
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>> No.21739362


>> No.21739369

>If a book doesn't want me to like it...
That's how you know an author is writing literature and not just genre.

>> No.21739390
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>Abominados de los Malazanos

>> No.21739391

Pretty confident now in my opinion that literally no cyberpunk story is good.

>> No.21739412
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bro neuromancer bro?

>> No.21739419

Neuromancer was fun and creative, but it wasn't a good book.

>> No.21739423
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Any good sci fi horror I can use audible credits on? Thanks

>> No.21739434
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Women soldiers in medieval adjacent fantasy worlds are a ridiculous concept. Like an army of teenage boys being taken seriously. For that not to be the case women would need to be made less womanish - which is usually never said anywhere in these stories. Most authors don't lower dimorphism between the genders, instead they just plug their ears and hope readers do the same.

A red sonja character is a fine trope, but inbuilt in that is her being exceptional as much as her male counterpart conan is for men.

>> No.21739445


Other than that...uh...

>> No.21739460

It doesn't have to be 10/10 high brow literature genre ascension, I just get a lot out of spooky sci fi I find
I liked the Revelation Space prequel with the horror elements hehe

>> No.21739465

Metro 2033

>> No.21739468
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I'm gonna read Beowulf.
What am I in for lads?

>> No.21739476

Read Battle of Maldon poem first. Its pretty short and explains a lot of Germanic style heroics. Beowulf is similar in a lot of ways, just writ large and mythologised more.

>> No.21739477
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>Like an army of teenage boys being taken seriously.
You know it's bad enough you started from a point of historical ignorance, but this is really laughable - the youth of military figures during the Middle Ages is their most uniform and striking attribute. Boys would train for knighthood (or its equivalent in pre-chivalric societies) as early as 7, and would be expected to acquit themselves in warfare when they were 14 or 15. And this is ignoring the very common presence of females in warfare during the European middle ages - arguably, women were combatants at a higher rate in Europe during the thousand years between the Fall of Rome and the discovery of the Americas than any other point or place in history before or since. There is an endless litany of female shield-maidens, female knights, female crusaders, female jousters, female mercenaries, female archers, female handgonniers within the corpus of respectable medieval European literature, and I am not speaking merely of cheerleaders like Joan of Arc, that it defies reason to be against the concept.
Of course that's a different discussion from whether women SHOULD fight, or whether women can fight on an equal level as men, but that they DID fight is historically incontrovertible, and ipso facto realistic.

>> No.21739510

Read that as a teen, I might revisit it now for a fun time. Thanks Anon

>> No.21739524

Very retarded point. Young nobles got away with fighting on battlefields where they had superior equipment and training to a lot of opposing forces. Even then, squires and such fought because they would grow into adults and become full blooded knights. It was something done under sufferance because boys had to gain experience to be useful as men. A women in that position would be eternally squire-strength in most cases. A waste of time equipping with the finest arms and training over a man - who would make better use of both.

There being a lot of women who fought isn't the same thing as women in armies. Especially not in appreciable numbers. If you're equipping and deploying a set number of soldiers to defend your country, you'd want them to be men. Thats why all medieval militaries were 99.999% male. Because if they weren't, they'd get raped by those that were.

When women fought in serious armies it was a historically noteworthy exception. Usually rich noblewoman larping. Women defending towns being plundered (alongwith the elderly and everyone else) doesn't mean this isn't the case. Desperate milita =/= army a country would want to field.

Because the authors I'm talking about don't describe women in their limited and exceptional battlefield roles they sometimes have. Its woman infantry, woman captains, women all over the place in otherwise professional, well equipped militaries. That is nonsensical.

>> No.21739556
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>Beowulf dabbing on monsters, has sex with any woman he wants
>Grendel a ugly lonely mama's boy, gets dabbed on by BeoChad

>> No.21739563

>Its woman infantry, woman captains, women all over the place in otherwise professional, well equipped militaries. That is nonsensical.
that may be true but you're still a buttfuck retarded actual incel who doesn't know the first fucking thing about history
do not base your worldview around terminally online jew life coaches like Mike Cernovich
The sere and brazen fact about medieval militaries is that they very often WERE armies of teenagers, especially earlier on in the pre-Norman era. Richard Coeur de Lion's most significant military adventures occurred when he was 16 years old. Peasants were subject to levy at 12 years old, and they could be executed by hanging for capital offenses at 7. That's just how the medieval world worked. The idea that children would not or should not be exposed to military careers is a very recent phenomenon.
And women were infinitely more involved back then than they are even now. The average female "soldier" of the present is a little more than a camp follower, and will never EVER be expected to fire her sidearm in anger, or indeed operate any combat vehicle in a hostile situation. In the middle ages, a woman's involvement in military affairs were restricted by only two things: her husband (if she has one), and her ability to acquire arms (i.e. wealth). Those were the only barriers to entry into an armed force prior to the 16th century, and the evidence of genuine mass female combatants is too prolific to ignore. The Byzantines themselves admit the reality of shield-maidens, claiming (perhaps hyperbolically) that 1/3 of the enemy dead in the Siege of Dorostolon of the year 971 were women, and this of an army of 30,000. These are not isolated incidents but the reality of a cruel and brutish world where survival is dear.

>> No.21739568

>gets tricked by satan into believing there's no god
>dies seething and goes to hell
many such cases

>> No.21739574

Big concept settings like that don't lend themselves to narratives that well, it's why they work better for games which want to explore the whole setting instead of telling a single story.
Funnily enough it would work well for a sprawling text like a webnovel but I dunno if any of them exist. Like that chinese guy who figured out that warhammer 40k was much more suited to a 10,000 chapter cultivation novel than a basic fantasy sect setting.

>> No.21739594

>Like that chinese guy who figured out that warhammer 40k was much more suited to a 10,000 chapter cultivation novel than a basic fantasy sect setting.
That's a damned good webnovel but FUCKING Qidan
>translate 80% of it
>fire the translator and MTL the rest

>> No.21739648

I'm not a teenager , I'm in my 40s. Character studies are for younglings.

Having said that , story and characters are servicable , I never said they are bad.

>> No.21739698

Being a woman in middle age was a real kind of hell eh

>> No.21739758

it depends
legally speaking, women had no rights as chattels of their spouse or fathers, however by extension, no law recognized independent female agency in crime and thus they could not be subjected to legal punitive action if they had living male relatives - a woman could (theoretically) murder someone and get away with it on the defense of "my husband/father/brother/son ordered me to do so", the fingered male then being subject to the penalty that the woman had incurred
there is also the issue of childbirth, a dangerous situation even in the present day, which is not something I would like to be subject to myself
but all of this has to be taken into consideration with other factors, mere written law does not translate into how societies actually work

>> No.21739765
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Camp followers and support roles were probably a thing where women were involved in warfare, but outside of a few instances like the Order of the Hatchet, which was clearly a move of despeation, there aren't really any female fighting forces in yuropean warfare. For some reason Japan had a number of them, though.

>> No.21739775

To be fair the author is white

>> No.21739780
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*blocks your path*
Say it with me. DAMN, he's good!

>> No.21739799

This but books about Tomboys

>> No.21739828

The Witches of Eilanaan, it's about two sisters, one is a tomboy, both are redheads.

>> No.21739837

They sacrificed their children to the gods and committed suicide by heavy cavalry. Not a great example.

>> No.21739847

What are the most interested cursed objects you've encountered in fantasy?

>> No.21739852

>that may be true but you're still a buttfuck retarded actual incel who doesn't know the first fucking thing about history
I'm aware the exceptions and special extenuating circumstances where women fought. The same can also be applied to children or cripples. Having them be treated seriously outside of those circumstances, no explanation given, is just moralistic moral posturing from modern authors.

Richard Coeur de Lion was a leader atop a warhorse. Young men and women who were part of the social elite, the ruling top % of society, could get away with that sort of thing by having overwhelmingly better equipment and being surrounded by professional elite troops. Similarly,y 12 year old levys weren't expected to fight, much like women, they only ever did so defensively if the army they were with was getting destroyed. For those fought, levys were 16+, or just those who had clearly gone through male puberty. Furthermore, women were restricted by more than their wealth and needing permission from male relatives. Sexism would have been far more apparent; most men would not want to fight alongside women.

You keep on talking about sieges. Everyone fought in sieges. Cripples and anemic greybeards fought in sieges. Camp followers fighting out of desperation is similarly irrelevant. The fact remains that in medieval armies there wasn't many female soldiers. Not even .1%. You maybe had a couple noblewomen, if that, taking broad stretches of history and ignoring the thousands of male soldiers to that offset and dwarf into total obscurity any female example.

Take any army from the hundred years war. Any. Statistically speaking, they all had zero women soldiers. I'd imagine thats the same for every army several hundred years before or after that period too.

>> No.21739864

0-02 from lotm
Single handedly can make the lives of thousands of people into a complete misery before killing them

>> No.21739867
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There's no such thing as a "female fighting force" in any historical record that I've ever heard of (excluding clearly fallacious nonsense from mythological epics like the Amazons in the poems of Homer) but women in warfare were such a common occurrence in the European middle ages it was taken as a matter of course. Of course I'd never estimate higher than a few percentage points at most, but seeing a few hundred women in an army of several tens of thousands is not exactly out of the question, and can hardly be considered exceptionally rare. The main issues are the actual functionality and the social position of the individual, i.e. what is the woman physically capable of, and who is the woman capable of influencing. Now those very important details are almost always left out in fantasy literature. A peasant woman is very unlikely to be able to afford arms and armor, to have trained with them, and to be able to convince a serjeant to permit her to accompany the host to the field, whereas the wife of a knight or count or duke very likely has some experience in archery and fencing, possibly even in tilting, as well as the funds to acquire any necessary materiel of war (and retainers), and probably her own fitted coat of mail. And of course a noblewoman has access to a better diet and is therefore fitter and larger than her peasant counterpart. On the other hand, the daughter of a merchant or smith or artisan might well be able to simply purchase crossbows and quarrels and powder and cannon and balls and handgonnes to outfit a bunch of untrained villeins to slaughter knights by the bushel with hardly any effort. Again, those are things to consider when thinking about putting women in military situations in medieval fantasy, but only the best authors are willing to do that kind of necessary research.

>> No.21739871

>I'd imagine
that pretty much sums up your post

>> No.21739877
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Dunno i just want to read about tall strong ladies

>> No.21739883

>but seeing a few hundred women in an army of several tens of thousands is not exactly out of the question
Post an example then. As actual soldiers mind, not cooks and clothes menders that were forced to fight in a defensive action.

You're coping lil bro. Basically taking every single example or exception over hundreds of years to try and obfuscate the fact that your average medieval battle would involve zero female soliders. They'd be waiting the army camp, hoping their side didn't lose. That or on city walls chucking stones.

>> No.21739909
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>whereas the wife of a knight or count or duke very likely has some experience in archery and fencing, possibly even in tilting, as well as the funds to acquire any necessary materiel of war (and retainers), and probably her own fitted coat of mail. And of course a noblewoman has access to a better diet and is therefore fitter and larger than her peasant counterpart.
Fanfic, post-hoc reasoning because you want a desired outcome. If this were the case, we'd see it borne out in European wars.

>> No.21740026


>> No.21740127

Same here bro

>> No.21740309
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Are you retarded?

>> No.21740332

I posted an example in the Siege of Dorostolon 971, but you didn't accept that for some inane and ignorant reason, so I don't see why providing examples like Agnes Hotot, Agnes of Dunbar, Joanna of Flanders, Aethelflaed of Mercia, Matilda of Tuscany, Eleanor of Aquitaine, Sikelgaita of Lombardy, Florine of Burgundy...et alia will satisfy your morbidly contrarian criteria.
in b4
>but they were nobles so it doesn't count!

>> No.21740355

Believe it or not, there are more than one RI enjoyer here.

>> No.21740372
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Any good stories that aren't necessarily grimdark but are more anti-fantasy in the sense that they undermine a lot of the classic good and evil tropes as childish and stupid. ASOIF and Watchmen come to mind

>> No.21740435
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The Broken Sword
The Elric Saga
The Black Company
Karl Edward Wagner's Kane series
The Gormenghast trilogy

>> No.21740440
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Why am I supposed to be interested in reading page after page the inner thoughts of minor characters introduced in later books while the syory stalls. I just want to enjoy my shlock with just main characters and progressing story.

Any recs?

>> No.21740466

Witcher books are very good, with some great moments. It is very dialogue centric-particularly after the first two books. Still it’s a classic and I would recommend.

>> No.21740514

Fuck Alistair Reynolds and fuck redemption arc imma read Harry Potter

>> No.21740519

The expanse is masterclass.
Fuck you.

>> No.21740520

That is literally grimdark.

>> No.21740532

Big-tittied tomboys who like to wrestle.

>> No.21740575

In the last thread I was serious about wheter that Stephen Fry book was fantasy or not since I was looking to discuss it or see if anyone else has read it, I don't know why it caused so much butthurt kek.

>> No.21740584

>family owns a construction company
>names them Mr and Mrs. Mason
Sasuga Rowling-san.

>> No.21740608

I love how Grendel is just offhandedly referred to as a descendant of Cain, as if it’s something the original storytellers bolted onto the original tale when they converted to Christianity.

>> No.21740715

>goblins are all bankers
>Rowling calls them jewblins
Based honestly.

>> No.21740759

you have no idea what coomer literature is zoomer trash

>> No.21740762

>an army of teenage boys being taken seriously.
Look up the Children's Crusade for a good laugh.

>> No.21740766

It's for kids anon. The target audience for Rowling is 10-18 year old. Are you in that age range? Or are you 35 and eternally butthurt?

>> No.21740785

No, I'm 24 and rereading these after well over a decade. I found it funny how on the nose that family was named, idk where you're getting butthurt vibes from that.

>> No.21740797

Maybe it's been a family owned business for centuries. Where did you think family names come from?

>> No.21740871
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>> No.21740901

Bloody Nine

>> No.21740903

Black Dow

>> No.21740906

Tul Duru Thunderhead

>> No.21740911

Rudd Threetrees

>> No.21740915

Harding Grim

>> No.21740916

Grim Derp

>> No.21740917


>> No.21740918

Forley the Weakest

>> No.21740927

Bayaz, First of the Magi, literally did nothing wrong.

>> No.21741004

do you understand the difference between "army of teenage boys" vs "army where there are teenage boys" or are you just an inbred retard?

>> No.21741038



>> No.21741058
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>> No.21741066

Because everyone fought in sieges retard. That doesn't speak to women being soldiers, which they weren't. You listen off a dozen noblewomen during hundreds of years where millions of male soldiers fought just proves my point. They were major exceptional characters in europe, not a % of the amry. Statistically there was zero women in every medieval army in europe.

>> No.21741242

>finish book that I'll write a review for next thread
>has a character that can't spell properly so his viewpoints are written phonetically
>check reviews and sure enough this character has filtered most people

>> No.21741299
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Will Wight new book ''The Captain - The Last Horizon (Book 1)'' April 4th, 2023. Cradle Waybound will release June 6

Thoughts about this cradlebros?

Honestly it looks like crap, bald Will seems to be a fan of harry potter, and he already said that the protagonist is a wizard, if that is a wand in the harry potter style and not a sonic screwdriver in the Doctor Who style, it will be even worse, I'll probably read it out of sheer boredom, but the picture and description look kinda shitty to me.

He could have released Waybound first....

>> No.21741302
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Iron Dragon's Daughter is intentionally written as anti-fantasy in the sense is tries to upend every damn near every expectation of how a fantasy coming of age story goes. I don't think it's satisfying or particularly well written but it's pretty interesting

>> No.21741308

that drink looks like semen

>> No.21741317
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I believe he made all the hype of a big announcement to make everyone think it was about Waybound, just to put the spotlight in this new saga

Also wizard with wand and a pistol in each hand?

>> No.21741364

Not him but I'll take any IDD-like recs. muh fantasy gnosticism

>> No.21741482

Eh I'm not necessarily looking for some edgy bs more like tragic romanticism

>> No.21741576

>The Elric Saga
i heard that this is basically witcher, is that true

>> No.21741590

Diana Wynn Jones wrote the book on the that, but I don't think she personally delivers.

>> No.21741612

Memory, Sorrow, and Thorn trilogy by Tad Williams
just like all the other books mentioned in and to your reply, it's fucking awful, and grimdark, but the grimdarkness isn't a deliberate aesthetic Tad Williams tries to cultivate, it's just a natural consequence for a rational brain to perceive after reading 3000 pages of incessant misery porn

>> No.21741637

Anon...did you read the original Beowulf? It was composed by the Christian English in the 800s AD (200 years after the Christianization of the Anglo-Saxons) as an attempt to Christianize their own past retroactively; Hrothgar, and many other characters, are described as God-fearing men, despite the evident impossibility of such a large and widespread Christian community existing amongst the Danes and Geats and Sweyns in the 5th or 6th century, when the story is roughly placed.

>> No.21741658

what Stephen Fry book?

the character has white hair and a sword, and he occasionally kills things with it, that's like Geralt isn't it? aside from that, no, it's really more of a bad Dungeons and Dragons module, like Baldur's Gate or Pathfinder or something

>> No.21741674
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Which is the best Space Nazi in sci fi?

>> No.21741677

Star Wars Imperials, objectively
unfortunately the books are mostly shit

>> No.21741735

>i heard that this is basically witcher, is that true
>Same reason for both magic & monsters - chaos leaking into the world. Literally both called Conjunction of the sphere(s).
>Same love interests - raven haired sorceress/screws anything that moves.
>Same companion - quirky rogue bard who is writing a poem to chronicle their epic deeds.
>Both got the nickname white wolf for their albino appearance
>Both use runes for elemental magic
>Same Chaos symbol - wasn't a thing until Moorcock did it, and only caught on when warhammer popularised it.
>Both characters have the same philosophy about life and order/chaos

The author of the witcher translated the Elric books into polish. The next year he publishes the witcher. Its not like it really matters, but Geralt is clearly a polish version of Elric. Much in the same way Aeneas was a roman Achilles; its not stealing, its just a clearly inspired alternate version.

>> No.21741853

Probably due to a less pronounced sexual dimorphism among the Japanese race.

>> No.21741893

It's called assassin's. Send a bunch of sexy women to infiltrate the barracks and poison the food supply.

>> No.21741895

Statistically speaking, peasants didn't exist, since historical records don't document them. Medieval documents were written by monks and clerks for and about important personages. Only monks and law clerks could reasonably be expected to read and write, and those people were employed in writing about the things that their employers (kings, queens, knights, bishops, etc) cared about, which most certainly was not the details of commoners' personal lives.
History is written by exceptional people about exceptional people, and thus everything in history is exceptional; if you want to really understand how things were in the past you have to read between the lines, itself a talent that is exceedingly exceptional in its rarity among human beings, and invariably absent in dipshit literalists who get their ideas from stormfront.

>> No.21741934
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Peasants were documented in the domesday book 1085 (at least, peasant households were). Plenty of primitive attempts at census taking were made in medieval times. Much of your reasoning, like I said, is post-hoc retardation. Stuff like equating 12 year olds being in an army - cooking, running errands and tending to equipment - as meaning they were also expected to fight in pitched battles between adult men at arms and adult levies. It just speaks to a fundamental misunderstanding of those societies, where you seize on exceptions in art or true stories then gish gallop them into some sort of Malazan tier gendered military.

Nobody is saying women warriors didn't exist. I said as much in my first post. But they were a statistical anomaly in professional armies. Effectively 0% of every military venture. If women show up, its tied to some exceptional story explaining how they got there in the first place. Like noblewomen larping or an "all hands on deck" siege defense where everyone was on the walls throwing stones and poking at people on ladders.

A lot of fantasy books don't do that, instead having women in every military position, in significant percentages, no explanation given, and expect it not to be blatantly apparent virtue signalling.

>> No.21741966

Bitcher ripped off almost everything from Elric.

>> No.21741972

The Broken Sword by Poul Anderson then. There's two versions though; the original version and the 'revised' version.

>> No.21741973
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You're clearly arguing in bad faith and repeatedly ignoring all evidence I provide, so I'm just going to be done with this fruitless by calling you a dumb nigger.

>> No.21741974
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Give me recs that give pic related vibes.

>> No.21741979

I don't know what vibe this is supposed to be. Magical evil ugly monsters? Just read Conan desu

>> No.21741981

Did you even read what you just posted? It disproves your own argument!

>> No.21741987

Anything by Clark Ashton Smith.

>> No.21741989
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>4000 women in a medieval army disproves that women fought in armies in any significant amount
what do you call this kind of logic?

>> No.21741997

Read that again. It says 4000 camp followers were conscripted to do manual labor. Then that one (1) woman was killed holding a banner (again, not fighting) and that one woman was killed while fighting. Or at least was struck with an arrow while wearing the colour blue. Stellar evidence.

Final piece talks about women fleeing with the looted armour of their defeated men. That example also notes that simply being a women disqualified you from combat, with women throwing down their equipment to prove they were women; something that excepted them from being enemy combatants and stopped them from being killed.

Like I said, no actual serious examples. Its all twisted exceptions you're trying to writ large or "all hands of deck" sieges. No "Actually 5% of infantrymen in X army were women during X war" type stuff. That kinda thing only came around with guns and less armour.

>> No.21741998
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Objective ranking:
Zenith the Albino>Elric>Geralt>Anomander Rake>Drizzt

>> No.21742026

Is there STILL not an ebook that collects just Smith's Zothique stories?

>> No.21742035

Imagine trying to argue using realism in fantastical works. The only acceptable answer is: It's fantasy. Nothing has to be explained. Accept it or don't. Read historical fiction instead.

>> No.21742057
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Lol. I'm fine with the female warrior trope. But it is still a trope. If you're going to ignore that, best explain why. Either lower dimorphism between genders or just go full conan of coomeria with it.

>> No.21742058

Especially given nearly every thing I've read recently has had a throwaway line of "with [setting's magic] the differences in physicality between men and women hardly mattered when it comes to combat".

>> No.21742099

>Nothing has to be explained
>replies with BEST EXPLAIN WHY
No. No explanations. Only acceptance or not. Same with your image.

>> No.21742120

Half the guys that bitch about women warriors in fantasy settings are just mad their fetish for huge-muscle amazon women is not being catered to.

The other hald are just STR VS DEX crybabies

>> No.21742140

They are Chudcels. Anythought of a women represented as strong causes them seethe.

You will get one's who say dumb shit like 'just because it is fantasy doesn't mean it doesn't have to believe'. Meanwhile dragons, elves, magic and all the rest of are perfectly understandable in that regard.

>> No.21742146

Seethe, my copelets. SEETHE.

>> No.21742156

Either explain the fantastical elements of the fantasy world or don't take the story seriously, yeah. Those are the two options. Its telling that all the best fantasy stories cleave very closely to this, and that modern slop doesn't.

(black trans king arthur and if you think thats weird you're just a hecking racist chudcel)

>> No.21742185

bruce sterling releases new short story

>> No.21742188


>When electronics importer Cara Leon goes missing, private investigator Sam Mujrif is hired by her sister to investigate. Cara is eight times taller than Sam, but evidence soon points to players much smaller than either of them.

>> No.21742321
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King of /sffg/.

Simple as.

>> No.21742328

This is somehow the best and worst thing I've read all week. Is there more?

>> No.21742332
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>> No.21742393
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Boys will cry, men will praise.

>> No.21742402
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Title: All the Skills
Author: Honour Rae

When I first saw a 'Deck-building LitRPG' description I felt very skeptical. The idea of using different game systems for more Litrpg stories is a sound one and I support it, authors are way too conservative with their systems. Too rigid. Yet, cards? Not a fan of them. Turned out, it's quite good.

[LitRPG System & World]
In this world, people can get Carded. A Card can be Common, Uncommon, Rare, Legendary or Mythic. The more rare it is, the greater the power and scope of the card. There are no two identicial cards, every is unique. Cards can do virtually anything, for instance a Common may give you the abillity to instantly wash one plate each hour. A Rare can make it so every word you speak is forever remembered by those that hear it. Only the poorest commoners don't have any cards, people with cards are healthier, tire less and if Carded while young, can grow up taller. It's not all rainbows, though, and slotting cards is more dangerous than it appears.

The story follows a very young farmer (12 years old), Arthur, who lives on the border of the Kingdom, toiling alongside others in revitalizing scourged soil with magical dragon dung to reclaim the land. Oh, and all the farmer are convicts mundane and political crimes, sentenced to life at the border forever, forbidden to ever take a Card again. Life is shit, but when the protagonist is lucky to obtain a powerful Card he leaves his village to make a life for himself...and maybe even reclaim his birthright.

It's good. Seriosuly, the first book surprised me with how much of stereotypical classic fantasy it is. A farmer boy finds his family is more than he thought, leaves his small village to learn of the big wide world, survives adventures, makes friends, etc. Classic fantasy, but magic is LitRPG Cards. Oh, and ther are Dragons and dragon riding. You don't get more stereotypical.

The story is...competent. The author knows how to make an actual story, some adventures, twists and turns, interesting people. It's not amazing by any means, if you are familiar with classic fantasy you probably had already read something like this at least a few times.

There are flaws. Some small, some worrying. First is that the world isn't very developed. Some factions are established, the big enemy of humankind, maybe even some lore, but overall after reading up to 2/3 of the second book on the author's Patreon I can say this is not much of a focus in this story. It's servicable for the story, but nothing more.
Characters are only okay. Brooding friends, a mentor...cliches galore. Don't expect much.

Progression. This story is a LitRPG and as such progression is one of its fundamental focuses. I...have misgivings. The protagonist has a Card that requires time to take advantage of, but at the same time he soars through social ladder way too fast. The second book seems to be following a similar direction.

Rating: 6.75/10

>> No.21742435

I read this recently and I enjoyed it well enough. I don't think the social ladder stuff was TOO weird. He caught the eye of a dragon that detected he had something powerful in him (which he did), and ended up leveraging that interest to become a sort of apprentice to the dragon's rider. The card stuff is neat, though I feel like they gloss over a lot of stuff about them sometimes. I kind of enjoy how they literally have people collecting pieces of cards from monsters to make new ones that are semi-random and you get some people just putting them together and going "...Ah, shit, this is trash." Though the protagonist's card basically being "has a skill system" is neat. It sort of seems like that entire 'set' is just "standard LitRPG power set".

>> No.21742463

It might be that my opinion is largerly colored by by what I read in the second book. What is still understandable in the first book quickly changes thorugh series of lucky coincidences and plot that simply demands the protagonist to become someone at the top. It leaves a sour taste in my mouth, but I still have hopes for this series. If only the author slowed down a bit and developed what's already there...

>> No.21742474

Ah, fair enough, I didn't read the second or any parts of it. Shame that it sort of accelerated so much. I had an issue with the way stuff just kind of pinballed Arthur around the place in the first book, to be fair. Like his only agency is "gets more competent", and apart from meeting his cousin practically everything good that happens for him is something out of his control.

>> No.21742497

Does anyone have any recs for easy reading?
I've already read the first two dragonlance trilogies and the legend of drizzt omnibus but I'm tired of dndshit.

>> No.21742503

Conan stories are really easy to read for me, but that's because the action is gripping, the plot tight, and the prose glistening.

>> No.21742513

Gotrek and Felix. You don't need to know warhammer fantasy to get into it. Probably the First Law too.

>> No.21742516

Oh shit, I honestly forgot about conan. They're the perfect stories to read since they're so contained.

Kek, thanks for reminding me anon.I'm gonna go finish reading them.

>> No.21742532

Got Dragonbone chair from the library today. First chapter is good

>> No.21742563

Does anybody here have experience writing time loop/travel stories? If so, do you have any tips for keeping details straight as to prevent continuity errors?

>> No.21742577

Anon, you're in the wrong general.

>> No.21742592

You go back to the time before you made this post, which made you queer, and never make said post, to remain straight.

>> No.21742597

Thank you, I had multiple threads open.

>> No.21742621

yes, i read multiple times to make sure anything goes wrong bc i have OCD

>> No.21742643

read the short stories.. I just finished the series and it's really not worth it, this may for for all fantasy series though.

>> No.21742659

may I recoommend Gulliver's Travels?

>> No.21742665
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Discworld if u like humor. You may like the first book cuz it's kind of comedic dndshit

>> No.21742671
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Do ya'll still stand by this? Particularly the "god tier" part?

>> No.21742674
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Most people think Colour of Magic is the worst written one.
But Pratchett tries to pretend fiction should be more logical and make sense, yet none of Colour of Magic makes sense (especially the invisible dragons, or just the general theme that "it's real if you believe in it").

>> No.21742680

>Dark Tower multivolume (5-7) SHIT TIER
couldn't agree more on that one.

>> No.21742687

Most here hate Rothfuss because it's unfinished and he panders to wokoids, LOTR and Hobbit should be in God-Tier, most here never even speak about King, let alone Dark Tower, Wizard Knight is barely multi-volume as it's just two books, and Robert Jordan was finished by Sandersöy. It's generally all entry-level, ironically, as I don't see a lot of series that are obscure like Flandry.

>> No.21742692

Pratchett used fantasy as a vehicle for satire and for expressing his own ideas about life. He was good enough to make it work, and most of his books are great reads. The Guard cycle is some of the best fiction ever written imo

>> No.21742696
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Don't forget to read Fafhrd and the Gray Mouser afterwards, they're the peak of sword and sorcery.

>> No.21742700
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Spoopy Fantasy

>> No.21742701

My least favorite so far is Equal Rites. It was his first in the series so I feel like he may have changed his mind on the world he wanted to create as he built on it.

I also like Discworld cuz the stories focus on different characters so you can just pick the ones with characters you like. My fav so far is Witches Abroad I think..

>> No.21742709

It's not so much "fantasy has to make sense" as "fantasy runs on the idea of the narrative" and a world wherein that idea is present. People know stuff works out because that's how it goes in stories.

>> No.21742716

He was my favourite writer growing up but revisiting it made me less nostalgic for it, even if I think he's humorous. The world is fun and I do enjoy the satire of various folk beliefs or whatever.
One guy at my writing group said he stopped liking him because he's "fat-phobic," which is funny considering Pratchett was fairly progressive and even intentionally wrote about gender-bending and feminism before it was too widespread.
Yeah, I think some of the minor characters are better than all of Equal Rites' witches, while I personally enjoy DEATH the most for comic effect. But even Rincewind and Twoflower are a little two-dimensional at the outset, since they're entirely made as jokes (wizard with one spell he can't remember, and a pencil pusher foreigner with naivety, a monstrous chest that may as well stand in for a DnD mimic, and too much gold).
The fact most of fate and destiny is decided by gods playing a game, which just reeks of Pratchett taking a jab at roleplaying games, makes the whole experience seem kind of like it isn't fulfilling a real narrative. He was just making jokes and stringing together satire of various things.

>> No.21742722
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Fantasy series has interspecies racism

>> No.21742726

Yeah, early Discworld isn't BAD, it's "just a fantasy pastiche" instead of anything with too much depth and charm. Mort is really when it comes into its own.

>> No.21742728
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>God Tier
The Darkness That Comes Before
>Great Tier
Game of Thrones
>Decent Tier
Gardens of the Moon
>Meh Tier
Name of the Wind
The Dark Tower
>Trash Tier
Wheel of Time

I didn't read the rest.

>> No.21742736

I mean it's just more realistic

>> No.21742740

But is it treated as a good thing?

>> No.21742762
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It's incredible that he likely wrote that with one hand. One hand on his penis stroking away. One hand writing or typing.

>> No.21742769
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No idea if this was brought up, but if you like military, non-pozzed scifi and some DnD-style fantasy, i recommend this small series (i think its like 5 books deep now).
>Its about a bunch of Rangers and other SF guys being sent 10k years into the future after the world gets rekt by a nano-plague.
>Turns out, the "nano" turned the world in a Tolkien-like fantasy world with magic and shit.
>Main character is "Talker", a linguist who got fast-tracked through Ranger training.

Honestly Jason Anspach and Nick Cole are pretty fucking good, after spending too much time reading 40k books, it was like a whole new world.
Their main series is called "Galaxy´s Edge" and its fucking kino (i know its books but still).

>> No.21742773
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>God tier - Wheel of Time

>> No.21742795
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It's not his fault. Eastern Europeans are mentally challenged.

>> No.21742803

>setting is a nightmare hell-world full of demons, monsters, evil sorcerers, and insane tyrants
>but the heroes are genuinely heroic and good; not "heroic" by being the lesser evil like in grimderp
Why is this so rare?

>> No.21742804

Nightland already peaked that so none try afterwards.

>> No.21742808

There's a few good Eastern European books but none of them are famous in the West. She who Runs on the Waves kicks the Witchy ass

>> No.21742818

Asians and Westerners aren't all that different. Fathers being emotionally absent is a common theme of both. The Asian stereotype is asshole dad has no relationship with child other than, you need to do well in school.... Western stereotype is asshole dad doesn't even pay attention to child very much, doesn't know what they are learning, doesn't care, gets mad sometimes, but doesn't really give a shit.

Asian dad cares about school and career and nothing else. Western dad does not care about school or career very much, but expects child to not be a loser. Both are emotionally unavailable assholes.

>> No.21742823

How long have you SFFags been on 4chan? What is your favourite setting or series?

>> No.21742828

>Dunc because I haven't read enough

>> No.21742829

Women fighting makes no sense. Women dying has greater consequences than men dying.

>> No.21742833

That was the joke.

>> No.21742854
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I don't care if she might be Volodya's waifu I will also shill Frazie, she is my favourite SFF heroine along with Granny Weatherwax and Idril from the Silm

>> No.21742876

Anyone else feel like as they get older their ability to slam chapter after chapter diminishes? When I was younger I was able to fly through books but nowadays I find myself stopping for several minutes after each chapter to think about it.

>> No.21742920

If you think that Memory, Sorrow and Thorn is grimdark, then you are a fucking retard. It is hardly anymore more grimdark than Lord of the Rings.

>> No.21742932

I have also started to stop and think about chapters. In some ways it improved my reading experience. I started to notice things in LotR that I never noticed before and appreciate the prose, and I started to notice gags in Pratchett that went over my head as a little kid

>> No.21742964

>>fire the translator and MTL the rest
Because the chinks see that quality doesn't matter to you shits. You would read anything, even when it makes no sense and repeats the same shit over and over again. Why pay someone to do something well, when your customers would still pay the same amount for a poor quality copy?

>> No.21742972

>I never said they are bad.
I'm saying they are bad you chuckle fuck.

>> No.21742992

I read the initial short story collection. It was decent. Maybe a 7/10 if I'm being generous. But it didn't really make me want to read more and most people seem to think that was the series at its best, so I didn't bother reading on. Idiots thinking the dialogue is funny or good probably read Sandershit . No other way to really account for such poor appraisal of pretty standard dialogue.

>> No.21743011

It's always funny when retards who clearly don't know shit about history whinge about historical inaccuracies. Imagine thinking child soldiers weren't the fucking standard lmao

>> No.21743028
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I'd like to try reading Harlan Ellison.
What would be his best books? (asking for more than one if possible since I'm ESL and I assume all his works haven't been translated)

>> No.21743037

Child soldiers were common, women less so but not as uncommon as you think, the past is a brutal time often and we underestimate

>> No.21743038

>The author of the witcher translated the Elric books into polish.
citation needed

>> No.21743055

>WoT and Mistborn
>not in shit-tier

>> No.21743064

>the [medieval] past is a brutal time often
It really wasn't as brutal as atomic bombs, chemical warfare, global human trafficking and sex slavery, organ harvesting, militarised police state with surveillance, mass genocide, ecological devastation for war (Yellow River flooding destroyed farms and killed hundreds of thousands), mechanized warfare, disease in the trenches, mass famine that killed millions, widespread indoctrination and political persecution (think Cultural Revolution, Nazism, Stalinism)... Modernity sucked a lot more.

>> No.21743067

Geralt should have fucked ciri, there's isn't enough father-daughter incest in fantasy

>> No.21743074

Nice reading comprehension, dimwit.

>> No.21743091

Are there any mystical elements in the Galaxy's Edge series? As it is basically a Star Wars ripoff. Or it's Star Wars minus the Jedi shit?

>> No.21743093

Modernity is weirdly more brutal and more sanitized. We are actually more likely to shelter women than a medievalfag

>> No.21743102

Embarrassing lack of awareness and knowledge of history.
Literally at least half of everything you just listed existed back then too. And it's cute you like to pretend modernity is so brutal while typing this on a computer while dusting cheeto dust off you keyboard in a house that probably isn't crammed to the brim with like 4 generations of family struggling to make ends meet, safe from painful diseases that used to be incurable without fearing every day some robber or your shithead lord gives you too much attention.

>> No.21743107

surely with the advent of web novels and haremlit someone has made a witcher ripoff to accomplish this

>> No.21743110

Read it and find out for yourself.

>> No.21743112
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Only seething boys hate warrior women.

>> No.21743116

Poorly written warrior women are the only ones that piss me off. I like Eowyn, Brienne and Red Sonja but a lot of the ripoffs in visual media are just annoying feminist strawmen

>> No.21743133

>Literally at least half of everything you just listed existed back then too
Not on the same scale. You can give me that bullshit by Pinker that we are less violent now, but it's not true empirically speaking.
>in a house that probably isn't crammed to the brim with like 4 generations of family struggling to make ends meet
I live with two unemployed losers (one a tranny, and another an older woman too depressed to work), so it's about the same.
>safe from painful diseases that used to be incurable without fearing every day some robber or your shithead lord gives you too much attention.
I already have an incurable mental illness. And, no, no one steals from me because I have barely any money or possessions. Nice try being a doomer about the past when most peasants had it good if they weren't breaking the king's laws or moving without permission. If you think knights just went around killing peasants for no reason, you need to stop watching TV.

>> No.21743135

You dumb fags are so fucking sheltered, holy shit. Only ignorant privileged shits that have never had to work for anything in their lives think stupid shit like this. Comfy little losers really need to larp this hard pretending they live in brutal times to try and make themselves feel somewhat special and badass because they have nothing but an easy life to idle away and waste inside their heads.

>> No.21743137

The source is Zackarotto from novelupdates. You can look him up. His reviews are good, but not all of them are as satire as his famous I Shall Seal the Heavens Mcdonalds spoof.

>> No.21743145

Jesus fucking Christ, I can’t believe this thread was derailed over the most inane bullshit reason. Fuck this general is useless.

>> No.21743147

We don't read books here.

>> No.21743151

They're just sci fi tards who don't actually believe in history beyond some weird whig progressivism.

>> No.21743152
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Were you even here for peak-Bakker posting?

>> No.21743156

That's oddly enlightening. Makes me wonder why that stereotype exists.

>> No.21743159

If you are living an upper middle class life in some small American town life is not brutal, but I've seen horrible shit happen mate. Now can we please talk about fantasy /lit/erature

>> No.21743162

And retards here will still insist that /sffg/ is somehow better place to talk about books. Fucking delusional if you ask me. Just head to reddit, goodreads, or any other website that talks about books. It'll better than wasting your time here.

>> No.21743167

>Now can we please talk about fantasy /lit/erature
If you want to talk about fantasy why are you here? Just go to some other website why do that shit here.

>> No.21743181

not brutal yet

>> No.21743184

What do you have planned for the American suburbs anon

>> No.21743197

I’ve only read the first book and there was none. It’s literally just the US invasion of iraq but it’s an alien planet instead. A fun read, but I haven’t continued the series past the first book.

>> No.21743202
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I know, right? I wish Bakker was still publishing.
If you don't recall pic related then you were't here during peak Bakker.

>> No.21743265
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The Wandering Inn rewrite inbound in around 10 hours. The chapters are already being upload to the website.

Friends, it's time. I hope it's good.

>> No.21743273

They weren't in europe. Teenagers played a significant role, but even then countries preferred more adult levies.
>Imagine thinking child soldiers weren't the fucking standard
We have reached peak retard lol. How did armies of mainly children beat armies of men?

>> No.21743274

I've pretended to slip up as the author by throwing in an I. People actually fall for it.

>> No.21743280

>nordoid vs western european

>> No.21743282

i'm curious if it will be good, but i don't particularly feel like reading it. just feels like regression to go back. especially since v9 has been very solid so far.

>> No.21743287

Teenagers were ostracised in Rome anyway, since they were seen as too anti-social or something. That's why teens would make bands to plunder in exile.
There was a Child's Crusade but they got enslaved fairly quickly.

>> No.21743291

>people still arguing over stupid bullshit they can look up in a minute
Fucking hell this general is fucking retarded and pointless.

>> No.21743292
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Maybe, but you didn't write this one.

>> No.21743299
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Shut the fuck up you stupid history nerds and post books about big strong hard-working women

>> No.21743301

And to think, it all started because one retard couldn't believe a fantasy, you know, set in a fictional universe and sometimes inspired by mythology and folklore could have female warriors. Just shows you how stupid this general is.

>> No.21743307

Why would I do that when I could just go to Reddit for that.

>> No.21743318

Here's a story:
There once was a women named Your Mom. She took multiple cocks up her ass daily to feed her faggot son Anon. Despite sucking every cock she could, her son still grew up to be a pathetic failure that everyone hated.

>> No.21743321
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A toast, gentlemen.

A toast to the glorious past.

A toast to our Prophet.

A toast to the God Emperor of the Three Seas.

A toast to the Return of the King.

A toas to the future, and a celebration that the best is yet to come.

>> No.21743334
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>> No.21743369

Is the author going to make sure that Erin doesn't survive Volume one? If that is the cause I would read the series again.

>> No.21743408
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Based Klarkash Ton influenced S&S.

>> No.21743465


>> No.21743474

>That's xianxia, not litRPG.

same shit, different hemisphere

>> No.21743476

I liked Angry Candy

>> No.21743497

>100K more words
I am not rereading it. Hope someone posts a change summary.

>> No.21743505

you sound like middle-school girls trying to be mean

>> No.21743510

not really

>> No.21743527

Looks like it hasn't been translated...
How hard is his style/vocabulary for an ESL?

>> No.21743541

yes particularly

>> No.21743545


>> No.21743551


>> No.21743616

His prose isn't too difficult. He gets descriptive with unusual words but doesn't write purple prose. Can you get Deathbird Stories or I Have No Mouth And I Must Scream? Those are more popular than Angry Candy on Goodreads at least

>> No.21743693

I looked it up and those two novels are translated in a couple of 70s SF anthology books. I guess I'll start with those. Thank you.

>> No.21743710

>I am not rereading it. Hope someone posts a change summary.
how do you know it has 100k more words?

>> No.21743784

It's okay if you like shit anon, just don't pretend you speak for other people.

>> No.21743868

Vol 1 had 346,976 words, the rewrite is supposed to have 450k according to the Assistant guy on discord.

>> No.21743945
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>> No.21743953
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are dumb

>> No.21743960

Is there a book thats something like a scifi scramble for africa? Cosmic colonial powers competing for resources and control of primitive alien planets?

>> No.21743961


>> No.21743972

>Is there a book thats something like a scifi scramble for africa? Cosmic colonial powers competing for resources and control of primitive alien planets?
Yeah, there was this niche book about many political factions struggling to control one important planet that contained incredibly important resource. The book is called Dune

>> No.21743987

I don't know anon. I read the first one and it came off more as a coming of age adventure to me and seemed more to focus on the prophetic figure that Paul was for the sandpeople rather than any kind of colonialism. I guess I have to read the sequels to get that?

>> No.21744013

based png ngl

>> No.21744026
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what's /sffg/ consensus on the worldbuilding of wakanda?

>> No.21744028

Cranky because no one wants to hear you bitch about history

>> No.21744060

shut up little girl , go be mean on twitter

>> No.21744108

we haven't voted yet

Dosn't make much sense.

When/how did they develop stealth fields?
Why are they like normal black people when their population has been in isolation for thousands of years?
Why is only their militaty tech developed and noy any other? For example I saw zero urban automations.

Without a super-powered state opposite theirs to justify their progress (something like Latveria) the movie version is wishfull thinking

>> No.21744119

Hogwarts for African-Americans
Any and all positive or negative connotations you can perceive from that statement are equally intended and sincere.

>> No.21744201

africa literally has slaves and cannibals.

>> No.21744269

Are there any fantasy books which have the characters break into a magical vault full of traps and spells?
Autistic magic systems would be a bonus

>> No.21744272

Try asking google.

>> No.21744279

Why? I've already asked /sffg/

>> No.21744283

Because you can find your answer quickly

>> No.21744286

I don't mind having to wait for a good answer :)

>> No.21744293

Then you'll wait forever.

>> No.21744300

Btw by magical vault I just mean a place which stores something valuable
It could be a tomb, crypt, house, temple, etc

>> No.21744308

The Thief, but no magic system.

>> No.21744336


>> No.21744337

his best of short story book is all right, don't read too much of him you will get sick of him and hate him

>> No.21744352

the only thing i remember from mst is the relationship between rachel and simon which is quite beautifully portrayed, when simon eventually returns and meets rachel with all deference and respect due towards an ageing mother, and she responds with mooncalf, excellent, dont remember it being grimdark though

>> No.21744414

Are there any interesting ideas in it?

>> No.21744446

Read it and find out.

>> No.21744453

I don't think I will but I thought I might as well ask

>> No.21744474
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2nd person reading is weird as shit.

>> No.21744489

You haven't experienced 2nd person until you read The Raven Tower.

>> No.21744501


>> No.21744504

Pirateaba just released the complete volume 1 rewrite of The Wandering Inn, if anybody is a fan, or wanted to read it but never got around to it.

>> No.21744506


>> No.21744511

wait until page 10

>> No.21744533

Wait until page 10, newfag trash.

>> No.21744536

read 500 pages of trash to see if there's something interesting in the last 40 pages

>> No.21744552

The book is also shit.

>> No.21744581

Sucks that I started reading a month ago or so, the rewrite would have been appreciated then. But oh well, I'm enjoying it anyways

>> No.21744672

I hate Harry Potter but even Harry is not that much of an exercise in ethnonarcissism