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21735537 No.21735537 [Reply] [Original]

Liberals are in bed with the capitalists and leftists have failed to produce any meaningful alternative and its outdated theories have left an entire generation uninspired. Is there no escape from this neoliberal, late-stage capitalist nightmare?

>> No.21735552

There are no genuine leftists. All socialists are just welfare capitalists.
>neoliberal, late-stage capitalist nightmare
It's not late stage capitalism, it's much worse

>> No.21735563

late stage capitalism a hell of a lot better than late stage communism, that's for sure!

>> No.21735569

Leftism is a far more advanced and extreme state of capitalism. The revalorization of race (which originated in mercantilism), the push for transgenderism in wider acceptance (the application of industrial processes to sexuality and the body), pseudo-grassroots activism whose goals align perfectly with elites and corporations, complete endorsement from corporations and elites, hostility towards the working class, government in general (whose goal is to protect the weak from the strong) religion (that upholds moral authority)... We'd be here all night if I had to keep going.

Leftism isn't ineffectual, it's acting as its supposed to. One of my favorite videos from last year was Vaush debating E. Michael Jones about whether porn was good for society or not. At one point, EMJ came out against usury, and Vaush began defending the practice of price-gouging and indebting students with loans.

Check out Society of the Spectacle and Comments on the Society of the Spectacle for more insight.

>> No.21735574

Your post reeks of "I have no idea what the actual state of culture is; I only consume youtube opinions which object is 20 year old average joe doxa about 2000s culture status".

>> No.21735580

Very good. I think it's interesting that the Twitter communists with literal hammers and sickles in their bios side with billionaire capitalists at every front. Even the trannyism, they cannot see, is pushed by the medical industry to create permanent customers.
They defend disney, as you said usury, the medical industry, and if they could not sink any lower, the commercialization of drugs. They are perfect slaves: they believe they are fightinf against their masters by viciously fighting for them.

>> No.21735593

I’d tell them to live out in the country but they’ll just lecture me on how racist that is. Furthermore they’ll just get targeted by the long nose tribe and if I warn them they’ll just call me an auntie Semite so yeah fuck the left and I hope every last commie gets shot to death. Fuck em

>> No.21735599

Ok, smart aleck tell him how he’s wrong

Fuck Debord too

>> No.21735607
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>Liberals… and leftists
Meaningless distinction. Liberals, “neoliberals,” leftists, communists, marxists, socialists, anarchists, “tankies,” they all believe the same thing

>> No.21735646

You’re right. All post French Revolution shlock

>> No.21735660

>Is there no escape from this neoliberal, late-stage capitalist nightmare?
The thing is you are looking at Capitalism as it is some kind of room you can enter and leave through doors. Capitalism isn't an actual space, it is an emergent form produced by human behaviour: its stability is grounded in intensity; and if Capitalism as any point that you could call homeostatic, it still cannot be changed by treating it through an extensive or Hegelian-concrete means. As >>21735574 says, you don't get the thing at all, and most likely your view is grounded on the USA twitter-glowie liberal-left/tankie-left psyop... XX Century second half continental philosophy did a precise analysis on that: deleuze and lyotard, and even althusser in his best moment. Just avoid linguistic wankery and read a fucking book; it will surprise you how deformed the american worldview is.

>> No.21735666

OP ignore these faggots: >>21735574 >>21735660

>> No.21735669

Reject Ideology Embrace Esoteric Religion.

>> No.21735670

Get behind me Satan, leave OP alone

>> No.21735672
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Go watch children porn, you hegelian possessed pig

>> No.21735676
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>OP ignore these faggots: >>21735574 (You) >>21735660 (You)

>> No.21735706

desu, I don't strictly think capitalism is a problem, as much as old fashioned human greed and stupidity.
Literally clean your room, buckaroo. What do you want me to say?

>> No.21735717

>hyper-bougie crab bucket continuum continually defers space exploration, because political exit from the earth = white flight and breakaway civilization(s) that will have dominion over neolithic theocratic (or communistic) dregs
This is why you see the cheer leading of the Ukraine War, for either side. Endless Pan-Eurasian geopolitical hazard as a money sink preventing Type 1 & 2 civilization progression.

>> No.21735726

Remains to be seen. There are fates worse than death

>> No.21735737
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Only one escape

>> No.21735888

this but unironically, the sooner you stop falling for the materialism meme the better.
as long as I'm making enough to live comfortably and help those close to me I don't care about surplus shit theory and whatnot, the only causes I could get behind is anti-pollution regulations and basic social democracy, spare me the revolution talk.
>b-but marx said religion is the opium of th-
shut the fuck up nerd

>> No.21735907 [DELETED] 
File: 45 KB, 391x630, Bakunin On Anarchy - Dolgoff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Liberals are in bed with the capitalists and leftists
Liberals are the capitalists.
Leftists are by nature of the capitalist train and therefore not liberal. ("OH what about left liberals?" Progressives are reformists, Marxists are reformists. They're reforms do not work. they aren't left)
The alternative is NOT STATISM and NOT CAPITALISM.
>its outdated theories
Marxism and progressivism are pushed as the only alternatives in order to send fools down the wrong path. Stop protesting and start doing.

>> No.21735911

Nice trips and wisdom.

>> No.21735914 [DELETED] 

>Leftists are by nature OFF the capitalist train
fuckin hell

>> No.21735920
File: 45 KB, 391x630, Bakunin On Anarchy - Dolgoff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Liberals are in bed with the capitalists and leftists
Liberals are the capitalists.
Leftists are by nature off the capitalist train and therefore not liberal. ("OH what about left liberals?" Progressives are reformists, Marxists are reformists. Their reforms do not work. they aren't left)
The alternative is NOT STATISM and NOT CAPITALISM.
>its outdated theories
Marxism and progressivism are pushed as the only alternatives in order to send fools down the wrong path. Stop protesting and start doing.

>> No.21735937
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>Is there no escape from this neoliberal, late-stage capitalist nightmare?

Well that depends. How much violence are you comfortable with?

>> No.21735951

If corps level people's warfare changed anything they'd make it illegal.

>> No.21735959

i mean shits working alright, still better than the soviets or chinese turned out

>> No.21735967
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It's already illegal. Everything that would actually matter is already illegal.

But are you gonna let that stop you?

Just remember, Anons: there's no problem so big and so vast that it can't be solved with force. All that matters is how much force is required, and for how long.

>> No.21735995

>there's no problem so big and so vast that it can't be solved with force. All that matters is how much force is required, and for how long.

There are plenty of problems in people's warfare which can't be solved by force. If we meet in real life and you "pass" checks I'll discuss them with you. For starters, consider this, the taxation policy of the Provisional Revolutionary Government of Southern Vietnam relied on consent rather than force. Consent is a much more powerful tool than force within movements. Mao's To From To is another example. Your reading assignment is _You can't blow up a social relationship_

>> No.21736022

to understand leftism you have to understand the Upanishads or however its spelling