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/lit/ - Literature

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[ERROR] No.2173451 [Reply] [Original]

/lit/ What books does your girlfriend read?

>> No.2173453


Michael Crichton
Star Trek novelizations
Star Wars novelizations
Some Vonnegut
Fight Club

He's not a big reader, but I leave books in the bathroom for him because he takes really long shits. Probably going to throw Catch-22 at him next.

>> No.2173462

Woman porn.

Kelley Armstrong, shit like that. I got her to read the Road the other day, and she hated it. She is reading through Wicked at the moment, which is cool I guess.

I tried to get her to read Fight Club, but made the mistake of showing her Guts first, so now she won't go anywhere near Chucky P. She considers all my books, which are admittedly all either entry-level or 'books you should read' with a few other things sprinkled in, to be utter wankery.

I am currently dating Marieke Hardy

>> No.2173467


>> No.2173477

Probably a good thing she didn't read Fight Club. She might have found out you are gay. Dodged a bullet there bro.

>> No.2173482

My ex never usually read on her own terms (besides Phillip K. Dick which I was impressed with), but I would always give her shit to read. I remember her really enjoying:

Inherent Vice by Thomas Pynchon
Battle Royale by NipnockChingChong
House of Leaves by something Danielski
Blind Willow, Sleeping Woman by Haruki Murakami

All I can remember. Last girl I've been with that was content just sitting together reading for an hour or so, occasionally discussing something that had come up. She may not have had a taste of her own, but she was eager to try new things.

>> No.2173495

intellectual contemporary lit

i feel like a fucking plebian when i name drop my hemingway and steinbeck type classics.

feels weird man

>> No.2173499

sorry, contemporary WORLD lit. shit thats been translated from hungarian and all. dealing with pressing social issues...

i mean godDAMN!

>> No.2173500

Like Krasznahorkai and stuff? Could you name drop some things she's been reading lately? I'm also big into contemporary world literature, especially Eastern/Central Europe.

>> No.2173511

He reads faggoty Beat generation shit and H.P. Lovecraft.

But he also likes a ton of good stuff, so that's alright.

>> No.2173512

Book of Chemeleons
God of Small Things
Wind-Up Bird Chronicle

or something along those lines, i kind of am a shitty boyfriend

>> No.2173521

Aw, that's not Hungarian at all. And Murakami and Roy aren't exactly authors you should feel plebeian for not reading.

>> No.2173527

sorry bro for the lack of help.

>> No.2173534
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My ex-girlfriend didn't really read all that much of her own volition...

>mfw I just realized exactly why it didn't work out even after a year and a half

Goddamn female physics majors/biology majors/science majors in general.

>> No.2173545

G-Girl.. friend.. ? What mean this?