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/lit/ - Literature

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21734320 No.21734320 [Reply] [Original]

So how am I supposed to read this shit? Which books can I skip? Is there a specific reading order?

>> No.21734328

The Organon and then typically On the Soul, Sense and Sensibilia, the Metaphysics, Ethics, then Politics.

>> No.21734431

Don't forget Rhetoric and Poetics

>> No.21734459

Oh, of course. My bad.

>> No.21734468

If he was so smart, why did he think bees come from carcasses?
If someone told you that today, you’d call him a retard. What’s the difference?

>> No.21734479

Stop being a pussy and become a man. Go balls deep and read it all.

>> No.21734481
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>Cluster B

>> No.21734488
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>> No.21734490

The natures are... Interesting. But not that useful...

>> No.21734495

The faggot that replied to you is right. If you’re dumb enough to fall for his trash png, you shouldn’t talk to me and waste my time.

>> No.21734516
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I just think you're straight retarded, holmes

>> No.21734532

I'D START with nichomachean ethics. But skip the part about justice because that part SUCKS

>> No.21734535

Physics and De Caelo are also very important

>> No.21734559
File: 66 KB, 430x441, EL AUTÓMATA ZUMBANTE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>So how am I supposed to read this shit? Which books can I skip? Is there a specific reading order?

>> No.21734584

Reminder that Aristotle was a raging retard and a misogynist who thought women had more teeth than men, thought eels came from mud, and that objects fell at a constant rate, all easily disprovable if he just CHECKED with his eyeballs. His biggest contribution was being so unimaginably wrong about everything that it motivated future thinkers to disprove him, thus starting modern science. To answer OP: you don’t read those books, you use them as a coaster for your drinks because that’s all they’re good for.

>> No.21734652

T. Fellow baconian

>> No.21734757

left to right bud

>> No.21735696

Read Plato first

>> No.21735751

Can we ban this tripfag? I haven't seen a single post where they aren't shitting up the board with garbage takes

>> No.21735757
File: 10 KB, 140x210, desire to understand.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

unironically grab a copy of picrel. guided tour of aristotle from start to finish.
>which books can I skip?
the biology, mostly. it's a historical curiosity.
has the right idea, but I'd start with Ethics/Politics first. they're the easiest aristotle. once you have that under your belt move on.

>> No.21735758

Plato is the critical race theory to Aristotle's fbi crime statistics

>> No.21735759

Why are you morons still replying to namefags? Oh right, you’re morons

>> No.21735863

On Interpretation
Prior Analytics
Posterior Analytics
On Sophistical Refutations
Nicomachean Ethics
On the Soul
On Memory

That’s the old Aristotelian curriculum that the Platonic academy of Iamblichus and Porphyry had students read. Go read them.

Then go read the Platonic curriculum and realize Aristotle knew nothing.

>> No.21736482


>> No.21736640

Never reply to tripfags you fucking newfag