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21733584 No.21733584 [Reply] [Original]

any modern asian writers i should check out?

>> No.21733692

Yoko Ogawa is okay.

>> No.21733695


>> No.21733704

I liked The Vegeterian by Han Kang

>> No.21733724

Go through the Akutagawa Prize list and see what you find in translation. For instance this one is from the 80s and basically unknown:
Kiyohiro Miura - He's leaving Home

>> No.21734681

I just read this and it was based, so I’m interested to hear recommendations as well.

>> No.21734690

This book is top tier, I'm surprised /lit/ doesn't talk about it more. Autists, wagies, incels, NEETs, it has it all.

>> No.21734807

Life Ceremony by the author in pic related. Not as good as Convenience Store Woman though.

>> No.21734978
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Maybe it had something to do with how the reviews characterized it. Most of the reviewers didn't see the MC as an autist trying to live her best life and construed the character as a psychopath with blah blah blah feminism blah blah blah capitalism.

>> No.21735044

Yeah, I looked around at opinions and reviews a bit afterwards (which I try only ever to do after reading to have things ruined) and the media attention and framing have been pretty shit.

Anons, don't let the normie reviews deter you.

>> No.21735053

Akira, Asa

>> No.21735064

In it's deranged way this is the only book that ever made having a job look remotely charming to me.

>> No.21735117
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Even the aritcle in the pic does that (frames her entire existence as a writer as reacting against le patriarchy). Fuck, it describes Murata working in a convenience store as "toiling" and presents the fact that she kept doing it until a fan stalked her as a random factoid (i.e. instead of just admitting she did it because she liked it). The one scene described from the book is pic-related (top) and it's tied to the idea of misogyny for some reason. (I included the bottom excerpt because it's funny).

>> No.21735118

She makes it sound like she was a 35 yo femcel failure when in reality she was winning literary prizes in school. She was already a writer and it was just a day job.

>> No.21735123

She's a volcel turbo autist. The fact she's a woman/Jap masks it when it comes to Western audiences (in the same vein as someone being a complete retard but getting away with it because they have an English accent).

>> No.21735131

I wonder if that is genuinely the only interpretation they're capable of or if it's done in bad faith, pandering to their audience or maybe even tricking them into reading something worthwhile.

>(I included the bottom excerpt because it's funny).
Kek. I hope it's in her translated short stories collection, I'm going to read that one soon.

>> No.21735142

She did an interview with Louisiana Channel that’s on YouTube and she comes off in that obnoxious writer sort of way but it also doesn’t seem authentic so you might be right. Still, she was not like an aging socially awkward woman with no future working a shitty job. Like I said, she had won literary awards when she was a literature student, which makes her something of an accomplished writer already.

>> No.21735146
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>> No.21735159

the recent one or the first one two years ago? i feel like the recent one suffers from the people who edit and film it, the first one was her just straight forward talking

>> No.21735178

If some niche twitter internet celebrity posted this you'd call him based

>> No.21735182
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I'll do you one better: I call Tao based.

>> No.21735219

The recent one where she talks about her stories being prayers. The whole narrative about herself seems so scripted and inauthentic. Maybe it’s true, but it doesn’t come off that way.

>> No.21735239
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They both seem fine. She comes off far more eccentric than she does pretentious and the picture she draws is pretty funny. Also, like >>21735159 is alluding toward: it's promotional material (and all of the questions guiding the interview have been editted out). My gf met her at work (writer's event) and told me she was really shy and didn't engage with anyone unless she was approached. The person running the event had to lead her around.

>> No.21735244

i think there is no way she is a pretending normie since a normie couldn't have written convenience store woman. or earthlings for that matter.

>> No.21735292

>tells her publisher she gets sleepy when she writes
>they tell her she can come in and write in their cafeteria
>she does, sits alone in it all day drawing weird violent pictures
>COVID hits and she can't come in anymore because of limits...
>so she cycles around cafes--specifically mentions the same breakfast she orders every day (i.e. they probably asked her the standard "what is your writing routine" question and she sperged about breakfast, kek)
>calmly says she sees herself as a "machine for producing novels" and discussions always come back to her being a lifelong loner with imaginary friends
She's just an autist.

>> No.21735298

Nothing about that is unusual.

>> No.21735378

>t. autist

>> No.21735382

I think it comes off very fake.

>> No.21735398

i haven't watched the interviews but the autism or schizoidness or whatever it is in the books seems very real

>> No.21735543

>Real World (Natsuo Kirino)
>Revenge (Yoko Ogawa)
Both quick reads.
Seems like a garden variety interview/profile to me.

>> No.21735561

Yeah, sitting alone in a cafeteria drawing violent pictures and describing your activities via depersonalization is perfectly normal. Same as continuing to work the wagiest of wagie jobs imaginable after you're already an internationally bestselling author.

>> No.21735573

imagining houellebeq stocking shelves at the local Spar out of habit decades into his writing career

>> No.21735587

I think her weirdness is authentic. I think the “oh when I was a kid I would write stories and they were prayers to kami-sama” is not. But what was actually inauthentic to me again, is that this was not some hopeless middle aged wagie, which is the impression I had. This was someone who was a successful writer pretty much right off the bat. Literature to me just feels so hyper-real and manufactured. It really triggers me when I catch a whiff of inauthenticity.

>> No.21735606

i think art in general can't be authentic. anyone with enough self-consciousness and contextual awareness to make art is already fucked. authenticity is for people who don't know the concept of authenticity.

>> No.21735640

I totally disagree with that. I think the best art is authentic. Authenticity might be a requirement to be considered art. Inauthentic “art” is in reality just a product.

>> No.21735655

Who said she was "some hopeless middle aged wagie?" They don't present her that way in the interviews, she briefly reflects on how she devoted herself to the job in a context that was likely baited in the question asked, and the Guardian article barely mentions it (after projecting it as toiling).

>> No.21736171
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Would. She was fine as hell when she was young and doesn't look bad for being in her mid-40s.

>> No.21736236

That's what I said.

>> No.21736238

its fake weirdness shes coping sour grapes saying she doesnt want a relationship shes not actually asexual and she is stolen valor wagie autist

>> No.21736239

This >>21735378.

>> No.21736242

Insufficient exposure to BWC. Always a tragedy.

>> No.21736247

Maybe you should read Hegel.

>> No.21736294

Maybe your mother shouldn't have waited until her late 30s to get pregnant.

>> No.21736301

I bet you wear deodorant as conditioned like a dog to do so.

>> No.21736614
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Now read this.

>> No.21737819


>> No.21738463

>Quirky, deadpan, poinant, and quietly profound
what the fuck is up with reviewers saying shit like this? i feel like this exact description is on every single "popular" book nowadays. I would never ready anything with this on the cover

>> No.21738471

That was my impression of the book before reading it and how some anons presented it. It was like how Lovecraft is celebrated as a NEET.

>> No.21738534

Regardless of what normalfags think, Konbini Ningen should resonate with most people who are posting on this website in some way since the question of "was it autism?" will be in your mind constantly for both of the main characters.

>> No.21739322

Those lips...

>> No.21739673


takes reviewer's blurbs seriously. lol

>> No.21741210

Didn’t she break up the Beatles?