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/lit/ - Literature

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21731926 No.21731926 [Reply] [Original]

What is the highest art form? What criteria do we use to determine that?

>> No.21731945

is that supposed to be architecture in F tier

>> No.21731953
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>> No.21731955
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>> No.21731976
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Painting is obviously the highest art form. Picture related, it's Mark Zuckerberg painted with faeces.

>> No.21731979


>> No.21731980
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Oh that's what it is. I wasn't sure what the masonic square and compass was implying. I would rank architecture somewhere between S and A. Great architecture is of course utterly magnificent to behold but I tend to think of the best art being the work of a singular author rather than a collaborative effort.

>> No.21731981

who can even tell any of these people apart.

>> No.21731982

it's literature for sure

>> No.21732001

it's a tragedy how many expo buildings got demo'd

>> No.21732013
File: 95 KB, 795x1316, sa-mo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm was in the top 1% of Twice listeners in 2020

>> No.21732016

I don't know why I laughed so hard at this post. It's just the most classically 4chan thing I've seen in a while. Brilliant.

>> No.21732032

Without a doubt Music is the highest. It's within reach of every emotion without being tied to something as inflexible as language.

It's the most transcendent form.

>> No.21732033

video games (obviously) I don't have to explain why (because it obvious) so tell me why you think I'm wrong

>> No.21732042

when i first heard about k-pop and j-pop "storming the nation" i thought it would be a quick fad that died out really fast, and that only weebs would listen to it.
I was 100% right.

>> No.21732043

I love sculptures as much as the next guy, but films should be higher than it. Films can express more artistic abilities and storytelling while also having the benefit of being the second best collaborative art form. Also, music is 100% S tier. It's arguably the greatest art form humanity has. Anyone who doesn't put in the top 3 art forms is a pretenious loser

>> No.21732044

put video games in F tier or lower

>> No.21732061

How do Japanese people know someone is more good looking then another among 2 good looking people? They look the same. Do they start autistically breaking down their faces?

>> No.21732064

It doesn’t look like poop. Also he looks human in this painting

>> No.21732069

He’s right. Music makes anyone feel something

>> No.21732072

>What is the highest art form?

>> No.21732086

only 3 of them are japanese. Momo, Sana, and Mina.

>> No.21732234

Tzuyu should be at the top.

>> No.21732240

>What is the best flavor? What criteria do we use to determine that?

>> No.21732241

She's Chinese...

>> No.21732245


>> No.21732251

Tier S: Literature (includes written plays)
Tier A: Painting
Tier B: Sculpture
Tier C: Film, music and games
Tier D: Theater (performed) and comics

They're all good though.

>> No.21732257

JAV is the highest art form

>> No.21732276

>watching porn

>> No.21732280

JAV is beyond mere porn amerimaricon

>> No.21732493

I'd put music and architecture in S tier.
I think the fact that they can convey emotions rather subtly, yet serve a purpose. And often not need a written or spoken language to be understood to experience it, makes it's appeal more universal.

Only one I think is objectively weak is photography, since it is really a capture of what exists rather than creating it.

That said, the quality of art depends far more on the artist than the art form.

>> No.21732505


>> No.21732525

I'm going to make a flow chart of sorts for everyone

The written word is included in video games
Drawings are included in video games
Theatrical performances and acting is included in video games
Music and soundtracks are included in video games
Pictures are included in video games
Architecture is included in video games (Level design, models)

Movies & TV shows have all of these things but cannot be interacted with

Video games have all of this things and can be interacted with

Video games are interactive movies with all forms of media included in them

Video games are the highest form of art

Boom, and yes there are bad and good video games, but the best video games out there beat all other forms of art because they simply include all forms of art in them. They are in fact, the deepest simulation of life.

>> No.21732563

That's because even a painting made of feces has more soul than Zuckerberg

>> No.21732634

Video games and literature in top tier because those require user interaction to keep the story moving forward
Everything else is bottom to mid tier because all you're doing is sitting on your little cuck chair staring like a beta as the action unfolds before you

>> No.21732669

>writing and painting are S tier
>put them together to get comics
>suddenly F tier

>> No.21732675

Music is the most boring art form with the fewest possibilities for creative expression.
How do you think people would feel about painting if ALL painting was abstract painting? It would suck, right? That’s exactly the situation that music is in. ALL music is abstract because it has no capacity to represent.
People rightly shit on abstract art in other media but for some reason they give music a pass.

>> No.21732681

>What is the highest art form? What criteria do we use to determine that?

The criteria for determining art is transmissibility, durability and relatability.

Music from thousands of years ago is barely heard and barely listened to. Musical instruments from thousands of years ago are rarely reconstructed or played or studied. So music doesn't go in S tier.

This is the comprehensive art tier ranking:

S tier- literature (including plays), architecture and sculpture
A tier- classical music (all traditions, not exclusively western) and calligraphy
B tier- textiles, painting, comics and interior decorating
C tier- film, folk music, verbal jokes
F tier- pop music, stand up comedy, animated cartoons

Games, including video games, are toys and not art.

>> No.21732711

The only thing wrong with this image is that POW needs to be in S tier.

>> No.21732712

>Games, including video games, are toys and not art.
This man speaks according to the objective truth.

>> No.21733359

Being a writer director is possibly the most cognitively demanding/well rounded art. But these are usually only the top filmmakers.

>> No.21733362

>Games, including video games, are toys and not art.
by this logic shakespeare is a toy and public theatre is not art

>> No.21733370

I don’t consider games to be art.

>> No.21733377

They don’t include them all in a way that can be properly appreciated. They include them in the same way an amusement park ride includes them.

>> No.21733381


>> No.21733390

>What is the highest art form?

>> No.21733407
File: 83 KB, 1024x683, Moraine-Lake-BNP-1024x683.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nature is the highest form of art

>> No.21733424

More specifically, cinema that depicts conventionally attractive women forcing men to lick their assholes.

>> No.21733434

Music because it’s the only art that’s escapes the eye.

>> No.21733438

>Viruses are art

>> No.21733632

Photography should be F tier. Shit art form. It's just wandering around mechanically capturing something that already exists. What's left is a shadow of reality that's been severed from the context it existed in. At least something like painted landscapes require human interpretation and skill. And no pointing a camera doesn't count as human interpretation and neither does fucking with lighting values in Photoshop. There are very few truly good photographs and even the best cannot invoke half the feeling and meaning that other art forms can.

>> No.21733720

this is the worst picture of that place I have ever seen

>> No.21733834

> It's just wandering around mechanically capturing something that already exists
That’s just natural photography. The other side of photography deals with scene manipulation, lighting, color correcting, etc.

>> No.21733844

S tier. Nothing has a bigger impact on the mind and spirit than the surroundings of a person
S tier. Music is condensed emotion, it's downright magical
>Interactive art
S tier. I'm talking about things like ceremonies, traditions, processions. If you've never been involved in a religious ceremony, you have no idea how powerful it feels, how meaningful it can be. Most religions survive off the strength of these traditions, that alone tells you enough. This tier could also include e.g. sports and video games, but I'll exclude them since it's complicated
A tier. I agree with Plato, the written word has many flaws. Knowledge does not exist unless it's carried around in a person's head, and many books fail to adequately convey their ideas due to poor communication. But literature's ability to preserve knowledge is unbelievable, easy A tier on that alone. Prose is also still an underdeveloped art form.
>Spoken Word (Orally transmitted culture)
A tier. This goes above literature for me. The downside of books is 99% of their contents are superfluous, while spoken word naturally filters out all the junk and leaves behind pure substance and what matters. Humans also tend to remember what they're told by other people way better than what they learn from a book. This includes not just myths or legends but folk tales, idioms, jokes, accents, etc.
>Drama / Opera / Film
A tier. They're in the same tier because they're essentially the same. At its best, they can become a Gesamtkunstwerk which has in theory more potential than any other art form. The issue with this class, generally, is the more factors you have to account for, the harder it is to make sure they all align correctly. When it goes well, it can change your life, but when done poorly, it's still pretty entertaining.
>Visual Arts
B tier. I'm always skeptical of visual arts since they tend to shift our focus away from reality, whereas the other art forms tend to enhance reality. Visual arts exist as a kind of spectacle unto themselves, they cast a kind of hypnosis spell on people, and unless a society uses them correctly, it often leads to bad things

>> No.21733848
File: 356 KB, 1080x1681, poop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well it is poop,you nincompoop.

>> No.21733855
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>> No.21733857

Filmed has surpassed Gesamtkunstwerk

>> No.21733861

Look up the meaning of that word

>> No.21733878
File: 13 KB, 320x320, 275745413_5556736914416387_4411494555358869941_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Poo is the highest form of art and you can't prove me wrong.

>> No.21733899

Gay porn

>> No.21733900


>> No.21733966
File: 110 KB, 1080x1064, fz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Music is the best.

>> No.21733971

Yea but Frank Zappa sucks.

>> No.21734231

Shakespeare plays are not video games. They can be read by yourself, with a group, and performed on an actors' stage, translated into other languages and recorded, replayed in audio or video. Video games require electronics and computers, and almost nobody played video games until the 1990s and almost all video games become outdated a few years after release.

And video games still aren't art, chess isn't art either.

>> No.21734258

cinema is better than literature

>> No.21734265

The greatest movies are inferior to the greatest books.

>> No.21734272
File: 724 KB, 2480x820, 03EA77E7-19DB-46A1-9FBB-84CBC98BD3BA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everyone knows this is false.
Most people don't read books. But literally nobody reads movies.

>> No.21734299


>> No.21734303

no. tarkovsky, bergman, bresson, ozu, cassavetes, etc. mog most great books.

>> No.21734310

We don't make S or A building anymore. it goes in the middle, fag.

>> No.21734322

where do you think they stole their fucking ideas for plots from? Movies don't even work the brain.

>> No.21734325

Not true, esp. not Ozzzu. The Divine Comedy and Orlando Furioso are already worth more than all you mentioned.

>> No.21734331


>“Researchers have found that moderate to high television viewing during midlife is associated with increased memory loss and decreased fine motor skills,” explains Manisha Parulekar, M.D., director, division of Geriatrics, and co-director, Center for Memory Loss and Brain Health at Hackensack University Medical Center.

You don't get that from reading, or even playing videos games which is F tier if you even consider it art at all.

>> No.21734348

not every director stole from books. in someone like tarkovksy or bresson's case they greatly improved upon original material.

>> No.21734557

I'm probably alone here but I'm certain at some point video games (or VR) will surpass all art forms. It'll become indistinguishable from reality and will be limited only to the creator's imagination. Imagine being fully immersed in Resident Evil or a World War 2 game. Even in literature the creator could create a first-person perspective narration of Crime and Punishment. That'll be the beginning of the end though.

>> No.21734565

Cinema ranks high, but it's because I don't watch shit.

>> No.21734610

I'm always amazed by how many people on this website genuinely, unironically try to claim that video games are a high art form

>> No.21734638

Poetry, honestly. Including some song lyrics. They are the only medium which can actually make you think about ideas on top of being moving and evocative. With other artforms it's one or the other, or neither. Literature comes second, of course.

>> No.21734679

3000 years vs 100 years. The cinematic canon is impressive taking that into account

>> No.21734695
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Cinema, because it incorporates all the other arts.
Much of cinema is banal, but that is only because it is so difficult to master as a medium. Everything must be perfect, from the writing to the production to the acting to the cinematography.
It's much easier to create a perfect poem or a perfect piece of music than a perfect film.
Hence, cinema is the highest and hardest to master of all the artforms.

>> No.21734704

Video games have an advantage over most art forms
Games are alive, while they are dead

>> No.21734707

i think some of them are ironic

>> No.21734710

Games aren't art. They're interactive challenges designed around player input. They don't exist solely for aesthetic contemplation like all other art forms do.
Games can incorporate many elements of fine art, like great storytelling, music, visual design, etc., but as a medium they cannot ever be art unless they were to be stripped of their interactive challenge aspect.

>> No.21734714

Would you consider sports an art?
How about warfare?
And if not, why not?

>> No.21734725

Certainly not by the strict definition of art. One can speak figuratively of the 'art of war' or 'art of the game' etc. but clearly we're not speaking about works of art created for the sole purpose of aesthetic contemplation, now are we?

>> No.21734728

To the player or warrior, no. To the spectator, maybe. Overall, no.

>> No.21734740


>> No.21734744

Videogames are just interactive movies, baka. Is film is art videogames are art.

>> No.21734745

Oh are we going by only the stuff created nowadays? Then literature should be in f tier as well.

>> No.21734759

Videogames have the potential to be the absolute highest for of art because it makes use of all other forms of art. Of course capitalism fuck everything up, so there is no chance we get to see this for now.

>> No.21734760

>They don't exist solely for aesthetic contemplation like all other art forms do

You don't know enough games. Yes, many indie games were created solely for aesthetic contemplation. And then you have visual novels which are just choose your own adventure books without the paper.

>> No.21734768

You can't tell the difference because you are not asian yourself dumbass. Why the fuck do I have to explain this to you?

>> No.21734770
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Hot take: monopoly is art because it was created to illustrate the concept of capitalism. The goal of the game is not to have fun but to think.

>> No.21734786

>Comics over animation
You fucking retard.

>> No.21734845

>all these manchildren defending cinema
Film peaked with German Expressionism. Metropolis is the greatest film of all time. It's all been downhill from there.

>> No.21734850
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>thinking films are good
They suck bro.

>> No.21734868

As someone who does martial arts as a sport, no. Sports are not art.
Warfare is not art.
This >>21734710 is accurate.

>> No.21734874

>9 identical faces ranked

>> No.21734966

At least books stop your brain from decaying too much.

>> No.21734983

Based but also Beefheart

>> No.21734988

The greatest filmmakers of all time frequently commented on how easy filmmaking was compared to other mediums.

>> No.21734991

For me it's Koyaanisquatsi.

>> No.21734995

Monopoly is infuriating, not fun.

>> No.21734999

>Videogames have the potential to be the absolute highest for of art because it makes use of all other forms of art.

>> No.21735005

Monopoly was invented by a Georgist chick and was originally called The Landlords Game. It was back when people all made board games themselves at home, basically an open source indie game. Then multiple companies tried to patent it.

>> No.21735012

The trouble with videogames is they are in second person and if you want to stare at a wall and do nothing you can.

>> No.21735052

>they are in second person
Not necessarily.

>if you want to stare at a wall and do nothing you can.
You can also read a single paragraph from a novel over and over again, so what?

>> No.21735086

Finally a truly edgy post

>> No.21735418

Food is objectively the greatest form of art since it involves 3 sensory mediums, taste, sight and texture. Most other arts involve one or two maximum. While it has less of an ability to cultivate and convey the artists emotions/experiences, it still makes us feel and stimulates our senses.

>> No.21735558

Yeah, to think about how dog shit it is

>> No.21735663
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Kant says no.

>the agreeable, the beautiful, the sublime, and the good.

>The agreeable is a purely sensory judgment — judgments in the form of "This steak is good," or "This chair is soft." These are purely subjective judgments, based on inclination alone.

>The good is essentially a judgment that something is ethical — the judgment that something conforms with moral law, which, in the Kantian sense, is essentially a claim of modality — a coherence with a fixed and absolute notion of reason. It is in many ways the absolute opposite of the agreeable, in that it is a purely objective judgment — things are either moral or they are not,

>The remaining two judgments — the beautiful and the sublime — differ from both the agreeable and the good. They are what Kant refers to as "subjective universal" judgments. This apparently oxymoronic term means that, in practice, the judgments are subjective, and are not tied to any absolute and determinate concept. However, the judgment that something is beautiful or sublime is made with the belief that other people ought to agree with this judgment — even though it is known that many will not. The force of this "ought" comes from a reference to a sensus communis — a community of taste.

1) This steak is good.
2) Stealing is wrong.
3) The Mona Lisa is a beautiful painting.
4) The Grand Canyon is truly awe inspiring.

tl;dr - if it serves any function besides "to be a thing of beauty" then it's not truly art.
This is why >>21735052
video games, which are meant to be entertaining, do not belong in a museum.

>> No.21735692

Living life

>> No.21735719

Those people are sitting back and watching hours upon hours of low quality television shows, not intellectually stimulating films by James Benning.
I don't know if it's as harmful with other forms of media, but every medium has mind numbing slop for the lowest common denominator.

>> No.21735738

freemasonry is a social club not an artform
unless that's supposed to be architecture in which case kill yourself

>> No.21735765

I think they are memeing. No can be this silly. Right?

>> No.21735778

S: Literature, Painting
A: Music (Classical), Opera
B: Architecture, Theatre
C: Film, Graphic Novels (Confessional/Autobiographical)
D: Cartooning, Music (General)
F: Video Games, Comic Books

>> No.21735781

Graphic novels and comic books are the same art form. If you think Persepolis and Watchmen belong to different mediums, you’re insane.

>> No.21735784

I was thinking more: Chester Brown/Seth/Chris Ware (confessional graphic novels) v. Alan Moore (elevated capeshit)

>> No.21735791

You make no such generic description for film or literature. Interesting.

>> No.21735793


>> No.21735795

I'm 100% sure that if this kant guy lived through the 21st century and saw the advancements in art forms - pictures, movies, shows, video games, virtual reality
that his criteria to judging art would change, and so should yours

If we take music and video games for a comparison, music is meant to be entertaining just like video games, it knows exactly how to stimulate you and tries to elicit emotion, so can you say that a video game experience and a piece of music both engineered around eliciting a wide range of emotions and giving you an experience are both not art forms?

My point is that it is still an art form if you can express yourself with the medium even if you engineer an experience, it is simply a longer medium, one you can indulge in over and over.

Some example of video games:
Read dead redemption 1/2 gives you a window into early America and lets you experience it in great detail and experience what it was like back then from the point of view of the character
Kingdom come deliverance lets you experience a snippet of medieval times as a peasant in the Bohemian empire

They've made use of all forms of art to create something new and unique, nothing else can replicate it, it is in itself now, one contained piece of art.

tl;dr if it is an engineered experience meant to elicit specific emotions and be entertaining it doesn't make it not art, and art can be longer and more complex than anything simple and straight forward

>> No.21735803

Opera is not its own separate artform. It is a subdivision of music, the acting, choreography etc. are just a part of the performance. You don't hear Don Giovanni for Lorenzo Da Ponte's contributions, you hear it for Mozart. If the performance notes for a piece tell you to wear a fedora while playing, does it become another artform entirely? Or does it become music with nonmusical elements?

>> No.21735806

I gave distinction only where absolutely necessary. Beyonce isn't Bach and The Avengers isn't Clyde Fans. I don't believe film is capable of the same level of depth as literature. Being good at reading versus being good at watching a movie? It just doesn't have the same gravity.

>> No.21735807

A video game is a digital board game or toy. It is not art. I have played pretty much every critically game and not one of them constitutes what I would call art. Not every piece of media is art. This post is not art.

>> No.21735813

But The Avengers (movie) is on the same level as [insert whatever film you think highly of]?

>> No.21735819

Video games can be experienced by yourself, with a group, displayed on a stream for all to see, translated into other languages and recorded, replayed in audio or video

"Video games require electronics and computers" so this is your grand argument? you literally said the plays can be replayed in audio or video

I think you simply did not play enough games and that's okay, but you should give them a shot before dismissing them, I've never dismissed a shakespeare play

>> No.21735838

Maybe the games didn't resonate with you, but to get to experience something you never would have gotten to experience before in an engineered experience is incredible, like experiencing early America in RDR 2

Capturing a point in time and expressing it as an experience is no different than taking a picture, it is simply longer and grander, but still art nonetheless

>> No.21735843

That would be an F v. a C.

>> No.21735850

I don’t see how. I don’t consider amusement park rides to be art either. Or board games. Or toys. Games are fun, but they are not art.

>> No.21735858

Bull baiting is the highest form of art. It is the reason to own pits. And bulls. And pit bulls.

>> No.21735867
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Menstrual blood is far more artistic than poopoo.

>> No.21735872

Classical music is unironically not that good. Its enjoyment is mostly academic and doesn't break away enough from convention to instill any meaningful emotion. Music has certainly reached greater heights since then.

>> No.21735875

Imagine the smell

>> No.21735883

>doesn't break away enough from convention to instill any meaningful emotion
If you knew anything about classical, you would immediately realize your first error here.

>> No.21735902

>at some point
I didn't say now. If VR ever becomes completely immersive then you could literally do anything.

>> No.21735915


I guess you're right there.
I'm just quick to offer the "industry standard" opinion/ play devils advocate too hard sometimes.
I myself have had emotional experiences from video games.
For me it was Zelda: Majoras Mask for the N64, when you stop the moon from falling by calling the four giants:
Only later in life, whilst struggling with major depression did I come to value that game as something more. The feeling of the world ending, the masses of people in denial about the fact, and the constant repeating cycles of three days. Trying to help others despite being setback with your own problems. All of this put into words what I was feeling at the time and would eventually help me form a narrative and find meaning in my pain.

Runner up is the good end of Star fox 64:

Maybe finding such deeper meanings in video games is silly, but Marcel Duchamp did prove recontextualizing the mundane can be used to expand our definition of what is art.

>> No.21735944

>video games and comics below cinema
OP is a faggot

>> No.21735962

Poetry is the highest art form. That's why it's dead. Followed by literature, by the virtue of it paradoxical nature, being a form of story not able to be written being written. Then music, sculpture and visual art for their simpler form of conveying story. Then comics and games for their greater simplicity. Then we end up with architecture because of its limitations.

>> No.21735965

>Its enjoyment is mostly academic and doesn't break away enough from convention to instill any meaningful emotion
This >>21735883.

>> No.21735972

Games are inferior to cinema, you delusional /v/irgin.

>> No.21735986


I agree. What is hip hop but poetry set to music?


what is architecture but frozen music?

>> No.21735994

That was very nice of you to share those experiences, I'm glad these games were able to help. Its true and I can also derive a lot of lessons from the games I play, and Its not necessarily always obvious or even intended by the developers to make you realize that specific thing that you discovered, so I don't think Its silly at all

I always described the best video games as an extremely good and interactive book/movie, and I love narrative driven games, there's surely a lot of bad video games out there just like there is a lot of bad anything else, but again I personally find that the best video games contend and in my experience surpass the upper limit of how impactful an experience could be, that's just my opinion

what is your favorite form of art?

>> No.21736034

>I agree. What is hip hop but poetry set to music?
Dumbest take ever. What do you think the ballad evolved into, retard?

>> No.21736039
File: 640 KB, 3158x873, joker theif.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'm an artist so you would guess painting, but I just find music to be so beautiful.

I've always strived to make art that is like music, like pic related, and I love songs that tell a story, which is why I ultimately love all along the watchtower:


>> No.21736065
File: 131 KB, 1269x713, hste.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>listening to a chubby hipster dyke talk about rap on a Vice knockoff YouTube channel known for hyperbolic leftwing propaganda

>> No.21736165

Were you trying to make the drawing progressively worse as it went from left to right? Don't get me wrong, the first part is fine but holy shit the postures and the face on that last guy.

>> No.21736184
File: 827 KB, 1104x1539, Seppuku-2-1-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What is the highest artform?
suicide. /thread

>> No.21736250

Wow that's really nice! did you make it yourself? I like the vibe of it
I listened to that whole thing and Its a good jam!

And yeah I totally get you about music, Its truly a vessel for memories for me and I think for a lot of people, 90% of the music I listen to is music associated with good memories, which is mostly from games haha, but it makes me feel really good so Its awesome, thanks for sharing again! :)

>> No.21736349

Opera that is Drama is its own artform, but Opera that is a messy jumble of music, phrases, and singing is not.

>> No.21736371

>ALL music is abstract because it has no capacity to represent.
What is ultrasound and echolocation
The eye is biased. Music is in a category of it's own.

>> No.21736387
File: 81 KB, 686x576, Spurdo Spagner.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

(The Best)


Motion Pictures
Church Music
Other music (Concertos, Cantatas, etc.)


>> No.21736418

The argument that the term ‘art’ can be gatekept to a strict set of anything was destroyed long ago when That Urinal was allowed to wreck shop and ended any semblance of consensus on what defines art.

>> No.21736419

Getting money out of states, the bourgeoisie, or sad fetishist first worlders constitutes art. You're badly misreading urinal.

>> No.21736438

I’m not interpreting it. I’m making the claim that it destroyed all consensus.

>> No.21736456

>I’m not interpreting it. I’m making the claim
Son, you're functionally illiterate.

>> No.21736458

Fashion is the greatest art form you dumb retards, get with the times.

>> No.21736471 [DELETED] 

The person who is repeatedly misunderstanding posts is you.

>> No.21736474

>tarkovsky, bergman
Allegoric garbage, the narrative equivalent of saying the Statue of Liberty is high art.

>> No.21736485

Tell me more about ritualised dog/cow violence for art?

>> No.21736510

I’ll take your comment in good faith, what I consider myself to be interpreting for my claim is the art world’s reaction to the urinal, not the urinal itself. I consider the actual intent of the work immaterial to this so therefore I do not conflate the two. I don’t consider myself to be interpreting it as a result.

>> No.21736596

What about the foods that are crafted to look perfect, or like something other than what they are e.g. a shoe? They are created for beauty but are still food.

>> No.21736797

No, the drama is an extramusical element applied to music.

>> No.21738183

off topic

>> No.21738188

You'll never fire a weapon nor will you ever be an operator.

>> No.21738397

S: Literature, Painting, Music, Comics
A: Animation
B: Sculpture, Video games
C: Architecture
F: Theater, Live action film, Photography

>> No.21738553

>Toys cannot be art
Play is the highest form of art, not stage play, the actual essence of play. Only pseuds ignore this.

>> No.21738560

This dude doesn't engage with art lol. The whole point of art is to have an interactive relationship with the viewer, how do people not understand this?

>> No.21739164

it's hard to decide for most of these but some things are certain: music is in S tier, literature in A tier or S tier, photography is in F tier and theater is in F tier as well

>> No.21739193

It's not a competition. Of course, artists compete against one another, but the forms don't.

>> No.21740851

>video gaming is art because it combines all other forms of art
This doesn't mean anything. Video games have to accommodate the interactivity of the player which worsens the story 99% of the time, not to mention it can rely on its gameplay to be fun, thus making the other elements mediocre. By the same token, why do you think the book is almost always better than the movie despite the latter "combining more art forms"? Because it's simply more refined and mature as a form, adding more artistic elements doesn't make it better, if anything it dilutes the value. Even the greatest video game ever made is at BEST a 6 out of 10 in the grand scheme of art. Is something like Bloodborne cool to look at? Sure. Is it true art? Hardly.

>> No.21740910

define art then? Why is gameplay not art?

>> No.21740953

idk im just mad

>> No.21741269
File: 356 KB, 1600x740, 2bc51c62b97a77022b6f4a47d5a5be84d64b7e840ea3abb55263d8322d8b36b3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rain World is the only video game I'd consider to be art. It transcends the notion that video games are supposed to be satisfying to play, reward the player, be entertaining, etc. Which ties into its thematic elements so beautifully. Games like Dark Souls are still too indebted to traditional video gamey systems and RPG elements that debase whatever statement it's trying to make. You could maybe, MAYBE make a case for games like Riven and Outer Wilds but those are really just interactive puzzles.

>> No.21741368

fuck off back to retardera, you and your ilk with your slobbering over muh cinematic experience and muh narrative are the cancer killing vidya. Video games are not and will never be art and there is no reason for them to try, they have always been a form of play first and foremost. I would rather games wither away than be maimed by your midwit pretensions to 'art'.

>> No.21741398

art is for faggots, men read STEM books and make an art from mathematics, physics and chemistry

>> No.21741441

I have only played a bit of the game (I have only gone through the first area, the industrial area, the nuclear waste area, the sea are and a bit of the dark area), but what I played was quite fun and entertaining. The only thing I disliked were the sigil door things.

>> No.21741679

>What is the highest art form?

>> No.21743377
File: 92 KB, 462x561, hah.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah, comics are the greatest ones, with literature following behind. But everything is good as long as is an art form, a bridge to the unadultered and pure expression of human mind, heart and soul.

>> No.21743386 [SPOILER] 
File: 373 KB, 600x600, i.kym-cdn.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the shittiest painting i have ever seen

>> No.21743399
File: 263 KB, 316x316, War_is_the_Answer_Album_Art.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21743473

Yes, that's why it's the highest form. It's the most removed from direct representation, yet is able to evoke so much emotion. See Schopenhauer. People get the sense that abstract art in other media is bullshit, because it often is, but can tell in moments whether music is bullshit.

>> No.21743522

Thinking isn't an artform retard.

>> No.21743542

>chewy B
>nayeon S
nice b8