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/lit/ - Literature

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21731870 No.21731870 [Reply] [Original]

Why don't they want me to read this?

>> No.21731875

>le genocide book
Do /pol/tards seriously jerk off to this?

>> No.21731878
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related lore

>> No.21731883

> book starts with the protag being manhandled by nigs
Why is le master race so insecure about blacks

>> No.21731884

Because it was mentioned in several mass shooter manifestos. /thread

>> No.21731898

Why are you trying to dissuade me from reading it? Have you read it?

>> No.21731906

Another ad hominem. Why are you trying so hard to ban this book? Are you just brainwashed?

>> No.21731927

It’s an okay read. I found an online copy back in high school and read it simply because I was told not to. Tbh it didn’t radicalize me, my personal experiences with non-Whites is what did radicalize me and this book reaffirms my speculations about the future.

>> No.21731932

Kek nice bait retard

>> No.21731933

why do you want others to read it?

>> No.21731935

>t. Brown
Go back

>> No.21731937

Probably cuz hes based/redpilled/awake

>> No.21731938

It's ok, not spectacular. Worth reading once.

>> No.21731942

you might go on yet another walmart shooting

>> No.21731957

Are you really afraid of reading a book? lol

>> No.21731965

The banned list is big and 1984 is the most banned one. Just want to add that. I have no idea why it is considering Americans seem to love that book.

>> No.21731968
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I've read parts of it and know the general context, it's only entertaining due to how retarded it is.
Maybe if you didn't shill it constantly, I wouldn't come into your threads to complain about it. there's plenty of chuds in the literary world, Why do you keep coming to talk about the least interesting book written by an inbred neonazi who abused his family?

>> No.21731983

1984 isn't even close to banned. We all read it in highschool. The Turner Diaries will never bee a part of HS curriculu, or even sold in stores, because it is actually banned.

>> No.21731984

>You’re oppressing me!
I literally just asked a question.

>> No.21731988

Stop talking to me like we have a history schizo retard. Stop banning books fascist.

>> No.21731992

>leftcucks equate dissuading someone from reading a book with oppression

>> No.21731993

You literally insulted me and avoided my question in a lame tired attempt at banning discussion of this banned book. Stop playing dumb/

>> No.21731998
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I wish it was banned so faggots like you would go to prison for shilling it and I'd have peace from your awful threads. Nobody cares about your billions must die book

>> No.21732004

Why don't you want me to read it you nazi? it's just a book.

>> No.21732007

You are afraid of a book! lol. Your foundational ideology must be very weak.

>> No.21732014

It was hyperbolic. Also I’m not leftist.
How did I insult Your Highness exactly? you really don’t know why a book that spreads genocidal ideas and is linked to modern racially motivated shootings is retired from mainstream stores and schools?

>> No.21732022

>racially motivated shootings
i think you mean FBI-motivated shootings

>> No.21732026
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nazi samefag

>> No.21732031

Didnt you read Fahrenheit 451 in middle school like everyone else? You cant just ban books because you don't like them.

>> No.21732035

Yea, the FBI went through all that trouble just to remove a book from Amazon.

>> No.21732036

Im allowed to post consecutively Sherlock

>> No.21732047

?? No it's just in the FBI's interest to manipulate isolated men into committing crimes.

>> No.21732046

Amazon is a business and they can choose to sell whatever they want. That’s capitalism.

The government can choose to limit access to books unfit for kids. Like books with sexual content, books that promote violence/genocide, etc. It’s normal.

>> No.21732048

cope. at least switch ips if you're gonna do this

>> No.21732051

It's a slippery slope.

>> No.21732055


>> No.21732083

So you don't want me to read it because you think I will will become genocidal and violent? Your are my parental authority and know what's best for me? Your government thats decides what to ban isn't violent and genocidal? You don't think I have the intellectual capacity to read one single book and refrain from shooting up a walmart? You are trying to police my thoughts and I'll fucking kill you for that irl faggot.

>> No.21732095

I don’t care about you at all. Simply answering why it’s removed from mainstream places.

>> No.21732105

>promote violence/genocide
I think the point of the book is not to encourage genocide but warn against its inevitability as a consequence of racial "integration"

>> No.21732112

I'm using you universally for all book banning fascists like (You)!

>> No.21732119

You casually just wrote a death threat in your other reply. Not selling books that inspire mentally unstable retards who are wiling to kill is not a bad thing for a society. I hope things get better for you and you read actual literature some day. Goodbye.

>> No.21732120

I’ve been reading through this thread and seeing a few disagreements, but I am curious about what everyone thinks on this point:

Is this book accurate in its predictions for the future of America? Or, at the very least, somewhat credible.

>> No.21732125

There waas a /lit/ post that pretty much debunked this book’s intent. It’s in the archive.

>> No.21732134

>Is this book accurate in its predictions for the future of America? Or, at the very least, somewhat credible.
probably. America is destined to become either South Africa or Brazil at this point. Unless we lose the upcoming war to China, then it's a new game.

>> No.21732137

America doesn’t have as many blacks as South Africa or Brazil.

>> No.21732156

That was a joke dumbass. Are you really so uptight you cant tell how obvious that is?

>> No.21732158

fake news

>> No.21732159

for now. whites declining, mexicans increasing, blacks increasing or staying the same. Whites are declining in almost every one of their homelands, too, so don't expect any re-supply. Not to mention ~50% of whites appear to be mentally and spiritually cucked.

>> No.21732160

>You are afraid of a book! lol. Your foundational ideology must be very weak.
It's the chud version of:
>You are afraid of this hollywood progressive movie! You must be a bigot nazi!
When in fact the product is just low quality, boring and retarded as fuck.

>> No.21732177

nice bait

>> No.21732182

You didn't think that out at all.
One is repression of ideas by a group in power and one is a group in power pushing propaganda. They are polar opposites kid. Think before you write sometimes.

>> No.21732194

Eh? How is that bait? I literally wasn’t racist until a nigger shoved a gun in my face after I refused to give him $4 to “get home.” Then the Dallas PD told me to just file a report.

>> No.21732201

Everything should be judged by individual merits and flaws. One blackamoor who wronged you only speaks for himself.

>> No.21732205

Low quality propaganda is still low quality propaganda. Funny thing is you didn't defended the quality of the product. I guess it's indefendible. If you think this much before writing then keep doing it, you're being a good lolcow for our amusement as always, I'll wait for your next shilling of this low quality piece of shit book to keep having fun with your autistic obsession with it.

>> No.21732213


>> No.21732217

I don't know the quality of the product because I haven't read it genius.

>> No.21732218

He's probably a mutt mix of nigger and kike, feeling the edgelord rush of being a contrarian to his unnatural origins. Fucking murrican mutts.

>> No.21732221

>don't read
Checks, fucking nigger kike tranny faggot mutt, now go back to /lgbt/.

>> No.21732223

Imagine being this much of a shabbos goy.

>> No.21732237

You guys are so predictable and easy to rile up. You latch on like pitbulls every time. Dumb animals.

>> No.21732239

I’ll be sure to keep that in mind when I am robbed in broad daylight in a black majority city, black witnesses who refused to help or give testimony, and a black police department that didn’t care and basically told me to get over it.

>> No.21732244

Ah, well. I should specify it was South Dallas so majority black in that area.

>> No.21732248

And you "guy" you're still the most nigger black african homosexual faggot bottom bitch in the thread. You will never be a woman.

>> No.21732269

I found this book on some accumulated archive of books and read it was about a revolution. I thought it was a satire for the first hundred or so pages, and I waited until it got absurd or funny. Then I googled it. Kek

>> No.21732272

no - it obviously speaks to a much wider issue that is constantly being ignored and actively papered over. Sure - it was one individual, who's actions are excused due to his membership of some ethnic group. I have had a similar experience here in Australia with Aboriginals. I cannot ignore my direct experience, how can I ? Why would I ? I have a family, I have to distrust these beasts due to what I have seen them do. I cannot act otherwise - I want to live and I want my family to live. I am not going to take a gamble on some wild noble savage because that is the current trend

>> No.21732292

because its comically silly.

>> No.21732296


>> No.21732306

You’re in their land. You’re an invader no better than Muslims or negroes in Europe. I have no sympathy for invaders.

>> No.21732321

Sounds about right. I found the book cathartic to read, but it didn’t change my beliefs at all

>> No.21732326

ahhhh so national state borders were finalized when....30 000 years ago? 1000 years ago?
When were the cultural borders of "states" (even for cultures who had no concept of the state) final? I dont wnat to be an invader. I was born english, I have red hair - so I probably dont have roman invader blood. SO am I an invader if I move back to the south west of england or do I need to move to a traditionally celtic land? You are a fucking idiot.

>> No.21732332

Self loathing brown hands mired in student debt wrote this from a cupboard in a fire-prone Sydney student housing complex.

>> No.21732348

If you are not in your ethnicity’s indigenous lands you don’t get to complain. A Frenchman complaining about negroes makes sense and gets my support. Some Anglo in Australia complaining about Aboriginals is just retarded. Blood and soil.

>> No.21732350 [DELETED] 

>blood and soil
no, whites should inherit the earth, not subhuman jungle apes

>> No.21732386

Book literally have them nuking the world and turning it into radioactive hellhole to get rid of nonwhites.

>> No.21732391

/pol/: the book

>> No.21732471

Covington books are way better. He is legit /lit/.