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/lit/ - Literature

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21731199 No.21731199 [Reply] [Original]

Have you ever forced yourself to read trough an entire book you really don't like just because you started it?

>> No.21731202

Yes, would not recommend. I have since stopped this waste of life.

>> No.21731221

yes because I needed the background context for further reading. I also aint a bitch nibba so it was no big deal.

>> No.21731228

Yes, commitment is something i take seriously. It's normal to struggle sometimes but in the end it is its own reward.
People also tend to like more books that they actually finish so i would not trust someone's else opinion on a book they didn't fully read.

>> No.21731233

No. Life is too short and there are too many books out there. Reading just to finish is pure consoomer, and I hate that word

>> No.21731235

Yes, most recently because I thought it was important to give /sffg/ the full breakdown of why it was fucking terrible

>> No.21731236

Only non-fiction.

>> No.21731241
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"If a man wants to read a good book, he must make a point of avoiding bad ones; for life is short and time and energy limited"

>> No.21731250

I never fully agreed with this quote. Energy really is limited, but reading easy slop can be a way to relax and regain some energy. I don't think many people can read complex books all the time.

>> No.21731262
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Either I drop something within 20 pages or I get to the end.

>> No.21731270

That's not saying much. You can't never tell if a book it's good or not until you have read 100% of the words in it.

>> No.21731272

This. I take commitment seriously as well when it comes to reading, which is why I play safe and read mostly classics, sci-fi, and non-fiction. I had a Dean Koontz book lying around the house which I read and a shitty fantasy book indirectly recommended by Tom Scott. Both of them are utter shit but stuck with them to the end. I gave them crappy score on Goodreads so that made me feel good.

>> No.21731274

Mental illness

>> No.21731276


Complexity isn't necessarily good, but I agree with you.

Forcing yourself to read slop or otherwise bad literature just for the sake of it seems more like a general exercise in discipline, though. Has less to do with the art or literature and obviously not anything to do with the pleasure of reading.

>> No.21731288
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Why not?

>> No.21731292

Why read bad books? I mean, surely there must be better ways of making one self feel superior.

>> No.21731297

Some books don't make sense until the last sentence of the last chapter

>> No.21731301


Why read to feel superior? Cringe

>> No.21731306

We don't read to feel superior
We read because we are superior

>> No.21731311


ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooh lol

>> No.21731312
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>tfw the first half of a book is brilliant but the second half is so bad that it makes you want to kill yourself
Fuck you A King Alone

>> No.21731319

I’ve always been a “it’s about the journey” guy. I can’t think of a single book I didn’t like for the first 95% where the last 5% made me change my mind

>> No.21731323

Are you the anon I always run into when A King Alone comes up? Kek.

>> No.21731324



>eating a bathtub of shit in case there is tiramisu in the drain

>> No.21731326

I hate-read things all the time. At least 80% of what I read.

>> No.21731401

For me it’s Gone With the Wind, mainly because of the time I wasted when I could have just watched the film because the cinematic tricks of the trade like music and editing elevate it far beyond the book. The one scene where the camera pans out to Scarlett lost in the immense crowd of injured soldiers in a makeshift ward alone is better than the entire book.

>> No.21731406

Several times a year

>> No.21731464

>food analogy

>> No.21731487

I'm doing it right now with the Divine Comedy. Halfway through Purgatorio, I could not give any less of a shit about 13th century Italy politics. The way he fellates Romans gets really trying too, it's like reading a /pol/tard on the Nazi regime and the superiority of the aryan race.

>> No.21731607

I only read books that are either
>absolute "must know" classic
>I already know they are great
>those books are required to read for the full context (like The Hobbit if you want to read TLOTR)

Personally I don't "just read" a book. The moment I open a book, I already know it's worth it to read it completely.

That's also why I don't touch any book which is not in my genre.

For example look at the book "IT". It's considered by a lot of people an absolute masterpiece or at lease "genre defining".
I never even read one sentence of "IT" and never will. I simply don't read horror books and therefore I never read even "one of the best" of those books. The same with so many other genres like sports or cooking. I wouldn't touch those books even if those get ten billion awards.

>> No.21731689


>reading a shit book just in case the last sentence is decent

>> No.21731773

i have forced myself to read through this entire shitty thread and i feel sick. violated. i hate myself.

>> No.21732456

I ditched wuthering heights. I got about 80 pages in and just went "you know what, I ain't picking up what the author is throwing down."

>> No.21732457

almost every time

>> No.21733957

The closest thing I've done is power-skim through because I want to get a grasp on the retarded points the author is making. Engaging with opposing viewpoints and/or faulty logic is valuable, even (or especially) if you don't enjoy doing so.

I would agree, both in terms of actually bad books, and in terms of ""low quality"" but enjoyable books.
The quote, to me, seems to be encouraging one to live in a self-made rose-tinted bubble.
Obviously people should not force themselves through a book just for the sake of completing it (which I think OP is referring to), but there's value to reading things not just for enjoyment or the intellectual value on-its-own of the book.

>> No.21733967

Boring and lowtest

>> No.21733975

I had the audiobook so I did just power through it on 3x speed after a while, but yeah I felt the same. Massive let down, it really didn't click with me.

>> No.21733984

that nigga hungry