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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 6 KB, 205x245, NotoriousFuckingDummy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
21730620 No.21730620 [Reply] [Original]

How can anyone take Aleister Crowley seriously? Dude's about as serious of a thinker as David Icke or Sylvia Browne.

>> No.21730627

Says a dude who never read him. No, wikipedia articles don't count.

>> No.21730628

>Dudes’s [thing]

>> No.21730633

t. addle brained fool

>> No.21730652


>thing, 100 years ago

>> No.21731063

pretty much this

>> No.21731153

>anon learns what influence is

>> No.21731246

What should i read to start studying esoteric knowledge then?

>> No.21731997

Crowley was a true renaissance man and undeniably a genius. Even if you aren't interested in his occult works, he wrote entertaining fiction like Diary of a Drug Fiend, hilarious parodies of the prominent people of his day, and was an accomplished mountain climber and adventurer. You're probably just an assmad christcuck.

>> No.21732071

He was just a mentally ill edgelord freak with too much money and time to spend. People would compare him with the likes of Marina Abramovic if he lived today. Ooooh look at me, I'm so edgy and scandalous, yeah go fuck yourself and go create something coherent and meaningful

>> No.21732106

He was a decent writer, though, I enjoyed his Simon Iff stories...

>> No.21732148

The Bible.

Unironically, just go back to original scriptures (doesn't have to be Bible) and then read scholarly literature on the esoteric tradition. I wouldn't trust the word of any modern esoteric revivalist or neo religions, which includes Crowley's works, because they're very poor at explaining where their ideas come from, and the physical traditions are all just arbitrary mishmashes of whatever they want (for Crowley it was lots of sex).

>> No.21732163

>tha bibble
>viable source on esoteric knowledge
It's astounding to me that antiquity is abound with complex Greek and Roman mysticism but niggers still mention "da beble" when they talk about "original scriptures" (original to what?)

>> No.21732172

Hell even fucking Sumerian literature is better mysticism than le buble

>> No.21732176

Original to esoteric Christian traditions, you sperg. If you want to get into esoteric traditions you're going to need to understand the exoteric tradition it stems from. Every single esoteric tradition (except new age woo) is very explicit in stating this. There's good reason that they are esoteric, after all. If they were meant for anyone to just jump into carelessly, they would be exoteric instead.

>> No.21732188

The impression you're giving me is that your only understanding of (and attraction to) esoteric mysticism is because it's different from the big mainstream religions. That makes you nothing more than a LARPing teenager, merely edgy for the sake of counterculturalism.
I assure you there is nothing we can discern about Sumerian esotericism, or if it even existed (it probably did though). Reading their myths and the scholarly research on it will only give you the very exoteric, popular form of the religion.

>> No.21732198

>The impression you're giving me is that your only understanding of (and attraction to) esoteric mysticism is because it's different from the big mainstream religions.
I really wonder how you could conjecture this just from the 2 sentences I typed

>I assure you there is nothing we can discern about Sumerian esotericism, or if it even existed (it probably did though)
Omg yes groundbreaking that's exactly why I said even it is better than the bible, it's sarcasm fucking retard

>> No.21732203

Your lack of reading comprehension coupled with utter incredulity that the Bible could have anything to do with esotericism tells me a lot.

>> No.21732206

>Original to esoteric Christian traditions, you sperg.
Then state that it is only applicable to Christian mysticism nigga, "original scriptures" topkek. Christian mysticism fucking blows compared to Greek mysticism anyway so why would you direct anyone towards it

>> No.21732212

I really don't give a fuck bro

>> No.21732224

I can tell.
I did state as much, which is why I called you out for lacking reading comprehension.
Stay proud of your uneducation. Call me when you make the scholarly breakthrough to understand Greek mysticism, that would be tremendous news in the world of religious studies. Or are you talking about the stuff you learned from a goth weed-huffing slut who says she prays to Artemis by having sex with deer?
I don't even think you know what the words mysticism or esotericism even mean.

>> No.21732273

>Call me when you make the scholarly breakthrough to understand Greek mysticism
Are you retarded? Literally just read Greek philosophers and learn about Pythagoreanism/Platonism

>that would be tremendous news in the world of religious studies.
There is no necessary direct correlation between esotericism and religion

>Or are you talking about the stuff you learned from a goth weed-huffing slut who says she prays to Artemis by having sex with deer? I don't even think you know what the words mysticism or esotericism even mean.
Do you realize that you are not owning me by consistently typing in this holier-than-thou flowery condescending tone? Lol. Relax your anal sphincter. It's ok. You can talk like a normal person

>> No.21732275

The nigger is confounded by vocabulary.

>> No.21732288

You can play dumb all you want but you know it's not about the complexity of the vocabulary. Your writing style is unnatural and forced

>> No.21732299

I would accuse you of typing like an unlettered monkey as a way to posture, but I know it's not an act. There's no point in me trying to convince you that my writing isn't forced, and it really has nothing to do with the topic. I'm sorry your insecurities have caused you this agony.

>> No.21732308

Arguing with the prejudice that the person in front of you is necessarily dumber than you and uneducated + constantly insisting on it in a very pompous manner doesn't come off as convincing and charismatic as you believe it does. It's ok to use as a rhetorical device once or twice during key moments in an argument but when you do it all the time you just sound funny and like you're compensating. Kek

>> No.21732316

It's no wonder he thinks Christian esotericism is the OG default Western esotericism or whatever. Dummy

>> No.21732333

Look man, you started the conversation by aggressively beating your chest and being condescending while either intentionally or unintentionally missing the very clear central statement of my post. You don't deserve any amount of respect from me, and the fact that you keep replying in the same manner means I'm going to just treat this as a game to keep insulting you. I explained myself sufficiently in my first post, then humoured you for a few more. Now it's just pointless.
I'm making no attempt at charisma, I'm just having fun. You keep treating this like an ego contest; I don't see any benefit you could have in continuing to reply, as your only contribution to the topic was "lel da beble is valuable text? ya rite XDD"
>he thinks Christian esotericism is the OG default Western esotericism
Yet another gross misreading and/or mischaracterization of what I've said ITT. You've earned the insults to your intelligence.

>> No.21732356

>Yet another gross misreading and/or mischaracterization of what I've said ITT.
You >>21732148 said that to start "studying esoteric knowledge" he "should start with the Bible", which you cited as part of "the original scriptures" (whatever that means) and said he should "read scholarly literature on the esoteric tradition" - what esoteric tradition? Which culture? Which era? How can he even apply your advice? What does this mean. Be specific. The Bible is predated by centuries of philosophical and esoteric European (and Jewish) tradition. Which is evident because there are clear influences of Orphism in the Bible and general Christianity (especially Paulinism) btw

>> No.21732359

>I'm making no attempt at charisma, I'm just having fun.
Yet another writing tone problem because if you're really "just having fun" you absolutely don't sound like it

>> No.21732789

While Aleister Crowley is a controversial figure and his ideas are not universally accepted, he is still considered an important and influential figure in the history of Western esotericism and occultism. Crowley's work as a poet, writer, and occultist had a significant impact on the development of modern Western esoteric traditions, particularly in the areas of ceremonial magic and mysticism.

While some of Crowley's beliefs and practices may seem extreme or unconventional, his work has been subject to extensive analysis and debate by scholars and practitioners of esotericism and occultism. While not everyone may agree with Crowley's ideas or find them personally relevant or useful, his contributions to the development of esoteric traditions and the study of mysticism and magic are still widely recognized and studied today.

>> No.21733181

>Crowley was a true renaissance man and undeniably a genius.

>> No.21733223
File: 46 KB, 740x1067, Crowley quote anything.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.21733255
File: 26 KB, 226x320, UhC5J8fm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>another crowley thread full of seething redditors

>> No.21733258

"Do what thou wilt" is second only to "God is dead" as the most misunderstood quote of all time.

>> No.21733280

hurr durr everything is reddit

>> No.21733281

There are many different esoteric traditions, which is why I said the original scripture doesn't have to be the Bible. When I refer to original scriptures I am referring to the "base" scriptures of exoteric traditions. I'm well aware the Bible and other texts did not pop out of thin air with purely original ideas, I apologize that the term caused such confusion. Christian esotericism is still fundamentally based on the Bible, so is Kabblah but add on the Zohar. Sufism still requires the Qur'an. Tantra derives from the Vedas. Vajrayana, Shingon, and other esoteric Buddhisms still rely on "mainstream" Sutras like the Heart.
To reiterate again: I don't think anyone can just jump blindly into an esoteric tradition without understanding and living the exoteric tradition from which it derives from first. Old-school colonialist LARPers like Crowley did it, and the result is a memeified new age amalgamate tradition in the West where nothing is authentic.

>> No.21733287
File: 77 KB, 620x465, garyspivey.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Crowley was the Gary Spivey of his day

>> No.21733322

remember to edge and eat your cum for divine powers btw

>> No.21733335

thank you based poos for validating my lifestyle

>> No.21733409
File: 144 KB, 1024x503, old_spivey.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus, he still exists

>> No.21733431
File: 125 KB, 500x382, 1642751025251.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What fucking defect does it take to believe in occultism or esotericism? Autism can't even account for it, it's like autism's opposite or something.

>> No.21733445

a dangerous mixture of curiosity and obsession

>> No.21733519

What does it take to believe in anything? Seriously, I would like to know. Im not only genuinely asking (you) but everyone in the thread.

>> No.21733898
File: 105 KB, 359x640, pessoa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my favourite poet was a fan of his
he can't be that bad

>> No.21734455

Will growing an afro as a white man give magic powers?

>> No.21734701

>You don't deserve any amount of respect from me
No one asked you for your opinion you goofy LARPer.

>> No.21734754


>> No.21734784

reminder crowley was a UK intelligence asset

>> No.21734806

>believe in occultism or esotericism
You don't believe occultism or esotericism exists?

>> No.21734822

You (NPC) wouldn't get it

>> No.21734842

Yes, unfortunately Crowley worked for the bad guys in WWII. I think the guilt of it drove him to the drug abuse that eventually killed him.

>> No.21735010

I think it's a wig

>> No.21735019

All mysticism and occultism is just a huge waste of time, why would anyone read any of that??

>> No.21735553

underage or seriously retarded. spend enough time in bars and around 'artists' etc and you can start your journey given that you have aren't a hylic.

>> No.21735581 [DELETED] 
File: 2.39 MB, 708x1080, [짤팩토리] EVERGLOW (에버글로우)|ENG SUB [1-6ZI0HRnLw]-[03.04.351-03.10.307].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>david icke

david icke doesn't cite sources because he just makes stuff up

aleister crowley was smarter than david icke

>sylvia browne

is that the psychic woman who falsely claimed that a couple's son died??

>> No.21735971

>The allies were the bad guys in WWII
/pol/ has given you brain damage

>> No.21736031

>Europe currently being flooded with unvetted 3rd world primates bringing a never-before-seen epidemics of violent crime
>random working class people speaking out in concern for their children's safety are slandered as evil racist extremists, doxxed by state-funded communists and have their liives ruined
>sheboons on tv lecturing about how we need to abolish whiteness in the UK
At least we aren't speaking german, amirite fellow redditcuck?
>muh pol
Nobody here uses that shitty 3rd worlder board. Cope and seethe, you monumental fucking retard.

>> No.21736090

Most of the poltards left with Peterson went into his benzo coma. Hilarious to see there are a few stragglers who didn't get the memo

>> No.21736106

It's not a waste of time, it's useless
Those are different things

>> No.21736170
File: 471 KB, 1960x800, quote-british-attorney-general-nuremberg-trials.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21736335
File: 599 KB, 1920x1937, Hubert_Lanzinger_Der_Bannerträger_(The_Standard_bearer)_Oil_on_plywood_ca_1934-36_Adolf_Hitler_as_knight_Denazified_hole_in_Hitler's_face_scrathes_US_Army_Center_of_Military_History_USHMM_No_known_copyright_restrictions_2450324-2396x2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>At least we aren't speaking german, amirite fellow redditcuck?
You retards who act like Hitler was doing some great duty to EVROPEAN heritage seem to forget that he ended up destroying more European cultural treasures than anyone else in history. The art the Nazis were making was, at best, schlock.

>>muh pol
>Nobody here uses that shitty 3rd worlder board. Cope and seethe, you monumental fucking retard.
t. /pol/cel and virgin

1. his name was HARTLEY, not Hartle.
2. this is not a real speech he gave at any time.

>> No.21736390
File: 568 KB, 1600x1145, Filkins-NaziPropaganda04.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Less nuanced than Soviet realism
>Kitschier than Kincaid
Wow, sure is based

>> No.21736407
File: 580 KB, 1416x1704, zsbi6ur5czha1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nazis never surrendered. they have covertly taken over the MIC since the end of ww2 and nearly have full spectrum dominance of the entire planet. you can relax, they won. remember this in 10 years. "be careful what you wish for."

>> No.21736417

How did /lit/ end up with so many schizos?

>> No.21736421

before any poltard asks the question of why america looks the way it does now. cuz you have an extraterritorial enemy non state actor that has been planning the collapse of america since the end of ww2 and has infiltrated the deepest levels of american government. parasites. they never invented anything just stole from tesla.


>> No.21736424

great awakening nigguh
get with the times gramp

>> No.21736467

also there is some evidence to suggest that Crowley was actually Adolf Hitlers body double.

>> No.21736473

Rudolf Hess flew to the UK after discovering Hitler was an imposter

>> No.21736489
File: 53 KB, 500x500, hollow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

his prose is genuinely moving and sublime, archaic in a glorious way. if u read him for his 'ideas' well then you're the moron

>> No.21736495

crowley is iykyk tier. If you don't know then you don't know.

>> No.21737532

Why don't all boards have the report option /v/ has for "starting or participating in a flamewar?"

"/pol/ on other boards" should have been a report option for almost a decade now, as well.

>> No.21737658

Pretty sure they stopped being fans of his around 2017, you idiot.

>> No.21737665

This is idiotic
The argument was that the wrong side won ww2 you imbecile.
>so mad he replies twice
>"muh pol"
Kill yourself r3ddit tourist.

>> No.21737881

everything is political, chud!

>> No.21738180

>Kill yourself r3ddit tourist.
Why do you faggots think about Reddit 24 hours a day? I don't know what goes on at that shitty site because I don't go there.

>> No.21738281
File: 34 KB, 633x429, 12396266-6932693-Eric_Butts_posted_the_video_of_him_watching_the_Episode_IX_tease-m-3_1555526192430.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reddit isn't a place. It is a state of being

>> No.21738286

The man did it all so he could get laid.
And it worked.

Sounds based to me.

>> No.21738298

I love Eric Butts. Or better, I love what he symbolizes and represents.
He represents the ultimate anti-blackpill. He is the living disproof of incel ideology. In incel metaphysics, Eric Butts is the anti-man, the genetic dead-end and reject, the snivelling omega. In reality, he has a perfectly normal, plain-looking wife, and from their interactions in his videos, it looks like they love each other very much.
He shits on incel ideology merely by existing, and for that reason, he is, contraintuitively and paradoxically, based.

>> No.21738318

No one takes him seriously, idiot.

>> No.21738608

>read Crowley
>get Wiccan pussy
I think I'll pass

>> No.21738610
File: 117 KB, 740x879, 1618820928581.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

t. seething /pol/cel

>> No.21738717

>Kill yourself r3ddit tourist.
Sorry Stormfront tourist. I will try to do better.

>> No.21738736

Read Blavatskaya, the real OG

>> No.21738758


"Esotericism" by and large is understood, within original academic contexts, to refer to Christian esotericism. The OP in this chain may or may not know this, but I'm leaning towards probably not. Zoomers like the term esotericism and tend to connect it with images of pre christian Pagan cults or whatever, so they have a broader definition than academics, and they arguably constitute popular culture today. Both anons catfighting in this thread are therefore right and wrong. The Christian anon is more correct though.

>> No.21738770

Actually based take.

>> No.21738874

How could anyone look at the world today and think that the forces of good won WWII? Do you think that in an Axis controlled world that White people would be on track to becoming minorities in their own countries? That children would be taking sterilizing chemicals to futilely attempt to change their sex? That Blackrock and Vanguard would control the global economy?

>> No.21740297

t. /pol/schizo

>> No.21740426

lmao, the people talking about "omg nazis were BASED" are losers now and if the Nazis had won they'd still be losers only they wouldn't have blacks/jews/immigrants to blame for their problems

>> No.21740701

That's because the vast majority of incels aren't truly involuntary celibates.

>> No.21740997

Still better than Nietzsche.

>> No.21741031

Only inbred bugmen think in terms of race or color
To Masters the whole world is your world, all people are your subjects

>> No.21741096


>> No.21742027

Muh Randian individualism

>> No.21742032

David Icke is quite serious when you realize reptilians are just a dogwhistle for jews. He make himself look like a fool on purpose so his message can go around.

>> No.21742036

He directly influenced the foundation of the National-Socialist Party of Germany.

>> No.21742801
