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21729732 No.21729732 [Reply] [Original]

Is it a meme?

>> No.21729734
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>> No.21729766

Why do people make threads like these

>> No.21729786

I've only read a few chapters but i think it's fine. Not ideal if it's your first scifi or if you plan to read the sequels, though.

>> No.21729871

I hate this cover so much its unreal

>> No.21729898

>Is it a meme?
No, its not a meme. Like many thinkers of his time, Herbert was influenced by Indian philosophy. The Hindus and Buddhists understood that what gave man continuity over countless lifetimes was not his body, or even his mind, but his stories, his karma. His stories determine his future, not his class or the whims of God. If you want to understand Dune, you have to understand the Upanishads

>> No.21730119

by fighting with the Harkonnens, they imply that they are the bad guys. Of course, we already knew this.

>> No.21730126

No, it is not a meme. It is just fucking excellent. A great book. One of my absolute favorites.
The whole series is good, though certain books are less captivating.

>> No.21730131


>> No.21730138

Usually it's made by people who genuinely appreciate the work and try to spread their appreciation by activating a discussion by disregarding the works influence and thereby propmt fans to post genuine testaments of their personal appreciation in order to proclaim OP as underage or homosexual.


>> No.21730151

Which ones are your favorites?
How would you say the lesser ones differentiate?

>> No.21730214

I read it for the first time a few months ago and loved it. The midsection is fairly tedious (how many times can Frank Herbert describe a rock?) and the Baron turns from ominous threat into cartoon bad guy in the latter parts, but it left me wanting more as soon as it ended. Going to read Messiah soon.

>> No.21730275

Not to spoil anything but I appreciate how Herbert manages to descrivbe decades and centuries passing while still making the story seem cohesive. He makes it look easy.

>> No.21730279

just watch the hbo movie with timothy chamalet and zendayaa <3

>> No.21730283

omg i love marvel

>> No.21730373

The massive research approach paid dividends. The prescience and vision sequences were surprisingly good (Herbert innovated some magic mushroom spore sorting technique.)

It accelerates getting into the last third.

>> No.21730496

If you thought original Dune dragged in parts, Messiah will filter you hard. It's one of the most nothing happens books ever written

>> No.21730525

Yes, but it is a good meme.

>> No.21730542 [DELETED] 

Dune is plagiarism
Sabres of Paradise
>"To kill with the point lacked artistry."
>Gurney says there's no artistry in killing with the tip, that it should be done with the edge
Sabres of paradise
>Thus, in writing of Shamyl, we must place him first in his time − the first half of the nineteenth century, and then in his place − the mountains – […]
>To begin your study of the life of Muad'Dib, then, take care that you first place him in his time: born in the 57th year of the Padishah Emperor, Shaddam IV. And take the most special care that you locate Muad'Dib in his place: the planet Arrakis
Sabres of Paradise
>Shamyl, the embodiment of his land, was at once warrior and mystic, ogre and saint, foxy and innocent, chivalrous and ruthless.
>He was warrior and mystic, ogre and saint, the fox and the innocent, chivalrous, ruthless, less than a god, more than a man. There is no measuring Muad'Dib's motives by ordinary standards.
Sabres of Paradise
>O mountains of Gounib, O soldiers of Shamyl,
>Shamyl’s citadel was full of warriors,
>Yet it has fallen, fallen forever …
>O Seas of Caladan,
>O people of Duke Leto--
>Citadel of Leto fallen,
>Fallen forever. . .
>-from "Songs of Muad'Dib" by the Princess Irulan

>> No.21730560

>author had read and was inspired by previous works
Holy shit

>> No.21730571
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>> No.21730575

everything worth reading is basically plagiarism, ever heard of intertextuality

>> No.21730582
File: 94 KB, 860x687, 311-3119724_smug-wojak-transparent-hd-png-download.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God Emperor of Dune and Heretics of Dune have some really great anti-commie stuff. It's wonderful fun to watch modern leftists transforming themselves into the repulsive Bene Tleilaxu with their gender surgeries and their furry fetishism. The big reveal of the nature of Bene Tleilaxu reproduction is also the certain fate of their kind.

You might even say... Frank Herbet was prescient. Picrel

>> No.21730637 [DELETED] 

>dude taking inspiration from other authors is totally the same as directly plagiarising whole portions of text
why are dunefags like this

>> No.21730664

You fucking retard, Bene Tleilaxu are genemaxxing incels who literally hate women.

How on earth did you miss that?

>> No.21730675

Post clear differentiating examples of authors plagarising and taking inspiration from popular works and I will reevaluate my stance on Frank Herbert as an author.

>> No.21730676

honestly im more surprised that anyone actually read past the first half of dune, i thought it was one of those books we all just pretend to have read

>> No.21730740


... yeah they hate women, so they use cyborg wombs. They eliminate women fro-

Nevermind. Congrats on your (you)

>> No.21730742 [DELETED] 

Frank Herbert took entire passages of text from the sabres of paradise, as I have already shown

>> No.21730754

I read it all the way to the Brian and Kevin Sequels but I don't recall anything past Chapterhouse. I tried reading the prequel Butlerian Jihad trilogy and found them to be fun schlock but they might bother people who can't mentally separate them from the original books.

I couldn't read the prequel trilogy set right before Dune because they were just too close

>> No.21730757

I'm starting to like this pasta

>> No.21730771

>Lobotomizing all your women and turning them into "I have no mouth but I must scream" baby factories is somehow not misogynist.
>Then they create shapeshifting futa fleshgolems to serve as their entertainers and lackeys
>Then they become the fleshgolems but still hate natural women

>> No.21730796

Genuinely one of my favorite SF/F series. All six Frank books. The Brian/KJA stuff is garbage.

>> No.21730805

what? how far do i have to read to get to this stuff? i absolutely love the idea of transhumanist futurists destroying themselves and their souls thru body modification and shit. am i about to attempt to read dune again?

>> No.21730815

>Bene Tleilaxu are genemaxxing incels who literally hate women
Wtf are you talking about, retard. Like many peoples of his time, the Bene Tleilaxu were influenced by Indian philosophy. The Hindus and Buddhists understood that what gave man continuity over countless lifetimes was not his body, or even his mind, but his labor, his karma. The labor determine his future, not his class or the whims of God. If you want to understand the Bene Tleilaxu or Dune at all, you have to understand the Upanishads retard

>> No.21730862

Interesting. Are there examples of such?

Would you say that his works are bad only because of the supposed theft of prose or would it have been bad irregardless if the supposed theft had taken place?

>> No.21730871

I'm not understanding where you think I suggested they AREN'T misogynists, you midlitterate nigger. But I'm glad someone else knows how cool and fun Dune is either way.

The 4th book starts ramping up and the 5th is easily the best in the series.

You can honestly just read book 5. You'll be a little behind about some Bene Tleilaxu details, but you'll be right on target for the disgusting quasi-humans

>> No.21731161

Such a meme. This book is shit.

There's no actual struggle. From the beginning to the end, you know that Paul is going to overcome everything. He passes the pain trial because of course he is. He is a mentat because of course he is. He becomes a Bene Gesserit because of course he is. He becomes the reverand mother because of course he does. He wins the duel because of course he does. He rides the sand worm because of course he does. There's no actual struggle. There's no actual conflict. This book is shit.

>> No.21731196

He fails to avoid the galactic jihad because of his human hatred and desire for revenge

>> No.21731309

>filtered retard

Bene Tleilaxu aren't misogynist, they tolerate women and are more concerned with non believers of their religion. Any kind of contact with non believers/infidels is an assault on them and they have to do a ceremony amd cleansing when they return to the planet they come from.

>dude these honoured matres can orgasm you to mind control you
What was Herbert thinking here? Why was the sex scenes and the idea that someone can orgasm you to literal mind control included at all.

>> No.21731357

Not if you stick around for God Emperor

>> No.21731469


Honored orgasms is just a sort of plot device... something something, Bene Tleilaxu are still technically human, something something, can still succumb to the weaknesses of man...

Or whatever.

I don't really think they're "misogynistic" per sey either. They're a communistic society. The moral Herbert is teaching with them is that you won't have a functional communist society while the species still reproduces through sex.

>> No.21731500 [DELETED] 

>Interesting. Are there examples of such?
are you retarded?
read the thread

>> No.21731521

Just finished it and thought it was fantastic. The political Intrigue is fantastic

>> No.21731729

Because they don’t read the books.

>> No.21732807

>dude these honoured matres can orgasm you to mind control you
To be fair, that's just an uber-expert level extrapolation of something that already happens in real life.

>> No.21733064

I want to see an 80s/90s styled anime film adaptation of the whole series. I wouldn't trust a live action film director to pull off something like God Emperor.

>> No.21733147

>just wait til this nigga realizes 'Captivity of Two Russian Princesses in the Caucasus, including a Seven Month's Residence in Shamil's Seraglio (1857)' exists and reads it
>lol I know, he doesn't actually read, he just makes the same tiresome complaints because of his obsessive hateboner for Dune

>> No.21733154

it would be deliciously ironic if so-called AI tools were to facilitate this in the near future

>> No.21733158

I always thought it would be awesome in the style of something like thief and the cobbler. But agreed I always wanted an animated version, not the hollywood blockbuster slop we got. I also have thought dune would be cool in the style of the 70s lotr movies

>> No.21733161

Seriously doubt it would be a worthwhile alternative to the adaptations we already have depending on what you mean by the "near future"

>> No.21734031

I don't care

>> No.21734620

It looks really nice aside from the "Now a major motion picture" thing.

>> No.21734625
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>Is it a meme?
Yes. Good meme.

>> No.21734950

Yeah but the Fremen is walking normally on the sand like an idiot. Shai hulud is going to engulf that noob.

>> No.21736374


>> No.21736990

it's a dank meme

>> No.21737034

that's clearly not a fremen, he has his hair out
it's probably supposed to be paul at the very beginning of the book or something

>> No.21738244
File: 59 KB, 690x644, v2-60f0e0fafb6e3f1e8b69036213945746_r.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have taken a break from Dune after finishing God Emperor a few months ago.

The cerebral, psychedelic descriptions of prescience have been my favourite aspects of the series so far. And Leto II's golden path was an interesting concept which pulled me back into the story, as the pieces started falling into place (I had started becoming exhausted with the world by that point).

Fremen culture, along with many aspects of the lore, eventually stopped being compelling after a certain point, and I just wanted to get back to the cerebral, psychedelic stuff. I enjoy the lore and the world building, but I really didn't need that much to enjoy the story and main concepts.

And I couldn't give two shits about Duncan's love life, or Herbert's hackneyed portrayal of romance. Felt like Alia was a bit of a wasted character too, and the concept of possession could have been portrayed better.

Honestly would be fine with an abridged version of the story, edited down to one big volume, cutting out all the fat, and keeping only the meat.

What was the question?

>> No.21738817

Good game, I'm gonna save that image thanks anon

>> No.21738865

I liked Messiah more than original dune, but it can be a bit slow at points.
I really like children of dune too, thought it was better than the original. Haven't read God emperor yet

>> No.21739084

God Emperor is the peak of the entire series for me. I savored the whole thing. Chewed on the ideas in there like a nice steak.