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/lit/ - Literature

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21725962 No.21725962 [Reply] [Original]

God I love Dosto so much. Haven't read a book in 3 months and 15 pages into The Idiot I'm starting to fall in love with reading again. I haven't felt this way since I read Brothers Karamazov a couple years ago. The characters, the dialogue, Dosto is a God. I don't care how basic his writing style is. Fuck what that clown Nabokov said.

>> No.21726758

I have bad news for you but the ending of The Idiot sucks. It’s a good time until then, at least. Read it as a series of vignettes rather than a story with a point and you’ll be happier for it.

>> No.21727023

>I have bad news for you but the ending of The Idiot sucks.
Nah, it's kino. Explain what is it that you found lacking about it.

>> No.21727043

stop giving advice
modern plebs getting filtered by the idiot is boring
only autists can’t follow this timeless piece

>> No.21727109

is dosto some kind of /sad boy/ lit

>> No.21727131

Worse, he is a sinful christcuck. Who sins and then repents and then sins again. Perfect for 4chan.

>> No.21727188

The Idiot is his best novel. Other ones are not so readable, except maybe Crime and Punishment or Demons.

>> No.21727190

So, you?

>> No.21727251

No, you. I never do that.

>> No.21727881

Except you do.

>> No.21727916

Jokes aside Dosto is amazing.

>> No.21728805

you’re gay it’s literally my favorite ending of any book

>> No.21728922

lul, pleb got filtered

>> No.21728933

>od I love Dosto so much. Haven't read a book in 3 months and 15 pages into The Idiot I'm starting to fall in love with reading again. I haven't felt this way since I read Brothers Karamazov a couple years ago.
don't talk about reading, books, and authors this way you disgusting pervert. you are sick

>> No.21729055

I’m happy for you OP. Sometimes it’s tough to get out of a reading rut

>> No.21730736

I have the feeling that Dostoy was blessed with the gift of writing. He was obvoiusly socially handicapped/autistic and he had few of the modern writing conventions to rely on. Yet he wrote some of the most lasting, social psychological works ever conceived. I am impressed and also not surprised that he was a child of St:Petersberg.