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/lit/ - Literature

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[ERROR] No.2172032 [Reply] [Original]

Remember, I've already read the following people a lot: Mario Vargas Llosa, Roberto Bolano, Isabel Allende, Gabriel Garcia Marquez. So, either recommend other authors, or only obscure works by those authors I listed.

Hispanic books are great.

>> No.2172046

Get on that Carlos Fuentes shit my lil nigga.
The Death of Artemio Cruz is a good starting point.
Terra Nostra will satisfy your need to read an XBOXHUEG book.

>> No.2172043

'Cause erryone keeps tabs on what you've read.

Get into Los Lobos, then come back again.

>> No.2172048

You're missing Saramago and Cortazar.
Then you'll be complete.

>> No.2172051

> no Borges in that list


>> No.2172053

Oh, and Borges.

>> No.2172054

Oh, and Adolfo Bioy Casares.

>> No.2172062

Keep going, friends!

>> No.2172069

Dom Casmurro by Machado de Assis

>> No.2172071
File: 33 KB, 300x480, morel1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No. Get this:
>The Invention of Morel, by Adolfo Bioy Casares
and come back after you read it.

>> No.2172074
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Allende is a dreadful writer, and García Márquez is one of the overrated authors of all time, whose only decent work is Autumn of the Patriarch. Cabrera Infante, Onetti, Sabato, Arreola, Mutis, Puig, Arlt and Pitol is where it's at.

>> No.2172076

Miguel Serrano

>> No.2172079

> García Márquez is one of the overrated authors of all time
ehhhh, no

>> No.2172082

What have you read of his and recommend?

>> No.2172093

I am taking an "English in the Americas" type class.... here is our reading list....
No Telephone to Heaven by Michelle Cliff (have not read yet)
The War of the Saints by Jorge Amado (do not suggest/boring IMO)
Farming of Bones by Edwidge Danticat (in process)
The Old Gringo by Carlos Fuentes (I suggest this one)
Ines of my Soul by Isabel Allende (I liked this one too)
News of a Kidnapping by Gabriel Garcia Marquez (haven't read yet)

>> No.2172174

I've written down several books from posts (although not all).

Why is this board so obssessed with Cortazar? What's so great about him?

>> No.2172222
File: 49 KB, 500x781, hopscotch-by-julio-cortazar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A few days ago you were asking for 'experimental novels'. Get this
>Hopscotch by Julio Cortazar
and see for yourself what's so great about him.

>> No.2172271

Fernando Pessoa. The Book of Disquiet was one of the best books I've ever read.

>> No.2172282

portuguese != hispanic.

are you saying they all look alike to you, punk?

>> No.2172302


>implying I give a fuck

Better to read Pessoa than to not read Pessoa.

>> No.2172354

Peruvians (as Mario Vargas Llosa)
Julio Ramón Ribeyro
José María Arguedas
and perhaps Alonso Cueto
Luis Leante
Juan Rulfo
and of course Borges and Cortazar

>> No.2172364

marguerite atwoodez and paoul austerio

>> No.2172428

Oh and (I forgot about him) Ernesto Sabato

>> No.2172450


That post made me laugh out loud. They sound look they are good authors.

>> No.2172454


>Roberto Bolano

It's Bolaño, fuckers.

>> No.2172456

>implying anyone gives a fuck whether you give a fuck

I pointed it out to show everyone you're a dumbfuck.

>> No.2172457

More like BolANO, cuz he's shit is like it came out of a really disgusting anus get it?

>> No.2172461


It sure is.

I did cool off on him for a few months, after reading the garbage that is The Skating Rink and Monseiur Pain, but then Nazi Literature entertained me a lot. I'll probably get a few more books by him when they're out in paperback, like The Return and The Insufferable Gaucho. I still reread bits of 2666 from time to time.