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21720112 No.21720112 [Reply] [Original]

>God is Dead!
What the FUCK did he mean by this. I don't get it.

>> No.21720117

Death of an era etc

>> No.21720135

This is what he meant:

>> No.21720161

TND foreshadowing

>> No.21720613

Smart people no longer really believe in God

>> No.21720616

Please read something. Anything. It doesn't have to be Nietzsche. Just read something written by a white man. Read Siddhartha or something.

>> No.21720642

>... and we have killed him!"
We [school marms, scolds, pedants] are performing a cargo cult of Judaism when if we actually accepted the good news of the Resurrection (as opposed to the Atonement in-itself) we'd act with clean and clear consciences rather than hand wringing over Original and venal sin. That, and the ground of being is unmoored and insecure with Western empiricism and the technological drive divorced from any moral/religious constraint. Contra Freud: it's Oedipus TYRANUS in the Greek (Rex is the Latin interpolation).

>> No.21720643

foundation of certainty has eroded. baudrillard echoed it when he talked about the death of reality, the murder of reality. nietzsche was the first postmodern. reality died along with god. no amount of religious fundamentalism can cover up the death of god by the way.

>> No.21720653

Only a being who was once alive can die, but God by definition is immortal. So God either exists or does not exist, but God cannot die. Maybe Nietzsche hear mocks christianity, because christians also believe that God died on the cross. Nietzsche also often expressed his dislike of the cross symbol.
What can die is the faith in God or the influence a belief in God has on us. What is even more interesting is that this was an act rather than an event, Nietzsche says also "We have killed him" meaning the death of God was caused by us, an unnatural death.
It is also not a victory for Nietzsche or something to rejoice about but a very bad news, the good news comes after that with the ubermensch but the "God is dead" is bad news, very bad news.

>> No.21721269

Our lack of belief led to the death of the religion that undergirded Western civilization.

>> No.21721373

>What the FUCK did he mean by this
woke garbage to psyop european people into antifa progressive democracy

>> No.21721384

Hitler liked Nietzsche however.

>> No.21721385

it's meant as an ironic, ecstatic proclamation.

god is dead, and he remains dead. keep coping and seething you historically anachronistic deformities

>> No.21721396

People stopped acting like he was real. For instance he would say God was real in the 15th century when people would fight and die for their sect of Christianity but not in the modern day of his and our time where people dont care. Dont take it seriously

>> No.21721406

Layman's understanding here: the epistemic advances of man, largely the sciences, led to the collapse of faith in religion as a method of certainty in explaining the world. The human drive for meaning, fulfilled by religion to a large extent up to that point, is left with nothing certain. The crushing weight of meaninglessness thus looms over society, nihilism approaches as humans slowly come to terms with absolute uncertainty.

>> No.21721416

>mom! I'm redpilling the normies on 4chan again!

>> No.21721420

>it's meant as an ironic, ecstatic proclamation.
Wrong. Nietzsche considered this a tragedy.

>> No.21721441

The old God has died, so we must become the new gods

>> No.21721444

Like many thinkers of his time, he was influenced by Indian philosophy. The Hindus and Buddhists understood that what gave man continuity over countless lifetimes was not his body, or even his mind, but his labour, his karma. The bicameral labour determines his future, not his class or the whims of God. If you want to understand Nietzsche, you have to understand the Upanishads

>> No.21721520

He dead. We killed him. It's bad because Nihilism. No way back. Übermensch go!

>> No.21721523
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>> No.21721902

right, sorry, i forgot to say tragic, too. i meant to say that.

>> No.21721906

>If you want to understand Nietzsche, you have to understand the Upanishads
yeahhhhh i should get around to reading that. i just fucking hate hindus

>> No.21721950

he was so wrong. god still exists in the form of super heroes and cheap, chinese made plastics!

>> No.21722082
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>god still exists in the form of super heroes and cheap, chinese made plastics!
this is what he meant by "god is dead". also a religious person would just consider that shit "idolatry". now once again i'm wondering about the relation between ubermensch and superman (obviously superman was created by jews, we fuckin' run this shit)

>> No.21722127

We possess enough knowledge, historic memory and insight to see that mythology cannot be trusted anymore. God is dead because we understood God, he is dead because we've seen him being born.

>> No.21722151

Solipsism. I don't believe in God, therefore no one believes in God.

>> No.21722182

>93% world population is religious
>religion has collapsed centuries ago!
Oh yeah it collapsed. By the time of the heat death there won't be any religious people alive!

>> No.21722255

>The census tells me so!

Sincere religiosity is dead, most people are just going through the motions and don't want to commit to marking "Atheist" on a census form.

>> No.21722531

Who cares?

>> No.21722561

Imagine a primate who just got concious for whatever reason and found himself in a hostile environment with forces he doesn't understand. Since he couldn't deal with the indifference of nature and because he came to erroneous conclusions about what causes what he came up with rituals, which got appropriated by more powerful or smarter primates, creating hierarchies and civilization, leading to the creation of god as a foundation. This gave order and meaning to humanity until science and reason claimed it could explain everything, doing away with the old value system. Yes he laments the death of god but he also sees the potential and he knows that there is no way back. So he advocates for going straight through nihilism, because on the other side of that abyss humans might realize that they can become as gods.
True but it's because the death of god that man seeks a substitute everywhere. Be it science, liberalism, capitalism, whatever. But this doesn't work. Humans have the tendency to create concepts and forget that they have created them, giving up control and worshipping these concepts. It's still the same frightened ape as in the beginning.

>> No.21723988


>> No.21724022
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Educated people don't take the idea of God seriously anymore.

>> No.21724051

Comic-book Superman was actually introduced in the 30s as a Nietzschean evil-doer. I don't remember but he was a evil side-character in some other superhero comic for a single episode. Because muh German.

>> No.21724052

>What the FUCK did he mean by this
have you tried reading him

>> No.21724069
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Nope, it was a short story released by the guy who created Superman. The original superman was indeed "evil". When he turned to comics he painted the character in a positive way.

>> No.21724070

Reading is for Untermensch.

>> No.21724077

The übermensch utilises knowledge for his own purpose. The üntermensch are the ones that thoughtlessly fill their head with other men's thoughts.

>> No.21724344

>100% of the world isn't religious
>See! God is dead!
Enlightening. A very useful thing to think.

>> No.21724370

Modern Christians are faithless. Just take a look at the resident tradcath LARPers that only picked up the mantle so they could exercise feelings of superiority and pride with their new aesthetic identity, which ironically shows just how little they care for the actual faith.

>> No.21724382

I hope Jesus forgives your post ironic psting, but always remember faithless fools meet with their long lost faith often af

Why they have to keep talking about how atheistic they are

>> No.21724388

I like Jesus. I don't like the apostles.

>> No.21724657

>be human
>obsess over material world
>stare at it through little lenses
>make natural world your bitch
>no place for God anymore in your little materialist universe

>be Nietzsche
>see the above inevitability occurring a century before it happens
>know that 99% of humans will turn to complete, unfixable shit without a God to worship
>bemoan forthcoming death of God and terrible, secular hell that will follow
>but also know that such times allow the greatest of men to exist unfettered and write manuals for them.

>be us
>20th-21st century secular materialists
>world is a joke
>everyone hates each other
>men castrating themselves, women killing their babies
>a few lofty souls doing whatever they want to the compliant masses while others seclude themselves from the world
>Oh, he was totally right

>> No.21724760

Nietzsche has passages where he defends meaningless hedonism, you illiterate faggot
GOD I hate Nietzsche threads on /lit/
t. MA in Phil

>> No.21724788

Only the semi-educated. Drink deep, or taste not, and all that...

>> No.21724847

>t. MA in Phil
Then explain OP

>> No.21724866

I look like this and I say this

>> No.21724880

>>everyone hates each other
>>men castrating themselves, women killing their babies
>>a few lofty souls doing whatever they want to the compliant masses while others seclude themselves from the world
Oh yeah that didn't exist before the 20th-21st centuries.

>> No.21724920

At the degree and exponential encouraging rate as today? No.
Most folks who sought out the perversion of life were shunned from society and no romanticized as they are today.

Stop defending degenerate behavior. You’re part of the problem.

>> No.21724930

It's like "punk is dead", simply saying that God as a concept is over the hump and losing adherence.

>> No.21725041

It's both prophecy and history. God didn't die from old age peacefully in his bed, it was a brutal murder, a crucifixion. It's a tragedy but we love tragedy. The gazelle needs the cheetah, its blood fuels the flesh palace, the glory we see reflected in the refined form of the running gazelle.

>> No.21725050

So if people will always be the same does that mean Nietzsche was just spouting bullshit?

>> No.21725360

No one gives a fuck about India. Your society was/is in shambles which is why you’re flooding into the West. Indians pollute anywhere they go. Their society is built on scamming and treachery. Their religions are made to con and subvert people into positions of servitude to a master.

If you’re Indian, the best thing you can do is reject your native culture and humbly study European culture.

>> No.21725396

>True but it's because the death of god that man seeks a substitute everywhere. Be it science, liberalism, capitalism, whatever.
yeah true. nietzsche talked about how science is the next step in the progress of the ascetic ideal. if we are to understand the ascetic ideal as essentially nihilistic, for heidegger it's technology that comes after christianity. liberalism i think is less religious and to nietzsche more a symptom of, yeah, the dead god, but not a replacement for it - totalitarianism would fill that role.
>humans have the tendency to create concepts and forget that they have created them, giving up control and worshipping these concepts
we're alienated, yeah. but most of the time, one person creates a concept/idea, then everyone else mindlessly parrots it - that's how ideology functions.
>It's still the same frightened ape as in the beginning.
this is why nietzsche referred to his future followers/friends/disciples as "we fearless ones," "we shameless ones." man is something which must be overcome!

>> No.21725401

yeah i googled that too

>> No.21725913

"Smart" people are pussies and cowards.

>> No.21725929

>If you’re Indian, the best thing you can do is reject your native culture and humbly study European culture.
Anyone who tells you to reject your culture and adopt another one by any means is a liberal cosmopolitan cuck and deserves swift death.

>> No.21725949

Because you're a nigger.

>> No.21725976

You stupid nigger, India is in shambles because of your subhuman culture looting it for centuries, and then leaving behind your degenerate ideologies and stooges to keep it cripple it from the inside. So no, nobody needs to learn European culture. European culture for the past 2000 years has been the worst kind of savagery and degeneracy outside of Islam.

>> No.21726009

If you get conquered by another society doesn't that make you inherently inferior to them? The most basic quality for a functioning civilisation is to be able to deter outside threats. If you get bested by subhumans what does that make you?

>> No.21726074

India is still here despite all the invasions, following its own culture and worshiping its own gods. Meanwhile, you have been worshiping some middle eastern jew for the past 2000 years.

Also, worming your way in and taking control through deception, backstabbing and taking advantage of people's generosity isn't "conquest", but jewery.

>> No.21726091

>India is still here despite all the invasions, following its own culture and worshiping its own gods. Meanwhile, you have been worshiping some middle eastern jew for the past 2000 years.
India is a British creation desu.

>Also, worming your way in and taking control through deception, backstabbing and taking advantage of people's generosity isn't "conquest", but jewery.
Winning is winning, cheating doesn't exist in real life.

>> No.21726123
File: 71 KB, 680x422, Vishnu Purana.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bharat has been around since long before the British Isles were civilized by the Romans. Bharat is a civilizational state, not some made up nation state.

>> No.21727047

You misunderstood, anon. If you tell us chuds to reject our culture then you're a libshit, but when we tell other people to reject their inferior culture in favor of the superior western one, then that's okay..

>> No.21727056

>European culture for the past 2000 years has been the worst kind of savagery and degeneracy outside of Islam.
That's rich give that Islam gave the highest culture possible to India, and that this was never a problem until British divide and conquer

>> No.21727070

When Nietzsche declared that "God is dead," he was expressing his view that traditional Christian beliefs and values were no longer tenable in the modern world. Nietzsche believed that the Enlightenment and advances in science had rendered traditional religious beliefs and morality obsolete.

Nietzsche believed that the idea of God had been a central pillar of Western civilization for centuries, providing a foundation for morality, meaning, and purpose. However, he argued that this belief had been eroded by the rise of secularism and the scientific worldview, which had exposed the inadequacies and inconsistencies of traditional religious beliefs.

For Nietzsche, the death of God represented both a crisis and an opportunity. On the one hand, he saw it as a moment of profound disorientation and nihilism, in which the old values and certainties had been destroyed without being replaced by anything new. On the other hand, he saw it as an opportunity for individuals to create their own values and forge their own paths in life, free from the constraints of tradition and authority.

Overall, Nietzsche's concept of the death of God is a complex and multifaceted idea that reflects his deep critique of traditional religious beliefs and his call for individuals to embrace their own creativity and autonomy.

>> No.21727389

Retard, Nietzsche isn't talking about god because god doesn't exist, he's talking about god as seen in human psychology and culture.
Also Nietzsche didn't see rabbi Yeshua as god, not even as human, he just cared about the psychology of Yeshua, if something like that can be replicated, hence "there was only one Christian and he died on a cross."

>> No.21727839

>That's rich give that Islam gave the highest culture possible to India
LMAO and this board is supposed to be the literate one. Looks like this place is worse than /pol/.

>> No.21727878

>muh /pol/ is everything that disagrees with my frail worldview

>> No.21727972

most complete
correct, but also is the only one that calls attention to the fact that Nietzsche isn't sounding the alarm for everyone, but really just a select few. it's not some call to arms for EVERYone (he explicitly dislikes the commoners, the rabble, which most posters would fall under) as this popular pasta suggests >>21721523. one thing often glossed over is that he explicitly did not abandon religion. instead it is to be used as an instrument in the hands of the "new" philosophers, as a means of putting everyone else in their place. "To ordinary human beings, finally—the vast majority who exist for service and the general advantage, and who may exist only for that—religion gives an inestimable contentment with their situation and type"

interesting. it sounds like you're saying a better reading of Christianity would've partially resolved it. i'm parsing Oedipus Tyranus as some kind of causa sui project, "circulus vitiosus deus"
interesting. "Finally—what remained to be sacrificed? At long last, did one not have to sacrifice for once whatever is comforting, holy, healing; all hope, all faith in hidden harmony, in future blisses and justices? didn’t one have to sacrifice God himself..."

wrong reading

a bit off as >>21721420 put it (also a bit off). but "the short tragedy always gave way again and returned into the eternal comedy of existence"
not quite. it's more in line with his thinking to say that we create gods. the creature in us doesn't disappear, but is overcome in some manner: "In man creature and creator are united"

simply retarded

>> No.21727983

/lit/ isn't ready to hear this

>> No.21727985

>n-no... it's not hedonism guise
How did he get syphilis then?

>> No.21728084

You know how that disease is manifested, why ask?

>> No.21728292

He was reacting to the advance of secularism

>> No.21729103
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>> No.21729440

We killed God by replacing him with the priestly caste of the time. Science during his time but before that the priestly class he mentioned in BGE.

>> No.21729722

>Finally—what remained to be sacrificed? At long last, did one not have to sacrifice for once whatever is comforting, holy, healing; all hope, all faith in hidden harmony, in future blisses and justices?
The thing is these are all idols if placed above the source of everything. We have no right to expect anything from it so any concept we have of it, any model we pretend to represent it is deeply flawed. We can work from different assumptions but holding any of them as holy dogma is idolatry, an offense against our fundamental ability to have a relationship with God.
>didn’t one have to sacrifice God himself...
At least we need to sacrifice these ideas of comfort or bliss as the highest things, these idols we have of God. The Christ on the cross can become an idol but it's also a subversion of previous idols, like God as a tyrant. The suffering inflicted on us can be said to be also felt by God and it's a result of our choices or at least a product/fruit of life not fundamental reality. The choice to engage with suffering is based on valuing life as we know it.

>> No.21729787

God is dead because traditional metaphysics was destroyed by Kant and his discovery that the real 'object' of knowledge was the synthesis between possible and actual judgement united by the schema of eternity/synthetic unity of apperception. Thus, we could no longer say that being 'adhered' to creatures but only to determinations, or the process by which the thing makes itself intelligible. Identity became the product of a transcendental time determination (eternity), and not, as had it had been for the Greeks, the inverse, i.e. circular motion, change subjugated to identity. We have made ourselves a body without organs and done with the judgement of God.