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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 58 KB, 488x488, Fp6H4q1WYAkRfXn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
21719291 No.21719291 [Reply] [Original]

Who's the target audience for books like this?

>> No.21719304

First grade teachers- I still hate that bitch for refusing to let me make a purple easter bunny basket. She said purple was for girls.

>> No.21719305

Neofeudal slaves.

>> No.21719308

anons on mongolian basket weaving forum

>> No.21719311

all ages. the purpose of sexual education is to subvert the natural inclination of male + female = reproduction and introduce the idea that sex is actually for recreation. And it follows, if the purpose of sex is recreation then it's perfectly fine to abstain from sex all together as well. For young readers, this subverts their base instincts,and for older readers it reinforces the propaganda and normalizes it.

The regular population thinks that sexual liberation is suppose to create more sex, more freer sex. But in reality, the higher powers pushing this agenda want less sex, and eventually no sex. It's a eugenics social engineering scheme to destroy the lower classes and effectively make them extinct. Your child will cut off their genitals, and your family line will end. When your family line ends, all the accumulated generational wealth brought about by the industrial revolution and its consequences will be returned to the state and its corporations.

>> No.21719313

Thralls of the managerial omni-conglomerate

>> No.21719317

Purple is color of royalty, she considered you a filthy peasant.

>> No.21719319

Money launderers

>> No.21719346

notice how they keep making all the babies in books and advertisements into mystery meat mulatoes. the ruling class push racial supremacism but for the lower classes the race that is superior is a non-existent/imaginary one of mixed parentage. And thus, we are all made equal: equally inferior, equally worthless, equally replaceable with equally outdated and incompatible cultural norms and traditions. The feminists of the 90s are already considered TERFS, the gay men who lead the charge in the 00s are already considered bigots. Even transgenders are falling to the way side as asexual nonbirary whatevers replace them as the golden child of the political elite. Progress never ends, nothing is ever good enough, each generation of rebels finds themselves as traitors to the revolution while doing what they use to be praised for.

>> No.21719494

>mystery meat mulatoes
would make a sick band name tbqh senpai

>> No.21719503
File: 875 KB, 553x824, 1671643018762198.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Satanic pedophiles, the middle class white women they've brainwashed, and the children they both abuse.

>> No.21719504


It's a Mexican, retard.

>> No.21719512

The guy crying about it on 4chan

>> No.21719519

The fact that a human being composed this image fills me with great dread and joy at the same time

>> No.21719535
File: 752 KB, 960x966, 6D43863E-F49B-47ED-9F71-40F2B0F1674D.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

True chudjak post I approve

>> No.21719550

the novus homo from the new world, right.

>> No.21719555
File: 274 KB, 744x604, af0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Le /pol/face was the best unintentional gift to us chuds. Fell in love with him almost immediately.

>> No.21719563
File: 134 KB, 650x930, gustave.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's a post-modern remix of a gustave moreau painting, and hopefully you knew that, but with nu-/lit/ you never know.

>> No.21719629

The author's father

>> No.21719731

a mexican? a pure blooded iberian? a pureblooded direct descendent of the aztecs? oh you mean a mixed raced mulato with no real heretige to speak of, what we once called a latino or now a latinx or whatever new buzz word. Right right, exactaly like i said. Mystery meat, slightly browned.

>> No.21719738

how? it's pretty repulsive

>> No.21719741
File: 423 KB, 464x600, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>with no real heretige to speak of
If your racial delusions make you feel better, yank. Spics have more heritage than your mish mash of self hating immigrants will ever have.

>> No.21719766
File: 17 KB, 362x362, 1671569086602921.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because it's humorous. We call ourselves deplorables, fags, chuds, degens, poorfags, payfags, whatever. I never really saw what was supposed to be offensive about le /pol/ face. If a chud is ugly it's relatable and self-deprecating humour, or if not, it's just funny and relatable based on politics.
I guess it highlights the difference between troon outsiders and oldfags. This is an anonymous inageboard, nothing is offensive.

>> No.21720054

californian grade school teachers and woke moms with spineless husbands.

>> No.21720382

Aww, poor little Sanguinius.

>> No.21721890
File: 496 KB, 953x1600, Saint George and the Dragon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nta, but I only knew it was Saint George and the Dragon.

>> No.21721897

I like Chud a lot, I kind of look like him but not that much.

>> No.21721910

I never understood chud as an insult because its supposed to be mocking someone with a moral code that extends beyond himself for something both exclusively personal and entirely superficial. That and they actually expected "chuds" to make edits making fun of themselves.

>> No.21721933
File: 462 KB, 1125x1161, 1672065893594683.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The chuds are making these kino edits. Why do they love chud so much?

>> No.21721939

>introduce the idea that sex is actually for recreation
No one needs to be "introduced" to this idea, it's self evidence

>> No.21721945

Like many LGBT folks, enbies are influenced by Indian philosophy. The Hindus and Buddhists understood that what gave man continuity over countless lifetimes was not his body, or even his mind, but his labor, is karma. The labor determines his future, not his class or the whims of God. If you want to understand non-binary babies, you have to understand the Upanishads

>> No.21721952

>But in reality, the higher powers pushing this agenda want less sex, and eventually no sex. It's a eugenics social engineering scheme to destroy the lower classes and effectively make them extinct. Your child will cut off their genitals, and your family line will end. When your family line ends, all the accumulated generational wealth brought about by the industrial revolution and its consequences will be returned to the state and its corporations.
The only problem with this theory is the fact that it's bored rich kids and their celebrity parents that are pushing this the hardest and doing their best to normalize it in the media. So if elites are participating in the degeneracy themselves, it needs another explanation.

>> No.21721987

Follow the money. I'm not talking about conspiracy shit. I'm talking about the fact that now it's profitable to appear to take a stand in support of LGBT rights.

I think it's good people can be more openly gay. I also think the gender binary politics right now are destructive. I honestly think we can just wait for it to blow over, too. I don't think the number of gay people will ever decrease, nor should it. But I do think many of the confused people identifying as trans or non-binary will decline dramatically when this fad is over. There will be casualties, and I even know a couple - trans people who detransitioned after undergoing surgery, etc.

The non-binary stuff is only justifiable in cases of gender dysphoria, which is an extremely rare mental illness. Raising kids in a gender neutral way seems like it will be more confusing to kids, 99.9% of whom are on one side of the binary, than it would be to misgender the 0.1% who would be misgendered. The solution is to ignore the trend and raise your kids in a wholesome, healthy way. It isn't a conspiracy, it's that the consumerism-fueled non-binary campaign is profitable right now.

>> No.21721997

Buddy... you're looking at the clowns at the circus, not the ringleaders.

>> No.21722010
File: 247 KB, 2000x2528, 1671661909864595.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Chuds stay WINNING

>> No.21722023

Chud unironically represents an ideal. Despite his physical body limiting him in every capacity he still holds honest to the truth and his morals and never gives up even when it appears there is no possible victory. He is (and I say this without a shadow of irony) the Nietzchean Ubermensch.