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21719254 No.21719254 [Reply] [Original]

>*drops mic*

>> No.21719263

All thinking women are Christians.

>> No.21719267

It's pretty polarized but the highest IQ group generally is the agnostic "idk" type of normie

>> No.21719282

Actually it’s Episcopalians, even higher IQs than Jews, agnostics, and atheists.

>> No.21719289

Didn't see that coming

>> No.21719298

Quite the contrary

>quantifying intellect this crudely

>> No.21719299
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>"If one does not believe in God, the only honest alternative is vulgar utilitarianism. The rest is rhetoric."

- Nicolás Gómez Dávila

>> No.21719306 [SPOILER] 

Isaac Newton

>> No.21719314
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>> No.21719315

It's not perfect but it's the best method available.

>> No.21719340

Langan seems to be a Deist of some kind. Sidis was too. I don't know about Marilyn vos Savant, but she is a woman and therefore everyone on this board is smarter than her by default.

>> No.21719344

Here's a based for you, anon. One day this shit WILL end.

>> No.21719351

>what if i told you
>look man
>this is important
>what if...
>intelligence cannot be quantified as a number

>> No.21719361

>quantified as a number
Quantified already implies it's a number. You would say it can't be quantified or it can't be expressed in numbers, but not both. I digress, I still agree with you though, unlike the anon you're replying to.

>> No.21719376

No wonder. Imagine believing yourself to be a thinking man and believing in twisted platonian metaphysics reimagined by some mad fanatics.

>> No.21719388

maybe he means atheists as in what seems to be god itself is a constant movement of flux a cascading sequence of phenomenon

>> No.21719394

Episcopalian here, I can confirm the the average IQ of any congregation is 135.

>> No.21719449
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Oh yea?

>> No.21719492
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>kills himself
explain this atheist bros....

>> No.21719515


>> No.21719557
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He's right. If you live around other people your every day life is determined to a large degree by the dominant religious practices and thoughts running like veins through society. Whether you believe or not is not important as you're living it and are marked by it.

However, no thinking man lives around other people :^)

>> No.21719678

Ergo, all Christians are women.

>> No.21719686

well then, thinking therefore is bad. so we shouldn't do it.

>> No.21719690

But religion is not equal to god. a religion is merely a construct or mechanism for the control of ideas possibly built around god but not actually god. The midwit confuses religion for god.

>> No.21719693

>However, no thinking man lives around other people

obviously, that's why so many of you can't get laid and live in destitute mental poverty. as dumb as Evangelicals are, they tend to have happier and more fulfilling lives than your average "thinking man". I know this because I write about a lot of complex subject matter and often are not accompanied by other members of society,

>> No.21719839
File: 535 KB, 2048x1367, 1641421144046.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You fucking retarded Hurensohn

Thats one character in Farewell to fucking Arms who says that. And the main character doesnt even agree with that fucking statement.

sage du dreckiger Untermensch

>> No.21720035

Keeping your options open is smart desu. Especially with religions lime Catholicism that let you repent at the last minute.

Personally I find the idea of a creator terrifying, and anyone speaking or writing on their behalf the height of arrogance.

>> No.21720145

I was waiting for someone to tell me where this quote came from, as I figured it was dialogue from one of his books.

>> No.21720392

>he can't create a profound quote on his own
>he has to use other people's quotes to make a point

>> No.21721328

>>kills himself
>explain this atheist bros....
yeah, theists never commit suicide. they also never mourn the dead since there is a nifty afterliferino

>> No.21721363

and you confuse theism for monotheism

>> No.21721400

thinking men are atheists but morons confuse this with nihilist, one does not entail the other

>> No.21721404
File: 793 KB, 1600x1297, 8965234D-FE43-4000-A147-3408A5A4D7AB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>*mic gets caught*

>> No.21721450
File: 68 KB, 850x400, thinking.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>*picks mic back up*

>> No.21721453

Lol can't even deal with true causality

>> No.21721454
File: 29 KB, 373x521, 1676752648886647.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

An enemy that numbers time in millennia with a cultural basis that goes back to preliterate man and symbolism rooted in primordial homonids appears!
>[(You)--Choose your fighter]!
a) Richard Dawkins: rat-faced evolutionary biologist who popularized the word meme (secret weapon: Scientism; weakness: Kafka)
b) Sam Harris: midwit who solved the problem of induction (secret weapon: meditiation; weakness: complex thought)
c) Christopher Hitchens: reformed commie/former fag with great talent for rhetoric (secret weapon: alcoholic snark (aka Hitchslap); weakness: Neoconservatism)
d) Daniel Dennett: Saturday morning philosopher (secret weapon: midwit empowerment (aka Reddit); weakness: phenomenology)
[Counter attack: nuance. Enemy isn't 4 and is unimpressed you don't believe in Santa. Attack is ineffective.]
[Counter attack: nuance. Even myth is meaningful in a way not reducible to materialism. Attack is ineffective.]
>(You) choose: SCIENCE THOUGH!
[Counter attack: nuance. Enemy brings up the history of science and its complex relationship and continuing interplay with religion. Attack is ineffective.]
>(You) choose: FEDORA TIP!
[Counter attack: enemy is laughing.]
>(You) choose: NO YOU!
[Counter attack: enemy is laughing.]
>[(You) have fainted.]

>> No.21721463

didn't this dude blow his head off

>> No.21721466

Postmodernist tier drivel

>> No.21721484

Shame he was a drunken fool. Agnosticism is the correct answer

>> No.21721492

You’d think but then they blow their allowance on expensive football jerseys and funkopops.

>> No.21721501

Like many thinkers of his time, he was influenced by Indian philosophy. The Hindus and Buddhists understood that what gave man continuity over countless lifetimes was not his body, or even his mind, but his labour, his karma. The atheistic labour determines his future, not his class or the whims of God. If you want to understand hemingway, you have to understand the Upanishads

>> No.21721522

I met a traveller from an antique land,
Who said—“Two vast and trunkless legs of stone
Stand in the desert. . . . Near them, on the sand,
Half sunk a shattered visage lies, whose frown,
And wrinkled lip, and sneer of cold command,
Tell that its sculptor well those passions read
Which yet survive, stamped on these lifeless things,
The hand that mocked them, and the heart that fed;
And on the pedestal, these words appear:
My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings;
Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair!
Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
Of that colossal Wreck, boundless and bare
The lone and level sands stretch far away.”

>> No.21721591
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The evidence is practically beating us over the head at this point so we must acknowledge: IQ is not the end all be all of sophistication as the tool for acquiring wisdom

The greatest "thinking men" who put their minds to strictly to thinking as we perceive them (coincidentally all in the extremely modern scientistic and humanist paradigm) couldn't even make more food or control the population without destroying the planet or turning everyone into goycattle
Say what you will about whether the modern world was intentional, but if these men were truly wise or good, they would have created a more righteous world, only amplified pehaps by technology, if it was in their power
Instead they unironically believed in and used their powers for things like "progress", infinite technological growth, and nigger education

In the same way that atheists cry about "why God real if bad thing happen" or "if bad thing happen God not good" we can easily dismiss those of high IQ with their failure to manifest something better than our hunter gatherer ancestors were able to achieve
Very convenient I might add that they largely inhabited the paradigm that they were assigned to by the circumstances of the time of their birth, just like everyone else

High IQ is necessary, but not at all sufficient

The idea that high IQ makes one immediately superior is laughably disproved simply considering the following:
>have 2 computers
>1 is old with a CPU one order of magnitude slower than computer 2
>computer 1 however has been programmed by the OG creators of C in machine code to solve several mathematical functions, whatever
>computer 2 has been programmed by highschool freshman AP compsci students in Java who barely know how to implement qsort
It is possible that the latter computer MAY do things faster or better than the former computer, but only through sheer brute force and it would take orders of magnitude to achieve on top of all the bloat, a range of magnitudes which do not exist in the human IQ distribution, though they think their SolveAllHumanProblems.py program to work better if they use AI

In our metaphor, the retarded students are like the enlightenment philosophers, hubristically throwing out the whole of traditional wisdom to build a human society from scratch, very poorly and with much inefficiency
As tradition has shown us, the C programmers are either elder gods, or if you prefer, generations upon generations of iterative tradition (although the traditional people themselves would not see it that way) who have not only found effiecient algorithms, but have already accessed the bootloader
And they will delete your system32

>> No.21721599

modern hindus shit in the street
what was left of their tradition was already rapidly decaying when the British arrived

>> No.21721600

Nigger I ain’t reading all that shit. Give me a two sentence synopsis or gtfo

>> No.21721604
File: 48 KB, 850x400, quote-our-prayers-should-be-for-blessings-in-general-for-god-knows-best-what-is-good-for-us-socrates-66-90-40.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.21721615

If IQ good then why modern world bad?
Thinking men are faggots and just do what their zeitgeist tells them anyway

>> No.21721616

You need to read more Nip buddhism, start with the British manglation of the Gravure model pretending to be the boy priest. Your capacity to read for intent is also fairly low, since you can't see hemingway real intentions. Why would someone "admit" to your choice of abject or horrific conduct?

You seem to be using the /s4s/ interface

>> No.21721629

Majority of Jews are secular non-believing

>> No.21721633

>Why would someone "admit" to your choice of abject or horrific conduct?
that sentence makes no sense unless you're using "admit" in a highly unconventional way

>> No.21721644

Surely he meant what is evident and typed before when he meant after?

>> No.21721664

Ah Grug like simple. Grug thank smarter Grug for dumbing down massive wall of gibberish text to basic principles and hope all Grugs have good hunting

>> No.21721667

Love this guy

>> No.21721680

except for those who not just think in isolation and bitterness but rather look at evidence and study and then decide they are not

>> No.21721706

Capitalism trick thinking man into being token chaser, man waste life making useless gadgets, man die without doing anything towards gods grace

>> No.21721723

Capitalism just material-utilitarianism applied
Technology bad too
Grug live in Kali Yuga, merchant age

>> No.21721724

Houellebecq had a line that went something like

"Today even the stupid know God doesn't exist"

It's an a priori topological fact, really

>> No.21721727

Like many thinkers of his time, he was influenced by Indian philosophy. The Hindus and Buddhists understood that what gave man continuity over countless lifetimes was not his body, or even his mind, but his labour, his karma. The labour determines his future, not his class or the whims of God. If you want to understand Hemingway, you have to understand the Upanishads

>> No.21721730

I met a traveller from an antique land,
Who said—“Two vast and trunkless legs of stone
Stand in the desert. . . . Near them, on the sand,
Half sunk a shattered visage lies, whose frown,
And wrinkled lip, and sneer of cold command,
Tell that its sculptor well those passions read
Which yet survive, stamped on these lifeless things,
The hand that mocked them, and the heart that fed;
And on the pedestal, these words appear:
My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings;
Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair!
Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
Of that colossal Wreck, boundless and bare
The lone and level sands stretch far away.”

>> No.21721736

Fuck u niggers gaslighting me into believing im in a time spiral

>> No.21721743

Dear Doctor, I have read your play,
Which is a good one in its way,
Purges the eyes, and moves the bowels,
And drenches handkerchiefs like towels
With tears that, in a flux of grief,
Afford hysterical relief
To shatter'd nerves and quicken'd pulses,
Which your catastrophe convulses.
I like your moral and machinery;
Your plot, too, has such scope for scenery!
Your dialogue is apt and smart;
The play's concoction full of art;
Your hero raves, your heroine cries,
All stab, and everybody dies;

>> No.21721746

Autist, the midwit type not the good at math type, spregs that IQ isn't important and proves he's a retard.

>> No.21721755

Sorry, I still had it in my clipboard from the first time I posted it (Shelley that is). I did get a chuckle out of it though, so I’m going to abandon this thread for a book and chalk it up as a good night. Take ‘er easy anon.

>> No.21721838

I look out over the pompous masses of sheen white laminent of degenrated flesh from the ancestral mire of the white man progressively leaving the monastery and descending into the tar pits of bars, brunch, and digital brothels and can't help but enjoy to see the fetid march of leftists who worship the death of population and the rightist who believe whites are superior yet they do not breed be confused equally as to a very basic question: why are the godly making kids but the godless pretty whites not? The answer is delicious and simple - they are betrayers. The white man and his ancestors decided to thieve humans, betray Christ for Free Masonry, and abandon God and now our countries are weigh stations for obese illegal immigrants and diabetic food stamp recipients. This godless generation, and their useless puffery of IQ and needless luxuries of modernity, will pass. Why? Because these filthy giblets of sinners love their life so little they can't even muster giving it to someone else. Jesus is Lord.

>> No.21721845
File: 818 KB, 3558x3364, christian thinkers.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All the greatest thinkers are Christian.


>> No.21721849

It's Judaism as a religion, not an ethnoculture.
Atheists were put in the "atheist" category.

>> No.21721857 [DELETED] 
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>> No.21721863

What the fuck are you on about? Did you think me mentioning the beliefs of a few IQ individuals was an argument for a creator when I was correcting the two anons linked in my post?

Why is the reading comprehension so poor on /lit/? Why do you fuckers straw man and make assumptions about everything?

>> No.21721865

>says the manchild raised by reddit

>> No.21721868

It takes from stoicism over platonism you absolite pseud.

>> No.21721887

>Why do you fuckers straw man and make assumptions about everything?
Do you know where you are?

>> No.21721888
File: 150 KB, 1024x744, imagine no religion .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Atheism is just an excuse for degeneracy.
Hence why many e-atheists trooned out after the whole 2000s craze petered out.

>> No.21721901
File: 72 KB, 1024x682, atheism vs religion midwit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Refute this "steelmanned" argument for the existence of God. A sufficiently powerful AI would become indistinguishable from God.


>> No.21721905

No I was specifically calling Langan a retard actually
At least an example of how high IQ people are still robots who work in the context of their age like everyone else, only sometimes they are 20 years ahead of the curve (though likely not even the majority!)
I admire his work a lot, but he always seemed pigeonholed into a monotheist and thinky framework (as opposed to the path of direct experience)

>> No.21721920

Doctor, doctor give me the news,
I've got a bad case of killing jews
No pill's gonna cure my ill
I've got a ... bad case of kiiillling jews

>> No.21721927

why is based Varg in there?

>> No.21721977

That's the Amazing Atheist, a Youtuber who was popular back in the 2010s.

>> No.21721978

Based Muslims remaining defiant in the face of all adversity.

>> No.21721981

Aren't Episcopalians christcucks?

>> No.21722022

not the fat guy, Varg is in there

>> No.21722066

Varg is to the right of that guy, and above Marx.

>> No.21722079


>> No.21722081

>commits suicide

>> No.21722084

true on multiple levels
play myfarog!

>> No.21722114

Episcopalians are mainly on the east coast, mainly established families and not the blue collar ones. There's not much new blood coming into their fold, their IQ is a function of Episcopalians not being poor and having access to education.

>> No.21722200

Ironic since he was driven to it by a closeted tranny pay-op.

Tankies aren't too bright though.

>> No.21722246

So Hemingway was religious?

>> No.21722247

change the fictional space jew who never existed to krishna and you are real close

>> No.21722256

>faggot antichurch

>> No.21722273

>There can be no sentimentality if God doesn't exist
imagine being so retarded you believe this

>> No.21722277
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Muh God in heaven

>> No.21722292
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>> No.21722297
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"God" is not waiting at the bottom of the glass. The most you can say is "forces beyond your comprehension" are, not ancient superstitions like Christcucks want to believe

>> No.21722300

Fallacy of composition

>> No.21722308

>Twitterfags are here
>Redditjack is here

Closing thread. You should too

>> No.21722315
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>> No.21722472

what are stalin and marx doing in that image with the rest of the homos to suggest as if it happened under their governance
aren't the rest of the images from the capitalistic west

>> No.21722691

dude, they were simply intelligent enough to publish something without getting burned at the stake by retards like you

>> No.21722774


>> No.21722812
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>"Christianity was copied from X" brainlet
Actual midwit

>> No.21722828

Your God is definetely real but sumerian, roman, egyptian gods aren't. Curious

>> No.21722850

But thankfully God, who is outside of our universe, loves us and cares very much about our sorrows and pain.

>> No.21722867

Plato who does not follow religion has a mental illness.

>> No.21722903

>blows brains out, you mean
Self-refuting, lol. Also, he's completely wrong.

>> No.21722914

>The most you can say is "forces beyond your comprehension
Lol cope harder. The God shaped gap can only be filled by God

>> No.21722916

Yes. All the others are just failed attempts and miscomprehension of the True God.

>> No.21722924

imagine trusting the product of the atheist entertainment industry

>> No.21722951

>larpagan that makes up the rules as he goes while pretending to be in touch with some "tradition"
>convicted murderer and arsonist
>uses twitter
>le so heckin' based
xD my friend, xD.

>> No.21722980

You have to develop your own relationship with God even if you're a member of a specific religion. Conceptualizing God as existing solely outside of the universe is almost as bad as when atheists conflate the idea of omnipotency with their ego and sperg about how much better they could create reality if only it were up to them.

>> No.21722995
File: 23 KB, 640x480, sddefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

interfaith deism

>> No.21722997


>> No.21723008

Why do people mischaracterize fallacies all the time?

>> No.21723010

Where to read more of him?

>> No.21723125

WASP control never really left the U.S. The Jews had their chance during the Great Compression and blew it, now they're losing at chess to upper caste Indians. Every time you hear about Jews subverting or undermining society, remember that the society in question is WASP controlled America, which up until the 70s was an established fact.

>> No.21723172

Religion is 99% larp. Everybody at the top of any religious pyramid knows that their honest view of their "faith" would alienate the plebs in the pews so they cloak everything in ambiguity. A priest who studies text criticism of the Bible but chooses to remain a Christcuck must either gaslight himself via "maybe god is real lol who knows" or become a utilitarian atheist. So these autistic attempts to disprove God's existence with the heckin science are irrelevant since nobody important cares about that shit anyway and literalist plebs are going to adopt "God" no matter what.

>> No.21723430

Because they're retards who don't understand the difference between rhetorical devices and logical fallacies. Also, atheists tend to be shallow thinkers who are easily butthurt.

>> No.21723749

It still is a fallacy. Even if it weren't a well known fallacy, it's clear what Tyson meant, it's just a stupid gotcha, nothing that has any meaning for the actual discussion.

>> No.21723848

>All thinking men are atheists
>blows his brains out

>> No.21724009


>> No.21724408
File: 286 KB, 1984x1044, mko.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21724430

You are not the wojak on the right

>> No.21724679

>The God shaped gap can only be filled by God
Which God? Also, are you claiming you know the shape of God? Sounds blasphemous there, anon.

>> No.21724855

>Leonhard Euler, Leonardo da Vinci and Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz weren't thinking men

>> No.21724859
File: 44 KB, 620x675, soijaksmirk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>God shaped gap
>what shape is it?

>> No.21724865

>the highest IQ group generally is the agnostic "idk" type of normie

>> No.21724871

no one was ever burned at stakes for scientific theories, but for theological works considered heretical and a threat to the social order

>> No.21724877

actually it's the Anabaptists since they founded America

>> No.21724893

>“The works of the Creator infinitely surpass the productions of human skill” - Euler
>"I have offended God and mankind because my work didn't reach the quality it should have" - Da Vinci
>"God makes nothing without order, and everything that forms itself develops imperceptibly out of small parts." - Lebiniz

>> No.21724934
File: 10 KB, 200x198, angry npc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>angered by faith
>thinks Wojaks are real
Wojaks aren't real, sweaty.

>> No.21724989
File: 65 KB, 540x571, 540px-1-Luzifer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Slaves of the demiurge, refute those:
1. If "God" cannot create evil and evil is caused by man, how did "God" made man to be inclined to do evil (therefore implicitly evil). If man is made evil by external sources outside of "God's" control, then how can we say that he is the cause to everything? And even simpler: if "God" is supposed to create everything at all stages, how does he create evil things that cause evil to occure?
2. You say there is a "holy trinity". Or you say there is "only one". In all your dogmas there is a belief that "God" is the first thing and cause to everything. You can only come to this conclusuon and prove it intellectually by using the human mind that is entrapped in a form of existence made by that creator. How can you entertain the idea that there are no reasons to believe that there is a form of existence above that, in which existence of beings above "God" or those who precede him is self evident?

>> No.21725032


You guys are all fucking retards, this isn’t a direct quote by Hemingway.

It’s taken from a scene in A Farewell to Arms. They are all sitting down for dinner and Rinaldi says this when he is trying to troll the priest.

I thought at least one person would have recognized this but then I remembered that /lit/ doesn’t read.

>> No.21725053

I just don't read Hemingway.

>> No.21725339

Is this really what redditors believe?
The sad state of american education

>> No.21726190

1. who explicitly says God cannot create evil?
Answer: some 95 IQ evangelicals you heard on the radio once

Okay, let's concede that point anyway

> how did "God" made man to be inclined to do evil (therefore implicitly evil)
your point falls apart at the end of that very sentence
if you believe in the christian interpretation of God then all that is necessary is to acknowledge that God created man with free will, thus including the free will to do evil otherwise it would not be free will, case closed

the hinge of your point is the idea that evil is just bad and should never have been created, but if that's how you think you cannot possibly resist the perfect world of the inside of a VR hentai sex pod with morphine drip

>> No.21726204

>kills himself

>> No.21726238
File: 131 KB, 840x440, ErnestHemingACK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.21726286

High IQ post

>> No.21726522

Based post
IQ is an abstraction of an abstraction. The whole concept of "intelligence" is an abstraction since we are attempting to quantify something which is ethereal. Any attempt at quantifying it will be inaccurate, or at the very best a simulacrum.
That's one of the biggest problems of the modern world. Abstraction has taken the place of the concrete. We've drifted so far from concrete reality that we're drowning in the soup of abstraction. That's why you get braindead niggers who cut their balls off and prance around in dresses claiming that they're 'women'. The abstraction of 'gender' is more real than their own XY chromosomes and cock and balls, so if they're a bit of a fruity fella who 'doesn't conform to traditional gender roles' they must be
>other gender
They almost get a glimpse at the reality under the abstraction - then catch their cake-faced womanself reflection and fall into the soothing waters of another illusion.
The whole concept of identity is a narcissistic forgery.
The well was poisoned so long ago that everywhere you look people are sick, and most are so accustomed to sickness they have no idea what health even is.

>> No.21726545

*drops dead*

>> No.21726651

>1. who explicitly says God cannot create evil?
Almost all christian theology??
>God created man with free will, thus including the free will to do evil otherwise it would not be free will, case closed
This does not take into account the inclination towards sin, only possibility of sin (evel is of course a result of "sin"). Also, how can you say that "God" doesn't create evil if he creates a free will to do evil?
>the hinge of your point is the idea that evil is just bad and should never have been created, but if that's how you think you cannot possibly resist the perfect world of the inside of a VR hentai sex pod with morphine drip

>> No.21726683
File: 104 KB, 658x585, Screenshot_20230228_194956_Brave.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Hahha.. you make me chuckle with women dumb comment.


>> No.21726707

>Almost all christian theology??

>This does not take into account the inclination towards sin, only possibility of sin
>hurr durr I want a clockwork universe where everything is perfect, anything else is le Demiurge!!11

>> No.21726965

Embarrassing skydaddy believers.