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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 232 KB, 1199x804, IMG_20221211_130551_479.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
21714921 No.21714921 [Reply] [Original]

If you are below upper-middle brow you should not be here

>> No.21714933

This is a thoroughly low brow board. There are people on this board who genuinely think BAM by BAP should be used as anything other than toilet paper.

>> No.21714946

why is the salad bowl unwashed?

>> No.21714956



>> No.21714973

It is based on a marketing gimmick propagated in the 30's about wooden bowls absorbing the flavour, when in reality the residue went rancid.

>> No.21714992

>residue went rancid
What the hell? They didn't wash their bowls back then?

>> No.21715010

haha interesting. where did you find out about this?

>> No.21715046

This book I have about weird bourgouise trends throughout the ages. Had a good section on garden hermits, which in all honesty I think should be brought back.

>> No.21715056

They were told leaving the bowl unwashed made the salads better but in reality probably just gave them diarreah.

>> No.21715065

>looked up garden hermit
damn i'd definitely want to be one, at least for a little while. neat book.

>> No.21715076

if you would remember the name of that book it would be great
garden hermits...damn...

>> No.21715082

>The game

>> No.21715085

>the game

>> No.21715092
File: 20 KB, 474x474, 1641018382552.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is not your secret intellectual club

>> No.21715095

You guys get it. I just want that garden hermit life. I will try and find it next time I go to my storage unit library. They also used to rent pineapples for parties and that's why it's become a symbol for swingers.

>> No.21715100

This nigga really posting a style guide from the 50’s like it has any bearing on modern indicators of class
This board is dead

>> No.21715101
File: 132 KB, 1070x1070, 1654469468045.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>low brow causes: the lodge

>> No.21715112

unironically if you're above the low-brow in this image you're a huge fag

>> No.21715113

Did I just lose?

>> No.21715117

>the game


>> No.21715125

low brow represemt

>> No.21715126

I think it's a primitive version of Simon says

>> No.21715132

Charades, you uncultured swime.

>> No.21715173
File: 70 KB, 1020x680, gabriele_d_annunzio_3.1020x680.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish
Just having fun
I fucked your dad real good last night

>> No.21715186

d'Annunzio was such a chad
how do I become like him? what do?

>> No.21715191

What I like about this image is that it unintentionally implies Steve Reich and Minimalism are patrician/ high brow even though they weren’t born yet. It’s funny to troll when this image is posted.

>> No.21715213

True high-brow society (e.g. elites of Switzerland and Luxemburg) look down on you and your life the same way you look down on a filthy drug addict with ulcers on the street.
OP isn’t accurate; you don’t even live in the same reality as the free men that call the shots.

>> No.21715250

Go to Vittoriale, then you will understand>>21715213
If you belive that swiss people are something higher that pigs, you are dead wrong
T. Northen italian

>> No.21715262

low-brow chads when will we stop winning?

>> No.21715279

what's the name of hte book?

>> No.21715293
File: 1.73 MB, 2170x1349, original_d0e79e285a3c608ba510fe699467f949.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You got the wrong image.

>> No.21715300

damn, I knew he was wealthy, but not this kind of wealthy. I thought Jung was wealthy, but it looks like Annunzio was substantially wealthier.

>> No.21715309
File: 19 KB, 474x379, 1635933926766.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fantastic! thanks anon

>> No.21715315

you just lost it

>> No.21715330

Did you make this or is this a recycled meme?

>> No.21715403

The irony is the maker of this didn't know what a brow was.

>> No.21715427

Thanks for this faggot potpourri

>> No.21715509

He had the good life

>> No.21715551
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>> No.21715661
File: 141 KB, 360x346, k.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21715691

I love both Monteverdi and Charles Ives.
It seems that I am above you all, although I don't think that little magazines and avant garde exist anymore.

>> No.21715700

According to this I am the following...
>Low brow clothing (country everywhere)
>Low brow furniture
>Low brow objects
>Low brow entertainment
>High brow salad
>Low brow drinks
>Upper middle brow reading
>Upper middle brow sculpture
>Low brow records
>None of those games
>None of those causes
What does this all mean?
How about you anons?

>> No.21715721
File: 216 KB, 1199x804, 1677440936483262.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Here is mine.

Not bad. What kind of art causes do you/would you patronize? I would image most are money laundering scams or waste of times.

>> No.21715727

Mostly agree but art is better than the lodge and Bach is better than the jukebox.

>> No.21715739
File: 200 KB, 1199x804, 1677440936483262.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the fuck even is this?

>> No.21715744


>> No.21715748


>> No.21715747

>I would image most are money laundering scams or waste of times.
It's pretty simple: you buy art from artists you like. Since you're not obscenely rich, you'd have to buy art from local unknown artists that you enjoy.

>> No.21715755

I would assume it being a "cause" would mean art charities, not a hobby like collecting. That would but it in the sculpture category?

I see. Does that count as a charity?

>> No.21715760

To lowbrows yeah. They just think it's all Shriners. Nothing else to it.

>> No.21715768

But do the freemasons pitch themselves as such? I thought they are upfront about being a gentlemen's club?

>> No.21715776

>art charities
You mean donating to the Met? Buying art in beneficient auctions to help whoever?
I'd very much prefer to support the arts by helping a young unknown artist.

>> No.21715782

Sure, to get due paying saps in to fill out the lower degrees.

>> No.21715783

I suppose that is a charitable transaction. I assumed it means some arts program like scholarships or endowments to a gallery in the context of this chart.

>> No.21715785
File: 201 KB, 1199x804, IMG_20221211_130551_479.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.21715809

>Be an edgy hipster
>This makes you high-brow
lol. lmao.

>> No.21715874

I grew up in a household where books were so common and such a primary form of entertainment that humorous literary books were talked about the way more peasants talk about funnyman movies and this bled into my friend group. I remember the first time I read Watchmen and described it to someone: “It’s cool because basically they took the idea of the superhero and tried to make them realistic by giving them the pains of ordinary life!” And the person I was telling it to was shocked and disgusted by how low-brow and dumb the concept sounded. I’ll never forget the scornful “Why would anybody wanna read something like that?”

It was the moment I realized that Watchmen was just a sort of excuse for the low-brow toy books to assert themselves as art, and I had taken the bait hook, line, and sinker.

>> No.21715891

Did you consider perhaps you just had been trained to see depth of meaning where ever you could find it and others didn't want to sully their high brow reading with trashy stuff like comics?

>> No.21715913

Why is it bad?

>> No.21715926

>What kind of art causes do you/would you patronize?
Mostly museums I like and local artists and artisans.

>> No.21715930


>> No.21716583

>the game

>> No.21716603

>Bach and before
>Ives and after
literally me

>> No.21716762

Yet you can't describe what those elites are like, almost like you know nothing about them.

>> No.21716780

high brow
what is ikea considered
>useful objects
i don't buy things
low brow
combo of lb and hb but i don't collect records

irrelevant chart btw

>> No.21716811

Post physique before making furthur comments anon

>> No.21716823

>tfw upper-class and highbrow

I'm literally drinking wine right now

>> No.21716832
File: 336 KB, 1199x804, mine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.21716858

It's old. I was in that thread maybe 2 years ago now. The guy made it and posted it very quickly in response to a similar OP and got a lot of (You)s.

>> No.21716871 [DELETED] 

Prove it. Explain what "little adequate" means right now.

>> No.21716912
File: 92 KB, 669x680, 1603390193547.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sweat pants and t shirt
$500 gaming chair
>Useful Objects
Heady dab rig
Science Fiction
Black Coffee and Energy Drinks
Theology and History
Smooth Jazz and Hyper pop
Paradox Interactive

>> No.21716923

Can you post the more modern/vidya variants of this meme? Entreating humbly for an esteemed companion

>> No.21716953

You are sharing a board with people who post on /pol/. There is nothing inherently high-brow about /lit/.

>> No.21716967

It’s far older than that. It and variants of it have been circulating various boards for a decade or more I’d say.

>> No.21716988

>I'm literally drinking wine right now
wine moms represent

>> No.21717192

One long fingernail? How bizarre

>> No.21717198

It's an actual thing. I've seen it before.

>> No.21717204

>Bach and before, Ives and after

>> No.21717210

This is a thoroughly low brow board. There are people on this board who genuinely own a Grand Rapids Chippendale chair and bridge lamp.

>> No.21717212


>> No.21717217

I just lost The Game.

>> No.21717221

It’s for cocaine you squares. Man, kids nowadays

>> No.21717222

>not enjoying go

>> No.21717235

Is that really what it’s for? I’ve always wondered and thought it was a signal of being a drug dealer.

>> No.21717280

Sure. It’s a scoop you carry with you on your finger. Cocaine is the thinking man’s drug after all. Anyone who doesn’t consume it regularly couldn’t possibly be considered high-brow.

>> No.21717283

This is the board that thinks it's possible to imitate or replace class and good breeding by reading books. No shit, it's a thoroughly low-brow board

>> No.21717317

Oh I’m quite aware I’m white trash anon, in fact I revel in it. I just happen to be moderately well-read white trash (Nta btw)

>> No.21717418

>Books mentioned in this thread: 2

>> No.21717460

Anything as long as it is comfortable, fits and will last long.
Anything as long as it is comfortable, looks decent and will last long.
>Useful Objects
A toolbox.
Anything as long as it entertains.
Anything as long as it is healthy, filling and nutritious.
Sober no thanks.
Technical books preferred.
Don't care.
Don't care.
Don't care.
Conquer the planet.

>> No.21717469

For many, reading (or pretending to) is a mere aesthetic

>> No.21717482

You sound like a faggot.

>> No.21717485

Damn. A bunch of anons thought it was brand new including me

>> No.21717494

How many anons?

>> No.21718469

And both of them by me. Fuck this place, I swear.

>> No.21718509
File: 893 KB, 640x640, 1671798997682112.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Upper middle-brow