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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 97 KB, 545x229, tar_logo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
[ERROR] No.2171419 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.2171427
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>> No.2171438
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>> No.2171456
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>> No.2171459
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>> No.2171467
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>> No.2171469

when soon is

>> No.2171479

how soon is now?

>> No.2171484

You shut your mouth. How can you say?

>> No.2171488

Sorry. I guess I go about things the wrong way.

>> No.2171490

will it hurt?

>> No.2171495


what just happened

>> No.2171496
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Brofist for this guy right here.

>> No.2171497


It will penetrate your cervix.

>> No.2171531

TAR is dead bros.

>> No.2171682

I don't want to get all trite on all y'all's asses, but TAR is really what /lit/ makes of it. As far as I know, all its writers are from /lit/.

>> No.2171685

And if you haven't looked around at /lit/, I can understand why that argument would be compelling.

However, if you've read a thread here or there, you'd see why TAR is shit.

>> No.2171697

I prefer to think of /lit/ as knee-jerk retardation whereas TAR is polished pieces crafted through time and effort.

I could be totally fucking wrong, though.

>> No.2171831

come on guys, TAR is our first chance at getting our shit out there, let's make the most of it.

I submitted one story, hope it makes it.

>> No.2171838

Haven't been emailed from TAR. How the fuck am I supposed to know if I made it in the issue.

>> No.2171842

They email after the issue is up.
It's some ironic shit.

>> No.2171843

It's early, early morning in Proles state. He'll be asleep. You get an email on release date. Usually just before or when the issue goes out.

>> No.2171880

ahhhhh it's been the 1st in japan for a 16 fucking hours what the fuck i want to read this shit.

>> No.2171898

Hey, Gang. I'm one of TAR's editors.

I just proofread the latest issue, and everything is still set for today's release of TAR 8. It is taking a lot of man hours to get this issue done on time--I, myself, haven't yet been to bed.

In the meantime, I can say that the editors generally agree on releasing TAR during a time when /lit/ is vibrant with activity. For this reason, you probably can expect to see TAR 8 in the early evening, today.

If an overwhelming majority of /lit/ would prefer something sooner, TAR'd be glad to listen and alter the plans for future issues accordingly.

We're all pretty amicable and malleable. And we talk over many of the comments made on /lit/ about TAR.

>> No.2171903

haha no worries dude, i'm half joking. i'd like to read it now of course, but no rushing a good thing. thanks for the hard work. even if there are detractors a lot of /lit/ appreciates the effort!

>> No.2171923

I just want to know if I got in or not. :(

>> No.2171925

The detractors are assholes who pick over the negative aspects of TAR without contributing anything themselves. I personally think TAR is a really positive thing.

What's the good of saying "TAR is dead" when it clearly isn't? They're a bunch of dicks.

Thanks an awful lot for your efforts. I admire your dedication and good-heartedness very much.

>> No.2171992


>vibrant with activity
pick one

also, kudos for the effort, I really look forward to seeing TAR every month.

>> No.2172112

TAR editors should add an email signup form on the website so that people can be notified, and sent, a copy of TAR when it comes out each month. Not everyone is only /lit/ around the time when TAR gets released. Hell people outside of /lit/ might actually even read it if they could get a notification.

>> No.2172124

What is tar? New to lit.

>> No.2172132


releasing in the evening makes sense but not notifying the people you publish until its already out is weird

>> No.2172145

community zine

>> No.2172149

No. Stop this.

It's a zine put out by some members of the community. Other members of the community hate it. It does not represent /lit/. It's just a thing that happens on /lit/, for better or for worse.

>> No.2172150


sorry they rejected your piece duder

>> No.2172152

>Other members of the community hate it.

That doesn't make it not a community zine.

>> No.2172154

Why does the zine change every two months. Wasn't it ZwG or something else before they hit an iceberg and sank pitifully to their icy doom.

It's gay as fuck.

>> No.2172156

TAR soon, fellow /lit/izens!

>> No.2172162


>every two months

TAR has been around for like eight months.

>> No.2172165

lol. I would never submit to TAR. Also, they don't reject anything.

>> No.2172170

They've rejected a few things. How can you insult the zine if you don't even pay attention to it? Prole made it clear that they have and will reject things based on violence for violence's sake and sex for sex's sake. That's shit people wouldn't submit to a regular zine, true, and so having to have a policy against it speaks volumes, but it's still a step in the right direction. Coming from 4chan, it'll take time to build up quality and reputability, even just on the other boards. Still, I applaud their efforts. It's unfair of you to not recognize the positive qualities of the zine.

>> No.2172176

how can I get TAR?

newfag here

>> No.2172177


I wonder bother responding to them/him. /lit/ has been swamped with idiotic trolls lately. Unless they have a valid criticism, don't waste your time.

>> No.2172178

There's nothing unfair about it. I gave it a chance, and made my judgments. I've read the early issues. I used to read the threads. I understand what it is.

I don't like it. You might be new here, but when it first began, there were epic, epic shitstorms about how bad it all was, and how /lit/ was embarrassed that the fucking thing was even around.

That's why they changed the name. And I think most of us who have such a distaste for it are finally okay with its existence. But what I'm not okay with, and what I will disagree with every time, is when people say it's /lit/'s thing, or that it is made by the community. That seems to give it a stamp of credibility that it has not earned.

I am a member of the community. It doesn't represent me. I don't approve of it. In fact I think it's awful. But I'm happy to tolerate it as long as we don't pretend that it's something done by "the community."

>> No.2172179

Yes, yes. Everyone who doesn't like TAR is an idiotic troll now? Come on. At least pretend to be reasonable. I don't like it.

I wonder what it's like to go to dinner with you. "Are you having the fish?" / "No, I don't like fish." / "YOU IDIOTIC TROLL."

>> No.2172186
File: 7 KB, 151x179, Oh God What.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/lit/ online magazine
>Nothing but imitations of Pynchon and obscure "deep" writers
>No fantasy, sci-fi or other forms delivered
>/lit/ in zine form
>/lit/ argues about it

>> No.2172194

why is it called the april reader?

it's not an anual zine, and TAR is a fucking repellent acronym.

>> No.2172214

Well, so long as you've given it a chance I don't mind you not liking it. And even though this is a common 4chan argument device, I'll respond and say that I am indeed not new here. I've been participating in the WAZ/TAR threads since the beginning. I wasn't around for ZWG, however. But I remember all the hate in the beginning (a lot of it was BB, iirc, but not most or all).

I do think you should get over the whole community thing. I think if we did a poll, more people would be for it than against it. It can and should be called a community zine because it is maintained by the community. The editors and from /lit/, the content is from /lit/, the readership is from /lit/. Just because there are dissenters doesn't mean it's not generally /lit/ approved. I think you're being overly self-important on the matter.

>> No.2172220

>I think if we did a poll, more people would be for it than against it. It can and should be called a community zine because it is maintained by the community. The editors and from /lit/, the content is from /lit/, the readership is from /lit/. Just because there are dissenters doesn't mean it's not generally /lit/ approved. I think you're being overly self-important on the matter.

Oh wow. No way, pal. "The community" does not approve, and I promise you that a majority of /lit/ dislikes it. I guarantee you that. The shitstorms have basically ended, but that doesn't mean that everybody's suddenly in love with it.

But, no. You don't speak for /lit/. TAR isn't a product of all of /lit/. It's not representative of the community here. Sorry.

>> No.2172221


I noticed these conversations in the last TAR post and after they accepted one of my stories that was more straightforward/literary, I asked Prole if he would be kind enough to replace it with something else I had written that had elements of horror/mindfuck in it...so if it ends up in there, I hope you enjoy it because I wrote it specifically for readers like you and others who wanted more genre-based writing.

I can't disagree with the criticisms posted here--if people don't like it they don't like it. To be honest though, I am a little but baffled when I see posts that are essentially just saying "TAR sucks" with no explanation. It's almost as though there's a message of "Fuck you for even trying". As someone who's read and submitted a lot of creative writing online over the years, I think that those kinds of responses come up simply because there's often a LOT of irresponsible writers who vomit words online that they clearly have not proofread or struggled with to make it their best work. I know how infuriating it is to see a post that says "Hey I wrote this inconsistently rhyming poem about my girlfriend who dumped me while smoking weed in about five minutes now you read it and give me attention because fuck you your time doesn't matter." It happens way too much.

To me, the antidote to such obnoxious trends is to try and organize writers to get beyond writing merely for personal catharsis and to achieve writing that speaks to the reader as well. What better way to do this than to establish a zine and give writers a goal and have a community try to produce the best writing they can?

>> No.2172223

>You don't speak for /lit/.

Neither do you. So really we're both just projecting our own feelings onto the intangible community of the board. We have no data to back up our claims, so maybe we should both just shut the fuck up or prove it.

>> No.2172232

> a stamp of credibility that it has not earned.

What do you think /lit/ is? Some elite literature community? Pathetic.

>> No.2172239
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The question is not whether /lit/ wants TAR. The question is rather if TAR wants the reality of /lit/.

From my own experience, the 'community' here is too nebulous and chaotic to maintain a successful zine.

>> No.2172241

I'd like to see TAR become a quality zine, but this will never happen if it's content and readership is taken only from /lit/. I think it's time to branch out.

>> No.2172247

The problem with /lit/ is they don't know what's good. Merely what they've been told. They hate on Tao Lin but in 40 years time when he is used as a "study of the times" anon will be like "shit, Tao was actually good."
Except Richard Yates, fuck that book.

>> No.2172249


you have, quite literally, never made a good post

>> No.2172257

will these americans ever get our razorsharp ironic humour, suess?

>> No.2172262

Tao Lin will never be considered 'good'. Period. I truly hope you're trying to be humorous here. If he's ever a study of anything, it will be on what not to do. He might as well lampoon Stephen King and write a book called, "On Not Writing." He's a caricature of himself at best.

>> No.2172278
File: 38 KB, 334x512, sinbadcomedy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I once made a post in which I single handedly destroyed the notion that it's better to fatten than approach jerry, and bandages, and the motherless. I guess you missed that post of absolute intellectual masturbation.

I fear they shall not, for which I am sad. And I will dedicate my first and only play "The discourse of American humour and how it never existed, with the exception of the great Sinbad" to Anonymous, creator of post #2172257

Tao Lin is the voice of our generation. He speaks for the lazy, the lonely, the bored, the chronic masturbater, the cumpulsive liar, the want to be writer, he writes anon, FOR YOU!

>> No.2172281

So where is it already?

Come on Prole, we're all here waiting for it, we even brought a bunch of tripfags with us, what more do we have to do???

>> No.2172286


I can see where you can make the connection of his being the voice. His writing and himself epitomizes the bored hoarding uninteresting swine, but that doesn't make him a good writer and it think it takes a bit more to become a voice of a generation.

>> No.2172291
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Hi Tao, just seen this on your tumblr (pic related) it seems you frequently post screen caps from 4chan, and since it seems like there is only 1 person who insists on posting positive comments about your shitty books here, I can only deduce that this person is you.

>> No.2172296

I write for myself, sir. I do not need anyone to do it for me. Especially poorly, I might add. I do appreciate the effort but, if he generally believes that he is our 'voice', that says little about him other than he's arrogant as fuck.

>> No.2172322


Christ. It seems like that post went over his head.

>> No.2172326
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Gentlemen, calm yourselves. TAR 8 will release in ~5 hours. At that time, all your questions will be answered. We are holding back until then because we want to be sure we've selected the right pieces to keep for this issue. Have Patience my friends, all your emails will be replied to when we release.

I would stay to answer any follow-up questions, but I literally have no time. TAR will prevail!

>> No.2172340

He want's to be the voice of our generation, and I have no doubt this is how he views himself. He thinks that by writing in a style i can only describe as an 'underwhelmingly mediocre festival of anti-classical mainstream-bashing' will somehow elevate him the literary equivalent of Andy Warhol or Jackson Pollock.

He tends to make a big deal of his drug use (which in itself i commend) but drug use being advocated by a whining, middle-class vegan as opposed to a 'real rebel' of the Keith Richards, Hunter Thompson, Burroughs type is only going to exacerbate the previously mentioned mediocrity and reduce his already dubious credibility.
It wall also make him appeal solely to reality tv watching, celebrity magazine buying, snot-nosed cunts who will think his work is 'edgy' but won't evaluate their lifestyles.

What our generation needs is not some self obsessed prick who can snort a line of MDMA, scribble down his mewlings, and self-promote his tedious work, but someone with the balls to look our self-obsessed manufactured society straight in the eye and scream "Fuck off" with real conviction.

>> No.2172344
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>> No.2172347

I'm not so arrogant as to believe that I can be that guy and do so successfully, but that will not stop me from making an effort.

>> No.2172357

there is nothing wrong with tao lin trying to do this. bully for him. at the same time, he is terrible at it and anyone who makes the claim that 'tao lin is the voice of our generation' is either being ironic or is being a hyperbolic idiot.

>> No.2172388

>What our generation needs is not some self obsessed prick who can snort a line of MDMA, scribble down his mewlings, and self-promote his tedious work, but someone with the balls to look our self-obsessed manufactured society straight in the eye and scream "Fuck off" with real conviction.

Not an author but Doug Stanhope fits that mold quite well.

>> No.2172480

My question is why are you picking pieces a few hours before release? Do that a day before, give yourselves time for layout, spell-checking, etc.

>> No.2172489

my assumption is that there's major internal dissension about some question concerning the selection and that's what's causing this delay.

>> No.2172494

Does TAR have a policy regarding submissions that could be seen as...


>> No.2172496


except that's what pretty much every fucking contemporary author, musician, and artist of the postmodern era has been doing

are you all a bunch of stupid adhd faggots???

>> No.2172498

Been here since the beginning of TAR and before. This is just wrong. There werent epic shitstorms. Don't keep that bs going. You make it sound like the beginning of /lit/ and the shitstorms of the randroids. Please stop lying.

>> No.2172501

Doesn't know 'bout dat Parrot porn.

>> No.2172503

Well no the first zine (ZWG) was pretty fucking terrible and there were some pretty shitty threads about it. But TAR has been much better, in terms of how it's been set up and in quality and in discussion.

>> No.2172509

Remember when ZWG wanted to "branch out" and the first place they went to was...gaia?

That was amusing.

>> No.2172510

My problem with TAR is lit. I've never submitted, but /lit/ seem to bitch about anything that doesn't follow the standard classicist route of story telling.

>> No.2172513

Yeah that's why /lit/ loves Pynchon.


>> No.2172518

I meant more in terms of what appears in TAR.

And /lit/ hasn't actually read Pynchon, or Joyce, or Beckett, despite what they claim. I've yet to see a proper convo on either.

>> No.2172519

They've released parrot porn, tentical porn, and a girl being turned into a blueberry (erotically). You tell me.

>> No.2172521

Well maybe you should LURK MOAR then.

>> No.2172523

I've read Gravity's Rainbow but no other Pynchon which is an obstacle. But you're right there's not enough real discussion of those authors. And I do agree that submission tends to be fairly classical in terms of ideas about story-telling and narrative - TAR submissions haven't usually been formally inventive or experimental or non-narrative. I think that's just the attitude and writing style that TAR submitters have, though. It's that way for the same reason there's not much fantasy: people aren't submitting it. What this implies about the literary beliefs of /lit/izens I leave as an exercise for you.

>> No.2172527

>TAR submissions haven't usually been formally inventive or experimental or non-narrative.

Hasn't read the parrot porn.

>> No.2172539
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>a girl being turned into a blueberry (erotically)

>> No.2172550

In what issue would I find this parrot porn? So much talk about it is getting me interested...

>> No.2172561

The parrot themed issue... Lol.

It's "the creature beside me" here's the link -

>> No.2172609

Holy shit, I just read the parrot porn bit, and I have to say that against all my expectations, it wasn't total crap. Not great, but definitely better than a lot of shit you see posted on /lit/.

Maybe I'll try blueberry-girl porn next?

>> No.2172612


That's in the May issue.

>> No.2172620

Yeah that's a good one. Thought I think it's supposed to be surprising, now that you know it's about the blueberries it might not be as good.

>> No.2172623
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>> No.2172631

>supposed to be surprising
>the title is "Blueberry Girl"
>read it
>get to the part where a girl is turned into a blueberry
>shock and surprise

>> No.2172642

Yea its not bad. In fact, there's some really pretty goodn lines. Over all it's a crazy story and not good, but lines like "The Birds will rule the world of the man-worms." and the sour skittles line were pretty damn good. I also like the fact that she cracks on the sidewalk and blOod and egg yolk flowed from her. I just think /lit/ doesn't have a sense of humor. Like those British fags said.

>> No.2172646

I'm working on a sequel/fanfiction to submit to the next TAR

It addresses the same timeless themes as Azrael Bloom's original classics, but it's set in an alternate history setting reminiscent of The Man In The High Castle

I call it "Parrot-Man of the Third Reich: An Erotic Tale"

>> No.2172649

What is the max word count TAR will accept?

>> No.2172656

How does "blueberry girl" as a title make you think "sex story about a girl being transformed into a blueberry"? I thought it would be about pie or something.

>> No.2172659

You'd tarnish The creature beside me with your filth.

Also, I tried to submit stuff like that and it got rejected. They've changed the standards. Of course mine might have just been poorly written.

>> No.2172660

It was written by "Some Pervert" maybe that's a clue.

>> No.2172670


That is a point. Somebody whose mind immediately jumped to that conclusion would probably be deranged.

>> No.2172678

Not whoever you're talking to, but it was pretty obvious to me because we have blueberry girl threads relatively often, and it's a meme.

>> No.2172702


>> No.2172716

Where the fuck is the latest edition? It's getting late but I don't want to sleep until I read it.

>> No.2172717

I'm in the same boat as you. It's 11.40pm here and I want to know if any of my poems got in.

>> No.2172723

TAR 8 released

>> No.2172725

Prole needs to have a cut off date for submissions. Like the 20th of each month. They should be able by the 27th about to tell who got in or not. It just sucks. I want to know if I got in and it's the day of.

>> No.2172727

/r/ tier list asap

>> No.2172728


>> No.2173561

The Fuck happened to the TAR thread?

>> No.2173568

Faggots who didn't make the cut got pissed and reported it.

>> No.2173569


That didn't actually happen.

>> No.2173571

Wait mods give a shit about TAR threads.

>Mods on /lit/

Ayn Rand threads get through. Fucking shit.

TAR gets better stuff submitted. They don't accept everything. Anons get buttmad. TAR dies because they have standards. SOB.

>> No.2173572

Then what did?

>> No.2173573

The Illuminati

>> No.2173652

did they seriously fucking delete the TAR thread? what a bunch of fucking bullshit.

>> No.2173658

Holy shit it was not the fucking mods. It was likely just an overzealous janitor or some shit get over it.

Just make a new fucking thread if if bothers you so much, it isn't like anything meaningful was said in the last one anyway.

>> No.2173659

To use the parlance if the medium: Haters gonna hate.

>> No.2173665

yeah, nothing meaningful

>link and description of TAR in main post for all new readers or interested parties

>> No.2173669

It is not difficult to paste a fucking URL into an opening post.

If you care so much just do it again you lazy fuck.

>> No.2173673

I really believe a few assholes who didn't make the cut reported the thread.

1. This is the first TAR thread to ever get deleted.
2. According to Prole, this issue had a higher-than-usual rejection rate. (Over 35 submissions and only 13 made it in)
3. The first posts were a shitstorm of faggots wanting to know why they didn't make it in.

It's jealousy and butthurt, not some clumsy-fucking janitor.

>> No.2173675

I am not surprised there are people posting on /lit/ that are as dumb as you, nor am I upset.

I am just disappointed.

>> No.2173683

No rational counter-argument.

Color me unfazed.

>> No.2173686

This isn't an argument, it is an observation and my opinion.

I am not surprised you can't tell the difference.

>> No.2173691

Yes, dear.

I know you have no rational counter-argument. That is what I said.

>> No.2173696

Mike Tyson is terrible at rugby.